
全新 BMW M4 CS

BMW M3 和 BMW M4 系列的另一款 BMW M GmbH 特别版将赛道体验与激动人心的公路性能融为一体。全新 BMW M4 CS(油耗,合计 10.2 升/100 公里 [27.7 英里/加仑 imp];二氧化碳排放量合计:WLTP 循环中的 232 克/公里,二氧化碳等级:G)融合了高品质汽车中常见的属性- 高端中型车领域的高性能汽车,并将情感投入度提升了几个档次。发动机输出功率增加至 405 kW/550 hp,针对特定车型的底盘调校和轻量化——得益于众多由碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP) 制成的部件——为 BMW M4 Coupé 四座轿跑车概念车日常带来额外优势实用性、先进的设备和独特的设计特点。新款 BMW M4 CS 将于今年 7 月起在 BMW 集团丁戈尔芬工厂与其他 BMW M4 车型一起生产。订单簿将于五月底开放。


全新 BMW M4 CS 邀请车主体验无与伦比的 M 感觉的深度和广度。其独特的性格特征使其恰好介于配备 M xDrive 的全新 BMW M4 竞赛双门轿跑车之间(油耗,合计 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp];CO 2排放量,合计:229 – 226 g/km在 WLTP 循环中,CO 2级:G) – 包括最近推出的性能、设计和设备升级 – 以及 1,000 辆限量版 BMW M4 CSL 特别版(油耗总计 10.1 – 9.9 升/100 公里 [ 28.0 – 28.5 mpg imp];CO 2排放量合计:WLTP 循环中 227 – 224 g/km,CO 2类别:G)。全新 BMW M4 CS 的纯正性能天赋是典型的 M 赛车基因的产物,在日常道路驾驶中不断提醒人们它们的存在,并在赛道上尽情发挥。

BMW M4 CS 中的六缸直列发动机、八速 M Steptronic 变速箱和 M xDrive 智能全轮驱动系统的特定车型性能特征,为全新特别版赋予了在任何情况下都充满活力的平衡和保证。瞬时动力传输和优化牵引力可在 3.4 秒内从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时(62 英里/小时)。纽博格林北环赛道是所有 BMW M 汽车的标志性 M 动力、敏捷性和操控精度的终极晴雨表,在纽博格林北环赛道的测试中,新款 BMW M4 CS 的官方和公证时间记录为 7 分钟。 21.989 秒跑完 20.832 公里(12.943 英里)一圈。



新款 BMW M4 CS 以比赛为中心的特点非常容易辨认,并且是每次旅程中引人注目的伴侣。特别版由特别强劲的高转速六缸直列发动机提供动力,采用专为 BMW M3/BMW M4 系列开发的 M TwinPower Turbo 技术。这款 3.0 升发动机从开发的第一天起就将赛道性能作为其存在的理由。事实上,它还为 BMW M4 GT3 的发动机提供了基础,该车在 2022 年首次参加 DTM 房车赛就赢得了冠军,并于 2023 年在斯帕 24 小时耐力赛中获得了全面胜利和迪拜。

因此,新款 BMW M4 CS 中的发动机也受益于 BMW M GmbH 的开发专业知识和多年的赛车经验。该发动机具有极其坚固的曲轴箱,采用无套筒、封闭式结构,设计用于处理非常高的燃烧压力。锻造轻质曲轴还表现出卓越的抗扭性,这在为发动机提供快速动力输出和转速需求方面发挥着重要作用。同样减轻重量的缸孔的线弧喷铁涂层减少了摩擦损失。与此同时,气缸盖具有 3D 打印的核心。这种增材制造工艺允许冷却剂管道以最佳布置进行温度管理,这是使用传统金属铸造方法无法实现的。供油系统(如冷却系统)旨在应对赛道使用的特定挑战,包括持续的高转速和极端的横向加速度。



赛车技术为六缸直列发动机的非凡潜力奠定了基础,该发动机在新款 BMW M4 CS 的发动机盖下可产生 405 kW/550 hp 的最大输出功率。这比配备 M xDrive 的 BMW M4 竞赛轿跑车中的发动机所实现的数字增加了 15 kW/20 hp。动力提升是通过对发动机的 M TwinPower Turbo 技术进行有针对性的修改来实现的,并且不需要在稳定性或耐用性方面做出任何让步。这些调整主要涉及将两个单涡流涡轮增压器的最大增压压力提高至 2.1 巴,并对发动机管理进行一些特定于车型的调整。

这些升级还对熟悉的 M 性能特征产生了非常具体的影响,瞬时动力输出持续不减弱,直至转速范围的高端,这是一个特别主导的主题。新款 BMW M4 CS 中的发动机可在 2,750 rpm 至 5,950 rpm 的转速范围内提供 650 Nm(479 lb-ft)的峰值扭矩。它在 6,250 rpm 时产生最大输出,并具有 7,200 rpm 红线。具有更高弹簧刚度的特定型号发动机支架有助于实现出色的发动机响应。动力单元与车辆结构之间的刚性连接使得每次驾驶员踩下油门时都能将动力直接传输至动力传动系统。

发动机的即时可用动力和高转速特性为实现令人印象深刻的加速数字铺平了道路。新款 BMW M4 CS 从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时(62 英里/小时)只需 3.4 秒,而 0 到 200 公里/小时(124 英里/小时)则需要 11.1 秒。 80 至 120 公里/小时(50 – 75 英里/小时)的中档冲刺在 4 档时只需 2.6 秒,在 5 档时只需 3.3 秒。特别版的最高时速(作为 M 驾驶员套件的标准配置)通过电子方式限制为 302 公里/小时(188 英里/小时)。

发动机的动力传递伴随着双分支排气系统产生的激动人心的配乐,该系统具有电控襟翼、采用轻量化设计的钛制后消音器,以及按照惯例的 M 风格 – 两对哑光黑色排气管。发动机的声音效果可根据通过 M 设置菜单选择的动力系统设置进行调整。在 SPORT 和 SPORT+ 模式下,发动机音符获得了不容错过的赛车低音。这为整个过程注入了真正的听觉戏剧,特别是在换档和随之而来的转速调整期间。


八速 M Steptronic 变速箱、M xDrive 和主动 M 差速器将出色的动力转化为令人印象深刻的性能。

发动机的驱动扭矩通过带有 Drivelogic 的八速 M Steptronic 变速箱传递至新款 BMW M4 CS 的所有四个车轮。可使用中控台上的 M 专用换档杆或方向盘上的碳纤维换档拨片进行操作。集成在选档杆中的 Drivelogic 按钮允许驾驶员根据需要改变变速箱的换档特性,并提供多种设置选择:一种以舒适为导向,一种注重运动性能,一种专门针对赛道使用进行优化。

发动机的动力通过 M xDrive 系统传输至路面。这种智能全轮驱动技术在分动箱中使用电子控制的多片离合器,在前轮和后轮之间平稳地分配发动机的动力,从而在任何情况下最大限度地提高牵引力、敏捷性和方向稳定性。多片离合器的供油经过优化,可确保全轮驱动系统即使在超激烈的赛道比赛中也能继续有效运行。

M xDrive 系统的后轮偏置及其与后轴主动 M 差速器的配合方式(其操作也是完全可变的)在加速或过弯时增添了标志性的 M 感觉。此外,M 设置菜单允许选择 4WD 运动模式,该模式将更大比例的发动机扭矩传递至后轮。驾驶员还可以完全关闭 DSC(动态稳定控制)系统,并通过 2WD 模式启用纯后轮驱动。这使得熟练的驾驶员能够更加强烈地享受驾驶体验。



新款 BMW M4 CS 的底盘技术根据发动机的性能特征、整体车辆概念及其重量分布进行了精确调整。单独调整的车轴运动学和定制的车轮外倾角设置、阻尼器、辅助弹簧和防倾杆可优化转向精度、转弯时侧向控制力的传输、弹簧和阻尼响应以及车轮位置。

新款 BMW M4 CS 上的自适应 M 悬架的电子控制减震器同样采用特定于车型的设置,其可变比率机电 M Servotronic 转向系统和集成制动系统也是如此。 DSC 系统和 M 动态模式的设置也专门针对动态电路驾驶的特定需求。 M 动态模式通过推迟 DSC 系统各种稳定措施的干预点,为驾驶员提供了额外的余地来探索汽车的动态极限。当驾驶员采用极其运动的驾驶方式时,由此产生的车轮打滑可确保更好的动力传输,并有助于更有保证地推动汽车在道路上行驶。



特别版车型标配 M 复合刹车,卡钳有红色或黑色涂装可供选择。可选的 M 碳陶瓷制动器的卡钳可以指定为红色或哑光金色漆面。新款 BMW M4 CS 还标配采用独特 V 形辐条设计的锻造 M 轻合金车轮,有哑光金古铜色或哑光黑色可供选择。

轻质车轮(前轴 19 英寸,后轴 20 英寸)标配履带轮胎(可选配超履带轮胎),以最大限度地提高赛道上的性能体验。这些履带轮胎尺寸为 275/35 ZR19(前)和 285/30 ZR20(后),具有出色的横向控制和方向稳定性、精确的转向感和最佳牵引力,即使在驾驶员外出时也能提供令人信服的主张他们在赛道上的运动野心。打算主要使用 BMW M4 CS 进行日常驾驶的客户可以免费选择相同尺寸的高性能轮胎。



广泛的轻量化设计措施在塑造全新 BMW M4 CS 的性能品质和独特个性方面发挥着重要作用。使用碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP) 制成的部件在这里至关重要。碳纤维车顶就是一个典型的例子,它的重量轻,使汽车的重心更接近道路,从而增强了敏捷性和转弯动力。发动机罩、前分流器、前进气口、外后视镜盖、后扩散器和格尼式后扰流板也采用这种轻质高科技材料制成。

内饰方面也体现了对智能轻量化设计原则的坚持。事实上,为了减轻驾驶舱内的重量,中控台、方向盘上的换档拨片和内饰元件均由 CFRP 制成。特别版车型还标配了 M 碳桶型座椅,其轻量化结构通过在座垫和靠背的结构元件以及座椅中引人注目的切口中使用 CFRP 来凸显。侧垫和头枕下方。此外,由于采用了钛制后消音器,新款 BMW M4 CS 的排气系统重量减轻了 4 公斤多。总而言之,与配备 M xDrive 的 BMW M4 竞赛轿跑车相比,轻量化设计措施使汽车重量减轻了约 20 公斤。


可选的 M 前端支柱支架可最大限度地提高扭转刚度。

M 前端支柱支架(同样为轻量化而设计)可指定为 BMW M4 CS 的选装件,以提高扭转刚度并改善动态转弯时的操控性。连接弹簧支柱塔和前端的铸铝元件具有重量优化的几何形状,在数值模型的帮助下,与各种驾驶情况下施加的力精确匹配。



全新 BMW M4 CS 通过一系列个性化的设计特点立即展现出其更锐利的性格。全新 BMW 个性化特殊漆面 Riviera Blue 和 Frozen Isle of Man Green Metallic 专为 BMW M GmbH 的最新特别版车型提供。车顶的裸露碳纤维表面和引擎盖上凿出的一对凹痕展示了该材料的独特结构,前分流器、前进气口、M 外后视镜盖、后扰流板和后裙板也是如此。 CFRP 元素与黑色侧裙和 M 鳃一起,与大胆的新漆面形成惊人的对比。新款 BMW M4 CS 还提供 M 布鲁克林灰金属色和宝石黑金属色两种外观颜色。

该车的前端采用了轻量化的无框 BMW 双肾型格栅,其简洁的感觉让人想起赛车。专为该车型设计,其识别特征包括红色轮廓线和两个水平格栅条上方的“M4 CS”徽章。正面的车型徽章和行李箱盖上的对应车型徽章均具有带有红色边框的黑色表面。

引人注目的前大灯为新款 BMW M4 CS 的前端增添了另一抹亮色。无论是在欢迎光动画期间还是在近光灯或远光灯打开时,它们的雕塑灯光图标都会亮起黄色而不是白色,因此参考了成功的 GT 赛车。 BMW M4 CS 的尾灯在夜间呈现出引人注目的外观,在视觉上极具震撼力。除了产生强大的辐射之外,他们的激光技术还以光单元内部复杂的光纤束为特色,这些光纤束具有“自由浮动”的外观,并由激光二极管照明。结果是显着的 3D 效果。这项技术首次出现在限量 1,000 辆的 BMW M4 CSL 高性能特别版中,现在也为 BMW M4 CS 带来了独特的美感。


驾驶舱内的赛车风格:具有独特设计线索的 M 碳纤维斗式座椅。

BMW M4 CS 的驾驶舱散发着纯粹的视觉吸引力,专注于提供令人兴奋的驾驶体验,同时凭借高品质材料和独特的设计元素,成功地将其独特的赛车光环与日常驾驶的舒适功能融为一体。标准 M Alcantara 方向盘采用三辐设计,配有平底轮圈,完美结合了动态驾驶操控的安全抓地力和长途旅行中令人印象深刻的舒适感。其红色中心标记和 CFRP 换档拨片为驾驶舱增添了真正的赛车风味。标准 M 碳桶型座椅采用特定于车型的设计,还融合了赛车感觉和长途舒适性,达到卓越效果。它们是全电动和加热的,具有一体式头枕和发光模型徽章。

BMW M4 CS 中的 M 碳桶型座椅采用美利奴皮革装饰,采用独特的设计,采用黑/红配色方案和独特的对比缝线。这种双色饰面被延续到高性能跑车的后舱中。前门板和后侧板均采用黑色皮革装饰。中控台上的红色“CS”字样、带有 BMW M GmbH 颜色撞色缝线的 M 安全带、无烟煤色车顶内衬、碳纤维饰面内饰条以及刻有“M4 CS”字样的门槛板,所有这些都增添了车内的独特氛围。


配备 M 专用读数的 BMW 曲面显示屏、全新 BMW iDrive。

基于 BMW 操作系统 8.5 的最新版本 BMW iDrive 显示和控制/操作系统提供了对众多车辆功能和数字服务的直观控制。 BMW 曲面显示屏具有 M 专用读数,并与驾驶员成一定角度,帮助他们专注于前方道路。全数字屏幕组由方向盘后面的 12.3 英寸信息显示屏和屏幕对角线为 14.9 英寸的控制显示屏组成。熟悉的M换档灯出现在信息显示屏的顶部,而驾驶稳定系统、M xDrive和牵引力控制模式都显示在下部区域。包含当前车辆设置信息以及轮胎压力和温度的特殊小部件可以添加到控制显示屏的主屏幕上。

升级后的 BMW iDrive 还包括 BMW 智能个人助理,其设计特别强调触摸和语音控制。除了 M 专用图形外,该系统现在还采用了一种操作自动气候控制的新方式:温度和通风设置以及座椅加热可以通过触摸屏下部区域的特殊菜单选项进行控制。控制显示或通过语音命令。


用于自定义车辆配置的设置按钮,M Drive Professional 标配有 M 漂移分析器和 M 圈速计时器。

中控台上的 M 专用设置按钮可直接访问发动机、底盘、转向、制动系统和 M xDrive 的设置选项。可以永久存储两个可单独配置的设置变量,以及发动机注释、DSC 系统、自动启动/停止功能和八速 M Steptronic 变速箱的换档特性的首选设置,然后使用其中之一进行检索方向盘上有两个M按钮。

新款 BMW M4 CS 还标配了 M Drive Professional 系统。其中包括赛道优化功能,例如 M 漂移分析器(可评估和记录有目的地执行的转弯滑行)和 M 圈速计时器(可提供赛道圈数的详细数据,并允许运动型车手与社区分享他们的经验)。它还配备了M牵引力控制系统,其十个阶段也发挥了作用,帮助驾驶员享受在赛道上热情驾驶汽车的乐趣。

中控台上的 M 模式按钮是 M Drive Professional 套件中的另一个工具,可用于调整驾驶员辅助系统响应以及信息显示屏和平视显示器中显示的内容。除了公路和运动设置外,BMW M4 CS 还提供专为赛道使用而设计的赛道模式。



标准 BMW Live Cockpit Professional 的规格包括带有 M 专用图形的 BMW 平视显示器、基于云的 BMW 地图导航系统、智能手机集成、带无线充电功能的电话和 WiFi 接口。 BMW 行车记录仪作为选装件提供。

新款 BMW M4 CS 还为客户提供多种舒适功能和驾驶员辅助系统选择,重点关注享受纯粹的驾驶乐趣。 Comfort Access、报警系统、两区自动气候控制、Harman Kardon 环绕音响系统、停车距离控制、停车助手、前部碰撞警告、车道偏离警告和限速信息系统均作为标准配备,而自动行李箱盖操作和驾驶辅助系统可以作为选装件添加。




综合油耗 10.2 升/100 公里 [27.7 mpg imp]; CO 排放量合计:WLTP 循环中为 232 g/km,CO 2 类别:G


BMW M4 竞赛轿跑车

综合油耗 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km
[28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO 2排放量合计:
WLTP 循环中 229 – 226 g/km,CO 2等级:G


宝马 M4 CSL

综合油耗 10.1 – 9.9 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.5 mpg imp]; CO 2排放量合计:WLTP 循环中 227 – 224 g/km,CO 2等级:G

The all-new BMW M4 CS.

Into the broad space between race track experience and soul-stirring road performance comes another BMW M GmbH special edition from the BMW M3 and BMW M4 range. The all-new BMW M4 CS (fuel consumption, combined 10.2 l/100 km [27.7 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions combined: 232 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) takes the blend of attributes typically found in high-performance cars in the premium midsize segment and turns the emotional engagement dial up a few notches. Engine output increased to 405 kW/550 hp, model-specific chassis tuning and minimised weight – helped by numerous components made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) – bring an extra edge to the BMW M4 Coupé vehicle concept of four seats, everyday practicality, advanced equipment and exclusive design features. The new BMW M4 CS will be produced alongside the other BMW M4 variants at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing from July this year. The order books will be open from the end of May.


The new BMW M4 CS invites owners to experience the inimitable M feeling in all its depth and breadth. Its distinctive character profile places it exactly midway between the new BMW M4 Competition Coupé with M xDrive (fuel consumption, combined 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 229 – 226 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G) – complete with its recently introduced performance, design and equipment upgrades – and the 1,000-unit limited-run BMW M4 CSL special edition (fuel consumption, combined 10.1 – 9.9 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.5 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 227 – 224 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G). The pure-bred performance talents of the new BMW M4 CS are the product of M-typical racing genes, which offer constant reminders of their presence in everyday driving on the road and enjoy full expression out on the track.

The model-specific performance characteristics of the six-cylinder in-line engine in the BMW M4 CS, an eight-speed M Steptronic transmission and M xDrive intelligent all-wheel drive imbue the new special edition with dynamic poise and assurance in any situation. Instantaneous power delivery and optimised traction enable acceleration of 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.4 seconds. In testing at the Nürburgring’s Nordschleife circuit – the ultimate barometer for all BMW M cars when it comes to the signature M recipe of dynamic potency, agility and handling precision – the new BMW M4 CS recorded an official and notarised time of 7 min. 21.989 sec. for the full 20.832-kilometre (12.943-mile) lap.


Six-cylinder in-line engine developed for motor sport .

The race-focused character of the new BMW M4 CS is immediately recognisable and a noticeable companion over every journey. The special edition is powered by a particularly muscular version of the high-revving six-cylinder in-line engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology developed for the BMW M3/BMW M4 range. The 3.0-litre unit has had track performance as its raison d’être from day one of its development. Indeed, it also provides the basis for the engine in the BMW M4 GT3, which won the DTM touring car title in 2022 at the first time of asking and followed that up in 2023 with overall victories at the 24-hour races in Spa-Francorchamps and Dubai.

The engine in the new BMW M4 CS therefore also benefits from the development expertise of BMW M GmbH and the many years of racing experience that underpin it. The engine has an extremely rigid crankcase, which features a sleeve-free, closed-deck construction and is designed to handle very high combustion pressure. The forged lightweight crankshaft also displays exceptional torsional resistance, which plays a role in giving the engine its rapid power delivery and appetite for revs. The wire-arc sprayed iron coating of the likewise weight-saving cylinder bores reduces frictional losses. The cylinder head, meanwhile, has a 3D-printed core. This additive manufacturing process allows the coolant ducts to be routed in an optimum arrangement for temperature management that would be impossible to achieve using conventional metal casting methods. And the system of oil supply – like the cooling system – is designed to handle the specific challenges of track use, including consistently high revs and extreme lateral acceleration.


Bespoke performance characteristics, distinctive sound.

Racing technology provides the foundations for the extraordinary potential of the six-cylinder in-line engine, which produces maximum output of 405 kW/550 hp from under the bonnet of the new BMW M4 CS. This represents a 15 kW/20 hp increase over the figures achieved by the engine in the BMW M4 Competition Coupé with M xDrive. The power boost was achieved through targeted revisions to the engine’s M TwinPower Turbo technology and required no concessions in terms of stability or durability. The adjustments primarily involved raising the maximum charge pressure of the two mono-scroll turbochargers to 2.1 bar and making some model-specific tweaks to the engine management.

The upgrades also produce a very specific take on familiar M performance characteristics, with instantaneous power delivery that continues unabated through to the upper echelons of the rev range a particularly dominant theme. The engine in the new BMW M4 CS puts its peak torque of 650 Nm (479 lb-ft) on tap from just 2,750 rpm up to 5,950 rpm. It develops maximum output at 6,250 rpm and has a 7,200 rpm red line. Contributing to the excellent engine response is a model-specific engine mounting with increased spring rates. The rigid connection between the power unit and the vehicle’s structure enables particularly direct transmission of its power to the drivetrain every time the driver presses the accelerator.

The instantly available power and high-revving character of the engine pave the way for imposing acceleration figures. The new BMW M4 CS dashes from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in just 3.4 seconds, while 0 to 200 km/h (124 mph) takes 11.1 seconds. The mid-range sprint from 80 to 120 km/h (50 – 75 mph) is dealt with in 2.6 seconds in 4th gear and in 3.3 seconds in 5th gear. The top speed of the special edition – which comes as standard with the M Driver’s Package – is electronically limited to 302 km/h (188 mph).

The engine’s power delivery is accompanied by the emotionally stirring soundtrack generated by the dual-branch exhaust system, which features electrically controlled flaps, a titanium rear silencer with weight-minimising design and – in customary M fashion – two pairs of tailpipes painted in matt Black. The engine’s acoustic presence adjusts to the powertrain setting selected via the M Setup menu. In SPORT and SPORT+ modes, the engine note gains unmissable racing car undertones. This injects genuine aural drama into proceedings, particularly during gear changes and the accompanying adjustments in rev speed.


Eight-speed M Steptronic transmission, M xDrive and active M differential convert outstanding power into imposing performance.

The engine’s drive torque is relayed to all four wheels of the new BMW M4 CS via an eight-speed M Steptronic transmission with Drivelogic. This is operated using either the M-specific gear selector lever on the centre console or the carbon-fibre shift paddles on the steering wheel. The Drivelogic button integrated into the selector lever allows the driver to alter the transmission’s shift characteristics as desired, with a choice of settings available: one comfort-oriented, one for sports performance and one optimised specifically for track use.

The engine’s power is channelled onto the road by the M xDrive system. This intelligent all-wheel-drive technology uses an electronically controlled multi-plate clutch in the transfer case to distribute the engine’s power smoothly between the front and rear wheels – and so maximise traction, agility and directional stability in any situation. The multi-plate clutch’s oil supply has been optimised to ensure the all-wheel-drive system continues to perform effectively even during ultra-intense track sessions.

The M xDrive system’s rear-wheel bias and the way it teams up with the Active M Differential at the rear axle – whose operation is also fully variable – add to the signature M feeling when accelerating or powering through corners. Furthermore, the M Setup menu allows 4WD Sport mode to be selected, which directs an even greater proportion of the engine’s torque to the rear wheels. Drivers can also switch off the DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) system altogether and engage pure rear-wheel drive via 2WD mode. This engages skilled drivers in the driving experience to an even more intense degree.


Model-specific tuning for the chassis technology and control systems.

The chassis technology for the new BMW M4 CS has been tuned precisely to the performance characteristics of the engine, the overall vehicle concept and its weight distribution. The individually tuned axle kinematics and bespoke wheel camber settings, dampers, auxiliary springs and anti-roll bars serve to optimise steering precision, transmission of lateral control forces when cornering, spring and damping response and wheel location.

The electronically controlled dampers of the adaptive M suspension on the new BMW M4 CS likewise come in a model-specific setup, as do its electromechanical M Servotronic steering with variable ratio and its integrated braking system. The settings for the DSC system and M Dynamic Mode have also been purposefully geared to the specific demands of dynamic circuit driving. M Dynamic Mode gives drivers extra leeway to explore the car’s dynamic limits by pushing back the intervention points for the DSC system’s various stabilising measures. When the driver adopts an extremely sporty driving style, the resultant wheel slip ensures even better power transmission and helps to propel the car down the road with extra assurance.


Exclusive forged light-alloy wheels and track tyres fitted as standard.

The special-edition model is equipped as standard with M Compound brakes with callipers painted in a choice of Red or Black. The callipers for the optional M Carbon ceramic brakes can be specified in a Red or matt Gold painted finish. The new BMW M4 CS also comes as standard with forged M light-alloy wheels in an exclusive V-spoke design – available in either in matt Gold Bronze or matt Black.

The lightweight wheels (19-inch at the front axle and 20-inch at the rear) are fitted as standard with track tyres (ultra track tyres as option) to maximise the performance experience on the race track. Offering outstanding lateral control and directional stability, precise steering feel and optimum traction, these track tyres – in the dimensions 275/35 ZR19 (front) and 285/30 ZR20 (rear) – represent a compelling proposition, even when the driver is living out their sporting ambitions on a circuit. Customers intending to use their BMW M4 CS mostly for day-to-day driving can select high-performance tyres in the same sizes as a no-cost option.


Intensive application of lightweight design with generous use of CFRP.

Extensive lightweight design measures play a major part in moulding the performance qualities and exclusive character of the new BMW M4 CS. The use of components made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) is of key importance here. The carbon-fibre roof is a prime example, its low weight bringing the car’s centre of gravity closer to the road and therefore enhancing agility and cornering dynamics. The bonnet, front splitter, front air intakes, exterior mirror caps, rear diffuser and Gurney-style rear spoiler are also made from this lightweight, high-tech material.

Adherence to the principle of intelligent lightweight design is also evident in the interior. Indeed, in the interests of reducing weight inside the cockpit, the centre console, shift paddles on the steering wheel and interior trim elements are all made from CFRP. The special-edition model also comes as standard with M Carbon bucket seats, whose weight-minimising construction is highlighted by the use of CFRP in the structural elements of the seat cushion and backrest as well as in the eye-catching cut-outs in the side bolsters and below the head restraints. Added to which, the exhaust system on the new BMW M4 CS is more than four kilograms lighter, thanks to the use of a titanium rear silencer. All in all, lightweight design measures bring the car’s weight down by around 20 kilograms compared to the BMW M4 Competition Coupé with M xDrive.


Optional M front end strut brace maximises torsional rigidity.

An M front end strut brace – also engineered for lightness – can be specified as an option for the BMW M4 CS to increase torsional rigidity and improve handling through dynamically taken corners. The cast aluminium elements connecting the spring strut towers to the front end feature a weight-optimised geometry that has been precisely matched – with the help of numerical models – to the forces applied in various driving situations.


Exclusive design features promise thrilling performance.

The new BMW M4 CS instantly announces its sharper character with a series of individual design features. The new BMW Individual special paint finishes Riviera Blue and Frozen Isle of Man Green Metallic are available exclusively for the latest special-edition model from BMW M GmbH. Surfaces in exposed carbon fibre for the roof and the pair of indents chiselled into the bonnet showcase the material’s distinctive structure, as do the front splitter, front air intakes, M exterior mirror caps, rear spoiler and rear apron. Together with the Black side skirts and M gills, the CFRP elements provide a stunning contrast against the bold new paint finishes. The new BMW M4 CS can also be specified in the exterior shades M Brooklyn Grey metallic and Sapphire Black metallic.

The vehicle’s front end sports a weight-saving, frameless BMW kidney grille with a stripped-back feel reminiscent of racing machines. Designed especially for this model, its identifying features include red contour lines and the “M4 CS” badging on the upper of the two horizontal grille bars. Both the model badge at the front and its counterpart on the boot lid have black surfaces with a red border.

Eye-catching headlights add another flourish to the front end of the new BMW M4 CS. Their sculptural light icons illuminate yellow instead of white – both during the Welcome Light Animation and while low beam or high beam is switched on – and so reference successful GT racing cars. The rear lights of the BMW M4 CS make a visually powerful statement with their striking appearance during the hours of darkness. As well as generating a powerful radiance, their Laserlight technology is also marked out by intricate fibre optic bundles inside the light units, which have a “free-floating” appearance and are illuminated by a laser diode. The result is a prominent 3D effect. This technology was first seen in the BMW M4 CSL high-performance special edition produced in a limited run of 1,000 units, and now also brings an exclusive aesthetic to the BMW M4 CS.


Racing flair in the cockpit: M Carbon bucket seats with exclusive design cues.

Exuding a puristic visual appeal, the cockpit of the BMW M4 CS focuses squarely on delivering an exhilarating driving experience, while also successfully blending its distinct racing aura with comfort features for everyday driving – thanks to high-quality materials and exclusive design elements. The standard M Alcantara steering wheel in three-spoke design with a flat-bottomed rim offers a perfect combination of secure grip for dynamic driving manoeuvres and impressive comfort on longer journeys. Its red centre marker and CFRP shift paddles add an authentic racing flavour to the cockpit. The standard M Carbon bucket seats in a model-specific design also fuse racing-car feel and long-distance comfort to exceptional effect. Fully electric and heated, they feature integral head restraints and an illuminated model badge.

The M Carbon bucket seats in the BMW M4 CS are upholstered in Merino leather and come in an exclusive design with a Black/Red colour scheme and distinctive contrast stitching. This bi-colour finish is carried over into the rear compartment of the high-performance sports car. Both the door panels in the front and the rear side panelling are trimmed entirely in Black leather. Red “CS” lettering on the centre console, M seat belts with contrast stitching in the BMW M GmbH colours, an Anthracite-coloured headliner, interior trim strips in Carbon Fibre finish and door sill plates with the inscription “M4 CS” all add to the exclusive ambience inside the car.


BMW Curved Display with M-specific readouts, new BMW iDrive.

The latest version of the BMW iDrive display and control/operation system based on BMW Operating System 8.5 provides intuitive control of numerous vehicle functions and digital services. The BMW Curved Display features M-specific readouts and is angled towards the driver, helping them to focus on the road ahead. The fully digital screen grouping is formed by a 12.3-inch information display behind the steering wheel and a control display with a screen diagonal of 14.9 inches. The familiar M Shift Lights appear at the top of the information display, while the driving stability system, M xDrive and traction control modes are all indicated in the lower area. Special widgets containing information on the current vehicle setup, as well as tyre pressures and temperature can be added to the control display’s home screen.

The upgraded BMW iDrive also comprises the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant and has been designed with particular emphasis on touch and voice control. Besides the M-specific graphics, the system also now features a new way of operating the automatic climate control: the temperature and ventilation settings as well as the seat heating can be controlled either by touch using a special menu option in the lower area of the control display or by voice command.


Setup button for customising vehicle configuration, M Drive Professional with M Drift Analyser and M Laptimer as standard.

The M-specific Setup button on the centre console enables direct access to the settings options for the engine, chassis, steering, braking system and M xDrive. Two individually configurable setup variants can be stored permanently, together with the preferred settings for the engine note, the DSC system, the Automatic Start/Stop function and the shift characteristics of the eight-speed M Steptronic transmission, and then retrieved using one of the two M buttons on the steering wheel.

Also fitted as standard in the new BMW M4 CS is the M Drive Professional system. This includes track-optimised functions such as the M Drift Analyser, which evaluates and records purposefully executed cornering slides, and the M Laptimer, which provides detailed data on laps of the track and allows sporty-minded drivers to share their exploits with the community. It additionally comes with M Traction Control, whose ten stages also play their part in helping drivers enjoy the pleasure of driving the car enthusiastically on the track.

The M Mode button on the centre console is another tool in the M Drive Professional package and can be used to adjust both driver assistance system responses and the content shown in the information display and Head-Up Display. As well as the ROAD and SPORT settings, the BMW M4 CS also offers a TRACK mode designed exclusively for use on race circuits.


Top-class options for added pleasure and comfort in everyday driving.

The specification of the standard BMW Live Cockpit Professional includes the BMW Head-Up Display with M-specific graphics, the cloud-based BMW Maps navigation system, smartphone integration, telephony with wireless charging and a WiFi interface. The BMW Drive Recorder is available as an option.

The new BMW M4 CS additionally offers customers a select choice of comfort features and driver assistance systems, with the focus firmly on the enjoyment of unadulterated driving pleasure. Comfort Access, an alarm system, two-zone automatic climate control, the Harman Kardon Surround Sound System, Park Distance Control, the Parking Assistant, Front Collision Warning, Lane Departure Warning and the Speed Limit Info system are all included as standard, while automatic boot lid operation and the Driving Assistant system can be added as options.




Fuel consumption, combined 10.2 l/100 km [27.7 mpg imp]; COemissions combined: 232 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G


BMW M4 Competition Coupé

Fuel consumption, combined 10.1 – 10.0 l/100 km
[28.0 – 28.3 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 229 – 226 g/km in
the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G



Fuel consumption, combined 10.1 – 9.9 l/100 km [28.0 – 28.5 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined: 227 – 224 g/km in the WLTP cycle, CO2 class: G


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