
BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2024 年 5 月 6 日

在我们的 BMW M 赛车运动新闻中,我们定期为您提供精选照片以及关于全球各种锦标赛中的赛车活动以及 BMW M 赛车运动团队所取得的成功的紧凑而信息丰富的概述。


BMW M Motorsport 客户赛车部主管 Björn Lellmann:


“最近几周,BMW M Motorsport 车队凭借 BMW M4 GT3、BMW M4 GT4 和 BMW M2 CS Racing 赛车在全球范围内取得了无数成功。我们能够在德国、欧洲、北美和北美为胜利和登上领奖台而欢呼。这再次凸显了 BMW M Motorsport 客户赛车计划在国际上的强大实力,我祝贺所有获奖者,并期待我们能够共同庆祝下一次的成功。”



意大利 GT 锦标赛(5 月 35 日):Hesse 和 Klingmann 在 Misano 获胜。


BMW Italia Ceccato Racing 车队在米萨诺 (ITA) 的意大利 GT 锦标赛赛季中取得两场胜利。在周日的比赛中,BMW M 工厂车手 Max Hesse 和 Jens Klingmann(均为德国)驾驶 7 号 BMW M4 GT3 取得胜利。与此同时,驾驶姊妹车 8 号赛车的 Pedro Ebrahim(BRA)和 Federico Malvestiti(ITA)赢得了 Pro-Am 组别冠军。在周六的第一场比赛中,黑塞一直争夺第三名,直到最后一圈,但随后因技术缺陷而退赛。易卜拉欣和马尔维斯蒂蒂在班上获得第四名。 “这是球队的胜利,”黑塞说。 “在我周六因技术缺陷而发生事故后,这些人做了令人难以置信的重建工作。感谢大家付出的巨大努力!”克林曼补充道:“在周六遭遇重大不幸之后,我们凭借周日的胜利扭转了周末局面。我们甚至无法确定我们是否可以开始。我们要把这归功于 Roberto Ravaglia 领导的整个团队的出色工作。对我个人来说,这是在米萨诺的第一场胜利,我对此感到非常高兴。”



GTWC America(5 月 35 日):ST Racing 和 Turner Motorsport 庆祝组别胜利。


佛罗里达州的纯粹欢乐:在由 AWS 提供支持的 Fanatec GT 世界挑战赛美国站的第二个周末比赛中,BMW M Motorsport 车队庆祝了两次比赛中的组别胜利。在赛百灵国际赛道的第一场比赛中,BMW M 厂队车手 Neil Verhagen(美国)和 Samantha Tan(加拿大)以第三名的成绩登上领奖台。


驾驶 38 号 BMW M4 GT3 的 Team ST Racing 二人组在 Pro-Am 类别中获胜,尽管 Verhagen 因时间损失而不得不领先于来自 Turner Motorsport 的品牌同事、Robby Foley 和 Justin Rothberg(均为美国) 。 “进站后,我开始寻找时间,”维尔哈根解释道。 “我必须拉开的差距是五秒。罗比在我身后。他也让我保持警惕。”但领先优势对于维尔哈根和谭来说已经足够了,他们庆祝了一场特殊的胜利。去年,两人在赛百灵赢得了职业-业余组比赛的第二场比赛,但随后因处罚而放弃了组别冠军。 “这是最伟大救赎的胜利,”一年后谭说。 “我们回到这里是为了证明一些事情。团队给了我们一辆令人难以置信的汽车,我们成功了。感觉真的很好。”


周六,Foley 和 Rothberg 在 Pro-Am 组别中驾驶 BMW M4 GT3 取得一比二的成绩,紧随其后。一天后,特纳赛车运动二人组本身就是衡量一切的标准,在第二场比赛中,弗利和罗斯伯格在职业-业余组别中获胜。 Verhagen 和 Tan 驾驶 38 号 BMW M4 GT3 赛车在通过维修区受到处罚后奋力反击,并在赛百灵为 BMW M Motorsport 车队赢得了第三名。 “我认为这个周末我们向所有人展示了我们的步伐是无可争议的。感谢我的团队、我们的车迷和 BMW M Motorsport 的支持。”Tan 称赞道,他也有理由在专业组中庆祝。 BMW M 工厂车手 Bill Auberlen 和 Varun Choksey(均来自美国)庆祝双夺领奖台:在两场比赛中,他们驾驶 28 号 BMW M4 GT3 获得组别第三名。



GT/GT4/TC America(5 月 35 日):赛百灵登上领奖台的庆祝活动。


贾斯汀·罗斯伯格(美国)庆祝《GT America》首映。在赛百灵国际赛道的第二场比赛中,这位美国人驾驶特纳赛车运动#29 BMW M4 GT3 获得第三名,并首次登上 GT America 领奖台。 Nicolas Shanny(美国)两次以第四名的成绩两次险些登上 GT4 组别领奖台。


在 GT4 America 比赛中,Team AutoTechnic Racing 的扎克·安德森 (Zac Anderson) 和科林·加勒特 (Colin Garrett)(均为美国)驾驶 51 号 BMW M4 GT4 以第二名登上领奖台。在 Am 组别中,克里斯·威尔逊 (Kris Wilson) 与保罗·斯巴达 (Paul Sparta)(均为美国选手)驾驶 98 号 BMW M4 GT4 驾驶 Team Random Vandals Racing 赢得了第二场比赛,此前两人已经在第一场比赛中获得第二名,登上了领奖台。 Matt Million 和 Ryan Keeley(均来自美国)驾驶 53 号 BMW M4 GT4 在第一场比赛中获得 Am 组第三名。


在 TC America 比赛中,来自 Carnus Callas Raceteam 的 Chris Walsh(美国)是佛罗里达州的主要车手。在两次比赛中,他都驾驶着 104 号 BMW M2 CS Racing 赛车取得了胜利,而驾驶着 17 号 BMW M2 CS Racing 赛车的 BMW 同事卢卡斯·卡塔尼亚(美国,Rigid Speed 车队)则每次都屈居第二。在第二场比赛中,Aaron Kaplan(美国)驾驶 18 号 BMW M2 CS Racing 赛车以第三名的成绩登上了纯 BMW M Motorsport 领奖台。


两周前,Samantha Tan(加拿大)在 GT America 的个人赛季首秀中庆祝登上领奖台。在长滩(美国)街道赛道的第二场比赛中,加拿大人驾驶她的 38 号 BMW M4 GT4 在 GT4 组别中获得第二名。在SRO3组别的比赛中,罗斯伯格两次都以第四名的成绩险些登上领奖台。



ADAC GT 大师赛(4 月 2628 日):Köhler 和 Oosten 在奥舍斯莱本的赛季开始时获胜。


Maxime Oosten(荷兰)和 Leon Köhler(德国)在四月的上周末赢得了 ADAC GT 大师赛的揭幕战,庆祝新赛季的完美开局。在奥舍斯莱本(德国)的首场比赛中,Team FK Performance Motorsport 车队的 54 号 BMW M4 GT3 从杆位取得了压倒性的胜利。 “这是本赛季的一个很好的开始。马克西姆在比赛的第一部分表现出色。对我来说,这是关于在第二节中控制领先优势。我对这场胜利感到非常高兴。”科勒在周六首场比赛取得成功后说道。


在周日的第二场比赛中,这对德国-荷兰组合从第七位发车,一路奋力向前,最终以第四名的成绩险些错过周末第二次登上领奖台的机会。尽管如此,科勒和奥斯滕还是让奥舍斯莱本在车手积分榜上排名第二。他们的队友 Eduardo Coseteng(PHI)和 Gregory de Sybourg(SUI)在 ADAC GT Masters 赛季开始时驾驶 10 号 BMW M4 GT3 分别获得第 13 名和第 10 名。



ADAC GT4 德国站(4 月 26至 28):Piana 和 Schrey 主导了揭幕战。


在德国奥舍斯莱本(德国)举行的 ADAC GT4 德国站首周末,Gabriele Piana(意大利)和 Michael Schrey(德国)驾驶 2 号 BMW M4 GT4 表现出无与伦比的表现。来自 Bonk Motorsport 的 Team Hofor Racing 的二人组在周六的排位赛中就将领先优势拉开超过十分之四,随后也在第一场比赛中锁定了胜利。他们的队友 Leon Wassertheurer 和 Tim Reiter(均为德国)驾驶 3 号 BMW M4 GT4 在赛季开始时获得第三名,完成了 BMW M Motorsport 的双领奖台。




尽管如此,BMW M Motorsport 车队也在周日庆祝了出色的整体成绩。在 Piana 和 Schrey 之后,还有四辆 BMW M4 GT4 跻身前十名。对于 FK Performance Motorsport,Leyton Fourie(RSA)和 Max Rosam(德国)驾驶 46 号赛车获得第五名,而他们的 47 号赛车队友 Tom Edgar(英国)和 Joseph Warhurst(英国)则降到第六位。在他们身后,Markus Eichele(德国)和 Phillip Wiskirchen(德国)驾驶 ME Motorsport #66 BMW M4 GT4 参赛,随后是 Mohan Ritson(英国)和 Gianni van de Craats(荷兰)驾驶 48 号赛车,这是另一对来自 FK Performance 的组合赛车运动,获得第八名。



泰国超级系列赛(5 月 35 日):Jesse Krohn 和 AAI Motorsports 获胜。


泰国超级系列赛赛季于上周末在武里南昌国际赛车场 (THA) 拉开帷幕。 AAI Motorsports 车队在 BMW M 厂队车手 Jesse Krohn(FIN)的支持下,派出两辆 BMW M4 GT3 参加比赛。在这两场比赛中,我们取得了一场胜利,另外三场登上领奖台值得庆祝。克罗恩和他的驾驶同事陈春华(TPE)以 0.074 秒的领先优势以激动人心的成绩赢得了第二场比赛。在第一轮比赛中,两人在领奖台上获得第二名。陈贝蒂 (Betty Chen) 和陈俊三 (Jun San Chen)(均为 TPE)在 Am 组中获得两个第二名,也为赛季取得了成功。



超级 GT 系列赛(5 月 3至 5):布鲁诺·斯宾格勒 (Bruno Spengler) 在富士参加比赛。


BMW M 厂队车手 Bruno Spengler(加拿大)在富士(日本)举行的日本 Super GT 系列赛本赛季首场耐力赛中为 Team Studie 提供支持。在三个比赛小时中,他驾驶着 7 号 BMW M4 GT3,与 Niklas Krütten(德国)和 Seiji Ara(日本)交替驾驶。三人从第九位出发,107 圈后以第十一位的成绩冲过终点线。



英国 GT 锦标赛(4 月 26 日28 ):在银石赛道度过充满挑战的周末。


在银石赛道(英国)举行的英国 GT 锦标赛第二赛季比赛中,BMW M 厂队车手 Raffaele Marciello(瑞士)与 John Ferguson(英国)一起取得了前十名的成绩。在英格兰南部的传统赛道上,Team RAM Racing 车队驾驶 15 号 BMW M4 GT3 获得第九名。 BMW M 厂队车手 Dries Vanthoor(比利时)与驾驶 1 号 BMW M4 GT3 的 Darren Leung(英国)一起获得第 13 名。


他们来自 Team Century Motorsport 的队友 Lewis Plato(英国)和 Carl Cavers(英国)驾驶 22 号 BMW M4 GT3,位居第 14 位。 BMW M 厂队车手 Dan Harper(英国)驾驶 14 号 BMW M4 GT3 与 Michael Johnston(英国)一起完成了比赛,获得第 17 名。在 GT4 组别中,Ian Gough(英国)和 Tom Wrigley(英国)驾驶 29 号 BMW M4 GT4 夺得第十名。



ESET 杯系列赛(4 月 26 日28):巴拉顿湖的组别胜利。


在新巴拉顿公园赛道 (HUN) 举行的 ESET 杯系列赛周末,BMW M Motorsport 车手庆祝了三项组别的胜利。在 D4 GT4 组别中,驾驶 Trevor Racing #500 BMW M4 GT4 的 Antal Zsigo (SVK) 在第一场和第二场比赛中均取得胜利,领先于驾驶 Team Aries Racing 的 #444 BMW M4 GT4 的 Rudolf Beno (SVK)。在耐力赛中,Beno 与 Richard Gonda 驾驶 444 号 BMW M4 GT4 一起赢得了 D4 GT4 组别的冠军,领先于 Zsigo。 Trevor Racing 车队的 Stefan Rosina (SVK) 驾驶他的 24 号 BMW M6 GT3 在巴拉顿湖附近庆祝总成绩第二名。



英国房车锦标赛(4 月 2628 日):在多宁顿公园举行的颁奖典礼。


三场比赛,三座领奖台。宝马车队在多宁顿公园(GBR)的英国房车锦标赛中取得了成功。在前两场比赛中,驾驶 24 号 BMW 330e M Sport 的 Jake Hill(英国)两次获得第三名。当这位30岁的车手在第三轮比赛中只能获得第五名时,另一位宝马代表挺身而出,在前两场比赛中获得第四名和第五名后,科林·特金顿(英国)在最后一场比赛中以第二名的身份登上领奖台。他的宝马车队队友亚当·摩根(英国)在第二场和第三场比赛中获得第七名。希尔和特金顿离开 BTCC 赛季第一站,在总积分榜上排名第三和第四,而宝马在制造商积分榜上领先。

BMW M Motorsport News, 6th May 2024.

In our BMW M Motorsport News, we regularly offer you a selection of photos as well as a compact and informative overview of the racing action in various championships worldwide and the successes of the BMW M Motorsport teams.


Björn Lellmann, Head of Customer Racing at BMW M Motorsport:


“The BMW M Motorsport teams have celebrated numerous successes worldwide with the BMW M4 GT3, BMW M4 GT4, and BMW M2 CS Racing cars in recent weeks. We have been able to cheer for victories and podiums in Germany, Europe, North America, and Asia. This once again underlines how strong the customer racing programme is internationally at BMW M Motorsport. I congratulate all the winners and look forward to the next successes that we can celebrate together.”



Italian GT Championship (3rd-5th May): Hesse and Klingmann triumph at Misano.


The BMW Italia Ceccato Racing team started the Italian GT Championship season at Misano (ITA) with two victories. In the Sunday race, BMW M works drivers Max Hesse and Jens Klingmann (both GER) triumphed with the #7 BMW M4 GT3. At the same time, in the sister #8 car, Pedro Ebrahim (BRA) and Federico Malvestiti (ITA) won the Pro-Am class. In the first race on Saturday, Hesse fought for third place until the last lap but then retired due to a technical defect. Ebrahim and Malvestiti finished fourth in their class. “This is a victory for the team,” said Hesse. “The guys did an incredible job rebuilding the car after my accident following the technical defect on Saturday. Thanks to everyone for the fantastic effort!” Klingmann added: “After our big misfortune on Saturday, we managed to turn the weekend around with the victory on Sunday. It was anything but certain that we could even start. We owe this to the great work of the entire team led by Roberto Ravaglia. For me personally, it is the first victory at Misano, which I am very happy about.”



GTWC America (3rd-5th May): ST Racing and Turner Motorsport celebrate class victories.


Pure joy in Florida: At the second race weekend of the Fanatec GT World Challenge America powered by AWS, BMW M Motorsport teams celebrated a class victory in both runs. In the first race at Sebring International Raceway, BMW M works driver Neil Verhagen (USA) and Samantha Tan (CAN) jumped onto the podium as third overall.


The Team ST Racing duo in the #38 BMW M4 GT3 triumphed in the Pro-Am category – even though Verhagen had to build a lead over brand colleagues from Turner Motorsport, Robby Foley and Justin Rothberg (both USA), due to a time penalty. “After the pit stop, I was on a time hunt,” explained Verhagen. “The gap I had to open was five seconds. I had Robby behind me. He also kept me on my toes.” But the lead was enough for Verhagen and Tan, who celebrated a special victory. Last year, the duo won the second race at Sebring in the Pro-Am category but had to give up the class victory afterwards due to a penalty. “This is the victory of the greatest redemption,” said Tan a year later. “We came back here to prove something. The team gave us an incredible car, and we made it. It feels really good.”


Foley and Rothberg made it a one-two result for the BMW M4 GT3 in the Pro-Am category right behind them on Saturday. A day later, the Turner Motorsport duo themselves were the measure of all things when in the second race, Foley and Rothberg triumphed in the Pro-Am category. Verhagen and Tan fought their way back impressively after a drive-through penalty in the #38 BMW M4 GT3 and crowned an outstanding weekend for the BMW M Motorsport teams at Sebring as third. “I think we showed everyone this weekend that our pace is undisputed. Thanks to my team, our fans, and BMW M Motorsport for the support,” praised Tan, who also had reason to celebrate in the Pro category. BMW M works driver Bill Auberlen and Varun Choksey (both USA) celebrated a double podium: In both races, they finished third in the #28 BMW M4 GT3 in the class.



GT/GT4/TC America (3rd-5th May): Podium celebrations at Sebring.


Justin Rothberg (USA) celebrated a premiere in GT America. In the second race at Sebring International Raceway, the American finished third in the Turner Motorsport #29 BMW M4 GT3 and climbed onto the GT America podium for the first time. Nicolas Shanny (USA) narrowly missed the podium in the GT4 category twice as fourth.


In GT4 America, Zac Anderson and Colin Garrett (both USA) from Team AutoTechnic Racing climbed onto the overall podium as second in the #51 BMW M4 GT4. In the Am category, Kris Wilson alongside Paul Sparta (both USA) for Team Random Vandals Racing in the #98 BMW M4 GT4 won the second run after the duo had already celebrated a podium finish with second place in the first race. Matt Million and Ryan Keeley (both USA) finished third in the Am category in the first race in the #53 BMW M4 GT4.


In TC America, Chris Walsh (USA) from Carnus Callas Raceteam was the dominant driver in Florida. In both runs, he triumphed in the #104 BMW M2 CS Racing car, relegating his BMW colleague Lucas Catania (USA, Team Rigid Speed) in the #17 BMW M2 CS Racing car to second place each time. In the second race, Aaron Kaplan (USA) in the #18 BMW M2 CS Racing car completed the pure BMW M Motorsport podium in third.


Two weeks earlier, Samantha Tan (CAN) celebrated a podium finish at her personal season debut in GT America. In the second run on the Long Beach (USA) street circuit, the Canadian steered her #38 BMW M4 GT4 in the GT4 class to second place. In the SRO3 class, Rothberg narrowly missed the podium with fourth place in both runs.



ADAC GT Masters (26th-28th April): Köhler and Oosten win at the season start at Oschersleben.


Maxime Oosten (NED) and Leon Köhler (GER) won the opening race of the ADAC GT Masters last weekend in April, celebrating a perfect start to the new season. In the first race at Oschersleben (GER), the #54 BMW M4 GT3 of Team FK Performance Motorsport drove from pole position to a commanding triumph. “It was a great start to the season. Maxime did a great job in the first part of the race. For me, it was about managing the lead in the second section. I am very happy about the victory,” Köhler raved after the opening success on Saturday.


In the second race on Sunday, the German-Dutch duo then fought their way forward from seventh on the grid, narrowly missing the second podium finish of the weekend with fourth place. Nevertheless, Köhler and Oosten left Oschersleben in second place in the drivers’ standings. Their team-mates Eduardo Coseteng (PHI) and Gregory de Sybourg (SUI) drove the #10 BMW M4 GT3 to 13th and tenth places at the start of the ADAC GT Masters season.



ADAC GT4 Germany (26th-28th April): Piana and Schrey dominate the opener.


At the opening weekend of the ADAC GT4 Germany at Oschersleben (GER), Gabriele Piana (ITA) and Michael Schrey (GER) in the #2 BMW M4 GT4 were unbeatable. Already in qualifying on Saturday, the duo from Team Hofor Racing by Bonk Motorsport distanced the competition by more than four-tenths – and then also secured the victory in the first race. Their team-mates Leon Wassertheurer and Tim Reiter (both GER) in the #3 BMW M4 GT4 completed the double podium for BMW M Motorsport at the season start in third.


Piana and Schrey also triumphed in the second race, celebrating the second race victory of the weekend in Saxony-Anhalt. Their team-mates Reiter and Wassertheurer had started Sunday from pole position but had to retire while leading with damage to the wheel suspension.


Nevertheless, the BMW M Motorsport teams also celebrated an outstanding overall result on Sunday. Behind Piana and Schrey, four more BMW M4 GT4s secured top-ten finishes. For FK Performance Motorsport, Leyton Fourie (RSA) and Max Rosam (GER) in the #46 car finished fifth and relegated their car #47 team-mates Tom Edgar (GBR) and Joseph Warhurst (GBR) to sixth place. Behind them, Markus Eichele (GER) and Phillip Wiskirchen (GER) competed in the ME Motorsport #66 BMW M4 GT4, followed by Mohan Ritson (GBR) and Gianni van de Craats (NED) in car #48, another duo from FK Performance Motorsport, finishing eighth.



Thailand Super Series (3rd-5th May): Victory for Jesse Krohn and AAI Motorsports.


The Thailand Super Series season began last weekend at the Chang International Circuit in Buriram (THA). The AAI Motorsports team, with the support of BMW M works driver Jesse Krohn (FIN), competed with two BMW M4 GT3s. In the two races, there was one victory and three other podium finishes to celebrate. Krohn and his driving colleague Chun Hua Chen (TPE) won the second race in an exciting finish with a 0.074-second lead. In the first run, the duo finished second on the podium. With two second places in the Am class, Betty Chen and Jun San Chen (both TPE) also had a successful start to the season.



Super GT Series (3rd-5th May): Bruno Spengler competes at Fuji.


BMW M works driver Bruno Spengler (CAN) supported Team Studie at the first endurance race of the season in the Japanese Super GT Series at Fuji (JPN). In the #7 BMW M4 GT3, he alternated with Niklas Krütten (GER) and Seiji Ara (JPN) during the three race hours. The trio started from ninth place and crossed the finish line in eleventh position after 107 laps.



British GT Championship (26th-28th April): Challenging weekend at Silverstone.


At the second season event of the British GT Championship at Silverstone (GBR), BMW M works driver Raffaele Marciello (SUI) alongside John Ferguson (GBR) achieved a top-ten finish. At the traditional track in the south of England, the Team RAM Racing duo in the #15 BMW M4 GT3 finished ninth. BMW M works driver Dries Vanthoor (BEL) finished 13th alongside Darren Leung (GBR) in the #1 BMW M4 GT3.


Their teammates from Team Century Motorsport, Lewis Plato (GBR) and Carl Cavers (GBR) in the #22 BMW M4 GT3, followed in 14th place. BMW M works driver Dan Harper (GBR) finished the race in the #14 BMW M4 GT3 alongside Michael Johnston (GBR) in 17th place. In the GT4 category, Ian Gough (GBR) and Tom Wrigley (GBR) steered the #29 BMW M4 GT4 to tenth place.



ESET Cup Series (26th-28th April): Class victories at Lake Balaton.


At the ESET Cup Series race weekend on the new Balaton Park Circuit (HUN), BMW M Motorsport drivers celebrated three class victories. In the D4 GT4 class, Antal Zsigo (SVK) in his Trevor Racing #500 BMW M4 GT4 triumphed in both the first and second races ahead of Rudolf Beno (SVK) in the #444 BMW M4 GT4 from Team Aries Racing. In the Endurance Race, Beno alongside Richard Gonda in the #444 BMW M4 GT4 won the D4 GT4 class ahead of Zsigo. Team Trevor Racing’s Stefan Rosina (SVK) celebrated second place in the overall classification near Lake Balaton in his #24 BMW M6 GT3.



British Touring Car Championship (26th-28th April): Podium celebrations at Donington Park.


Three races, three podiums. BMW teams experienced a successful start to the British Touring Car Championship at Donington Park (GBR). In the first two races, Jake Hill (GBR) in the #24 BMW 330e M Sport finished third twice. When the 30-year-old had to settle for fifth place in the third run, another BMW representative stepped up when sfter fourth and fifth places in the first two races, Colin Turkington (GBR) climbed onto the podium as second in the final race. His Team BMW team-mate Adam Morgan (GBR) finished seventh in the second and third races. Hill and Turkington left the first stop of the BTCC season in third and fourth places in the overall standings, with BMW leading the manufacturers’ standings.


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