

意大利品牌首次在南美洲举办全地形 Huracán Sterrato 本地展示会

圣阿加塔博洛涅塞/圣保罗,2024 年 3 月 20 日 –昨晚,兰博基尼汽车公司在巴西圣保罗的首个展厅正式开幕,全地形 Huracán Sterrato 在南美首次亮相。 兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席营销官 Federico Foschini 以及兰博基尼美国公司首席执行官 Andrea Baldi 出席了庆祝晚会开幕活动。

圣保罗已成为巴西不断发展的汽车界的一支有影响力的力量,我们确信兰博基尼圣保罗将欢迎不断增长的客户和爱好者,他们对我们的品牌和汽车充满热情,”Stephan Winkelmann 说道。“这个新的最先进的展厅将保证为我们的客户提供更高的体验,同时也将支持兰博基尼的 Direzione Cor Tauri 战略,今年将过渡到混合动力的新时代。

位于巴西最具活力和影响力的城市之一,位于 Av. Pedroso de Morais, 2274 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP,陈列室体现了该品牌对其未来设计方向的奉献。兰博基尼拥有迷人的外观,以体现公司核心价值观的现代化外观重新定义了传统店面。这个新的零售空间拥有营造出珠宝盒氛围的落地窗,提供身临其境的品牌体验。它提供 Collezione 和 Accessori Originali 时尚产品,以及 Ad Personam 定制室,客户可以在这里通过多种定制颜色和材料来个性化他们的梦想汽车。

剪彩仪式上还见证了 Huracán Sterrato 的市场首映。Huracán Sterrato 是同类车型中的首款车型,探索了驾驶乐趣的新领域,旨在在柏油路尽头挑战极限。全地形 Huracán 的最高时速为 260 公里/小时,0-100 公里/小时加速仅需 3.4 秒。兰博基尼 São 是该公司超级跑车系列的完美画布 – V10 动力的 Huracán Tecnica 和全地形 Huracán Sterrato,以及两款新的 Urus Super SUV 车型 – 高性能 Urus Performante 和强大而精致的 Urus乌鲁斯 S.

圣保罗展厅的盛大开业正值兰博基尼的增长时期,该公司在 2023 年交付了超过 10,000 辆汽车,比 2022 年增长 10%,而美洲地区交付了 3,465 辆,比 2022 年增长 9%这些卓越的成果为兰博基尼继续沿着 Direzione Cor Tauri 路线图的电气化之路奠定了坚实的基础,并于 2023 年推出了首款 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)混合动力车 Revuelto,开启了混合动力阶段超级跑车。

Lamborghini unveils new showroom in São Paulo

Italian marque hosts local showcase of the all-terrain Huracán Sterrato for the first time in South America

Sant’Agata Bolognese/São Paulo, 20 March 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini has officially opened its first showroom in São Paulo Brazil last night with the South American debut of the all-terrain Huracán Sterrato. The celebratory evening opening event was attended by Automobili Lamborghini Chairman and CEO, Stephan Winkelmann joined by Chief Marketing and Sales Officer, Federico Foschini, and Lamborghini America Chief Executive Officer, Andrea Baldi.

São Paulo has become an influential force in Brazil’s growing automotive community, and we are sure Lamborghini São Paulo will welcome the growing clientele and enthusiasts who share a passion for our brand and cars,” said Stephan Winkelmann. “This new state-of-the-art showroom will guarantee an elevated experience to our customers while it will also support Lamborghini’s Direzione Cor Tauri strategy with the transition this year to the new era of hybridization.

Situated in one of Brazil’s most dynamic and influential cities, at Av. Pedroso de Morais, 2274 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, the showroom embodies the brand’s dedication to its future design direction. Featuring captivating exteriors, Lamborghini redefines the traditional storefront with a modernized look that reflects the company’s core values. Boasting floor-to-ceiling windows that create a jewel box ambiance, this new retail space offers an immersive brand experience. It features Collezione and Accessori Originali fashion offerings, along with an Ad Personam customization room where customers can personalize their dream cars with an extensive selection of bespoke colors and materials.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony also saw the market premiere of the Huracán Sterrato. The first of its kind, the Huracán Sterrato explores a new frontier in driving pleasure, designed to push the envelope when the asphalt ends. With a top speed of 260 km/h, the all-terrain Huracán can accelerate from 0-100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. Lamborghini São serves as the perfect canvas for the company’s super sports cars range – the V10-powered Huracán Tecnica, and the all-terrain Huracán Sterrato, along with two new Urus Super SUV models – the high-performance Urus Performante and the powerful yet refined Urus S.

The grand opening of the São Paulo showroom comes at a time of growth for Lamborghini, as the company delivered more than 10,000 cars in 2023, with a 10% increase over 2022, while the Americas region delivered 3,465 units, a 9% increase over 2022. These exceptional results provide a strong foundation as Lamborghini continues its path through electrification with the Direzione Cor Tauri roadmap, which resulted in the start of the hybridization phase in 2023 with the launch of the Revuelto, the first HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) hybrid super sports car.


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