

+++ 产能利用率非常高,2023 年年产量为 238,301 辆 – 预计 2024 年产量数字更高 +++ 3 月初在全球市场推出新款 BMW X2 +++ 2024 年新员工 600 名 +++ 额外增加 200 欧元百万投资确保雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫的长期未来


+++ 产能利用率非常高,2023 年年产量为 238,301 辆——预计 2024 年产量会更高

+++ 全新 BMW X2 将于三月初全球上市

+++ 2024 年新增 600 名员工

+++ 进一步投资 2 亿欧元以确保雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫的长期未来


雷根斯堡。宝马集团在上普法尔茨州的前景看好:工厂总监 Armin Ebner 对 2024 年极为乐观。“自从我们去年秋天增加夜班以来,我们的日产量已经增加了约 300 辆,目前达到 1,300 辆。2023 年我们的年总产量为 238,301 辆。” 这意味着去年全球生产的宝马汽车中近十分之一来自雷根斯堡。

“这证实了雷根斯堡生产的紧凑级车型 BMW X1 和 BMW X2 对客户的强大吸引力,”Ebner 强调道。第二代 BMW X2 于 11 月在雷根斯堡投入生产。宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂独家生产的车辆于 3 月 2 日在全球市场上市。其主要市场将是中国、美国和欧洲。

艾伯纳预计,到 2024 年,雷根斯堡的汽车产量将进一步增加。更准确地说,如果市场需求合理,该工厂每年的产量将超过 30 万辆。尤其是电动车型的产量预计将大幅增加:到 2024 年,离开宝马集团巴伐利亚汽车工厂的至少三分之一的宝马汽车应该是电动汽车——雷根斯堡也是如此。

“通过 BMW iX1 和 BMW iX2,我们将继续为世界各地的客户带来来自雷根斯堡的全电动驾驶乐趣,”Ebner 说道。欧洲是纯电动 BMW iX2 尤为重要的销售市场。例如,根据德国联邦汽车运输管理局 (KBA) 的数据,在德国国内市场,BMW iX1 是德国第九大最受欢迎的电动汽车,2023 年新车注册量为 14,694 辆。

雷根斯堡制造的电动汽车的高压电池在紧邻汽车工厂的莱布尼兹大街工厂生产。“我们位于莱布尼茨大街的位置为转型提供了宝贵的支持。去年我们在这里生产了超过 100,000 个高压电池,这证明了雷根斯堡电动汽车的成功发展。”Ebner 解释道。为了满足世界各地客户需求的差异,雷根斯堡还将继续在同一条装配线上生产内燃机车辆,作为混合产品的一部分。

瓦克斯多夫电池测试中心将于 2024 年中期投入运行 

瓦克斯多夫工厂也将成为电动汽车的主要推动者:“我们新电池测试中心的第一批产品将从 2024 年中期开始在瓦克斯多夫投入正常运营,”Ebner 说道。新的测试中心占地8000多平方米,将与现场现有的建筑结构融为一体。在这里,未来宝马集团车型的高压电池和其他电动动力总成部件将在开发的早期阶段(远在生产开始之前)进行测试。

计划到 2024 年底招聘 600 名新员工

这种高水平的生产也体现在员工数量的发展上。“我们已经在 2023 年雇用了 500 多名新员工。到 2024 年,我们计划再招募 600 名生产人员,”Ebner 解释道。该网站正在寻找技能短缺领域的员工,例如维护和电子产品。“但我们也将抵消人们因年龄而离开工厂造成的自然损耗,”埃布纳继续说道。宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂也将在夏季招募 120 名新学徒。“这将包括为我们计划在雷根斯堡 Straßkirchen 设立的新工厂培训八名学徒。” 宝马集团在巴伐利亚州东部的雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫工厂的核心员工总数目前约为 9,250 名。

投资 2 亿欧元以确保长期未来——从本世纪下半叶开始为 NEUE KLASSE 的生产做好准备

到 2024 年底,总计约 2 亿欧元将投入雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫工厂。艾伯纳:“这两个地点的前景看起来都非常好。这项新的投资将帮助我们确保这两个设施的长期未来。同时,这也是对上普法尔茨工业区的一项投资。”

在生产当前车型的同时,雷根斯堡的汽车工厂也在准备生产下一代车型,该车型将在本世纪下半叶加速生产。“通过 NEUE KLASSE,该公司的目标是为数字化、电气化和循环性制定新标准——我们已经在雷根斯堡为此做好了准备。在新年停产期间,我们完成了第一次重大修改,包括车辆组装。进一步广泛的结构性措施将在 2024/2025 年初实施,”Ebner 解释道。

宝马集团雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫工厂也在资源节约方面进行投资。倡议范围从运输物流到生物多样性,从水管理到新的资源节约型生产方法。“例如,在今年年初,我们将油漆车间的两条底漆生产线之一完全改造为使用石灰石粉的干法分离。第二条生产线——由于生产原因——将于 2025 年 8 月更换。”

该方法将为宝马集团位于雷根斯堡和丁戈尔芬的工厂每年节省总计 1700 万升水和约 17,400 兆瓦时的能源。“改造喷漆工艺使我们离 BMW 集团的目标又近了一步,即到 2030 年将整个车辆生命周期中的CO 2排放量减少 40%,”Ebner 强调道。

宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂也在 2023 年投资了节水实践。翻新再冷却系统使工厂的总耗水量减少了五分之一,每年节省约 5300 万升水。

符合 BMW iFACTORY 原则的数字化

在实施BMW iFACTORY的同时,宝马集团还重点对雷根斯堡工厂进行数字化改造,打造数字化、智能化的互联工厂。“我们正在遵循一种将人员、流程和系统结合在一起的整体方法。数字化优化了流程并帮助我们的员工完成工作——因为人将继续成为我们生产的支柱”,Ebner 说道。


宝马集团雷根斯堡工厂,汽车装配:使用人工智能的智能维护 – 预测性维护 (11/2023)




宝马集团位于雷根斯堡的汽车工厂自 1986 年开始运营,是宝马集团全球 30 多个生产基地之一。每个工作日,总共有多达 1,300 辆 BMW X1 和 BMW X2 车型从雷根斯堡工厂的生产线上下线,运往世界各地的客户。不同类型的传动系统可在一条生产线上灵活制造——从内燃机车辆到插电式混合动力车辆,再到全电动车型。

雷根斯堡生产的电动车型的高压电池也在当地生产,就在汽车工厂附近。它们在 2021 年在莱布尼兹大街开业的电气元件生产工厂组装。
瓦克斯多夫宝马创新园也属于雷根斯堡基地。这个占地 55 公顷的园区建于 20 世纪 80 年代,最初的目的是作为核后处理设施。宝马集团的驾驶舱生产基地以及海外工厂的零部件供应基地都设在这里。除了最大的雇主宝马之外,还有其他几家公司也将总部设在瓦克斯多夫创新园。共有约 2,500 名员工在那里工作。

宝马集团在巴伐利亚州东部的雷根斯堡和瓦克斯多夫工厂的核心员工约有 9,250 名员工,其中包括 300 多名学徒。

Excellent prospects for BMW Group in Upper Palatinate – Plant Regensburg investing and continuing to hire

+++ Very high capacity utilisation, with annual production of 238,301 vehicles in 2023 – Higher production figures expected for 2024 +++ Global market launch of new BMW X2 in early March +++ 600 new hires in 2024 +++ Further € 200 million investment to secure long-term future of Regensburg and Wackersdorf


+++ Very high capacity utilisation, with annual production of 238,301 vehicles in 2023 – Higher production figures expected for 2024

+++ Global market launch of new BMW X2 in early March

+++ 600 new hires in 2024

+++ Further € 200 million investment to secure long-term future of Regensburg and Wackersdorf


Regensburg. Prospects are looking good for the BMW Group in Upper Palatinate: Plant Director Armin Ebner is extremely optimistic for 2024. “Since we added a night shift in autumn of last year, our daily production has already increased by about 300 vehicles, to 1,300 currently. Our total annual production for 2023 was 238,301 vehicles.” This means that, last year, nearly one in ten BMWs produced worldwide came from Regensburg.

“This confirms the strong customer appeal of the compact class models built in Regensburg, the BMW X1 and the BMW X2,” underlines Ebner. The second generation of the BMW X2 went into production in Regensburg in November. The global market launch of the vehicle manufactured exclusively at BMW Group Plant Regensburg took place on 2 March. Its main markets will be China, the US and Europe.

Ebner anticipates a further increase in the number of vehicles produced in Regensburg in 2024. To be more precise, the plant will be able to manufacture well over 300,000 units per year, if justified by market demand. Production of electric models, in particular, is expected to increase significantly: In 2024, at least one in three BMWs leaving the BMW Group’s Bavarian vehicle plants should be an electric car – and the same applies to Regensburg.

“With the BMW iX1 and BMW iX2, we will continue to inspire customers around the world with fully-electric driving pleasure from Regensburg,” says Ebner. Europe is a particularly important sales market for the fully-electric BMW iX2. In its domestic market of Germany, for instance, the BMW iX1 was Germany’s ninth most popular electric car, with 14,694 new vehicle registrations in 2023, according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).

High-voltage batteries for the electric cars built in Regensburg are produced at the Leibnizstraße site, in direct proximity to the vehicle plant. “Our location in Leibnizstraße provides valuable support for the transformation. The fact that we produced more than 100,000 high-voltage batteries here last year is evidence of the successful ramp-up of electromobility in Regensburg,” explains Ebner. To meet differences in customer demand across all regions of the world, Regensburg will also continue to build vehicles with an internal combustion engine as part of the mix on the same assembly line.

Commissioning of battery testing centre in Wackersdorf from mid-2024 

The Wackersdorf location is also set to become a major facilitator for electromobility: “The first deliverables from our new battery testing centre will enter into regular operation in Wackersdorf from mid-2024 onwards,” says Ebner. The new testing centre, covering an area of more than 8,000 square metres, will be integrated into the site’s existing building structures. Here, high-voltage batteries and other electric powertrain components for future BMW Group models will be put through their paces in a very early phase of development – well before the start of production.

600 new hires planned by end of 2024

This high level of production is also reflected in the development of employee numbers. “We already hired more than 500 new staff in 2023. For 2024, we are planning on recruiting another 600 for our production,” explains Ebner. The site is looking to hire employees in areas with skills shortages, such as maintenance and electronics. “But we will also be offsetting natural attrition caused by people leaving the plant due to age,” Ebner continued. BMW Group Plant Regensburg will recruit 120 new apprentices in the summer as well. “This will include training eight apprentices for our planned new site in Straßkirchen here in Regensburg.” The BMW Group’s core staff at its Regensburg and Wackersdorf locations in eastern Bavaria currently totals around 9,250 employees.

€ 200 million investment in securing long-term future – gearing up for production of NEUE KLASSE from second half of the decade

By the end of 2024, a total of around € 200 million will be channelled into the Regensburg and Wackersdorf locations. Ebner: “The prospects for both sites look very good. This renewed investment will help us secure the long-term future of both facilities. At the same time, it is also an investment in Upper Palatinate as a location for industry.”

At the same time as building the current models, the vehicle plant in Regensburg is also preparing for production of the next model generation, which will ramp up in the second half of the decade. “With the NEUE KLASSE, the company aims to set new standards for digitalisation, electrification and circularity – and we are already gearing up for this in Regensburg. During the production break over the New Year, we completed the first major modifications, including for our vehicle assembly. Further extensive structural measures will be implemented at the turn of the year 2024/2025,” explains Ebner.

Extensive resource conservation initiatives
BMW Group Plants Regensburg and Wackersdorf are also investing in resource conservation. Initiatives range from transport logistics to biodiversity, and from water management to new, resource-efficient production methods. “For example, at the start of the year, we converted one of our paint shop’s two base coat lines entirely to dry separation using limestone powder. The second line – due to production reasons – will be switched in August 2025.”

This method will save the BMW Group plant sites in Regensburg and Dingolfing a total of 17 million litres of water and around 17,400 megawatt hours of energy per year. “Converting the painting process moves us another step closer to the BMW Group’s aim of reducing CO2 emissions throughout the entire vehicle lifecycle by 40 percent by 2030,” emphasises Ebner.

BMW Group Plant Regensburg also invested in water-efficient practices in 2023. Refurbishing its re-cooling systems has reduced the plant’s total water consumption by a fifth, saving around 53 million litres of water per year.

Digitalisation in line with principles of BMW iFACTORY

As it implements the BMW iFACTORY, the BMW Group is also focused on digitalising the Regensburg plant site to create a digital and intelligent connected factory. “We are following a holistic approach that brings together people, processes and systems. Digitalisation optimises processes and helps our employees do their jobs – because people will continue to be the backbone of our production,” says Ebner.

For example, BMW Group Plant Regensburg is the automotive industry’s first plant worldwide to use an end-to-end digitalised and automated process for inspection, processing and marking of painted vehicle surfaces in standard production that relies on robots controlled by AI (artificial intelligence).

“My aim is for us to be a pioneer, shaping change together with our outstanding plant team, so we can defend our leading global position – and so mobility ‘made in Upper Palatinate’ can continue to inspire people all over the world in the future,” sums up Ebner.


BMW Group Plants Regensburg and Wackersdorf

The BMW Group has viewed itself for decades as the benchmark for production technology and operational excellence in vehicle construction – including at its locations in Regensburg and Wackersdorf.
The BMW Group vehicle plant in Regensburg has been in operation since 1986 and is one of more than 30 BMW Group production locations worldwide. A total of up to 1,300 vehicles of the BMW X1 and BMW X2 models come off the production line at Plant Regensburg every workday – destined for customers all over the world. Different types of drive trains are flexibly manufactured on a single production line – from vehicles with internal combustion engines to plug-in hybrids, to fully-electric models.

High-voltage batteries for the electric models built in Regensburg are also produced locally, in direct proximity to the vehicle plant. They are assembled at the electric component production facility, which opened in 2021 at the Leibnizstrasse location.
BMW Innovation Park Wackersdorf also belongs to the Regensburg site. The 55-hectare campus built in the 1980s was originally intended as a nuclear reprocessing facility. The BMW Group has located its cockpit production there, as well as its parts supply for overseas plants. In addition to BMW as the largest employer, several other companies are also based at Innovation Park Wackersdorf. A total of around 2,500 employees work there.

The BMW Group core staff at the Regensburg and Wackersdorf locations in eastern Bavaria is made up of around 9,250 employees, including more than 300 apprentices.




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