
宝马集团正在为 Araquari 工厂进行电气化改造

+++ BMW X5 将从 2024 年最后一个季度开始成为南美洲生产的首款优质插电式混合动力车型 +++ 宝马集团生产网络和物流主管 Michael Nikolaides 表示,“生产遵循市场需求” +++


圣保罗/慕尼黑。宝马集团正在通过阿拉夸里工厂的电气化加强其在巴西的业务。继去年电动汽车在巴西创下历史销售纪录后,宝马集团宣布在当地生产 BMW X5,这是南美首款优质插电式混合动力车型。除了面向当地市场的 BMW X1、BMW X3 和 BMW X4 以及 BMW 3 系之外,这款技术先进、功能强大的车辆也是在位于阿拉夸里的 BMW 集团工厂生产。

“在宝马集团,生产遵循市场需求。去年,宝马集团巴西公司的电动汽车在销售组合中所占的份额达到了创纪录的 25%。此外,BMW X5 是巴西整个 BMW 系列中第三好的车型。我们现在宣布在巴西生产 BMW X5 插电式混合动力车是一个合乎逻辑的结论。”宝马集团生产网络和物流主管 Michael Nikolaides 说道。 “我们致力于技术开放。在这种背景下,插电式混合动力汽车现在和将来都是我们产品的重要组成部分。现在,我们首次将这项技术引入南美的生产工厂。宝马集团位于阿拉夸里的工厂拥有一条灵活的生产线。我很自豪地说,Araquari 工厂将成为整个宝马集团生产网络中唯一一家生产 ICE、PHEV 和 Flex-fuel 车型的工厂。根据市场需求,我们可以在短时间内准备生产混合动力或电动车型。下一步,我们将在一条线上生产插电式混合动力汽车和内燃机汽车。”

自 2014 年以来,宝马集团一直在巴西圣卡塔琳娜州阿拉夸里为当地市场生产产品。 Araquari 工厂拥有自己的车身车间、喷漆车间、装配车间、质量车间和物流流程。还有宝马集团工程办公室,它是工厂设施的一部分。 2023年12月,宝马集团宣布从2024年起将Araquari工厂的产量提高10%,达到年产量11,000辆。此外,劳动力不断增加并接受培训以生产电动汽车。

BMW Group is electrifying Plant Araquari

+++ BMW X5 will be the first premium plug-in hybrid model produced in South America from last quarter of 2024 +++ “Production is following market demand”, says Michael Nikolaides, Head of Production Network and Logistics BMW Group +++


São Paulo/Munich. The BMW Group is strengthening its involvement in Brazil by electrifying the Araquari plant. Following a historic sales record for electrified vehicles in Brazil last year, the BMW Group is announcing local production of the BMW X5, the very first premium plug-in hybrid model built in South America. The technologically advanced and powerful vehicle is produced at the BMW Group plant in Araquari in addition to the BMW X1, BMW X3 and BMW X4 as well as the BMW 3 Series for the local market.

“At the BMW Group, production follows market demand. Last year, BMW Group Brazil achieved a record of 25% share of electrified vehicles within the sales mix. In addition, the BMW X5 was the third-best model of the entire BMW line-up in Brazil. It is a logical conclusion for us to announce the production of the BMW X5 plug-in hybrid in Brazil now,” says Michael Nikolaides, Head of Production Network and Logistics at BMW Group. “We are committed to technology openness. In this context, PHEVs are and will remain an important part of our offering. Now, for the first time, we are bringing this technology to a South American production facility. The BMW Group plant in Araquari has a flexible production line. I am proud to say that Plant Araquari will be the only one to produce ICE, PHEV, and Flex-fuel models in the whole BMW Group production network. Depending on market demand, we can get ready to produce hybrid or electric models in a short period of time. In the next step, we will build PHEV and ICE vehicles on one line.”

Since 2014, the BMW Group has been manufacturing for the local market in Araquari, Brazil, in the state of Santa Catarina. The Araquari plant has its own Body Shop, Paint Shop, Assembly, Quality and Logistic processes. Along with a BMW Group Engineering Office, which is part of the plant’s facilities. In December 2023, the BMW Group announced a 10% increase in production at the Araquari plant from 2024 to reach an annual production of 11,000 units. In addition, the workforce is being consistently increased and trained to produce electrified vehicles.


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