
今天强劲,明天强劲:宝马集团在强劲的 2023 年基础上,继续迈向成功的未来。

+++ 2023 年汽车业息税前利润显着提高 +++ 2024 年息税前利润率预计为 8-10% +++ 资本支出按计划于 2024 年达到峰值 +++ NEUE KLASSE 处于起步阶段:测试已在进行中 +++ BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 亮点广泛:NEUE KLASSE 为客户提供多种车型选择 +++ 已有超过 200 万辆电动汽车上路 +++


慕尼黑。强劲的产品、强劲的需求、强劲的业绩:继2023年取得成功、汽车部门创下历史最高运营业绩之后,宝马集团计划在本财年继续实现盈利增长。纯电动汽车(BEV) 和高端细分市场的车型应会在 2024 年再次成为 主要增长动力,包括 BMW 7 系车型、BMW X7 和劳斯莱斯车型系列,其中全电动劳斯莱斯幽灵*。


宝马集团预计在本财年这两个领域都将实现两位数的大幅增长。此外,BMW 5 系车型(包括今年将首次作为全电动旅行车型推出的 BMW i5*)以及 BMW M GmbH 的车辆也将做出贡献。

总体而言,宝马集团预计 2024 年汽车领域的交付量将略有增长。


“框架条件越具有挑战性,实施一致的战略就越重要。因此,强大的产品和高度的响应能力仍将是我们 2024 年成功的关键因素。这将使我们在未来继续成为客户、投资者和利益相关者的可靠合作伙伴。 周四,宝马公司管理层。


研发支出和资本支出按计划将于 2024 年达到峰值


该公司将在 2024 年按计划维持其战略方针,对其工厂、优质车辆系列和创新技术进行大量投资。这体现在德布勒森(匈牙利)工厂的建设以及沉阳(中国)、伍德拉夫(美国)、圣路易斯波托西(墨西哥)和埃尔巴赫-斯特拉基兴(下巴伐利亚)的高压电池组装设施的建设中。随着慕尼黑工厂的大规模扩张和牛津 MINI 工厂的电气化,资本支出将于 2024 年达到 峰值。公司及其产品的数字化也需要更高的支出。


除了资本支出外,研发支出 今年也将创下新高。这将主要关注车辆产品组合的电气化,包括 NEUE KLASSE 的产品,以及车内数字创新,例如连接、软件堆栈和自动驾驶。


“我们正在以前所未有的方式投资公司的未来。今年,我们工厂的建设和现代化以及投资组合的计划扩张进展迅速。我们的资本支出和研发支出将达到新的水平。我们预计资本支出比率将超过 6%,研发比率将超过 5%。然后,这两个指标都将返回到其通常的战略范围。尽管我们对未来进行了这些重大投资,但我们的目标是到 2024 年汽车领域的自由现金流超过 60 亿欧元。这说明了宝马集团的财务实力 ”对于 财务。“我们继续关注成本控制和可持续盈利能力——汽车领域息税前利润率 8-10% 的长期目标范围仍然是我们的基准。”


该公司还计划在本财年实现8-10% 的汽车业息税前利润率。这包括购买价格分配对 BBA 资产的折旧和摊销的持续抑制作用。




2023 年,宝马集团的纯电动汽车销量大幅增长 (+74.2%),达到超过 375,000 辆,明显凸显了其作为电动汽车先驱的角色。因此,该公司向客户交付的全电动汽车数量明显多于 其直接欧洲竞争对手,也明显多于大多数来自亚洲和美国的新进入者。


这一成功建立在这些车辆强大的产品基础上,这一点已得到大量研究的证实。例如,2月,美国著名消费者门户网站《消费者报告》连续第二年将宝马评为“最佳品牌” 。该平台对 34 家汽车制造商进行了比较,并根据道路测试分数、可靠性、客户满意度和安全标准对它们进行了排名。所有 12 款 BMW 车型都得到了明确的“购买”推荐,两款MINI 车型也是如此,这也为该品牌赢得了 最高位置之一。


另一项双赢来自美国市场研究公司 JD Power 进行的一项研究,该研究考察了客户对电动汽车的体验:总体获胜者 是BMW i4 *,而较低价格段中的最佳车型是MINI Cooper SE * 。


随着全电动 BMW i5(也将于今年作为首款全电动旅行车型上市)和新 MINI 系列,宝马集团将在几乎所有主要细分市场中提供纯电动汽车选项。到 2024 年,宝马集团所有品牌 将有超过15 款纯电动车型上市。


结合内燃机效率的提高,宝马集团大幅降低了整个车队的 CO 2排放量,特别是在欧洲:根据初步数据,到 2023 年,欧盟车队的二氧化碳排放量将减少至 102.1 克二氧化碳/公里。宝马集团因此,其车队目标 128.5 克二氧化碳/公里的表现超出了 20% 以上。预计2024 年将进一步 减少。




事实证明,宝马集团产品系列的多样性是 2024 年初增长的保证:今年前两个月,宝马集团的纯电动汽车销量 实现了 大幅翻倍增长。与去年同期相比的位数百分比。美国的增长异常强劲,截至 2 月底,该公司的纯电动汽车销量在美国几乎翻了一番。在欧洲和中国,纯电动车型的交付量也出现了两位数的大幅增长。


与此同时,截至2月底的一年中,配备高效内燃机的车辆的交付量也有所增加。无论驱动技术如何,客户对宝马集团车型的强烈需求,再加上价值链中的 高水平灵活性和 响应能力,是公司成功的重要基石。


采用插电式混合动力技术(PHEV)的车辆仍然是宝马品牌电气化战略的重要组成部分。尽管纯电动汽车增长强劲,尤其是在欧洲,但今年这些车型的需求应保持稳定。该技术还为进一步减少CO 2 做出了宝贵贡献,并在向客户介绍电动汽车方面发挥了作用。到 2023 年,全公司范围内已向客户交付了超过 560,000 辆电动汽车(纯电动汽车 + 插电式混合动力汽车)。这相当于宝马集团总销量的 22%。


插电式混合动力车型的大力普及也帮助宝马集团向客户提供的电动汽车(纯电动汽车+插电式混合动力汽车)总数已超过200万辆 。这些车辆中约 55% 是插电式混合动力汽车,约 45% 是纯电动汽车。然而,近年来全电动汽车的销量增长速度远快于插电式混合动力汽车。


MINI 和劳斯莱斯将成为纯电动品牌


从 2030 年代初开始, MINI 和劳斯莱斯品牌将稳步迈向 全电动未来。新 MINI 系列劳斯莱斯 Spectre已经让我们一睹这一风采,首批车型已经交付给客户。劳斯莱斯 Spectre 的新订单已延长至 2025 年。宝马集团莱比锡工厂现在也首次提高了新款 MINI Countryman * 的产量,该车将在该工厂生产为全电动车型,并配备高效发动机内燃机。


凭借如此广泛的电动车型,宝马集团预计在未来几年将保持持续的增长轨迹。在本世纪下半叶,NEUE KLASSE凭借其令人印象深刻的产品内涵,有可能进一步加速电动汽车的市场渗透。根据本世纪后半叶的市场状况、原材料价格和供应情况的发展以及综合充电基础设施的建设速度,宝马集团全球交付的所有车辆中超过 50%可能配备全电动汽车 2030年之前 驱动列车。如果算上PHEV车型,这一比例相应更高


NEUE KLASSE 起步:BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 强调了未来 BMW 车型阵容的广度 – 全新水平的驾驶乐趣


就在 NEUE KLASSE 投产前一年,一款全新 Vision 汽车预示了 BMW 集团未来的全电动 SAV 细分市场:BMW Vision Neue Klasse X将 NEUE KLASSE 的理念和技术带入了运动型多功能车领域,近年来,该细分市场在宝马集团销量中所占的比例越来越大。2023 年,向客户交付的每两辆 BMW 车辆中就有一辆是 X 车型。“BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 与 BMW Vision Neue Klasse 一起展示了 我们未来 BMW 车型系列的广度 。从运动型轿车及其所有衍生产品,到现代 SAV 系列:NEUE KLASSE 反映了客户今天和未来想要的各种车型。” Zipse说道。“通过这种方式,我们强调 NEUE KLASSE 不仅仅是一辆汽车或一个特定的概念;它正在重新定义 BMW 品牌 ,同时也将比以往任何时候都更具 BMW 特色。”


BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 还展示了如何将 NEUE KLASSE 的三个主要特征(电动、数字和循环)扩展到第四个维度:构成 BMW 品牌核心的驾驶乐趣被提升到一个新的水平配备专为 NEUE KLASSE 开发的驱动和底盘控制系统以及第六代 BMW eDrive 技术。NEUE KLASSE 的目标是提供更高水平的“BMW 驾驶乐趣” 。


在未来的 BMW 车辆中,这将由四个全新高度集成电子控制单元中的两个来确保,它们可以智能地协同工作,处理以前单独处理的内容。第一个控制单元集成了 整个动力总成和驾驶动力学,其计算​​能力提高了 十倍,基于宝马集团内部开发的新软件堆栈。第二个控制单元将实现自动驾驶的下一个飞跃。将提供有关其他两个高度集成的电子控制单元的更多详细信息,一个负责连接和信息娱乐功能,另一个聚集 100 多个核心车辆功能,从数字车钥匙到能源供应,再到线束通信。稍后。


除了进一步改进的电驱动单元外,第六代 BMW eDrive 技术还采用了新型圆形锂离子电池,其体积能量密度比以前使用的棱柱形电池高出 20% 以上。结合向800 伏系统的过渡,这将使充电速度提高高达 30% ,使车辆在短短10 分钟内即可充满 300 公里的行驶里程。第六代 BMW eDrive 的 续航里程也增加了 30%。与此同时,新一代技术应能显着降低成本:与当今同等续航里程的Gen5技术相比,Gen6电动系统(即带有动力总成的高压电池)的成本应降低40-50%。


在空气动力学方面,BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 拥有令人印象深刻的新顶级数据:与当前系列中的同类车型相比,阻力降低了 20%。新的轮胎设计和全电动汽车的特殊制动系统有助于将车辆的整体效率提高高达 25%


新一代 BMW iDrive 将用户交互提升到新水平


宝马集团已在 2023 年拉斯维加斯 CES上通过 BMW i Vision Dee 展示了对未来车内和车外数字体验的愿景。新款BMW iDrive现已在 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 中展示,基于高度集成的软件架构,并依赖于下一代BMW操作系统


在这款车辆中,BMW 全景视觉系统可在挡风玻璃的整个宽度上投射关键信息。NEUE KLASSE 中的增强型BMW 3D 平视显示器对此进行了补充。结合新开发的带有多功能按钮的方向盘、新的中央显示屏和 BMW 智能个人助理的高级语音控制,BMW iDrive驾驶员与车辆之间的交互提升到一个全新的水平。




然而,展望未来,所有这些创新和技术进步不仅有利于 NEUE KLASSE 车型,而且有利于整个 BMW 产品线。其基础是宝马集团在其技术集群中建立的模块化原则。这些技术集群涵盖数字化、传动系统、驾驶外观和内饰领域,可跨领域用于我们的大多数产品系列。它们具有可扩展性, 可用于所有架构,因此可以针对不同的车辆概念和细分市场进行修改。


“我们的技术集群为我们快速有效地扩展创新和技术进步提供了重要的杠杆作用。通过这种方式,我们能够确保为客户提供最新的技术——无论细分市场和车辆的 动力系统如何,”Zipse 说道。




这些创新很快将在 NEUE KLASSE 中首次亮相。首批车辆目前正在极端条件下完成试驾。宝马品牌的大批量核心车型 将于2025年下半年增加量产 ,其中一款运动型多功能车将在 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 中预览。随后将在当前的 3 款车型中推出一款轿车。系列部分,BMW Vision Neue Klasse 在 IAA MOBILITY 上首次展示了该部分。我们计划在生产开始后的前24 个月 内,在宝马集团的全球生产网络中 推出至少六款 NEUE KLASSE 车型。


NEUE KLASSE 将于 2025 年在宝马集团德布勒森(匈牙利)新工厂推出,该工厂将专门生产 NEUE KLASSE 车辆。从2026年起,NEUE KLASSE车型也将在拥有100多年历史的 慕尼黑主工厂生产,该工厂目前正在完成必要的准备工作,以便从2027年开始转向纯电动汽车生产。同年,NEUE KLASSE 的量产将在圣路易斯波托西工厂(墨西哥)开始,而沉阳(中国)的生产基地 也正在为 NEUE KLASSE 的生产做准备。




宝马集团仍然认为,并非全球所有市场都具备所有客户在未来十年内过渡到纯电动汽车的必要框架条件。因此,仍然需要一系列采用高效传统驱动技术的产品来满足人们的 个人出行需求,同时 为交通运输领域的CO 2减排做出贡献。


从本世纪下半叶开始,氢燃料电池技术预计将在动力传动系统组合中所占的比例越来越大。宝马集团正在系统地推进这项技术的开发,作为可持续个人出行的额外选择,并且根据市场需求和条件的发展,可以设想在本世纪下半叶推出一款潜在的量产车辆。BMW iX5 Hydrogen *的试点系列于 2023 年首次向世界各地的媒体展示。此后,该车队在不同目标群体中进行了展示和测试,取得了巨大成功。


凭借高性能燃料电池和优化的动力电池,BMW iX5 Hydrogen 的驱动 系统在全球独一无二。供应燃料电池所需的气态氢气储存在两个由碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP) 制成的 700 巴储罐中。它们总共可容纳 6 公斤氢气,这使得 BMW iX5 Hydrogen 在 WLTP 循环中的续航里程为 504 公里。加注氢气罐仅需三到四分钟,因此,只需几次短暂的停留,BMW iX5 Hydrogen 仍然能够确保典型的 BMW 驾驶乐趣,即使是在长距离行驶时也是如此。




2021年,宝马集团成为第一家加入科学目标倡议发起的“ 1.5° C商业雄心”运动的德国汽车制造商,因此致力于最迟到2050年在整个价值链中 实现完全气候中和的目标。


为了考虑到整体可持续发展的各个方面,宝马集团正在利用其 “次要优先”的方法,逐步提高NEUE KLASSE车辆中使用的回收和可重复使用材料的比例。早在 2021 年,BMW i Vision Circular就已经让人们一睹2040 年城市环境中个性化、可持续、豪华的出行方式的样子 : 由二次材料和可再生原材料制成,并且完全可回收。


BMW 实现了 2023 年的所有业务目标


2023财年,宝马集团实现了预期的业务目标。总共向客户交付了2,554,183 辆 优质车辆(增长 6.4%),实现了稳健增长。集团全年收入增至1,554.98 亿欧元 (+9.0%)。除了 BBA 的全面整合外,收入主要是由销量增加和积极的产品组合效应推动的。财务业绩前利润 (EBIT)攀升至184.82亿欧元(+32.0% )。


170.96 亿欧元税前收益反映了相应的基数效应:上一年,对之前持有的 77 亿欧元 BBA 股份的重估显着提高了宝马集团的财务业绩和集团收益。如果没有这种影响, 2023年税前盈利(-27.3%)和集团净利润(-34.5%)均显着低于上年。如果没有提到的一次性重估效应,集团2023年净利润将同比大幅增长。


在 汽车领域财务业绩前利润EBIT ) 大幅增长至129.81 亿欧元 (+ 22.1%)。顺风车来自于 BBA 的全面整合、销售增长和产品组合的改进。这被研发支出以及材料成本上涨的不利因素所抵消。这一时期的息 税前利润率为 9.8%(2022 年:8.6%)。不包括前面提到的 14 亿欧元购买价格分配中 BBA 资产的折旧和摊销,息税前利润率为10.8%


由于盈利的积极发展,尽管资本支出较高,但截至 12 月底,该部门的 自由现金流总计为69.42 亿欧元 (2022 年:110.71 亿欧元/-37.3%)。上一年,华晨宝马的全面整合带来了 50 亿欧元的一次性积极效应。


2023年,宝马集团的资本支出达 88.36亿欧元 (+8.5%)。大量支出用于电气化和自动驾驶模块、在各个市场建立高压电池生产以及在匈牙利德布勒森建设工厂。


集团研发费用总计75.38 亿欧元 ( +13.8% )。除了NEUE KLASSE未来车型的开发费用外,研发支出主要集中在车辆组合和自动驾驶的进一步电气化和数字化上。


建议派发 6.00 欧元股息 – 员工利润分享奖金


宝马集团的高盈利能力由关键数据“每股收益”(EPS) 证实,2023 年每股收益为 17.67 欧元。上一年每股收益 27.31 欧元的高数字反映了先前持有的股票重估带来的一次性影响。 BBA股份金额为77亿欧元。如果没有这种影响,2022 年的数字将为每股 15.66 欧元,因此 2023 年的每股收益将大幅增长 12.8%。

宝马集团可靠地与股东分享其成功,2023 财年的派息率通常在 30-40% 的范围内。管理委员会和监事会建议派发 每股普通股6.00 欧元股息(2022 年) : 8.50 欧元)和 每股优先股6.02 欧元(2022 年:8.52 欧元),并于 5 月 15 日召开年度股东大会。这意味着初步 派息率为33.7 %(2022 年:30.6%)。


本着绩效奖励的原则,德国员工也将以适当的方式分享公司的成功。例如,一名技术工人将在 2023 财年获得 8,400 欧元(基于巴伐利亚金属和电子行业的工资组 ERA 5),以及养老金计划的另一个组成部分。




汽车领域,由于需求略有增长、新车型全面上市以及即将推出的车型,宝马、MINI和劳斯莱斯汽车的交付量预计将略高于去年。与 2023 年相比,纯电动汽车的交付份额预计将大幅增加。到 2024 年,汽车领域息税前利润率应在8-10%的范围内。


由于车辆燃油消耗的进一步改善以及电动传动系统车辆数量的增加,预计 欧盟新车的CO 2排放量将略有减少。因此,该公司还预计其数字将再次显着低于欧盟的官方目标


稳定的需求 形势也体现在 摩托车领域。加上 BMW R 1300 GS 等车型的全面上市,预计该细分市场的交付量也将略有增加。息 税前利润率预计将在8-10%的目标范围内。


金融服务领域, RoE预计在 14-17%之间。正如预期,二手车市场的供需继续 正常化。因此,与 2023 年相比,预计再营销租赁收益收入将进一步下降。


也由于这一趋势,集团税前盈利 将略有下降。由于宝马集团在 车队数字化电气化方面继续处于竞争对手中的领先地位,并打算进一步扩大这一地位,因此未来项目的研发 支​​出和资本支出将在2024年在汽车领域达到顶峰。生产网络也将2024 年将与 NEUE KLASSE 一起进一步扩展。


上述目标将通过稍微增加员工人数来实现。宝马集团担任 管理职位的女性比例预计也将略有增加




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宝马集团 – 概览:
2023 年全年
2023年 2022年 在某一方面的变化 %
汽车1 单位 2,554,183 2,399,632 6.4
宝马 单位 2,252,793 2,100,689 7.2
小型的 单位 295,358 292,922 0.8
劳斯莱斯 单位 6,032 6,021 0.2
摩托车 单位 209,066 202,895 3.0
员工人数(截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日) 154,950 149,475 3.7
息税前利润率 汽车板块 百分 9.8% 8.6% 14.1
息税前利润率 摩托车部门 百分 8.1% 8.1%
EBT 利润率 BMW Group 2 百分 11.0% 16.5% -33.3
收入 百万欧元 155,498 142,610 9.0
汽车 百万欧元 132,277 123,602 7.0
摩托车 百万欧元 3,214 3,176 1.2
金融服务 百万欧元 36,227 35,122 3.1
其他实体 百万欧元 11 8 37.5
淘汰赛 百万欧元 -16,231 -19,298 15.9
财务业绩前利润 (EBIT) 百万欧元 18,482 13,999 32.0
汽车 百万欧元 12,981 10,635 22.1
摩托车 百万欧元 第259章 第257章 0.8
金融服务 百万欧元 3,055 人 3,163 -3.4
其他实体 百万欧元 -13 -203 93.6
淘汰赛 百万欧元 2,200 147
税前利润 (EBT) 百万欧元 17,096 23,509 -27.3
汽车 百万欧元 12,642 18,918 -33.2
摩托车 百万欧元 258 269 -4.1
金融服务 百万欧元 2,962 3,205 人 -7.6
其他实体 百万欧元 -100 995
淘汰赛 百万欧元 1,334 122
团体所得税 百万欧元 -4,931 -4,927 0.1
净利 百万欧元 12,165 18,582 -34.5
普通股每股收益 欧元 17.67 27.31 -35.3
优先股每股收益3 欧元 17.69 27.33 -35.3
3股普通股/优先股。优先股每股收益是通过在相应财政年度各季度按比例分配每股优先股 0.02 欧元额外股息所需的收益来计算的。



2023 年第四季度

2023 年第四季度 2022 年第四季度 在某一方面的变化 %
汽车1 单位 717,620 651,794 10.1
宝马 单位 631,526 566,823 11.4
小型的 单位 84,616 83,651 1.2
劳斯莱斯 单位 1,477 1,320 11.9
摩托车 单位 44,349 43,562 1.8
员工人数(截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日) 154,950 149,475 3.7
息税前利润率 汽车板块 百分 8.5% 8.5%
息税前利润率 摩托车部门 百分 -7.6% -9.4% -19.0
EBT 利润率 BMW Group 2 百分 8.6% 8.2% 4.1
收入 百万欧元 42,968 39,522 8.7
汽车 百万欧元 37,283 34,571 7.8
摩托车 百万欧元 第643章 第691章 -6.9
金融服务 百万欧元 9,504 9,086 4.6
其他实体 百万欧元 2 2
淘汰赛 百万欧元 -4,464 -4,828 7.5
财务业绩前利润 (EBIT) 百万欧元 4,412 3,500 人 26.1
汽车 百万欧元 3,171 2,932 8.2
摩托车 百万欧元 -49 -65 24.6
金融服务 百万欧元 606 第536章 13.1
其他实体 百万欧元 0 -16
淘汰赛 百万欧元 第684章 113
税前利润 (EBT) 百万欧元 3,682 3,253 人 13.2
汽车 百万欧元 3,031 3,009 0.7
摩托车 百万欧元 -53 -57 7.0
金融服务 百万欧元 511 第533章 -4.1
其他实体 百万欧元 -212 -263 19.4
淘汰赛 百万欧元 405 31
团体所得税 百万欧元 -1,068 -1,078 0.9
净利 百万欧元 2,614 2,175 20.2
普通股每股收益 欧元 3.77 3.43 9.9
优先股每股收益3 欧元 3.78 3.44 9.9
3股普通股/优先股。优先股每股收益是通过在相应财政年度各季度按比例分配每股优先股 0.02 欧元额外股息所需的收益来计算的。




新车或二手车一旦移交给最终用户(还包括与 BMW 金融服务签订租赁合同的承租人),即记录为交付。在美国和加拿大,最终用户还包括 (1) 将车辆指定为服务借用车或演示车辆时的经销商,以及 (2) 在拍卖中购买公司车辆时的经销商和其他第三方以及购买公司车辆时的经销商直接来自宝马集团。交付可由 BMW AG、其国际子公司之一、BMW 集团零售店或独立第三方经销商进行。绝大多数交付——以及向宝马集团报告的交付情况——都是由独立的第三方经销商完成的。特定报告期内的零售车辆交付量与宝马集团在该特定报告期内确认的收入并不直接相关。












支付比率是初步的。尽管管理委员会和监事会向股东大会提议每股固定股息,但由于从现在到年度股东大会期间正在进行的股票回购计划,预计享有股息的股票数量将进一步下降。因此,截至 5 月 15 日向股东支付的总金额大概也会发生变化。







宝马集团拥有 BMW、MINI、劳斯莱斯和 BMW Motorrad 四个品牌,是全球领先的优质汽车和摩托车制造商,并提供优质金融和移动服务。宝马集团的生产网络由全球 30 多个生产基地组成;公司在全球140多个国家拥有销售网络。


2023年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过255万辆乘用车和超过209,000辆摩托车。2023 财年税前利润为 171 亿欧元,收入达 1,555 亿欧元。截至2023年12月31日,宝马集团拥有154,950名员工。





劳斯莱斯 Spectre:  功耗(英里/千瓦时/ // 千瓦时/100 公里):2.6 – 2.8 英里/千瓦时 // 23.6 – 22.2 千瓦时/100 公里(WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP):329* 英里/530* 公里。二氧化碳排放量:0 克/公里(NEDC)。

BMW i5 eDrive40: 功耗(kWh/100 公里):- (NEDC)/18.9-15.9 (WLTP);电动续航里程 (WLTP)(公里):497-582。

宝马 i4 eDrive40:  NEFZ [ ];WLTP(综合):耗电量:19.1-16.1 kWh/100km;二氧化碳排放量:0克/公里;航程:493-590公里。

BMW iX5 氢能:  WLTP 循环中的综合消耗量:1,19 kg H2/100 km,WLTP 循环中的综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km。电动续航里程:504 公里(313 英里)

MINI Cooper SE:  电动续航里程(WLTP 组合):201 公里;功耗(WLTP综合):17.2千瓦时/100公里;综合功耗 (NEDC): – kWh/100 km

MINI Countryman:电动续航里程(升/100 公里):- (NEFZ) / 8,3 – 4,6 (WLTP),二氧化碳排放量(克/公里):- (NEFZ) / 187-120 (WLTP)。

Strong today, strong tomorrow: BMW Group maintains course for successful future, building on strong 2023.

+++ Automotive EBIT significantly higher in 2023 +++ EBIT margin of 8-10% forecast for 2024 +++ Capital expenditure to peak in 2024, as planned +++ NEUE KLASSE in the starting blocks: Testing already underway +++ BMW Vision Neue Klasse X highlights broad spectrum: NEUE KLASSE offers customers wide choice of models +++ Over two million electrified vehicles already on roads +++


Munich. Strong products, strong demand, strong results: Following a successful 2023, in which the Automotive Segment reported its highest-ever operating result, the BMW Group aims to continue on its profitable growth course in the current financial year. Fully-electric vehicles (BEVs) and models from the upper premium segment should remain the main growth drivers again in 2024 – including the BMW 7 Series models, the BMW X7 and the Rolls-Royce model family, with the fully-electric Rolls-Royce Spectre*.


In both segments, the BMW Group expects to see significant double-digit growth in the current financial year. In addition, the BMW 5 Series models, including the BMW i5*, which will also be available for the first time as a fully-electric Touring model this year, plus vehicles from BMW M GmbH, will contribute as well.

Overall, the BMW Group expects to see a slight increase in deliveries in the Automotive Segment in 2024.


“The more challenging the framework conditions become, the more important it is to implement a consistent strategy. As a result, strong products and a high degree of responsiveness will remain our key success factors in 2024. This will continue to make us a reliable partner for customers, investors and stakeholders in the future,” said Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, on Thursday.


R&D spending and capital expenditure to peak in 2024, as planned


The company will maintain its strategic course, as planned, in 2024, with extensive investment in its plants, its range of premium vehicles and innovative technologies. This is seen in the construction of the plant in Debrecen (Hungary) and high-voltage battery assembly facilities in Shenyang (China), Woodruff (USA), San Luis Potosì (Mexico) and Irlbach-Straßkirchen (Lower Bavaria). With extensive expansion at Plant Munich and electrification of the MINI plant in Oxford, capital expenditure is set to peak in 2024. Digitalisation of the company and its products also necessitate higher spending.


In addition to capital expenditure, R&D spending will also reach a new high this year. This will mainly be focused on electrification of the vehicle portfolio, including the products of the NEUE KLASSE, as well as in-car digital innovations, such as connectivity, software stacks and automated driving.


“We are investing in the future of our company like never before. Construction and modernisation of our plants and the planned expansion of our portfolio are progressing quickly this year. Our capital expenditure and R&D spending will reach new levels. We are expecting a capex ratio above 6% and an R&D ratio above 5%. Both metrics will then return to their usual strategic range. Despite these major investments in our future, we are targeting a free cash flow of over six billion euros in the Automotive Segment in 2024. This speaks to the financial strength of the BMW Group,” said Walter Mertl, member of the Board of Management responsible for Finance. “We continue to focus on cost discipline and sustainable profitability – the long-term target range of 8-10% for EBIT margin in the Automotive Segment remains our benchmark.”


The company is also aiming to achieve an Automotive EBIT margin of 8-10% for the current financial year. This includes the continued dampening effect of depreciation and amortisation for BBA assets from the purchase price allocation.


Compelling products – BEV offering as main growth driver


In 2023, the BMW Group significantly increased (+74.2%) its sales of fully-electric vehicles to over 375,000 units, clearly underlining its role as an e-mobility pioneer. The company thus delivered significantly more fully-electric vehicles to customers than its direct European competitors and also significantly more than most of the new-entry players from Asia and the US.


This success is built on the strong product substance of these vehicles, as confirmed by numerous studies. For example, in February, renowned US consumer portal Consumer Reports named BMW “best brand” for the second consecutive year. The platform compared 34 automotive manufacturers and ranked them on the basis of road test scores, reliability, customer satisfaction and safety criteria. All 12 BMW models examined received a clear “buy” recommendation – as did the two MINI models tested, which also earned the brand one of the top positions.


Another double win came in a study conducted by US market research company J.D. Power, which looked at customers’ experience with electric vehicles: The overall winner was the BMW i4*, while the best model in the lower price segment was the MINI Cooper SE*.


With the fully-electric BMW i5, which will also be released onto the market this year as the first fully-electric Touring model, and the New MINI Family, the BMW Group will have a BEV option in virtually all its main segments. There will be more than 15 fully-electric models across all BMW Group brands on the market in 2024.


Combined with the growing efficiency of internal combustion engines, the BMW Group has substantially lowered its fleet-wide CO2 emissions, specifically in Europe: Based on preliminary figures, EU fleet emissions were reduced to 102.1 g CO₂/km in 2023. The BMW Group thus outperformed its required fleet target of 128.5 g CO₂/ km by more than 20%. A further reduction is expected in 2024.


Diverse product range guarantees growth


The diversity of the BMW Group’s product range has proven to be a guarantee of growth at the start of 2024: In the first two months of the year, the BMW Group was able to increase its sales of fully-electric vehicles by a significant double-digit percentage, compared to the same period of last year. Growth was disproportionately strong in the US, where the company’s BEV sales almost doubled in the year to the end of February. In Europe and China, deliveries of fully-electric models also posted significant double-digit growth.


At the same time, deliveries of vehicles with highly efficient combustion engines also rose in the year to the end of February. Strong customer demand for BMW Group models, regardless of the drive technology, combined with the high level of flexibility and responsiveness in the value chain, are important building blocks for the success of the company.


Vehicles with plug-in hybrid technology (PHEVs) also remain an essential component of the BMW brand’s electrification strategy. Despite strong BEV growth, especially in Europe, demand for these models should remain stable this year. This technology is also making a valuable contribution to further CO2 reductions and plays a part in introducing customers to e-mobility. Company-wide, over 560,000 electrified units (BEVs + PHEVs) were already delivered to customers in 2023. This is equivalent to 22% of total BMW Group sales.


The strong popularity of PHEV models has also helped the BMW Group already surpass the total of more than two million electrified vehicles (BEVs + PHEVs) to customers. Around 55% of these vehicles were PHEVs and about 45% BEV models. However, sales of fully-electric vehicles have risen much faster in recent years than PHEV models.


MINI and Rolls-Royce to become electric-only brands


The MINI and Rolls-Royce brands are well on their way to a fully-electric future from the early 2030s onwards. A glimpse of this is already provided by the New MINI Family and Rolls-Royce Spectre, with the first units already delivered to customers. New orders for Rolls-Royce Spectre already extend into 2025. Production of the new MINI Countryman* has now also ramped up for the first time at BMW Group Plant Leipzig, where it will be built as a fully-electric model and with a highly efficient internal combustion engine.


With this extensive range of electric models, the BMW Group expects to maintain its consistent growth trajectory in the years to come. In the second half of the decade, the NEUE KLASSE, with its impressive product substance, has the potential to further accelerate the market penetration of e-mobility. Depending on prevailing market conditions in the second half of the decade, development of raw material prices and availability, and the pace at which a comprehensive charging infrastructure is created, more than 50% of all BMW Group vehicles delivered worldwide could have a fully-electric drive train before 2030. If PHEV models are included, this percentage is correspondingly higher.


NEUE KLASSE in the starting blocks: BMW Vision Neue Klasse X underlines breadth of future BMW model line-up – new level of driving pleasure


Just one year before production of the NEUE KLASSE gets underway, a new Vision Vehicle previews the BMW Group’s future fully-electric SAV segment: The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X brings the philosophy and technology of the NEUE KLASSE to the Sports Activity Vehicle sector, a segment that has accounted for a growing percentage of BMW Group sales in recent years. In 2023, one out of every two BMW vehicles delivered to customers was an X model. “Together with the BMW Vision Neue Klasse, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X showcases the breadth of our future BMW model line-up. From sporty sedan, with all its derivatives, to modern SAV family: The NEUE KLASSE reflects the variety of models that customers want today and in the future,” said Zipse. “In this way, we are underlining that the NEUE KLASSE is much more than just a car or a specific concept; it is redefining the BMW brand – and, at the same time, will be more BMW than ever.”


The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X also demonstrates how the three main characteristics of the NEUE KLASSE – electric, digital and circular – can be expanded to include a fourth dimension: The driving pleasure that forms the core of the BMW brand is taken to the next level with drive and chassis control developed specially for the NEUE KLASSE and with the sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology. The aim is for the NEUE KLASSE to offer “BMW driving pleasure” at an even higher level.


In the BMW vehicle of the future, this will be ensured by two of the four completely new highly integrated electronic control units, working smartly together on what was previously processed separately. The first control unit integrates the entire powertrain and driving dynamics, with up to ten times more computing power, based on a new software stack developed in-house by the BMW Group. The second control unit will enable the next quantum leap in automated driving. More detailed information on the other two highly integrated electronic control units – one in charge of connectivity and infotainment functionality, the other clustering more than 100 core vehicle functions, from the digital car key, to energy supply, to wire harness communications – will be provided at a later date.


In addition to further improved e-drive units, this sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology also features new, now round, lithium-ion battery cells, with a volumetric energy density over 20% higher than that of the prismatic cells previously used. In combination with the transition to an 800-volt system, this will improve charging speed by up to 30% – allowing vehicles to charge sufficiently for a 300-kilometre range in just ten minutes. The sixth generation of BMW eDrive also delivers up to 30% more range. At the same time, this new technology generation should significantly reduce costs: Compared to today’s Gen5 technology with a comparable range, the cost of the electric Gen6 system, i.e. the high-voltage battery with powertrain, should be 40-50% lower.


When it comes to aerodynamics, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X boasts an impressive new top figure: Drag has been reduced by 20%, compared to a comparable model in the current line-up. New tyre designs and a special brake system for fully-electric vehicles help boost the vehicle’s overall efficiency by up to 25%.


New generation of BMW iDrive takes user interaction to next level


The BMW Group already presented its vision of the future digital experience, both inside and outside the vehicle, with BMW i Vision Dee, at the CES in Las Vegas in 2023. The new BMW iDrive, now showcased in the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X, is based on a highly integrated software architecture and relies on the next-generation BMW Operating System.


In this vehicle, BMW Panoramic Vision projects key information across the full width of the windscreen. This will be complemented in the NEUE KLASSE by the enhanced BMW 3D Head-Up Display. In combination with a newly developed steering wheel with multifunction buttons, the new Central Display and the advanced voice control of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant, BMW iDrive takes interaction between the driver and their vehicle to a whole new level.


Technology clusters: Latest innovations – regardless of powertrain


However, going forward, all these innovations and technological advances are not just designed to benefit the models of the NEUE KLASSE, but the whole BMW product line-up. The basis for this is the modular principle the BMW Group has established in its technology clusters. These technology clusters, covering the areas digital, drive train, driving exterior and interior, can be used across segments for most of our product line-up. They are scalable, can be used on all architectures and can thus be modified for different vehicle concepts and segments.


“Our technology clusters give us important leverage for fast and efficient scaling of innovations and technological advances. In this way, we are able to ensure that we offer our customers the latest technology – regardless of the segment and the vehicle’s powertrain,” said Zipse.


NEUE KLASSE test drives now underway


These innovations will be making their debut in the NEUE KLASSE very soon. The first vehicles are currently completing test drives under extreme conditions. Series production will then ramp up in the second half of 2025 at the high-volume core of the BMW brand, with a Sports Activity Vehicle that is previewed in the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X. This will be followed by a sedan in the current 3 Series segment, which the BMW Vision Neue Klasse provided an initial glimpse of at the IAA MOBILITY. We intend to launch a total of at least six NEUE KLASSE models across the BMW Group’s global production network within the first 24 months of the start of production.


The NEUE KLASSE will be launched in 2025 at the new BMW Group Plant Debrecen (Hungary), which will exclusively produce vehicles for the NEUE KLASSE. From 2026 onwards, NEUE KLASSE models will also be built at the more than 100-year-old main plant in Munich, which is currently completing the necessary preparations to transition to BEV-only production from 2027. In the same year, series production of the NEUE KLASSE will begin at Plant San Luis Potosí (Mexico), while the production site in Shenyang (China) is also gearing up for production of the NEUE KLASSE.


Hydrogen fuel cell as further pillar of drive technology


The BMW Group still assumes that not all markets worldwide will have the necessary framework conditions for all customers to transition to pure electromobility in the coming decade. Consequently, a range of products with highly efficient conventional drive technology will still be needed to meet people’s individual mobility requirements, while contributing to CO2 reduction in the transport sector.


Hydrogen fuel cell technology is also expected to account for a growing percentage of the drivetrain mix from the second half of the decade onwards. The BMW Group is systematically pushing forward with development of this technology as an additional option for sustainable individual mobility and – depending on market requirements and how conditions develop – could envision a potential production vehicle in the second half of the decade. A pilot series of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen* was presented to media from around the world for the first time in 2023. Since then, the fleet has been deployed with great success for demonstration and testing purposes among various target groups.


With its high-performance fuel cell and optimised power battery, the drive system in the BMW iX5 Hydrogen is unique worldwide. The gaseous hydrogen needed to supply the fuel cell is stored in two 700-bar tanks made of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP). Together, they hold six kilograms of hydrogen, which gives the BMW iX5 Hydrogen a range of 504 kilometres in the WLTP cycle. Refilling the hydrogen tanks only takes three to four minutes – so, with just a few, short stops, the BMW iX5 Hydrogen is still able to ensure typical BMW driving pleasure, even over long distances.


Sustainability built into strategy


In 2021, the BMW Group became the first German automotive manufacturer to join the Business Ambition for 1.5° C campaign launched by the Science Based Targets initiative and therefore committed to the goal of complete climate neutrality throughout the entire value chain by 2050 at the latest.


To take into account all aspects of holistic sustainability, the BMW Group is leveraging its “secondary first” approach to gradually increase the percentage of recycled and reusable materials used in the vehicles of the NEUE KLASSE. Back in 2021, the BMW i Vision Circular already provided a glimpse of what individual, sustainable, luxurious mobility in the urban environment could look like in 2040built from secondary material and renewable raw materials – and completely recyclable.


BMW meets all business objectives for 2023, as forecast


In financial year 2023, the BMW Group achieved its business objectives, as forecast. With a total of 2,554,183 premium vehicles delivered to customers (+6.4%), this represented a solid increase. Group revenues for the full year rose to € 155,498 million (+9.0%). In addition to the full consolidation of BBA, revenues were primarily driven by higher sales volumes and positive product mix effects. Earnings before financial result (EBIT) climbed to  18,482 million (+32.0%).


The pre-tax earnings of € 17,096 million reflect a corresponding base effect: In the prior year, the revaluation of previously held shares in BBA of € 7.7 billion had significantly increased the BMW Group’s financial result and Group earnings. In the absence of this effect, pre-tax earnings (-27.3%) and Group net profit (-34.5%) for 2023 were significantly lower than the previous year. Without the one-time revaluation effect referred to, Group net profit for 2023 would have been solidly higher year-on-year.


In the Automotive Segmentearnings before financial result (EBIT) increased significantly to € 12,981 million (+22.1%). Tailwinds came from the full consolidation of BBA, as well as sales growth and an improved product mix. This was offset by headwinds from research and development spending, as well as higher material costs. The EBIT margin for this period was 9.8% (2022: 8.6%). Excluding depreciation and amortisation for BBA assets from the purchase price allocation of € 1.4 billion previously referred to, the EBIT margin was 10.8%.


Thanks to this positive earnings development,the segment’s free cash flow totalled € 6,942 million at the end of December (2022: € 11,071 million/-37.3%), despite higher capital expenditure. The previous year included the positive one-time effect of € 5 billion from the full consolidation of BMW Brilliance.


The BMW Group’s capital expenditure amounted to € 8,836 million (+8.5%) in 2023. Substantial expenditure was channelled into the electrification and autonomous driving modules, setting up high-voltage battery production in various markets and plant construction in Debrecen, Hungary.


Group research and development expenses totalled  7,538 million (+13.8%). In addition to development expenses for the future models of the NEUE KLASSE, R&D spending was primarily focused on further electrification and digitalisation of the vehicle portfolio and automated driving.


Dividend of € 6.00 proposed – profit-sharing bonus for employees


The BMW Group’s high profitability is confirmed by the key figure “earnings per share” (EPS) which was € 17.67 for 2023. The high figure for the previous year of € 27.31 per share reflects the one-time effect from the revaluation of previously held BBA shares in the amount of € 7.7 billion. Without this effect, the figure for 2022 would have been € 15.66 per share, therefore the EPS in 2023 would reflect a significant increase of 12.8%.

The BMW Group reliably shares its success with its shareholders, with a payout ratio within the usual range of 30-40% for financial year 2023. The Board of Management and Supervisory Board will propose a dividend of € 6.00 per share of common stock (2022: € 8.50) and € 6.02 per share of preferred stock (2022: € 8.52) to the Annual General Meeting on 15 May. This represents a preliminary payout ratio of 33.7% (2022: 30.6%).


In keeping with the principle of performance and reward, employees in Germany will also share in the success of the company in an appropriate manner. For example, a skilled worker will receive € 8,400 for financial year 2023 (based on the salary group ERA 5 based on the Metal and Electronical Industry Bavaria), as well as another component for their pension plan.


Outlook for 2024: BMW Group expects profitable growth


In the Automotive Segment, owing to a slight increase in demand, full availability of new models and the upcoming model launches, deliveries of BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles are projected to be slightly higher than the previous yearFully-electric vehicles’ share of deliveries is forecast to increase significantly, compared to 2023. The EBIT margin in the Automotive Segment should be within the range of 8-10% in 2024.


slight reduction in the CO2 emissions of the EU new car fleet is to be expected, thanks to further improvement in vehicle fuel consumption and the rising number of vehicles with an electric drivetrain. The company therefore also expects its numbers to once again be significantly lower than the official targets in the EU.


The stable demand situation is also reflected in the Motorcycles Segment. Combined with full availability of models, including the BMW R 1300 GS, slightly higher deliveries are also expected in this segment. The EBIT margin is projected to be within the target range of 8-10%.


In the Financial Services SegmentRoE is forecast to be between 14-17%. As expected, supply and demand continues to normalise in the used car markets. It is therefore expected that revenues from remarketing lease returns will decrease further as compared to 2023.


Also due to this trend, Group earnings before tax will decrease slightly. Since the BMW Group continues to be a leader among its competitors in digitalisation and electrification of the vehicle fleet and intends to expand this position further, R&D spending and capital expenditure for future projects will peak in the Automotive Segment in 2024. The production network will also be further expanded in 2024 in connection with the NEUE KLASSE.


The above targets will be achieved with slightly higher employee numbers. The percentage of women in management positions at the BMW Group is also forecast to increase slightly.


Growing uncertainty around macroeconomic and geopolitical conditions could cause economic performance in some regions to deviate from the expected trends and developments. This concerns trade and customs policy, security policy and possible intensification of international trade disputes. The war in Ukraine and potential implications for the BMW Group’s business performance are also being closely monitored. The applicable restrictions, due to sanctions, have already been factored into the company’s guidance.


* * *


The BMW Group – an overview:
Full year 2023
2023 2022 Change in %
Deliveries to customers        
Automotive1 units 2,554,183 2,399,632 6.4
BMW units 2,252,793 2,100,689 7.2
MINI units 295,358 292,922 0.8
Rolls-Royce units 6,032 6,021 0.2
Motorcycles units 209,066 202,895 3.0
Employees (as of 31 Dec. 2023) 154,950 149,475 3.7
EBIT margin Automotive Segment percent 9.8% 8.6% 14.1
EBIT margin Motorcycles Segment percent 8.1% 8.1%
EBT margin BMW Group2 percent 11.0% 16.5% -33.3
Revenues € million 155,498 142,610 9.0
Automotive € million 132,277 123,602 7.0
Motorcycles € million 3,214 3,176 1.2
Financial Services € million 36,227 35,122 3.1
Other Entities € million 11 8 37.5
Eliminations € million -16,231 -19,298 15.9
Profit before financial result (EBIT) € million 18,482 13,999 32.0
Automotive € million 12,981 10,635 22.1
Motorcycles € million 259 257 0.8
Financial Services € million 3,055 3,163 -3.4
Other Entities € million -13 -203 93.6
Eliminations € million 2,200 147
Profit before tax (EBT) € million 17,096 23,509 -27.3
Automotive € million 12,642 18,918 -33.2
Motorcycles € million 258 269 -4.1
Financial Services € million 2,962 3,205 -7.6
Other Entities € million -100 995
Eliminations € million 1,334 122
Group income taxes € million -4,931 -4,927 0.1
Net profit € million 12,165 18,582 -34.5
Earnings per share of common stock 17.67 27.31 -35.3
Earnings per share of preferred stock3 17.69 27.33 -35.3
Deliveries include the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang.
Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.
3 Common/preferred shares. Earnings per share of preferred stock are calculated by distributing the earnings required to cover the additional dividend of € 0.02 per preferred share proportionally over the quarters of the corresponding financial year.


The BMW Group – an overview: 

Q4 2023

Q4 2023 Q4 2022 Change in %
Deliveries to customers        
Automotive1 units 717,620 651,794 10.1
BMW units 631,526 566,823 11.4
MINI units 84,616 83,651 1.2
Rolls-Royce units 1,477 1,320 11.9
Motorcycles units 44,349 43,562 1.8
Employees (as of 31 Dec. 2023) 154,950 149,475 3.7
EBIT margin Automotive Segment percent 8.5% 8.5%
EBIT margin Motorcycles Segment percent -7.6% -9.4% -19.0
EBT margin BMW Group2 percent 8.6% 8.2% 4.1
Revenues € million 42,968 39,522 8.7
Automotive € million 37,283 34,571 7.8
Motorcycles € million 643 691 -6.9
Financial Services € million 9,504 9,086 4.6
Other Entities € million 2 2
Eliminations € million -4,464 -4,828 7.5
Profit before financial result (EBIT) € million 4,412 3,500 26.1
Automotive € million 3,171 2,932 8.2
Motorcycles € million -49 -65 24.6
Financial Services € million 606 536 13.1
Other Entities € million 0 -16
Eliminations € million 684 113
Profit before tax (EBT) € million 3,682 3,253 13.2
Automotive € million 3,031 3,009 0.7
Motorcycles € million -53 -57 7.0
Financial Services € million 511 533 -4.1
Other Entities € million -212 -263 19.4
Eliminations € million 405 31
Group income taxes € million -1,068 -1,078 0.9
Net profit € million 2,614 2,175 20.2
Earnings per share of common stock 3.77 3.43 9.9
Earnings per share of preferred stock3 3.78 3.44 9.9
Deliveries include the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive Ltd., Shenyang
Ratio of Group earnings before taxes to Group revenues.
3 Common/preferred shares. Earnings per share of preferred stock are calculated by distributing the earnings required to cover the additional dividend of € 0.02 per preferred share proportionally over the quarters of the corresponding financial year.


  GLOSSARY – explanatory comments on key performance indicators


Deliveries to customers
A new or used vehicle is recorded as a delivery once it is handed over to the end user (which also includes leaseholders under lease contracts with BMW Financial Services). In the US and Canada, end users also include (1) dealers when they designate a vehicle as a service loaner or demonstrator vehicle and (2) dealers and other third parties when they purchase a company vehicle at auction and dealers when they purchase company vehicles directly from the BMW Group. Deliveries may be made by BMW AG, one of its international subsidiaries, a BMW Group retail outlet, or independent third-party dealers. The vast majority of deliveries – and hence the reporting of deliveries to the BMW Group – is made by independent third-party dealers. Retail vehicle deliveries during a given reporting period do not correlate directly to the revenues that the BMW Group recognises in respect of that particular reporting period.



Profit before financial result. Profit before financial result comprises revenues less cost of sales, less selling and administrative expenses and plus/minus net other operating income and expenses.


EBIT margin

Profit/loss before financial result as a percentage of revenues.



EBIT plus financial result.


Payout ratio

The payout ratio is preliminary. Although the Management Board and Supervisory Board are proposing a fixed dividend per share to the general meeting, the number of dividend-entitled shares is expected to fall even further as a result of the ongoing share buy-back program between now and the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, the total amount paid out to shareholders until May 15 presumably will also change.



Plug-in-hybrid electric vehicle.


The BMW Group


With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company set the course for the future at an early stage and consistently makes sustainability and efficient resource management central to its strategic direction, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.



Rolls-Royce Spectre:  Power consumption in mi/kWh/ // kWh/100km: 2.6 – 2.8 mi/kWh // 23.6 – 22.2 kWh/100km (WLTP); electric range (WLTP): 329* mi / 530* km. CO2 emissions: 0 g/km (NEDC).

BMW i5 eDrive40: Power consumption in kWh/100 km: – (NEDC)/18.9-15.9 (WLTP); electric range (WLTP) in km: 497-582.

BMW i4 eDrive40: NEFZ [ ]; WLTP (combined): power consumption: 19.1-16.1 kWh/100km; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km; range: 493-590 km.

BMW iX5 Hydrogen: Consumption combined in WLTP cycle: 1,19 kg H2/100 km, CO2 emissions combined in WLTP cycle: 0 g/km. Electric range: 504 km (313 miles)

MINI Cooper SE:  Electric range (WLTP combined): 201 km; power consumption (WLTP combined): 17.2 kWh/100 km; power consumption combined (NEDC) in: – kWh/100 km

MINI Countryman: Electric range combined in l/100 km: – (NEFZ) / 8,3 – 4,6 (WLTP), CO2 emissions combined in g/km: – (NEFZ) / 187-120 (WLTP).


宝马继续取得成功,2023 年在众多国际比赛中再次夺得冠军


MINI 和 Samsung Display 在 2023 年科隆游戏展上展示了 MINI 交互单元,向科幻小说致敬。


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