
MINI 牛津工厂庆祝新款 MINI Cooper 开始生产

• MINI 牛津工厂开始生产第五代 MINI Cooper。• MINI 负责人 Stefanie Wurst 与工厂同事一起庆祝生产启动。• Charlie Cooper 驾驶第一款车型下线。


3 月 11 日星期一 – 今天,新款第五代 MINI Cooper 在 MINI 总部牛津工厂开始生产。

MINI 牛津工厂的员工与 MINI 负责人 Stefanie Wurst 一起参加了一场特别的现场活动,在活动中,传奇人物约翰·库珀 (John Cooper) 的孙子查理·库珀 (Charlie Cooper) 将首款三门车型从生产线上推出,他的传统启发了库珀的绰号。

MINI 负责人 Stefanie Wurst 在评论开始生产时表示:“这一里程碑强调了我们对我们根源的承诺,同时推动我们进入充满活力的驾驶未来。牛津工厂是 MINI 品牌的核心,今天,当我们见证新篇章的诞生时,我们重申了对工艺和驾驶乐趣的承诺。”

牛津和斯温顿工厂负责人 Markus Grüneisl 博士表示:“我们很高兴欢迎新款 MINI Cooper 加入我们牛津和斯温顿的生产线。新款 MINI Cooper 对于我们的团队和英国制造业来说是一款极其重要的汽车。我们很自豪能够生产出这款受到全世界喜爱的标志性汽车。”

新款 MINI Cooper 是在英国制造的最新一代产品,所有三个 BMW 集团英国制造基地均参与生产:BMW 集团斯温顿工厂生产车身冲压件和子总成,而最新的高效三缸和四缸汽油发动机在位于北沃里克郡的 BMW 集团 Hams Hall 工厂生产。最后,这些零件在 MINI 牛津工厂组装,在那里进行车身外壳生产、喷漆和总装。

自 2001 年推出第一款现代 MINI 以来,英国已生产了超过 440 万辆 MINI,其中包括 2019 年至 2023 年间生产的 150,000 辆 MINI 电动车型。

凭借其高度的灵活性、竞争力和专业知识,MINI牛津工厂在宝马集团的生产网络中发挥着重要作用,目前正准备从2026年开始生产两款全新的全电动MINI车型。宝马集团届时将投资斯温顿、汉斯霍尔和牛津工厂的总投资超过 30 亿英镑。

上个月发布的新款 MINI Cooper 是继 MINI Cooper Electric 和新款 MINI Countryman 之后的新款 MINI 家族的第三位成员。最新的三门车有两种车型可供选择:MINI Cooper C 和性能增强型 MINI Cooper S,将传统品牌价值与面向未来的创新技术融为一体。

该车型的外部轮廓具有清晰的表面、短悬垂和短发动机盖,与对比鲜明的长轴距相结合,实现了典型的 MINI 比例。进入内部,内饰非常简约,整个驾驶舱仅集中于三个元素:革命性的圆形 OLED 显示屏、新的 Vescin 方向盘和切换杆。MINI Cooper 的建议零售价为 22,300 英镑,首批客户将于 2024 年春季交付。

MINI Plant Oxford celebrates start of production of the new MINI Cooper.

• MINI Plant Oxford starts production of fifth generation MINI Cooper. • Head of MINI, Stefanie Wurst joined by plant associates to celebrate production launch. • Charlie Cooper drives first model off production line.


Monday 11 March – Today sees the start of production for the new, fifth generation MINI Cooper at the home of MINI, Plant Oxford.

Associates at MINI Plant Oxford were joined by Head of MINI, Stefanie Wurst for a special on-site event in which the first three-door model was driven off the production line by Charlie Cooper, grandson of the legendary John Cooper, whose heritage inspired the Cooper moniker.

Commenting on the start of production, Stefanie Wurst, Head of MINI said, “This milestone underscores our commitment to our roots while propelling us into a dynamic future of driving. Plant Oxford is the heart of the MINI brand, and today, as we witness the birth of this new chapter, we renew our pledge to craftsmanship and the thrill of motoring.”

Dr. Markus Grüneisl, Head of Plants Oxford and Swindon said, “We are delighted to welcome the new MINI Cooper to our lines in both Oxford and Swindon. The new MINI Cooper is an incredibly important car for our team and UK manufacturing. We are proud to produce this iconic car, loved all over the world.”

The new MINI Cooper is the latest generation to be built in the UK, with all three BMW Group UK manufacturing sites contributing to production: BMW Group Plant Swindon produces body pressings and sub-assemblies, while the latest highly-efficient three and four-cylinder petrol engines are built at BMW Group Plant Hams Hall in North Warwickshire.Finally, these parts come together at MINI Plant Oxford where body shell production, paint and final assembly take place.

Since the launch of the first modern MINI in 2001, over 4.4 million MINIs have been produced in Britain – including 150,000 MINI Electric models which were built between 2019 and 2023.

With its high level of flexibility, competitiveness and expertise, the MINI Oxford plant plays an important role in the BMW Group’s production network, and is currently preparing to build two new all-electric MINI models from 2026. The BMW Group will then have invested a total of more than 3 billion GBP in the Swindon, Hams Hall and Oxford plants.

Announced last month, the new MINI Cooper arrives as the third member of the new MINI family, joining the MINI Cooper Electric and the new MINI Countryman. Available in two model variants: the MINI Cooper C and performance-enhanced MINI Cooper S, the latest three-door merges traditional brand values with innovative, future orientated technology.

The model’s exterior silhouette features clear surfaces, short overhangs, and a short bonnet which combined with a contrasting long wheelbase, achieves the typical MINI proportions. Moving inside, the interior is minimalistic, with the entire cockpit focussed on just three elements: a revolutionary circular OLED display, the new Vescin steering wheel and the toggle bar. The MINI Cooper will be priced from £22,300 RRP with first customer deliveries in spring 2024.


新款 BMW X5 防护 VR6




配备 Bulldog Racing 6 速手动变速箱的 MINI John Cooper Works 将参加由查理·库珀 (GBR) 驾驶的第 51 届纽博格林 24 小时耐力赛
