
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 4 月 9 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车运动新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及关于全球各种锦标赛中的赛车活动以及 BMW M 赛车运动团队所取得的成功的紧凑而信息丰富的概述。




  • ADAC GT 大师赛:FK Performance 凭借两辆 BMW M4 GT3 拉开了新赛季的序幕。
  • NLS:BMW M Motorsport 车队在赛季揭幕战中取得了 14 场组别胜利。
  • BMW M Motorsport 车队庆祝在索诺玛举行的赛季揭幕战中取得的成功。



BMW M Motorsport 客户赛车部主管 Björn Lellmann:


“2024 年赛车运动赛季现在确实正在加速,我们已经能够与 BMW M 赛车运动团队一起庆祝今年的首个成功,这真是太棒了。在北环赛道上,我们取得了许多组别胜利,值得庆祝。 NLS 赛季揭幕战。在北美,SRO 赛车系列赛为我们的 BMW M4 GT3、BMW M4 GT4 和 BMW M2 CS Racing 车队取得了非常成功的开局。除此之外,GT4 也取得了优异的成绩欧洲系列赛以及法国和英国。恭喜大家,让我们继续努力!其他锦标赛即将开始新赛季,包括 ADAC GT 大师赛。在这里,我对 FK Performance Motorsport 的承诺感到非常高兴。团队带着两辆 BMW M4 GT3 和强大的车手组合进入新赛季。我祝愿他们取得巨大成功,以及全球许多锦标赛中的所有其他车队!”



ADAC GT 大师赛:FK Performance 凭借两辆 BMW M4 GT3 开启新赛季。


FK Performance Motorsport 将带着两辆 BMW M4 GT3 参加即将到来的 ADAC GT Masters 赛季。去年,来自德国不莱梅的车队驾驶 BMW M4 GT3 首次亮相该系列赛,并在首个赛季取得了首场胜利。在红牛环赛道(奥地利),BMW M 厂队车手布鲁诺·斯宾格勒(加拿大)与马克西姆·奥斯滕(荷兰)一起取得胜利。


该团队现在正在扩大对两辆 BMW M4 GT3 的承诺,并呈现出强大的阵容。 21 岁的 Oosten 与 Leon Köhler(德国)共享他的 BMW M4 GT3 驾驶舱。 FK Performance Motorsport 的姊妹车 Grégory de Sybourg(SUI)和 Eduardo Coseteng(PHL)将参加比赛。四人组合将于 4 月 26 日至 28 日周末在奥舍斯莱本(德国)开始新赛季。


在德国 ADAC GT4 比赛中,FK Performance Motorsport 将派出四辆 BMW M4 GT4 参赛。这些赛车将由 Moh Ritson(英国)/ Gianni van de Craats(荷兰)、Joseph Warhurst/Tom Edgar(均为英国)、Niels Tröger(德国)/ Joseph Ellerine(RSA)和 Leyton Fourie(RSA)二人组驾驶。 Max Rosam(德国),两人都是从 BMW M2 杯晋级。



NLS:BMW M Motorsport 车队以 14 场组别的胜利开始新赛季。


纽博格林北环赛道 (GER) 的 2024 赛季已经轰轰烈烈地开始了。周六和周日,举行了 2024 年纽博格林耐力系列赛 (NLS) 的前两轮比赛。 BMW M Motorsport 车队取得了 14 场组别的胜利。


来自 Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheel 的卫冕冠军 Daniel Zils 和 Philipp Leisen(均为德国)以一场胜利开启了新的一年。他们与新队友 Moran Gott(英国)一起,驾驶#1 BMW 330i 在第一场比赛中赢得了竞争激烈的 VT2-R+4WD 组别冠军。第二天,他们获得了班级第七名。 Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheel 在 BMW M240i 组别中也取得了双重胜利,其中 Sven Markert(德国)、Ranko Mijatovic(瑞士)和 Toby Goodman(英国)驾驶 650 号赛车在两轮比赛中均获得了组别胜利。在 BMW M2 CS 组别中,Martin Kroll(瑞士)、Michael Schrey 和 Max Partl(均为德国)驾驶的 888 号 BMW M2 CS Racing 获得了第一名。


在SP8T组别中,BMW M4 GT4连续两天获得成功。周六,组别冠军归属于 Schmickler Performance 团队,该团队由 Ravenol 以及车手二人组 Michael Luther 和 Markus Schmickler(均为德国人)驾驶 151 号 BMW M4 GT4 获得。周日,来自 Team Bilstein by Black Falcon 的 150 号 BMW M4 GT4 赢得了组别冠军,吉米·布罗德本特 (Jimmy Broadbent)(英国)、史蒂夫·布朗(Steve Brown)(英国)、Misha Charoudin(德国)和曼努埃尔·梅茨格(Manuel Metzger)(德国)轮流驾驶。


BMW M Motorsport 车队在 V4、VT3、SP3、SP4 和 H4 组别中获得了更多胜利。 BMW M4 GT3 未能参加赛季揭幕战,原因是与 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 欧洲世界挑战赛日程冲突,该赛事于同一个周末在法国勒卡斯特莱举行。



GT4 欧洲系列赛:大量 BMW M4 GT4 参加赛季揭幕战。

六支车队、总共八辆 BMW M4 GT4 亮相勒卡斯特莱(法国)举行的 GT4 欧洲系列赛赛季揭幕战,并以 BMW M 赛车运动的颜色为主题。在最高级别的银牌组别中,Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport 车队的 Berkay Besler(土耳其)和 Gabriele Piana(意大利)表现出了稳定的表现。两人驾驶 12 号 BMW M4 GT4 在两场比赛中均取得总成绩第六名的成绩,并获得银牌组别成绩。他们的队友 Yagiz Gedik(土耳其)和 Pedro Ebrahim Carvalho(巴西)驾驶 10 号赛车在银组中获得第十名和第十一名。


本周末的最佳个人成绩由来自 L’Espace Bienvenue 的 Benjamin Lessennes(比利时)和 Ricardo van der Ende(荷兰)驾驶 17 号 BMW M4 GT4 取得。他们以总成绩第五名和银牌组的成绩完成了第二场比赛。他们在第一场比赛中提前退赛。


在职业-业余组别中,Chazel Technologie Course、W&D Racing Team、Lestrup Racing Team 和 Razoon xAutomotive racing 车队凭借 BMW M4 GT4 赛车在前场取得了优异的成绩并获得了重要积分。 Lestrup 赛车队还在 Am 组别中获得第七名和第五名。



GT4/GT America:赛季揭幕战的梦幻周末。


BMW M Motorsport 车队在索诺玛赛道(美国)举行的 GT4 America 赛季揭幕战中取得了梦幻开局。在北加州举行的第二场比赛中,无论是总积分榜还是银组积分榜,均以 1-2 的成绩完赛。来自 Team AutoTechnic Racing 的 Colin Garrett 和 Zac Anderson(均为美国)驾驶 51 号 BMW M4 GT4 获胜,领先于来自 Team Random Vandals Racing 的 Kevin Boehm 和 Kenton Koch(均为美国)。


在第一场比赛中,两辆 BMW M4 GT4 就已经登上了领奖台。与周日一样,Boehm 和 Koch 驾驶 97 号 BMW M4 GT4 在周六获得第二名。加勒特和安德森在第一轮比赛中以第三名的成绩登上了领奖台,然后他们在第二场比赛中保持了无与伦比的战绩。


在 Pro-Am 组别中,BMW M Motorsport 也有很多值得庆祝的理由。小詹姆斯·沃克 (James Walker Jr.) 和泰勒·麦夸里 (Tyler McQuarrie)(均为美国队)驾驶的 82 号 BMW M4 GT4 在第一轮比赛中获胜,并在第二天的第二场比赛中获得第二名,为 GT4 America 的精彩周末画上圆满句号。在Am组别中,BMW M4 GT4也取得了1-2的成绩。 Troy Lindstrom 和 Matt Million(均为美国)驾驶 AutoTechnic Racing 的 53 号赛车赢得了第二轮,领先于来自 Random Vandals Racing 的 98 号赛车的 Paul Sparta 和 Kris Wilson(均为美国)。在第一轮比赛中,斯巴达和威尔逊驾驶来自 BimmerWorld 的 36 号 BMW M4 GT4,领先查理·波廷斯 (Charlie Postins) 和詹姆斯·克莱 (James Clay)(均为美国选手)获得第二名。


在 GT America 比赛中,来自 Team Turner Motorsport 的 Justin Rothberg(美国)驾驶他的 29 号 BMW M4 GT3 在两场比赛中均获得第六名,确保进入前十名。



GT 世界挑战赛美国站:北加州的领奖台雨。


在由 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛美国站中,BMW M Motorsport 车队也登上了领奖台。在索诺玛赛道(美国)举行的第一场比赛中,BMW M 厂队车手 Bill Auberlen 和 Varun Choksey(均为美国)驾驶来自 Team ST Racing 的 28 号 BMW M4 GT3,获得总成绩第三名和专业组第二名。


在职业-业余组别中,BMW M Motorsport 荣获双领奖台。 BMW M 厂队车手 Neil Verhagen(美国)驾驶 38 号 BMW M4 GT3 与 Samantha Tan(加拿大)一起获得总成绩第四名,这意味着 Team ST Racing 在 Pro-Am 组别中获得第二名。 BMW M 厂队车手 Robby Foley(美国)与 Justin Rothberg(美国)驾驶 Turner Motorsport 车队的 29 号 BMW M4 GT3 在 Pro-Am 组别中获得第三名。


周日,维尔哈根和谭再次登上领奖台。 38 号 BMW M4 GT3 以第三名冲过终点线,这意味着在 Pro-Am 组别中获得第二名。与前一天一样,乔克西和奥伯伦在专业组中获得第二名。 Foley 和 Rothberg 为 BMW M Motorsport 车队在北加州首周末取得了职业-业余组第五名的优异成绩。



TC America:以两场双胜出线。


在 TC America 中,BMW M Motorsport 车队还在索诺玛赛道(美国)庆祝了盛大的出发。来自 Carrus Callas Raceteam 的 Chris Walsh(美国)驾驶他的 104 号 BMW M2 CS Racing 在本赛季第一站的两轮比赛中均取得胜利,来自 Team Rigid Speed 的 Lucas Catania(美国)在周六和周日完成了完美的双打 1-2驾驶他的#17 BMW M2 CS Racing。他的队友来自Team Kaplan Racing System 的约瑟夫·卡塔尼亚(美国)和亚伦·卡普兰(美国)也在两场比赛中都获得了前十名。



英国 GT:在奥尔顿公园举行的赛季揭幕战。


在奥尔顿公园(英国)举行的英国 GT 锦标赛赛季揭幕战中,BMW M 厂队车手丹·哈珀 (Dan Harper) 和迈克尔·约翰斯顿 (Michael Johnston)(均为英国)驾驶 14 号 BMW M4 GT3 获得第九名。在第二轮比赛中,来自 Team Century Motorsport 的二人组获得了第 13 名。来自 Team RAM Racing 的 BMW M 车队车手 Raffaele Marciello(瑞士)和 John Ferguson(英国)在第二轮比赛中获得第七名,进入前十名。前一天,15 号 BMW M4 GT3 只能屈居第 12 位。


BMW M4 GT4 登上领奖台的成功值得庆祝。在第一场比赛中,Ravi Ramyead 和 Charlie Robertson(均为英国)驾驶来自 Century Motorsport 的 71 号赛车在 GT4 Pro-Am 组别中获得第三名。他们的队友 Ian Gough 和 Tom Wrigley(均为英国)驾驶 29 号 BMW M4 GT4 在第二轮中取得了同样的名次。



GT4 France:登上诺加罗 Coupe de Pâques 的领奖台。


GT4 法国 2024 赛季以在诺加罗(法国)举行的传统 Coupe de Pâques(复活节杯)拉开帷幕。在两轮比赛的第一轮中,Debard Automobiles By Racetivity 是排名最好的 BMW M Motorsport 车队。 Simon Gachet 和 Carla Debard(均为法国)驾驶 21 号 BMW M4 GT4 获得总成绩第九名和 Pro-Am 组第四名。在第二轮比赛中,我们迎来了今年第一个登上领奖台的位置。加歇和德巴德对总成绩第三名感到非常兴奋,这也意味着职业业余组第二名。紧随其后的是吉姆·普拉 (Jim Pla) 和让-卢克·博贝利克 (Jean-Luc Beaubelique)(均来自法国)驾驶来自 L’Espace Bienvenue 的 87 号 BMW M4 GT4,获得总成绩第四名和 Pro-Am 组别第三名。

BMW M Motorsport News, 9th April 2024

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Top topics in this newsletter:


  • ADAC GT Masters: FK Performance kicks off the new season with two BMW M4 GT3s.
  • NLS: BMW M Motorsport teams achieve 14 class victories at the season opener.
  • BMW M Motorsport teams celebrate successes at the season opener in Sonoma.



Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“The 2024 motorsport season is really picking up speed now, and it’s great that we’ve already been able to celebrate the first successes of the year with our BMW M Motorsport teams. At the Nordschleife, there were numerous class victories to celebrate at the NLS season opener. In North America, the SRO racing series got off to a very successful start for our teams with the BMW M4 GT3, the BMW M4 GT4, and the BMW M2 CS Racing. This is in addition to strong results in the GT4 European Series as well as in France and Great Britain. Congratulations to everyone, let’s keep it up! Other championships will soon start their new season, including the ADAC GT Masters. Here I am very pleased about the commitment of FK Performance Motorsport. The team is entering the new season with two BMW M4 GT3s and strong driver pairings. I wish them a lot of success – as well as all the other teams in the many championships worldwide!”



ADAC GT Masters: FK Performance starts the new season with two BMW M4 GT3s.


FK Performance Motorsport will enter the upcoming ADAC GT Masters season with two BMW M4 GT3s. Last year, the team from Bremen (GER) debuted in the racing series with a BMW M4 GT3 and achieved its first victory in its inaugural season. At the Red Bull Ring (AUT), BMW M works driver Bruno Spengler (CAN) triumphed alongside Maxime Oosten (NED).


The team is now expanding its commitment to two BMW M4 GT3s and presents a strong lineup. The 21-year-old Oosten shares the cockpit of his BMW M4 GT3 with Leon Köhler (GER). In FK Performance Motorsport’s sister car, Grégory de Sybourg (SUI) and Eduardo Coseteng (PHL) will compete. The quartet will start the new season on the weekend of 26th-28th April at Oschersleben (GER).


In the ADAC GT4 Germany, FK Performance Motorsport will race with four BMW M4 GT4s. These will be driven by the duos Moh Ritson (GBR) / Gianni van de Craats (NED), Joseph Warhurst / Tom Edgar (both GBR), Niels Tröger (GER) / Joseph Ellerine (RSA), and Leyton Fourie (RSA) / Max Rosam (GER), both of whom are moving up from the BMW M2 Cup.



NLS: BMW M Motorsport teams start the new season with 14 class victories.


The 2024 season at the Nürburgring-Nordschleife (GER) has started with a bang. On Saturday and Sunday, the first two rounds of the Nürburgring Endurance Series 2024 (NLS) were held. BMW M Motorsport teams achieved 14 class victories.


The reigning champions from Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheel, Daniel Zils and Philipp Leisen (both GER), started the new year with a victory. Together with their new team-mate Moran Gott (GBR), they won the highly competitive VT2-R+4WD class in race one with the #1 BMW 330i. The following day, they finished seventh in the class. Adrenalin Motorsport Team Mainhatten Wheel also achieved double success in the BMW M240i class in which Sven Markert (GER), Ranko Mijatovic (SUI), and Toby Goodman (GBR) secured the class victory in both rounds with the #650 car. In the BMW M2 CS class, the #888 BMW M2 CS Racing of Martin Kroll (SUI), Michael Schrey, and Max Partl (both GER) took first place.


In the SP8T class, the BMW M4 GT4 was successful on both days. On Saturday, the class victory went to the Schmickler Performance team powered by Ravenol and the driver duo Michael Luther and Markus Schmickler (both GER) in the #151 BMW M4 GT4. On Sunday, the #150 BMW M4 GT4 from Team Bilstein by Black Falcon won the class where Jimmy Broadbent (GBR), Steve Brown (GBR), Misha Charoudin (GER), and Manuel Metzger (GER) took turns at the wheel.


Further victories went to BMW M Motorsport teams in the classes V4, VT3, SP3, SP4, and H4. BMW M4 GT3s did not compete at the season opener due to the scheduling conflict with the Fanatec GT World Challenge Europe powered by AWS, which took place on the same weekend at Le Castellet (FRA).



GT4 European Series: Large contingent of BMW M4 GT4s at the season opener.

Six teams and a total of eight BMW M4 GT4s featured at the season opener of the GT4 European Series at Le Castellet (FRA) with the colours of BMW M Motorsport strongly represented. In the highest class, the Silver category, Berkay Besler (TUR) and Gabriele Piana (ITA) from Team Borusan Otomotiv Motorsport showed consistency. The duo finished both races in sixth place overall and in the Silver classification with the #12 BMW M4 GT4. Their team-mates Yagiz Gedik (TUR) and Pedro Ebrahim Carvalho (BRA) finished in positions ten and eleven in the Silver category with the #10 car.


The best individual result of the weekend was achieved by Benjamin Lessennes (BEL) and Ricardo van der Ende (NED) in the #17 BMW M4 GT4 from L’Espace Bienvenue. They finished race two in fifth place overall and in the Silver classification. They retired early in race one.


In the Pro-Am class, Chazel Technologie Course, W&D Racing Team, Lestrup Racing Team, and Razoon xAutomotive racing secured strong results in the front field and important points with their BMW M4 GT4s. The Lestrup Racing Team also finished seventh and fifth in the Am class.



GT4/GT America: Dream weekend at the season opener.


BMW M Motorsport teams had a dream start at the season opener of GT4 America at Sonoma Raceway (USA). In the second race in Northern California, there was a 1-2 finish  – both in the overall standings and in the Silver Class. Colin Garrett and Zac Anderson (both USA) from Team AutoTechnic Racing won in the #51 BMW M4 GT4 ahead of Kevin Boehm and Kenton Koch (both USA) from Team Random Vandals Racing.


Already in the first race, both BMW M4 GT4s had been on the podium. As on Sunday, Boehm and Koch in the #97 BMW M4 GT4 finished second on Saturday. Garrett and Anderson completed the podium in the first round as third before they were unbeatable in the second race.


In the Pro-Am category, BMW M Motorsport also had plenty of reasons to celebrate. The #82 BMW M4 GT4 of James Walker Jr. and Tyler McQuarrie (both USA) triumphed in the first round and rounded off the outstanding weekend in GT4 America with second place in the second race the following day. In the Am category, the BMW M4 GT4 also achieved a 1-2 result. Troy Lindstrom and Matt Million (both USA) won the second round in the #53 from AutoTechnic Racing ahead of Paul Sparta and Kris Wilson (both USA) in the #98 from Random Vandals Racing. In the first round, Sparta and Wilson finished second ahead of Charlie Postins and James Clay (both USA) in the #36 BMW M4 GT4 from BimmerWorld.


In GT America, Justin Rothberg (USA) from Team Turner Motorsport finished sixth in both races in his #29 BMW M4 GT3, securing a top-ten place.



GT World Challenge America: Podium rain in Northern California.


In the Fanatec GT World Challenge America powered by AWS, BMW M Motorsport teams also started the season with a podium. In the first race at Sonoma Raceway (USA), BMW M works driver Bill Auberlen and Varun Choksey (both USA) in the #28 BMW M4 GT3 from Team ST Racing finished third overall and second in the Pro category.


In the Pro-Am category, BMW M Motorsport celebrated a double podium. BMW M works driver Neil Verhagen (USA) finished fourth overall in the #38 BMW M4 GT3 alongside Samantha Tan (CAN), which meant second place in the Pro-Am category for Team ST Racing. BMW M works driver Robby Foley (USA) completed the podium in the Pro-Am category in third with Justin Rothberg (USA) in the #29 BMW M4 GT3 for Turner Motorsport.


On Sunday, Verhagen and Tan followed up with another podium. The #38 BMW M4 GT3 crossed the finish line in third place, which meant second in the Pro-Am category. Choksey and Auberlen finished second in the Pro category as on the previous day. Foley and Rothberg rounded off the strong result for the BMW M Motorsport teams on the opening weekend in Northern California with fifth place in the Pro-Am category.



TC America: Out of the starting blocks with two double victories.


In TC America, BMW M Motorsport teams also celebrated a gala start at Sonoma Raceway (USA). Chris Walsh (USA) from Carrus Callas Raceteam triumphed at the first stop of the season in his #104 BMW M2 CS Racing in both rounds, and Lucas Catania (USA) from Team Rigid Speed completed the perfect double 1-2 on Saturday and Sunday in his #17 BMW M2 CS Racing. His teammate Joseph Catania (USA) and Aaron Kaplan (USA) from Team Kaplan Racing System also secured a top-ten placement in both races.



British GT: Season opener at Oulton Park.


At the season opener of the British GT Championship at Oulton Park (GBR), BMW M works driver Dan Harper and Michael Johnston (both GBR) finished ninth in the #14 BMW M4 GT3. In the second round, the duo from Team Century Motorsport finished thirteenth. BMW M works driver Raffaele Marciello (SUI) and John Ferguson (GBR) from Team RAM Racing secured a top-ten finish with seventh place in the second round. The previous day, the #15 BMW M4 GT3 had to settle for twelfth place.


With the BMW M4 GT4, there were podium successes to celebrate. In race one, Ravi Ramyead and Charlie Robertson (both GBR) finished third in the GT4 Pro-Am category in the #71 from Century Motorsport. Their teammates Ian Gough and Tom Wrigley (both GBR) achieved the same placement in the #29 BMW M4 GT4 in the second round.



GT4 France: Podium places at the Coupe de Pâques at Nogaro.


The 2024 season in GT4 France began with the traditional Coupe de Pâques (Easter Cup) in Nogaro (FRA). In the first of the two rounds, Debard Automobiles By Racetivity was the best-placed BMW M Motorsport team. Simon Gachet and Carla Debard (both FRA) finished ninth overall and fourth in the Pro-Am category in the #21 BMW M4 GT4. In the second round, there were the first podium places of the year to celebrate. Gachet and Debard were thrilled with third place overall, which also meant second in the Pro-Am class. Right behind them, Jim Pla and Jean-Luc Beaubelique (both FRA) finished fourth overall and third in the Pro-Am classification in the #87 BMW M4 GT4 from L’Espace Bienvenue.


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