
#SHEdrivesalambo 在中东

一场全女性驾驶兰博基尼 Urus S 的赛事,从迪拜到哈伊马角

圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/迪拜,2024 年 3 月4日– # SHE Drivesalambo抵达中东,目睹一群妇女从迪拜前往哈伊马角的公路旅行。兰博基尼 Urus S [1]是该地区最畅销的女性超级 SUV,客人们驾驶了 400 多公里,越过了阿联酋最高峰,并在 Al Wadi 沙漠的保护区停留。蜿蜒的道路、令人兴奋的越野冒险、令人惊叹的全景以及对品牌的深入了解塑造了这种体验。

为期两天的聚会为嘉宾们提供了360度的品牌探索。洞察会议首先举办了一场研讨会,内容涉及兰博基尼的前瞻性思维、打破成见的原则,以及它如何面对变革和展望未来。兰博基尼设计部门 Centro Stile 举办的一场会议探讨了使该品牌享誉全球的主题之一:通过 Ad Personam 计划实现个性化颜色和装饰的几乎无限的可能性。

此次公路旅行从迪拜市出发,沿着壮观的路线向东行驶,到达 Jebel Jais,客人们在阿联酋最高的 Puro 1484 餐厅用餐。该餐厅因其海拔高度(1,484 米)而得名,可欣赏到阿联酋最高峰 Jebel Jais 及其 Hajar 山脉中超凡脱俗的风景的壮丽全景。路线的最后 100 公里继续进入 Al Wadi 沙漠,进行一些越野驾驶,宾客们在占地 1,235 英亩的自然保护区内,在沙漠中心享用了典型的阿拉伯晚餐。

Urus S 是本次活动的主角,非常适合那些选择将性能、豪华性和多功能性完美升华的超级 SUV。由双涡轮增压 V8 发动机提供动力,功率增加至 666 CV,重量功率比提高至 3.3 kg/CV。Urus S 从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时只需 3.5 秒,最高时速可达 305 公里/小时。Urus S Super SUV 的特点是精致的设计增强,倡导其运动但奢华的生活方式形象,在各种环境中都能脱颖而出。颜色、装饰、车轮、款式套件和特殊细节方面的选项显着增加,允许从低调的风格到最大的运动性的各种定制。

#SHEdrivesalambo 项目于 2023 年在美国启动,随后推广到全球其他市场,旨在宣扬兰博基尼汽车关于多样性、公平和包容性的信息。

兰博基尼汽车中东和非洲地区负责人 Paolo Sartori 表示:“很高兴欢迎来自中东的客人参加这次活动,让他们有机会驾驶 Urus S,更多地了解兰博基尼以及我们如何努力提升我们的品牌在更广泛的受众中,以避免常见的刻板印象。”

[1] Urus S的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.1升/100公里(WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:320 克/公里 (WLTP)

An all-female event behind the wheel of Lamborghini Urus S, from Dubai to Ras Al Khaimah

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Dubai, 4th March 2024 – #SHEdrivesalambo arrives in the Middle East, witnessing a group of women engaged on a road trip from Dubai to Ras Al Khaimah. The Lamborghini Urus S[1], the most sold Super SUV to women in the region, saw the guests driving over 400 kilometres, passing the highest peak in the UAE and staying in a protected area of the Al Wadi desert. The winding roads, exhilarating off-road adventures, stunning panoramas and a profound deep dive into the brand shaped the experience.

The two day-long gathering offered the guests a 360-degree brand exploration. The insight sessions started with a workshop on Lamborghini’s forward-thinking, breaking-stereotypes principles, and how it is facing evolution and looking towards the future. A session from Centro Stile, Lamborghini’s design department, explored one of the topics that makes the brand well known worldwide: the almost infinite possibilities for personalizing color and trim through the Ad Personam program.

The road trip started with driving from Dubai city, heading out east on a spectacular route to Jebel Jais where the guests dined at Puro 1484, the highest restaurant in the UAE. Named according to its height above sea level – 1,484 metres – the restaurant boasts a magnificent, panoramic view of the UAE’s tallest peak, Jebel Jais, and its other-worldly landscapes among the Hajar Mountains. The route’s final 100 kilometres continued into the Al Wadi desert for some off-road driving, with the guests hosted in a 1,235-acre nature reserve where a typical Arabic dinner was enjoyed in the heart of the desert.

The Urus S, the main protagonist of the event, was a perfect fit for those choosing the purest sublimation of performance, luxury and versatility in a Super SUV. Powered by a twin-turbo V8 engine with increased power to 666 CV, it delivers an improved weight-to-power ratio of 3.3 kg/CV. Acceleration propels the Urus S from 0-100 km/h in 3.5 seconds with a top speed of 305 km/h. Characterized by sophisticated design enhancements advocating its sporty but luxury lifestyle persona, the Urus S Super SUV distinguishes itself in every environment. A significant increase in options in terms of colors, trim, wheels, style packages and special details allows customization across the spectrum, from understated style to maximum sportiness.

The #SHEdrivesalambo project was initiated in 2023 in America, rolling out to other markets globally with the aim of speaking out on Automobili Lamborghini’s messages around diversity, equity and inclusion.

Paolo Sartori, Regional Head, Automobili Lamborghini Middle East and Africa said: “It was fantastic to welcome guests from the Middle East for this event, giving them the opportunity to drive the Urus S and understand more about Lamborghini and how we are working towards elevating our brand among wider audiences to avoid common stereotypes.”

[1] Fuel consumption and emission values of Urus S; Fuel consumption combined: 14,1 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 320 g/km (WLTP)


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