
24 Heures Motos:BMW Motorrad Motorsport 在勒芒 FIM 耐力世界锦标赛中开启了冠军争夺战

是时候为耐力英雄们加油了。 BMW Motorrad Motorsport 将于 4 月 20 日至 21 日在勒芒 (FRA) 举行的 FIM 耐力世界锦标赛 (FIM EWC) 中拉开 2024 赛季的序幕。在 EWC 顶级赛事中,BMW 摩托车世界耐力车队携 37 号 BMW M 1000 RR 重返赛场,争夺总冠军和世界冠军头衔。


勒芒。是时候为耐力英雄们加油了。 BMW Motorrad Motorsport 将于 4 月 20 日至 21 日在勒芒 (FRA) 举行的 FIM 耐力世界锦标赛 (FIM EWC) 中拉开 2024 赛季的序幕。在 EWC 顶级赛事中,BMW 摩托车世界耐力车队携 37 号 BMW M 1000 RR 重返赛场,争夺总冠军和世界冠军头衔。今年,核心三人组包括 Markus Reiterberger(德国)、Ilya Mikhalchik(英国)和新成员 Sylvain Guintoli(法国)。第四位骑手是爱沙尼亚人汉内斯·苏默(Hannes Soomer)。在 Superstock 组别中,Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team 是 BMW 的热门竞争者。 2023年的首个赛季,法国队证明了自己在该领域名列前茅。


有关 BMW Motorrad Motorsport 参与 FIM EWC 2024 的全面信息,请在线访问:


BMW 摩托车世界耐力队。

2024 年赛季的三名 BMW 摩托车世界耐力队常规车手既是连续性的又是强有力的补充。自 2019/20 赛季首秀以来,两名 BMW 摩托车厂车手 Reiterberger 和 Mikhalchik 一直是车队经理 Werner Daemen(比利时)领导的车队不可或缺的一部分。他们立即驾驶 37 号摩托车登上领奖台,并在 2021 年取得了首场胜利。2022 赛季,他们在斯帕 24 小时耐力赛(比利时)中庆祝胜利,并在世界锦标赛中获得亚军。上赛季,Reiterberger/Mikhalchik 车队在所有三场 24 小时比赛中都登上了领奖台,在铃鹿 (JPN) 上获得了最佳欧洲车队第六名,并在世界锦标赛积分榜上获得了第三名。


三人组中最引人注目的新成员是 Guintoli,他已经在 FIM 超级摩托车世界锦标赛 (WorldSBK) 和 FIM EWC 中夺得了世界冠军头衔。这位法国人是国际摩托车比赛中最有经验和最受尊敬的骑手之一。作为 BMW 摩托车工厂车手,他也是 BMW 摩托车 WorldSBK 测试团队的一员,并密切参与 BMW M 1000 RR 的开发。


宝马家族的另一位新成员是Soomer。这位 26 岁的爱沙尼亚人将作为下赛季的第四位车手支持 BMW 摩托车世界耐力队和 Tecmas-MRP-BMW 赛车队。


Tecmas-MRP-BMW 赛车队。

Tecmas-MRP-BMW 车队于 2023 年参加了 FIM EWC(FIM 耐力世界杯)Superstock 组的第一个完整赛季。该车队由车队领队 Arnaud Sassone(法国)领导,是法国 Tecmas Racing Team、Werner Daemen 的 Motorcycle Racing Parts 公司以及 BMW Motorrad Motorsport。 Tecmas Racing Team 长期以来一直在法国超级摩托车锦标赛 (FBSK) 中取得成功,并且之前曾参加过选定的 FIM EWC 比赛的 EWC 级别比赛。


Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team 去年的 Superstock 首秀表现再好不过了。在赛季揭幕战勒芒 24 小时耐力赛中,车队与车手 Kenny Foray(法国)、Jan Bühn(德国)和 Loïc Arbel(法国)一起庆祝了 Superstock 组别的首场胜利。车队驾驶 9 号 BMW M 1000 RR 在接下来的比赛中也继续展现出令人信服的表现。然而,技术引发的 DNF 阻止了进一步的顶级结果。


福雷、布恩和阿贝尔本赛季将继续代表 Tecmas-MRP-BMW 车队参赛。阵容将由第四位车手 Soomer 补充。



在赛季揭幕战之前,您将有机会参加 4 月 16 日星期二的私人测试。勒芒 24 小时耐力赛周末将于 4 月 18 日星期四开始,包括自由练习、第一场排位赛和夜间练习。首发位置的最终决定将在周五上午的第二场排位赛中决定。第 47 届 24 Heures Motos 比赛将于周六欧洲中部夏令时间 15:00 开始。


除了 BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team 和 Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team 之外,另外两支 BMW 车队也将参加勒芒:日本 Team Étoile 和法国 Team T2C Racing。两人都将参加 Superstock 级别的比赛。




BMW Motorrad 赛车运动总监 Marc Bongers 表示: “我们已做好充分准备并充满信心地参加 2024 年 FIM EWC。整个冬天,我们的工程师与技术合作伙伴一起,对 #37 BMW M 1000 RR 作为一个完整的套件在许多方面进行了进一步优化,从动力装置到底盘和电子设备,再到排气系统、制动器和轮胎。在车手方面,我们拥有 BMW 摩托车世界耐力队中最好的三人组之一​​:马库斯 (Markus)、伊利亚 (Ilya) 和西尔万 (Sylvain)。他们与沃纳·戴门 (Werner Daemen) 领导的经验丰富的团队一起,组成了完美的阵容来实现我们的目标,即争夺世界冠军头衔。大家都知道 BMW 摩托车世界耐力车队有多强大,现在我们想要更进一步。在 Superstock 组别中,Tecmas-MRP-BMW 车队在上个赛季已经证明了自己处于绝对领先地位。整个冬天,我们在技术方面进行了大量工作,以解决 2023 年确定的缺陷。现在我们期待勒芒——我们已经准备好了!当然,耐力赛有其自身的规律,24小时内可能会发生很多事情。但我们有信心。”


宝马摩托车世界耐力队车队经理维尔纳·戴门 (Werner Daemen): “我们本赛季的目标必须是像往年一样争夺世界冠军。当然,在耐力方面还需要一些运气。去年,我们度过了一个非常好的赛季,我们在所有三场 24 小时比赛中都登上了领奖台,并在日本获得了强劲的第六名。我想,如果我们今年也能做到这一点,如果我们能赢得一两场比赛并在其他比赛中站上领奖台,那么我们就可以争夺冠军。这是主要目标。一切看起来都很好,我们准备充分,感觉非常好。”

Sylvain Guintoli(#37 BMW M 1000 RR,BMW Motorrad 世界耐力车队): “我们以非常积极的心态参加勒芒 24 小时摩托车赛,因为我们已经做了一些测试,而且进展越来越好。最成功的测试是勒芒的预测试,我们都对摩托车有良好的感觉,并且比赛节奏也很好。我们在各种条件下为比赛而努力,我们已经做好准备,当然,我们的目标是赢得比赛。我们充满信心地进入这个阶段,摩托车的表现非常好。对我来说,这是今年的一辆新摩托车,我对它非常满意,一切都很顺利。因此,人们对勒芒的这场比赛以及整个赛季都抱有很大的希望,但我们必须逐场思考,现在将 100% 的注意力集中在勒芒。我已经等不及并期待了。”

Ilya Mikhalchik(#37 BMW M 1000 RR,BMW Motorrad 世界耐力车队):  “我很期待勒芒的比赛周,并且非常有信心。看起来天气仍然干燥而且相当好。这也增加了我的积极感受。在自由练习期间,我们需要专注于在进入资格赛和正赛之前找到最终设置。但总的来说,我们已经有了一个很好的基础,我们将从这里开始,努力改进我们需要的小事情。我认为我们会在勒芒度过美好的时光。让我们享受我们的进步和骑摩托车,并在那里度过美好的时光。我们迫不及待地想开始新赛季!”

Markus Reiterberger(#37 BMW M 1000 RR,BMW Motorrad 世界耐力车队): “在勒芒进行积极的预测试之后,我们当然为自己设定了很高的目标。我们的目标是今年迈出下一步,更加接近我们的最终目标:世界冠军。经过前几年的努力,我们现在的目标是排名第一。我们已经为勒芒做好了充分的准备。我们仍然有一些小问题需要改进,但我们已经拥有了必要的一切,并将从团队和车手方面尽最大努力。在自由练习的过程中,我们会尽量把车调得更适合我们这个车手,并在新的阵容中继续相互适应,这样我们才能在排位赛中进攻得当,有一个良好、稳定的表现。 ,并为所有三名车手提供快速摩托车参加 24 小时比赛,目标是希望在周日站在顶峰。这将是一场漫长而艰难的比赛,一个漫长而艰难的赛季,但我相信我们都精神抖擞,并且拥有现实的机会。”


Arnaud Sassone(Tecmas-MRP-BMW 赛车队主教练): “我们真的很有信心。上赛季我们证明了我们可以赢得冠军。绩效与策略一起存在。我们只是错过了斯帕和 Bol d’Or 比赛中的可靠性,因为我们在两次比赛中都获得了杆位和最快圈速。德国宝马在可靠性方面做了很多工作,这应该会得到回报。在车手方面,我们没有做任何改变,这是一项资产。我们知道我们拥有强大的团队、强大的摩托车和强大的车手,我们的目标显然是赢得 FIM 耐力世界杯。”


技术数据#37 BMW M 1000 RR。

排量/发动机:999 cc 四缸四冲程发动机,每缸有 4 个钛合金气门,可变进气凸轮轴控制 BMW ShiftCam,液冷,钛棒,2 环活塞


变速箱: 常啮合 6 速变速箱,带直齿齿轮

输出:超过 14,000 rpm 时 > 215 hp

缸径 x 行程:80 x 49.7 毫米





轴距:1,450 毫米(可变)

长度:2,080 毫米


前轮控制:ZF 倒置伸缩 CFK 前叉,带加压阻尼系统

后轮控制:下悬式 BMW 摆臂、全浮式中央弹簧 ZF 双管单筒减震器

前制动器:双盘 Motomaster 320 mm、Nissin 径向 6 活塞卡钳

后制动器:单盘 Motomaster 220 mm、Nissin 2 活塞卡钳

车轮:PVM 铸铝车轮,前 17” x 3.5”,后 17” x 6.0”



EWC 2024 日历结束。

4 月 20 日/21 日 – 勒芒 24 小时摩托车赛 – 法国

6 月 8 日 – 8 小时 Spa Motos – 比利时

7 月 21 日 – 铃鹿 8 小时耐力赛 – 日本

9 月 14 日/15 日 – Bol d’Or Le Castellet – 法国

24 Heures Motos: BMW Motorrad Motorsport kicks off its title chase in the FIM Endurance World Championship at Le Mans.

Go time for the endurance heroes. BMW Motorrad Motorsport kicks off the 2024 season in the FIM Endurance World Championship (FIM EWC) with the 24 Heures Motos at Le Mans (FRA) on 20th/21st April. In the top class, the Formula EWC, BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team returns to hunt for overall victories and the world championship title with the #37 BMW M 1000 RR.


Le Mans. Go time for the endurance heroes. BMW Motorrad Motorsport kicks off the 2024 season in the FIM Endurance World Championship (FIM EWC) with the 24 Heures Motos at Le Mans (FRA) on 20th/21st April. In the top class, the Formula EWC, BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team returns to hunt for overall victories and the world championship title with the #37 BMW M 1000 RR. This year, the core trio consists of Markus Reiterberger (GER), Ilya Mikhalchik (UKR), and new addition Sylvain Guintoli (FRA). The fourth rider is Estonian Hannes Soomer. In the Superstock class, the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team is the hot BMW contender. In its 2023 debut season, the French team proved that it is among the best in the field.


For comprehensive information about BMW Motorrad Motorsport’s involvement in the FIM EWC 2024, please visit online:


BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team.

The three regular BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team riders for the 2024 season comprise continuity and a strong addition. The two BMW Motorrad factory riders Reiterberger and Mikhalchik have been integral parts of the team led by Team Manager Werner Daemen (BEL) since the debut season 2019/20. Together, they immediately secured podium finishes with the #37 bike, followed by their first victory in 2021. In the 2022 season, they celebrated triumph at the 24 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps (BEL) and finished as runner-ups in the world championship. Last season, the Reiterberger/ Mikhalchik team claimed podium finishes in all three 24-hour races, achieved sixth place as the best European team in Suzuka (JPN), and finished third in the world championship standings.


The prominent new addition to the trio is Guintoli, who has already clinched the world championship title in both the FIM Superbike World Championship (WorldSBK) and the FIM EWC. The Frenchman is one of the most experienced and respected riders in international motorcycle racing. As a BMW Motorrad factory rider, he is also part of the BMW Motorrad WorldSBK Test Team and closely involved in the development of the BMW M 1000 RR.


Another new member of the BMW family is Soomer. The 26-year-old Estonian will support both the BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team and the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team as the fourth rider in the upcoming season.


Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team.

The Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team competed in its first full season in the Superstock class of the FIM EWC, the FIM Endurance World Cup, in 2023. The team, led by Team Principal Arnaud Sassone (FRA), is a collaboration between the French Tecmas Racing Team, Werner Daemen’s company Motorcycle Racing Parts, and BMW Motorrad Motorsport. The Tecmas Racing Team has long been successful in the French Superbike Championship (FBSK) and had previously competed in selected FIM EWC races in the EWC class.


Last year’s Superstock debut of the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team could not have gone better. At the season opener, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the team celebrated its first victory in the Superstock class with riders Kenny Foray (FRA), Jan Bühn (GER), and Loïc Arbel (FRA). The team continued to show convincing performances with the #9 BMW M 1000 RR in the following races as well. However, technical induced DNFs prevented further top results.


Foray, Bühn, and Arbel will continue to compete for the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team this season. The line-up will be supplemented by Soomer as the fourth rider.


24 Heures Motos.

Prior to the season opener, there will be an opportunity to participate in private test sessions on Tuesday, 16th April. The 24 Hours of Le Mans race weekend begins on Thursday, 18th April, with free practice, the first qualifying sessions, and night practice. The final decision on the starting positions will be made in the second qualifying session on Friday morning. The race itself, the 47th edition of the 24 Heures Motos, will start on Saturday at 15:00 CEST.


In addition to the BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team and the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team, two other BMW teams will participate in Le Mans: Japanese Team Étoile and Team T2C Racing from France. Both will compete in the Superstock class.


Quotes before the season opener at Le Mans.


Marc Bongers, BMW Motorrad Motorsport Director: “We are entering the FIM EWC 2024 well prepared and with great confidence. Over the winter, our engineers, together with our technical partners, have further optimised the #37 BMW M 1000 RR as a complete package in many areas, from the power unit to the chassis and electronics to the exhaust system, brakes, and tyres. On the rider side, we have one of the best trios in the field with Markus, Ilya, and Sylvain in the BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team. Together with the experienced team led by Werner Daemen, they form the perfect squad to achieve our goal, which is to fight for the world championship title. Everyone knows how strong the BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team is, and now we want to take the next step forward. In the Superstock class, the Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team has already shown in the past season that it belongs at the absolute top. Over the winter, we have intensively worked on the technical side to address the deficits identified in 2023. Now we are looking forward to Le Mans – we are ready! Of course, endurance racing has its own laws, and a lot can happen in 24 race hours. But we are confident.”


Werner Daemen, Teammanager BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team: “Our target for the season must be to fight for the world championship as we do every year. Of course, in endurance you also need some luck. Last year, we had a very good season, we were on the podium in all three 24-hour races and finished in a strong sixth place in Japan. I think, if we can do the same this year, and if we maybe can win one or two races and stand on the podium in the other ones, then we can fight for the title. That is the main goal. All looks good, we are well prepared and the feeling is very good.”


Sylvain Guintoli (#37 BMW M 1000 RR, BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team): “We go into the 24 Heures Moto at Le Mans with a very positive mindset because we’ve done some testing and it went better and better. The most successful test was the Pre-Test at Le Mans where we all had a good feeling with the bike and also a good race rhythm. We worked for the race in all conditions, we are ready, and for sure, the objective is to win the race. We are going into this with confidence and the bike is behaving really well. For me, it’s a new bike this year and I am very happy with it, everything is going well. So there are big hopes for this race in Le Mans and for the entire season, but we have to think from race by race and now focus 100 per cent on Le Mans. I can’t wait and am looking forward to it.”


Ilya Mikhalchik (#37 BMW M 1000 RR, BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team):  “I’m looking forward to the race week at Le Mans and am pretty confident. It also looks that the weather stays dry and quite good. This also adds to my positive feelings. During free practice we need to focus on finding the final settings before we head into the qualifications and the race. But overall, we already have a very good base and I we will start from this and work on improving the small things we need to. I think that we will have good days at Le Mans. Let’s enjoy our progress and riding the bike and have great moments there. We can’t wait to start the season!”


Markus Reiterberger (#37 BMW M 1000 RR, BMW Motorrad World Endurance Team): “After the positive Pre-Test at Le Mans, we have of course set high goals for ourselves. We aim to take the next step this year and get even closer to our ultimate goal, the world championship. After the previous years we are now aiming for the top position. We are well-prepared for Le Mans. There are a few minor things we still need to improve, but we have everything necessary on board and will give our best from both the team and rider side. During the free practice sessions we will try to fine-tune the bike a bit more to suit us as riders and continue to adapt to each other within the new line-up, so that we can attack properly in qualifying and have a good, stable, and fast bike for all three riders in the 24-hour race with the aim of hopefully standing at the top on Sunday. It will be a long and tough race, a long, tough season, but I believe we are all in good spirits and have realistic chances.”


Arnaud Sassone (Teamchef Tecmas-MRP-BMW Racing Team): “We really are confident. We proved last season that we could go and obtain the title. The performance was there together with the strategy. We only missed the reliability in the races at Spa and at the Bol d’Or, after we had pole position and the fastest race lap on both occasions. BMW in Germany worked a lot on the reliability and this should pay off. On the riders’ side, we did changed nothing and that is an asset. We know that we have strong team, a strong bike and strong riders, and our goal is clearly to win the FIM Endurance World Cup.”



Technical data #37 BMW M 1000 RR.


Capacity / engine: 999 cc, four-cylinder four-stroke engine with four titanium valves per cylinder and variable intake camshaft control BMW ShiftCam, liquid-cooled, titanium rods, 2-ring pistons


Gearbox: Constant mesh 6-speed gearbox with straight cut gears


Output: > 215 hp at over 14,000 rpm


Bore x stroke: 80 x 49.7 mm


Fuel system: Electronic injection, variable intake manifold length


Tank capacity: 24 l


Lubrication: Wet sump


Dry weight: 168 kg without tank


Wheelbase: 1,450 mm (variable)


Length: 2,080 mm


Width: 538 mm


Front wheel control: ZF Upside-down telescopic CFK fork with pressurised damping system


Rear wheel control: Underslung BMW swing arm, full-floater central spring ZF twin tube monoshock


Front brake: Twin-disc Motomaster 320 mm, Nissin radial 6-piston callipers


Rear brake: Single-disc Motomaster 220 mm, Nissin 2-piston callipers


Wheels: PVM cast aluminium wheels, front 17’’ x 3.5’’, rear 17’’ x 6.0’’


Tyres: Dunlop



FIM EWC 2024 calendar.


20th/21st April – 24 Heures Motos Le Mans – France


8th June – 8 Hours of Spa Motos – Belgium


21st July – Suzuka 8 Hours – Japan


14th/15th September – Bol d’Or Le Castellet – France


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