
2024 WorldSBK:BMW Motorrad Motorsport 的目标是在巴塞罗那的良好开局基础上再接再厉

继澳大利亚赛季揭幕战之后,FIM 超级摩托车世界锦标赛重返欧洲。下周末(3 月 22 日至 24 日),BMW Motorrad Motorsport 正在巴塞罗那加泰罗尼亚赛道 (ESP) 备战今年的第二场比赛。在那里,四名工厂车手和两支车队(ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team 和 Bonovo action BMW Racing Team)的目标是延续菲利普岛(澳大利亚)的积极势头。


巴塞罗那。继澳大利亚赛季揭幕战之后,FIM 超级摩托车世界锦标赛重返欧洲。下周末(3 月 22 日至 24 日),BMW Motorrad Motorsport 正在巴塞罗那加泰罗尼亚赛道 (ESP) 备战今年的第二场比赛。在那里,四名工厂车手和两支车队(ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team 和 Bonovo action BMW Racing Team)的目标是延续菲利普岛(澳大利亚)的积极势头。


2 月,Toprak Razgatlioglu(土耳其)在超级杆位赛中获得第三名,首次作为 BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 工厂车手登上领奖台。BMW M 1000 RR 在每场比赛中都处于领先地位,Michael van der Mark(荷兰)、Garrett Gerloff(美国)和 Scott Redding(英国)确保所有工厂车手在比赛中都进入前十名。


为了准备巴塞罗那赛车周末,两支车队以及四名车手上周在同一场地进行了为期两天的测试。BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 测试团队也到场支持两支车队的准备工作。




宝马摩托车赛车运动总监马克·邦格斯 (Marc Bongers): “澳大利亚赛季揭幕战的成绩为我们进入巴塞罗那的第二个比赛周末提供了很大的动力。当然,菲利普岛是一条非常独特的赛道,现在牌组正在重新洗牌。然而,上周巴塞罗那测试的见解也让我们感到乐观。在那里,我们能够再次看到 BMW M 1000 RR 的速度。现在的挑战是在比赛周末将其转化为相应的结果。排位赛是比赛的重要基础,我们的目标是确保所有四名车手都占据有利的首发位置。如果比赛节奏也强劲,这就是在这个竞争激烈的领域取得成功的基础。过去,巴塞罗那不一定是最适合我们的赛道之一,但我们努力训练,充满信心地迎接周末。”


Garrett Gerloff(#31 BMW M 1000 RR,Bonovo Action BMW Racing Team): “我真的很期待巴塞罗那的这个周末。这是一条我非常喜欢的赛道,也是我过去取得过成功的赛道,所以我迫不及待地想到达那里,看看我们是否能度过一个真正美好的周末。BMW M 1000 RR 在测​​试中感觉良好,还有一些事情需要改进,但总而言之,我认为我们拥有强大的套件,我期待着周末的开始。”


Toprak Razgatlioglu(#54 BMW M 1000 RR,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队): “我认为这对我来说不会是一个轻松的比赛周末,因为我们需要进一步提高轮胎寿命,但测试也非常积极,我们也在比赛中努力速度,那非常好。我们还没有达到真正的 100%,但我每天都在学习摩托车,我们正在进步。我的总体感觉还不错。这个比赛周末对我来说非常重要。我努力登上领奖台,我的大目标是赢得比赛,因为我以前从未在加泰罗尼亚获胜过。我希望我们能在这个周末获胜,我会尽力做到最好。”


Scott Redding(#45 BMW M 1000 RR,Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “巴塞罗那周末将是一个有趣的周末。我们知道这不是我们日历上最强的赛道之一。显然,上周进行了一次测试,我们能够对摩托车进行设置,试图改善我们的弱点,这总是好的。每个人都在非常努力地工作,力求做到最好。比赛周末总是不同的,所以我们需要看看赛道状况和天气。希望我们能取得比菲利普岛更好的成绩,努力回到正轨并不断进步。”


Michael van der Mark(#60 BMW M 1000 RR,ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK 车队): “很高兴能够在赛道上度过另一个比赛周末。很高兴我们上周在那里进行了测试,我认为我们已经为周末比赛做好了准备。我们有很好的基础,我们只需要在细节上下功夫。巴塞罗那赛道是一条非常棒的赛道。我认为需要解决的关键问题之一是让轮胎(主要是前轮胎)获得完整的比赛距离。这会很有趣,但我很期待。我在测试中感觉很好,在澳大利亚,我们也看到了我们的实力。我迫不及待地想再次参加比赛并争夺最佳位置。”

2024 WorldSBK: BMW Motorrad Motorsport aims to build on the promising start at Barcelona.

Following the season opener in Australia, the FIM Superbike World Championship has returned to Europe. Next weekend (22nd to 24th March), BMW Motorrad Motorsport is gearing up for the second racing event of the year at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya (ESP). There, the four factory riders and the two teams, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team and Bonovo action BMW Racing Team, aim to continue the positive momentum from Phillip Island (AUS).


Barcelona. Following the season opener in Australia, the FIM Superbike World Championship has returned to Europe. Next weekend (22nd to 24th March), BMW Motorrad Motorsport is gearing up for the second racing event of the year at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya (ESP). There, the four factory riders and the two teams, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team and Bonovo action BMW Racing Team, aim to continue the positive momentum from Phillip Island (AUS).


In February, Toprak Razgatlioglu (TUR) clinched his first podium as a BMW Motorrad WorldSBK factory rider by finishing third in the Superpole Race there. The BMW M 1000 RR was in the leading group in every session, and Michael van der Mark (NED), Garrett Gerloff (USA) and Scott Redding (GBR) ensured that all factory riders were represented in the top ten in the races.


To prepare for the Barcelona racing weekend, both teams, along with the four riders, conducted a two-day test at the same venue last week. The BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Test Team was also present to support the two teams in their preparations.


Quotes ahead of the Barcelona round.


Marc Bongers, BMW Motorrad Motorsport Director: “The results from the season opener in Australia give us a lot of momentum heading into the second race weekend in Barcelona. Of course, Phillip Island is a very unique track, and now the deck is being reshuffled. However, also the insights from the Barcelona test last week have left us feeling optimistic. There we were able to see the pace of our BMW M 1000 RR again. Now, the challenge is to convert this into corresponding results during the race weekend. Qualifying forms the crucial foundation for the races, and our goal is to secure strong starting positions with all four riders. If the race pace also is strong, this is the base for successful races in this extremely competitive field. In the past, Barcelona hasn’t necessarily been one of the tracks that suit us best, but we have worked hard and approach the weekend with confidence.”


Garrett Gerloff (#31 BMW M 1000 RR, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “I’m really looking forward to this weekend in Barcelona. It’s a track that I really enjoy and where I’ve had success in the past so I can’t wait to get there and seeing if we can have a really good weekend. The BMW M 1000 RR felt good at the test and there are still a couple of things that I want to improve but all in all I think we have a strong package and I’m looking forward to starting the weekend.”


Toprak Razgatlioglu (#54 BMW M 1000 RR, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team): “I think it will not be an easy race weekend for me because we need further improve tyre life but the test was also very positive, we also worked on race pace and that was very good. We are still not at really 100 per cent but I am learning the bike every day and we are improving. My general feeling is not bad. This race weekend will be very important for me. I try to make it to the podium and my big target is to win the race because I never won at Catalunya before. I hope we will win this weekend, I will try to do my best.”


Scott Redding (#45 BMW M 1000 RR, Bonovo action BMW Racing Team): “The Barcelona weekend will be an interesting one. We know that it’s not one of our stronger circuits on the calendar. Obviously having a test last week we were able to work on the bike set-up, trying to improve our weak points which is always good. Everyone is working super hard to do the best that we can. The race weekend is always different so we need to see with track conditions and weather. Hopefully we can have some better results than at Phillip Island, trying to get back on track and keep improving.”


Michael van der Mark (#60 BMW M 1000 RR, ROKiT BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Team): “It’s nice to go out on track and have another race weekend. It’s good that we had a test there last week and I think we are quite ready for the race weekend. We have a good base, we just have to work on details. Barcelona circuit is a fantastic race track. I think one of the key things to work on is to get a full race distance out of the tyres, mainly the front. It will be interesting but I’m looking forward to it. I had a good feeling at the test and also in Australia, we have seen how strong we can be. I can’t wait to race again and to fight for the best positions.”


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