
首先看看 Neue Klasse 作为 SAV:BMW Vision Neue Klasse X

+++ 创新的驱动和底盘控制提供更精确、更动态的性能、更高效、更有趣 +++ 全新 BMW iDrive 带来个人喜爱的声音 +++ 内饰采用资源节约型植物材料“Verdana”++ + 宽敞、开放、渐进的设计 +++


慕尼黑。全新 BMW Group Vision 车辆让人们首次看到 Neue Klasse 作为 SAV:BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 将 Neue Klasse 的美学、技术、可持续性和理念带入运动型多功能车领域。采用新架构的首款全电动凸起衍生车型将于 2025 年在匈牙利德布勒森工厂投入批量生产。

“BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 与 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 一起展示了我们未来 BMW 车型系列的广度——向上。Neue Klasse 反映了客户今天和未来想要的所有车型的多样性——从运动型轿车及其所有衍生产品,到现代 SAV 系列,”宝马公司管理委员会主席 Oliver Zipse 说道。“通过这种方式,我们强调 Neue Klasse 不仅仅是一辆汽车或一个特定的概念;它正在重新定义 BMW 品牌,同时也将比以往任何时候都更具 BMW 特色。”

该公司在 2023 年 IAA 展会上通过 BMW Vision Neue Klasse 展示了该品牌作为轿车的未来的清晰蓝图。最新的 Vision 车辆现在展示了 BMW 如何看待其 X 车型的未来。BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 代表着积极的生活方式、高效的动力和自信的姿态。其设计将清晰的外观设计语言与明亮宽敞的内部融为一体。下一代 BMW iDrive 实现的特殊灯光和音效增强了直观的数字用户体验。Neue Klasse 的三个主要特征——电动、数字和循环——在这里得到扩展,包括第四个维度。专为 Neue Klasse 开发的驱动和底盘控制以及第六代 BMW eDrive 技术将构成 BMW 品牌核心的驾驶乐趣提升到了一个新的水平。其可持续发展理念还确保负责任的生产、运营、拆卸和回收。

新型驱动和底盘控制可提供根据个人需求量身定制的卓越驾驶体验。它基于宝马集团内部开发的新软件堆栈,将帮助 Neue Klasse 车辆始终保证平稳驾驶。四分之二的新超级大脑将把 Neue Klasse 的驾驶体验提升到一个新的维度。

“Neue Klasse 意味着 BMW 的驾驶水平更高,”负责开发的 BMW AG 管理委员会成员弗兰克·韦伯 (Frank Weber) 解释道。“未来的宝马将拥有四个全新的超级大脑:高性能计算机能够智能地协同工作,处理迄今为止单独处理的数据。我们完全在内部开发了第一个超级大脑。它将整个动力系统和驾驶动力学集成在一起,计算能力提高了十倍。第二个超级大脑将实现自动驾驶的下一次飞跃。”韦伯继续说道。“展望未来,我们将把四个关键控制单元整合到一台高性能计算机中。结果将是更动态的性能、更精确、更高的效率以及更多的驾驶乐趣。”

设计:BMW X 车型经过重新设计,具有鲜明的个性。
结合 BMW X 车型的两厢设计,为 Neue Klasse 开发的简约设计语言也代表了外观和内饰设计的重大飞跃。随着离地间隙的增加,全电动汽车架构为更宽敞的车内空间提供了新的可能性。它具有长轴距、短悬垂和经典的 BMW 比例。大窗户区域和全景玻璃屋顶使室内充满自然光,营造出通风的宽敞空间,并辅以暖色纺织品。

“BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 为 Neue Klasse X 车型提供了前瞻性的视角。同样的原则也适用于我们的运动型多功能车:电动、数字和循环,”宝马集团设计主管 Adrian van Hooydonk 说道。
“X 车型将始终保持强劲的特性:整体、干净,并对 BMW 灯光标志进行非常独特的垂直诠释。”

BMW X 车型的新品牌外观也增强了 Vision 车辆的强大影响力。垂直排列的 LED 单元对 BMW 标志性灯光特征进行了全新诠释。前面和中间是 BMW 双肾型格栅,被重新设计成具有垂直对齐和背光轮廓的三维雕塑。前灯和双肾型格栅共同营造出一种照明效果,当驾驶员接近车辆并继续进入车内时,这种效果就会被激活。

后部充满力量和运动感。尾灯延伸至中央深处,对熟悉的 BMW L 形状进行了水平诠释。其 3D 打印元素通过可变光强度进行单独控制,以传达特别富有表现力的深度效果。

齐平的玻璃表面和明亮的“珊瑚银”外漆给 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 带来一定的轻盈感。在侧窗的后部,该品牌标志性的霍夫迈斯特扭结不是通过镀铬边缘实现的,而是通过“反光印花”形成透明或反光表面,具体取决于视角。

通过 BMW 全景视觉和 HY PERSON X WHEEL 个性化声音体验定制用户体验。
略微升高的座椅位置确保了自信的驾驶体验。重新设计的带有多功能按钮的方向盘、具有直观触摸控制功能的中央显示屏和BMW全景视觉,以及BMW智能个人助理的先进语音控制,为人车交互提供了轻松直观的界面。BMW 全景视觉在挡风玻璃的整个宽度上投射关键信息。增强型 BMW 3D 平视显示器将在 Neue Klasse 量产车型中得到补充。

在 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 中,中央显示屏优雅地集成到仪表板中,使前排乘客能够以最佳方式访问所有信息娱乐功能。显示的颜色不仅会转移到环境光上,还会转移到仪表板的背光织物表面上。全新 HY PERSON

X WHEEL首次呈现的个人声音体验开启了更多可能性。借助这一数字功能,车内乘客可以在任何旅途中享受他们最喜欢的声音。声音实时生成,并通过手指敲击 HY PERSON X WHEEL 进行调整,是对沉浸式整体用户体验的创新贡献,将 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 的内部转变为个人体验空间。BMW eDrive 技术:第六代比以往更加高效。

在 Neue Klasse 中,车辆的整体效率达到了一个新的水平。最新的第六代 BMW eDrive 技术是实现这一目标的关键。除了改进的电力驱动装置外,它还采用了新型圆形锂离子电池,其体积能量密度比以前使用的棱柱形电池高出 20% 以上。结合向 800 伏系统的过渡,这将使充电速度提高高达 30%,让车辆在短短 10 分钟内即可充满 300 公里的里程。第六代 BMW eDrive 的续航里程也增加了 30%。在空气动力学方面,BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 拥有令人印象深刻的新顶级数据:与当前系列中的同类车型相比,阻力减少了 20%。适用于全电动汽车的新轮胎设计和特殊制动系统有助于将车辆整体效率提高高达 25%。通过提高资源效率的生产和供应链

减少 CO 2足迹。
专为内饰开发了一种完全基于植物、矿物且不含石油的表面材料“Verdana”。它将用于 BMW Vision Neue Klasse X 的门板下部和中控台。海事塑料也首次用于注塑零件。在选定的部件中,这种从废弃渔网等中获得的二次原材料已占 30%。

材料和施工方法的选择使组件的拆卸更加容易并提高了可回收性。侧裙以及前后裙板附件也由回收的单一材料制成。在这方面,新的设计理念遵循了 2021 年提出的 BMW i Vision Circular 的原则,该原则广泛依赖单一材料来优化可回收性。

Neue Klasse 也预示着生产历史的新篇章。宝马集团匈牙利德布勒森工厂被规划和开发为 iFACTORY。

First look at Neue Klasse as SAV: The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X.

+++ Innovative drive and chassis control delivers more precision, more dynamic performance, more efficiency, more fun +++ personal favorite sound with the new BMW iDrive +++ resource-saving plant-based material “Verdana” in the interior +++ Spacious, open, progressive design +++


Munich. A new BMW Group Vision Vehicle provides a first glimpse of the Neue Klasse as an SAV: The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X brings the aesthetics, technology, sustainability, and philosophy of the Neue Klasse to the Sports Activity Vehicles sector. The first fully-electric raised derivative on the new architecture will go into series production at Plant Debrecen (Hungary) in 2025.

“Together with the BMW Vision Neue Klasse, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X showcases the breadth of our future BMW model line-up. The Neue Klasse reflects the variety of all the models that customers want today and in the future – from sporty sedan, with all its derivatives, to modern SAV family,” says Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG. “In this way, we are underlining that the Neue Klasse is much more than just a car or a specific concept; it is redefining the BMW brand – and, at the same time, will be more BMW than ever.”

The company presented a clear picture of the brand’s future as a sedan with the BMW Vision Neue Klasse at IAA 2023. The latest Vision Vehicle now illustrates how BMW sees the future of its X models. The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X stands for an active lifestyle, efficient dynamics and a confident stance. Its design combines a clear exterior design language with a bright and spacious interior. Special lighting and sound effects enabled by the next generation of BMW iDrive enhance the intuitive digital user experience. The three main characteristics of the Neue Klasse – electric, digital and circular – are expanded here to include a fourth dimension. The driving pleasure that forms the core of the BMW brand is taken to the next level with drive and chassis control developed specially for the Neue Klasse and with the sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology. Its sustainability concept also ensures responsible production, operations, disassembly and recycling.

Innovative drive and chassis control: more dynamic performance, more precision, more efficiency.
A new type of drive and chassis control delivers a superior driving experience that is tailored to individual needs. It is based on a new software stack developed in-house by the BMW Group that will help the vehicles of the Neue Klasse guarantee a smooth drive at all times. Two out of four new super-brains will take the driving experience in the Neue Klasse to a new dimension.

“Neue Klasse means BMW driving at an even higher level,” explains Frank Weber, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG responsible for Development. “The BMW of the future will have four totally new super-brains: high-performance computers working smartly together on what, up until now, was processed separately. We developed the first super-brain completely in-house. It integrates the entire powertrain and driving dynamics with up to ten times more computing power. The second super-brain will enable the next quantum leap in automated driving,” Weber continues. “Going forward, we will combine four key control units in a single high-performance computer. The result will be more dynamic performance, more precision, more efficiency and even more fun to drive.”

Design: BMW X models reimagined with strong characters.
In combination with the two-box design of a BMW X model, the pared-down design language developed for the Neue Klasse also represents a major leap forward in both exterior and interior design. With its increased ground clearance, the fully-electric vehicle architecture offers new possibilities for an even more spacious interior. It allows for a long wheelbase, short overhangs and classic BMW proportions. Large window areas and the panoramic glass roof flood the interior with natural light, creating an airy spaciousness that is complemented by textiles in warm colours.

“The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X provides a look ahead to the X models of the Neue Klasse. The same principles apply to our Sport Activity Vehicles: electric, digital and circular,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, head of BMW Group Design.
“The X models will always remain strong in character: monolithic, clean and with a very distinctive vertical interpretation of the BMW light signature.”

The new brand look for the BMW X models also contributes to the Vision Vehicle’s strong presence. Vertically aligned LED units offer a fresh interpretation of BMW’s hallmark light signature. Front and centre is the BMW kidney grille, reimagined as a three-dimensional sculpture with vertically aligned and backlit contours. Together, the headlights and kidney grille create a lighting effect that is activated as the driver approaches the vehicle and continues in the interior.

The rear section is powerful and athletic. Rear lights that reach far into the centre provide a horizontal interpretation of the familiar BMW L shape. Its 3D-printed elements are individually controlled with variable light intensity to convey a particularly expressive depth effect.

Flush glass surfaces and the bright “Coral Silver” exterior paintwork give the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X a certain lightness. In the rear portion of the side windows, the brand’s signature Hofmeister kink is realised not through chrome edging, but with a “reflective print” that forms a transparent or reflective surface, depending on the viewing angle.

Custom user experience with BMW Panoramic Vision and HYPERSONX WHEEL personalised sound experience.
The slightly elevated seating position ensures a confident driving experience. The redesigned steering wheel with multifunction buttons, Central Display with intuitive touch control functionality and BMW Panoramic Vision, together with the advanced voice control of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant, serve as the effortless and intuitive interfaces for human-car interaction. BMW Panoramic Vision projects key information across the full width of the windscreen. It will be complemented in production models of the Neue Klasse by the enhanced BMW 3D Head-Up Display.

In the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X, the Central Display is elegantly integrated into the instrument panel, providing both front passengers with optimal access to all infotainment functions. The colours shown are not only transferred to the ambient light, but also to the backlit textile surfaces of the instrument panel.

The Personal Sound Experience, presented for the first time with the new HYPERSONX WHEEL, opens up further possibilities. With this digital function, car occupants can enjoy their favourite sound on any trip. The sound, generated in real time and adjusted with the tap of a finger on the HYPERSONX WHEEL, is an innovative contribution to the immersive and holistic user experience that transforms the interior of the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X into a personal experience space.

BMW eDrive technology: Sixth generation more efficient than ever.
In the Neue Klasse, overall vehicle efficiency reaches a new level. The latest, sixth generation of BMW eDrive technology is key to this. In addition to improved e-drive units, it also features new and now round lithium-ion battery cells, with a volumetric energy density more than 20 percent higher than that of the prismatic cells previously used. In combination with the transition to an 800-volt system, this will improve charging speed by up to 30 percent – allowing vehicles to charge enough for a 300-kilometre range in just ten minutes. The sixth generation of BMW eDrive also delivers up to 30 percent more range. When it comes to aerodynamics, the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X boasts an impressive new top figure: with drag reduced by 20 percent to a comparable model in the current line-up. New tyre designs and a special brake system for fully-electric vehicles help increase overall vehicle efficiency by up to 25 percent.

Reduced CO2 footprint through more resource-efficient production and supply chain.
A completely plant-based, mineral-based and petroleum-free surface material “Verdana” was developed for the interior. It will be used in the BMW Vision Neue Klasse X in the lower portion of the door panelling and in the centre console. Maritime plastics are also being utilised for the first time for injection-moulded parts. In selected components, this secondary raw material, which is obtained, for example, from discarded fishing nets, already accounts for 30 percent.

The choice of materials and construction method enable easier disassembly of components and improved recyclability. The side skirts and front and rear apron attachments are also produced from recycled mono-materials. In this, the new design concept follows the principle of the BMW i Vision Circular presented in 2021, which relied extensively on mono-materials to optimise recyclability.

The Neue Klasse also heralds a new chapter in production history. BMW Group Plant Debrecen in Hungary was planned and developed as an iFACTORY.


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