

日期:2024 年 4 月 8 日 |圣亚加塔博洛尼亚


圣亚加塔博洛涅,2024 年 4 月 8 日至 2024 年 4 月 6 日至 7 日将载入兰博基尼汽车的历史。正是在这两天,第一届兰博基尼竞技场在伊莫拉赛道举行,这是一项为庆祝圣亚加塔·博洛涅超级跑车制造商而举办的活动。此次活动将兰博基尼汽车的世界聚集在一起,向品牌的激情和成功致敬,庆祝过去和现在,并始终着眼于未来。在为期两天的活动中,与会者有机会与汽车制造商的创新互动,并通过现实和虚拟驾驶在活动期间在桑泰尔诺赛道上驰骋的众多车型以及有机会在赛道围场内的看台上见到兰博基尼的一些合作伙伴。

超过 6000 名参与者和 380 辆汽车:这只是该活动的部分数字,该活动向客户、粉丝、品牌爱好者和员工开放,让他们亲身体验兰博基尼。

兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官斯蒂芬·温克尔曼 (Stephan Winkelmann) 表示:“兰博基尼竞技场是人们对我们品牌的热爱和热情的庆典。我们非常自豪能够举办如此独特的活动,对我们公司来说,这是一个非常特殊的时刻,继去年的 60 周年庆典之后,2024 年恰逢整个系列的混合。我们希望与粉丝分享对我们来说如此重要的时刻,目标是将整个兰博基尼社区聚集在一个地方,参加一场真正向所有人开放的活动,从客户、爱好者到员工。这两天完全致力于兰博基尼风格,我们对此感到非常自豪。”


兰博基尼竞技场是一项充满举措的活动,涉及整个公司的各个部门,凸显了其对创新和卓越的承诺。秉承这一传统,圣阿加塔·博洛尼亚公司一直与最先进的设计联系在一起,因此节日必须有一个专门展示兰博基尼中心风格的区域。在这里,参观者有机会欣赏最新车型的原始草图,并欣赏设计师在简单的空白页面上创造兰博基尼典型的标志性线条和棱角的过程。在设计主题上,兰博基尼汽车博物馆汇集了接待区的精选艺术品,这些艺术品是由来自世界各地的艺术家于 2023 年委托制作的,体现了该品牌的精神和肾上腺素,并庆祝该公司成立 60 周年。

兰博基尼 Accessori Originali在此次活动中设有展台,并与Akrapovič一起向参观者展示了汽车排气装置的安装演示,并让参观者有机会聆听其独特的声音。兰博基尼汽车研发部门还通过其车库之旅提供了独特的体验,在此期间,技术人员与爱好者能够深入研究汽车的新技术细节,并探索有关 Super Trofeo 计划的新的重要见解。当然,汽车是此次活动中无可争议的明星,周日,352 辆兰博基尼在伊莫拉赛道上举行了游行,形成了该公司历史上最广泛、最令人印象深刻的游行之一。

圣阿加塔·博洛涅斯汽车制造商的众多合作伙伴与兰博基尼汽车公司一起,提供了许多专为各个年龄段和需求而设计的活动。儿童区为儿童提供了与乐高意大利合作开发的互动体验,并有机会在兰博基尼和杜卡迪儿童赛道上“上赛道” 。成人活动包括沿伊莫拉城市街道进行杜卡迪 Desert X 和 Multistrada 试驾。在兰博基尼合作伙伴提供的各种活动中,Tod’s展示了一个可以个性化与兰博基尼汽车合作开发的标志性 Gommino 乐福鞋的区域,并在 Marche 公司工匠的技艺的帮助下,于 1 月正式推出。倍耐力出席了此次活动,其展位上展示了一系列经兰博基尼 Urus 认证的产品,并有专家在场提供有关轮胎的信息和指导。  O2H将两个冷冻室带到电路中进行试验,其中涉及将身体完全浸没在高达 -140 °C / -220 °F 的温度下。由Culti Milano专门为兰博基尼汽车打造的氛围香氛让接待区更加丰富。Lavazza咖啡提供优质的放松和提神时刻,而MR Collection 则展示了最具标志性的汽车的 1:8 比例模型。吉列实验室还设立了一个展台,展示其产品并为来宾提供礼物,并伴随着符合当天主题的互动挑战:将一辆无线电遥控卡车停在两辆兰博基尼模型车之间。成功的参与者获得了奖品。

兰博基尼竞技场的 Revuelto Ad Personam:个性化计划的终极体现

赛道第一天结束后,4 月 6 日星期六,派对之夜在博洛尼亚展览中心举行:充满兰博基尼风格的欢乐之夜,伴随着电子乐队 Planet Funk 的音乐。作为晚会的一部分,一辆具有象征意义的汽车亮相,在庆祝这一活动的同时,再次将人们的注意力集中在兰博基尼汽车个性化项目上:兰博基尼竞技场的 Revuelto Ad Personam。这款独特的汽车以其独特的涂装和特殊配件而脱颖而出,这些部件是由兰博基尼独特的 Ad Personam 部门打造的,该部门最近在圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞总部开设了新工作室。这款特殊汽车的外观采用对​​比色和新型碳纤维元素,营造出引人注目的视觉效果。车身涂有 Grigio Hati(灰色),细节采用 Verde Scandal(绿色),突出了汽车的下线、车顶、后视镜盖和后扩散器周围,所有这些都与制动卡钳的 Verde Chiaro(浅绿色)相结合。车尾部,可调节后扰流板的下侧饰有意大利国旗的绿、白、红三色。引擎盖上交叉有两条 Nero Noctis(黑色)赛车风格条纹,凸显出 V12 混合动力插电式超级跑车的性能特征。 Ad Personam Studio在兰博基尼竞技场活动中拥有自己的展台,展示其创新成果。使用虚拟现实技术和耳机,客户可以享受身临其境的体验,就好像他们身处圣亚加塔博洛尼亚的 Ad Personam Studio 中一样。

Super Trofeo 与 Squadra Corse 一起在伊莫拉赛道上表演

兰博基尼竞技场还举办了第 16 届兰博基尼欧洲超级挑战赛的官方测试。来自非洲大陆各个角落的 30 多辆兰博基尼 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 赛车驶上了桑泰尔诺赛道。车手和车队有机会在 4 月 20 日至 21 日举办本赛季第一轮比赛的同一条赛道上进行测试,同时也是著名的国际汽联 WEC 比赛周末。自 2009 年首届赛季以来,兰博基尼 Super Trofeo 赛事已成为最受欢迎和最具竞争力的国际单一锦标赛之一,完全由兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 管理和组织。兰博基尼 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 源自同名公路车,配备 5.2 升自然吸气 V10 发动机,可提供 620 CV 的功率输出。Essenza SCV12 超级跑车也登上了伊莫拉赛道的停机坪。最独特的兰博基尼车主俱乐部是为期两天的赛道上四场专门比赛的明星,为该品牌的所有车迷创造了一个非常特别的机会,让他们能够看到和听到 40 辆配备 830 CV V12 的汽车中的一些发动机由兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 设计。

不仅仅是发动机。与 Babolat 合作,帕德尔在兰博基尼竞技场亮相

伊莫拉展会上展示的最新进展之一是圣亚加塔博洛尼亚汽车制造商与法国网球、板球、羽毛球和壁球运动器材供应商Babolat之间最近宣布建立合作伙伴关系。周六,兰博基尼汽车公司董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann 和 Babolat 首席执行官埃里克·巴博拉特 (Éric Babolat) 展示了首款 BL001 球拍的原型,该球拍将限量生产 50 件。观众有独家机会在专为职业球员(包括胡安·勒布朗·钦科亚和米格尔·塞姆勒)而设的板球场上观看表演赛。 BL001 的技术概念和设计是 Babolat 和兰博基尼汽车研发团队近六个月密切合作的成果。 BL001 采用超精密、完全手工工艺生产,并由法国公司的专家在球场和实验室进行测试。该球拍的设计采用与圣亚加塔博洛涅塞汽车生产相同的工具、工艺和材料。

从过去到未来:与 Polo Storico 一起深入了解传统

兰博基尼竞技场不仅是对公司现在和未来的庆祝,还提供了一个机会,通过圣阿加塔·博洛涅斯汽车制造商的许多最具标志性的车型(包括 Miura、Countach 和 Diablo)展示该品牌的辉煌历史。兰博基尼 Polo Storico在此次活动中拥有自己的展位,该部门通过管理和研究公司档案以及修复和认证兰博基尼经典车型直至 Diablo 来保护公司的传统。除了展示最近获得认证的 1998 年黄色 Diablo VT Roadster 和 Nero Torpedo(黑色)内饰外,Lamborghini Polo Storico 还在伊莫拉赛道上独家展示了一辆兰博基尼一级方程式赛车,将圣亚加塔博洛涅塞汽车制造商的历史与主办赛道的历史联系起来。事件。


兰博基尼始终在庆祝过去的同时着眼于未来和创新。秉承这一理念,兰博基尼汽车合作伙伴、模拟设备开发领域的全球领导者 Moza为电子竞技展台提供了支持。两天时间里,车迷们在五位专业模拟器的帮助下,体验了在伊莫拉赛道上驾驶 Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 的虚拟情感和肾上腺素飙升的感觉。电子竞技兰博基尼 Super Trofeo 锦标赛的成功和竞技场观众的热情表明了兰博基尼对游戏世界的承诺。这一不断增长的领域代表了赛车运动的新领域,兰博基尼将继续以创新和热情探索这一领域。


Lamborghini Arena: first edition of a historic event celebrating all things Automobili Lamborghini

DATE: 08 Apr 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Experiencing passion for the brand to the full during two days at Imola circuit

Sant’Agata Bolognese, April 8, 2024 – April 6 and 7, 2024 will go down in Automobili Lamborghini history. It was during these two days that the first edition of Lamborghini Arena took place at Imola Circuit, an event organized to celebrate the Sant’Agata Bolognese super sports car maker. The event brought together the world of Automobili Lamborghini in one place at the same time, honoring the passion and successes of the brand and celebrating past and present, always with an eye to the future. During the two-day event, attendees were given the chance to interact with the carmaker’s innovations and challenge themselves by driving, both in reality and virtually, the many models that sped down the track of the Santerno circuit during the event, as well as the chance to meet some of Lamborghini’s partners at the stands within the circuit paddock.

More than 6000 participants and 380 cars: just some of the numbers from the event, which was open to clients, fans, brand enthusiasts and employees to experience Lamborghini firsthand.

Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, remarked: “Lamborghini Arena is a celebration of the love and passion that people have for our brand. We are really proud to have staged such a unique event, which comes at a very special time for our company, following last year’s 60th anniversary celebrations and in the 2024 year that coincides with the hybridization of the whole range. We want to share moments that are so important to us with our fans, and the aim is to bring together the whole Lamborghini community in one place at an event that is truly open to everyone, from clients and enthusiasts to employees. These two days were entirely dedicated to Lamborghini style, something we are very proud of.”

Lifestyle Village: all things Lamborghini in one place

Lamborghini Arena was an event full of initiatives involving the whole company in all its parts, highlighting its commitment to innovation and excellence. In line with this tradition, the Sant’Agata Bolognese company has always been associated with state-of-the-art design, and so the festival had to have an area dedicated to Lamborghini Centro Stile. Here, visitors had the chance to admire the original sketches that gave rise to the most recent models and to appreciate the designers at work in creating the iconic lines and angularity typical of Lamborghini, staring from a simple blank page. On the subject of design, the Automobili Lamborghini Museum brought together a selection of artworks in the hospitality area, commissioned in 2023 from artists from all over the world, embodying the brand’s spirit and adrenaline and celebrating the company’s 60th anniversary.

Lamborghini Accessori Originali had a stand at the event and, together with Akrapovič, entertained visitors with a demonstration of car exhaust installation with the chance to listen to their unmistakable sound. The Automobili Lamborghini R&D department also offered an exclusive experience through its Garage Tours, during which technicians, together with enthusiasts, were able to delve into new technical details of the cars, as well as explore new and important insights into the Super Trofeo program. Of course it was the cars that were the undisputed stars of the event, with a Parade of 352 Lamborghinis on the Imola Circuit track on Sunday, forming one of the most extensive and impressive parades in the company’s history.

Together with Automobili Lamborghini, the many partners of the Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker offered numerous activities designed for all ages and needs. A kids’ area offered children interactive experiences developed in collaboration with LEGO Italy and the chance to “take to the track” on the Lamborghini and Ducati kids’ track. Activities for adults included the Ducati Desert X and Multistrada test drives along Imola’s city streets. Among the various activities offered by Lamborghini partners, Tod’s presented an area where it was possible to personalize the iconic Gommino loafer developed with Automobili Lamborghini and officially presented in January, thanks to the skills of an artisan from the Marche company. Pirelli attended the event with a stand featuring a selection of its products homologated for the Lamborghini Urus, where an expert was on hand to provide information and guidance regarding the tires. O2H brought two cryochambers to the circuit to try out, which involved total immersion of the body at temperatures of up to -140 °C / -220 °F. The hospitality area was enriched by an ambient fragrance dedicated to Automobili Lamborghini created by Culti Milano. Lavazza coffee offered moments of quality relaxation and refreshment, while MR Collection displayed 1:8 scale models of the most iconic cars. Gillette Labs was also present with a stand, where it showcased its products with gifts for guests, accompanied by an interactive challenge in keeping with the theme of the day: to park a radio-controlled truck between two Lamborghini model cars. Prizes were given to the successful participants.

Revuelto Ad Personam for Lamborghini Arena: the ultimate expression of the personalization program

After the first day on the track, on Saturday 6 April Party Night was held at Bologna Fiere exhibition center: an evening of fun in full Lamborghini style, with music from the electronic band Planet Funk. As part of the evening, a symbolic car was presented which, as well as celebrating the event, once again focused attention on the Automobili Lamborghini personalization program: the Revuelto Ad Personam for Lamborghini Arena. This unique car stands out with its livery and special fittings, created through the exclusive Lamborghini Ad Personam department, which recently opened its new studio at the Sant’Agata Bolognese headquarters. The exterior of this special car features contrasting colors with new carbon fiber elements that create a striking visual effect. The bodywork is painted in Grigio Hati (gray) with details in Verde Scandal (green) that accentuate the car’s lower line, roof, mirror caps and rear diffuser surrounds, all combined with the Verde Chiaro (light green) of the brake calipers. At the rear, the green, white and red colors of the Italian flag embellish the underside of the adjustable rear spoiler. The hood is crisscrossed by two racing-style stripes in Nero Noctis (black), bringing out the performance character of the V12 hybrid plug-in super sports car. The Ad Personam Studio had its own stand at the Lamborghini Arena event, where it showcased its innovations. Using Virtual Reality technology and a headset, clients enjoyed an immersive experience as if they were in the Ad Personam Studio in Sant’Agata Bolognese.

Super Trofeo at the Imola circuit with Squadra Corse

Lamborghini Arena also hosted the official tests for the 16th edition of the Lamborghini Super Trofeo Europe. More than 30 Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 cars from every corner of the continent took to the Santerno track. Drivers and teams had the chance to perform tests on the same track that will host the first round of the season on 20 and 21 April, at the same time as the prestigious FIA WEC race weekend. Since the inaugural 2009 season, the Lamborghini Super Trofeo event has become one of the most popular and competitive international one-make championships, entirely managed and organized by Lamborghini Squadra Corse. Derived from the road car of the same name, the Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 is equipped with a 5.2-liter naturally aspirated V10 engine that delivers a power output of 620 CV. Essenza SCV12 hypercars also took to the tarmac at Imola Circuit. The most exclusive Lamborghini owners’ club was the star of four dedicated rounds on the track over the two-day event, creating a very special occasion for all fans of the brand to see and hear some of the 40 cars fitted with an 830 CV V12 engine designed by Lamborghini Squadra Corse.

More than just engines. Padel at Lamborghini Arena thanks to the partnership with Babolat

One of the latest developments presented at Imola was the announcement of the recent partnership between the Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker and Babolat, the French sports equipment supplier for tennis, padel, badminton and squash. The prototype of the first BL001 racket, which will be made as a very limited series of 50 units, was presented on the Saturday by Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, and by Éric Babolat, CEO of Babolat. Spectators had the exclusive opportunity to watch an exhibition match on the padel court set up for the occasion between professional players, including Juan Lebrón Chincoa and Miguel Semmler. The technical concept and design of the BL001 was the result of almost six months of close collaboration between the Babolat and Automobili Lamborghini R&D teams. The BL001 is produced using an ultra-precise and entirely artisan process, with tests carried out on court and in the laboratory by experts from the French company. The racket was designed using the same tools, process and materials used for the production of cars at Sant’Agata Bolognese.

From past to future: a dive into tradition with Polo Storico

As well as being a celebration of the company’s present and future, Lamborghini Arena also provided an opportunity to showcase the glorious history of the brand through many of the Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker’s most iconic models including the Miura, Countach and Diablo. Lamborghini Polo Storico, with its own stand at the event, is the department that preserves the company’s heritage through the management and study of the company archives, as well as restoration and certification of classic Lamborghini models up to the Diablo. As well as exhibiting a recently certified 1998 yellow Diablo VT Roadster with Nero Torpedo (black) interiors, Lamborghini Polo Storico exclusively showcased a Lamborghini Formula 1 car at the Imola Circuit, connecting the history of the Sant’Agata Bolognese carmaker and the circuit hosting the event.

E-Sports: the virtual spirit of Automobili Lamborghini

Lamborghini always celebrates the past with an eye to the future and innovation. With this philosophy in mind, a stand dedicated to E-Sports was supported by Moza, an Automobili Lamborghini partner and world leader in the development of simulation devices. Over the two days, fans experienced the virtual emotion and adrenaline of driving a Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 on the Imola track thanks to five professional simulators. The success of the E-Sports Lamborghini Super Trofeo championship and the enthusiasm of the Arena crowd showed Lamborghini’s commitment to the world of gaming. This continuously growing sector represents a new frontier for motorsport, which Lamborghini continues to explore with innovation and passion.

This first edition of Lamborghini Arena celebrated the company in all its aspects, sharing the brand’s passion and excellence with the many people who flocked to this historic first-time event.


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