
DTM 2024:RoboMarkets、舍弗勒和壳牌继续成为本赛季 BMW M4 GT3 的强大合作伙伴

当三位 DTM 冠军 René Rast(德国)、Sheldon van der Linde(RSA)和 Marco Wittmann(德国)于 4 月底与 Schubert Motorsport 一起开启 2024 DTM 赛季时,BMW M Motorsport 的长期合作伙伴 RoboMarkets、Schaeffler、壳牌也将再次加入。这三个合作伙伴将继续塑造三款 BMW M4 GT3 的设计。


慕尼黑。当三位 DTM 冠军 René Rast(德国)、Sheldon van der Linde(RSA)和 Marco Wittmann(德国)于 4 月底与 Schubert Motorsport 一起开启 2024 DTM 赛季时,BMW M Motorsport 的长期合作伙伴 RoboMarkets、Schaeffler、壳牌也将再次加入。这三个合作伙伴将继续塑造三款 BMW M4 GT3 的设计。


威特曼的 11 号赛车和舍弗勒的绿色设计一直以来都是 DTM 车迷所熟悉的成功组合,并将在本赛季的 DTM 赛道上再次出现。与往年一样,范德林德将驾驶 31 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车,采用壳牌经典颜色。Rast 作为 BMW M 工厂车手进入了他的第二个 DTM 赛季,他的 33 号 BMW M4 GT3 将再次采用 RoboMarkets 的蓝色设计,就像去年一样。




Andreas Roos(BMW M Motorsport 负责人): “我们很高兴 BMW M Motorsport 的长期合作伙伴 RoboMarkets、舍弗勒和壳牌在 2024 年 DTM 赛季中也能与我们并肩作战。没有他们的支持,就不可能成功参加 DTM 这样竞争激烈的锦标赛。非常感谢长期以来的出色合作,其范围远远超出了汽车的设计范围。谢尔顿·范德林德 (Sheldon van der Linde) 和壳牌,以及马可·魏特曼 (Marco Wittmann) 和舍弗勒 (Schaeffler) 过去已经共同庆祝了无数成功。René Rast 还在 2023 年 RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3 的第一个赛季中登上了领奖台。现在,我们期待与强大的 BMW M Motorsport 合作伙伴在 2024 年赛季取得进一步的成功。”


舍弗勒股份公司汽车技术首席执行官 Matthias Zink: “赛车运动长期以来一直是舍弗勒 DNA 的一部分。赛道是该系列赛的测试实验室。为了保持全球领先的技术公司地位,我们作为一家公司必须不断发展。凭借创新、敏捷性和效率,我们的目标是保持我们的技术领先地位。DTM 充满活力、竞争激烈的环境为此提供了完美的平台。我们与我们的长期合作伙伴 BMW M Motorsport 以及我们的品牌大使 Marco Wittmann 一起组成了一个经过精心排练的三人组。凭借舒伯特赛车运动的专业知识和经验,我们乐观地迎接新赛季。”


Marco Wittmann(#11 舍弗勒 BMW M4 GT3): “我很高兴能够在这么多年后继续与舍弗勒并在 DTM 的‘绿色机器’中竞争。舍弗勒在赛道上和赛道外的动作都非常频繁。我们与球迷建立了非常牢固的联系。舍弗勒在赛道上的存在,通过热情好客和众多活动,表明了他们对赛车运动的承诺,这对我和 BMW M Motorsport 来说也很棒。这种伙伴关系对我来说意义重大。因此,我期待与舍弗勒重新开始,并希望共同度过成功的一年。我个人也发现‘绿色机器’的新设计非常酷,迫不及待地想驾驶这辆车上赛道。”


壳牌润滑油负责新业务开发和全球大客户的全球副总裁 Aysun Akik 表示: “壳牌很自豪能够在 DTM 中继续与 BMW M Motorsport 保持长期的优质技术合作关系,使我们能够深化与高性能汽车的研发合作。它的核心。壳牌与该团队的工程师合作配制了定制的壳牌超凡喜力竞赛润滑油,以提供持久且改进的发动机性能和效率。从这个极端测试台中获得的经验教训有助于开发新产品和技术,使世界各地的宝马驾驶者受益。我们期待着为球队开启新赛季提供支持。”


Sheldon van der Linde(第 31 名壳牌 BMW M4 GT3): “我很高兴能够将与壳牌的 DTM 合作伙伴关系延续到第五个年头!我在 DTM 中的身份明显变成了为壳牌驾驶黄色和红色赛车,因此我非常自豪能够继续这种成功的合作,并希望我们能够在 2022 年重复我们共同取得的成就!”


René Rast(RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3 排名第 33 名): “BMW M Motorsport 合作伙伴在 DTM 比赛中为我们提供支持真是太棒了。这种支持非常重要。2023 年是我在 RoboMarkets 的第一个赛季,这一年中最伟大的时刻当然包括红牛环赛的胜利、额外的领奖台成绩和杆位。我们是冠军争夺者,这为我在 RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3 的第二个赛季奠定了坚实的基础。我们将尽一切努力,以相应的成功来表达对支持的感谢!”

DTM 2024: RoboMarkets, Schaeffler and Shell continue to be strong partners on the BMW M4 GT3 this season.

When the three DTM champions René Rast (GER), Sheldon van der Linde (RSA) and Marco Wittmann (GER) kick off the 2024 DTM season with Schubert Motorsport at the end of April, long-standing BMW M Motorsport partners RoboMarkets, Schaeffler, and Shell will also be on board again. These three partners will continue to shape the designs of the three BMW M4 GT3s.


Munich. When the three DTM champions René Rast (GER), Sheldon van der Linde (RSA) and Marco Wittmann (GER) kick off the 2024 DTM season with Schubert Motorsport at the end of April, long-standing BMW M Motorsport partners RoboMarkets, Schaeffler, and Shell will also be on board again. These three partners will continue to shape the designs of the three BMW M4 GT3s.


Wittmann, with car number 11 and the green Schaeffler design has been a successful combination familiar to DTM fans for a long time and will again be seen on the DTM circuits this season. Van der Linde will compete in the #31 BMW M4 GT3 in Shell’s classic colors, as in previous years. Rast enters his second DTM season as a BMW M works driver, and his #33 BMW M4 GT3 will once again feature RoboMarkets’ blue design, as it did last year.




Andreas Roos (Head of BMW M Motorsport): “We are very pleased to have our long-standing BMW M Motorsport partners RoboMarkets, Schaeffler and Shell by our side in the 2024 DTM season as well. Without their support, successful race participation in a highly competitive championship like the DTM would not be possible. Many thanks for the long-standing excellent collaboration that goes far beyond the design of the cars. Sheldon van der Linde and Shell, as well as Marco Wittmann and Schaeffler, have already celebrated numerous joint successes in the past. René Rast also stood on the top step of the podium in his first season in the RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3 in 2023. Now we are looking forward to further successes with our strong BMW M Motorsport partners in the 2024 season.”


Matthias Zink, CEO Automotive Technologies Schaeffler AG: “Motorsport has long been part of our DNA at Schaeffler. The race track is the test lab for the series. In order to remain a leading technology company worldwide, we as a company must constantly evolve. With innovation, agility, and efficiency, we aim to maintain our technological leadership role. The dynamic, competitive environment of the DTM provides the perfect platform for this. With our long-standing partner BMW M Motorsport and our brand ambassador Marco Wittmann, we already form a well-rehearsed trio. With the expertise and experience of Schubert Motorsport, we approach the new season optimistically.”


Marco Wittmann (#11 Schaeffler BMW M4 GT3): “I am very happy that I can continue to compete with Schaeffler and in the ‘Green Machine’ in the DTM after so many years. Schaeffler moves so much, both on and off the race track. We have built a very strong bond, also with the fans. Just the presence of Schaeffler at the race track, through the hospitality and the many activities, shows their commitment to motorsport, which is also great for me and BMW M Motorsport. This partnership means a lot to me. Therefore, I am looking forward to starting again with Schaeffler and hoping for a successful year together. I personally also find the new design of the ‘Green Machine’ extremely cool and can’t wait to hit the track with the car.”


Aysun Akik, Global Vice President for New Business Development and Global Key Accounts at Shell Lubricants: “Shell is proud to continue its long-standing Premium Technology partnership with BMW M Motorsport in DTM, enabling us to deepen our R&D collaboration with high-performance at its core. Shell has partnered with the team’s engineers to formulate a bespoke Shell Helix Ultra race lubricant to deliver long-lasting and improved engine performance and efficiency. The learnings taken from this extreme testbed help to develop new products and technologies that benefit BMW motorists on the road around the world. We look forward to supporting the team as it embarks on a new season.”


Sheldon van der Linde (#31 Shell BMW M4 GT3): “I’m very excited to extend my partnership with Shell to its fifth year in the DTM! My identity in the DTM has quite noticeably become driving a yellow and red car for Shell so I’m extremely proud to continue that successful collaboration and hopefully we can repeat what we achieved together in 2022!”


René Rast (#33 RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3): “It’s fantastic that the BMW M Motorsport partners are supporting us in the DTM. This support is very important. 2023 was my first season with RoboMarkets, and among the great moments of the year were, of course, the victory at the Red Bull Ring, the additional podium finishes and the pole positions. We were contenders for the title, and that’s a strong foundation for my second season in the RoboMarkets BMW M4 GT3. We will do everything to express our gratitude for the support with corresponding successes!”


BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2023 年 10 月 30 日




