
Huracán (R)evolution:技术与创新的故事

日期:2024 年 5 月 8 日 |圣亚加塔博洛尼亚


兰博基尼汽车历史上最通用的超级跑车 Huracán 从第一款 LP 610-4 到 STJ 的演变

圣阿加塔·波隆尼,2024 年 5 月 8 日– 兰博基尼 Huracán 在 2014 年日内瓦车展上亮相,代表了兰博基尼汽车公司的持续发展,多年来不断为客户带来驾驶体验的突破。 Huracán 以因其勇气而闻名的同名公牛命名,如今已成为兰博基尼用途最广的超级跑车,不仅能够在公路和赛道上发挥其全部潜力,而且现在还能在雪地、泥土和沙地上发挥其全部潜力。最近的斯特拉托。 Huracán 也是第一款采用重大技术创新的生产车型。一些例子包括首次在 Huracán LP 610-4 上配备数字显示屏的仪表板;在 Huracán Performante 上开发的 ALA 系统(Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva);源自一级方程式赛车的 CCM-R 制动器首次在 Huracán STO 上使用。 Huracán 上引入的技术最终融入了兰博基尼的 DNA,成为后来车型的重要组成部分。例如,Revuelto 的未来主义框架由 Forged Composite 制成,这是一种兰博基尼专利的特殊复合材料,并在 Huracán Performante 上投入商业使用。自 2014 年起生产的 Huracán 凭借这些创新取得了商业上的成功。

2014 Huracán LP 610-4:“本能技术”

Huracán LP 610-4 双门轿跑车在 2014 年日内瓦车展上首次亮相,配备 V10 发动机,可在 8250 rpm 的转速下提供 610 CV 的输出功率。它是一款四轮驱动车型,并且首次采用了兰博基尼 LDF 双离合系统。驾驶模式有 Strada、Sport 和 Corsa 可供选择。它配备碳陶瓷制动盘和带电磁控制系统的 MagneRide 减震器,并且是兰博基尼首款在仪表板上配备 11 英寸仪表盘数字显示屏的兰博基尼车型。 Spyder 敞篷版于 2015 年推出。

2016 Huracán LP 580-2:“令人愉悦的技术”

Huracán 轿跑车和 Spyder 后轮驱动版本将于 2016 年上市,旨在提供“驾驶乐趣”体验。该车型专为追求速度的传统驾驶纯粹主义者而设计,同时也是一款可以享受悠闲驾驶而不将其推向极限的汽车。这款 Huracán 配备 580 CV 发动机,转速为 8000 rpm。它融合了前饰板和进气口的美学变化,尺寸更大,可以更好地冷却后制动器。

2016 Huracán Performante:“风雕”

Huracán Performante 是 Huracán 的第一款专为运动性能而设计的版本。发动机获得 30 CV,在 8000 rpm 时升至 640 CV,在 6500 rpm 时扭矩为 600 Nm。然而,整辆车都进行了彻底的改造,而不仅仅是发动机。对于 Performante 来说,减轻重量是主要目标之一,这是通过在汽车外部和内部广泛使用锻造复合材料(锻造在一起的增强碳聚合物)来实现的,重量减轻了 40 公斤。该技术已获得兰博基尼专利,结合了最大阻力和减轻重量。 Performante 还将先进的空气动力学技术与新型 ALA(兰博基尼 Attiva 航空)系统相结合,该系统在超轻量级封装中提供了尖端技术:比传统系统轻了近 80%。得益于空气动力学流量控制,创新的 ALA 系统可以根据使用类型实现最佳行为。 Performante 的其他功能包括重新校准的转向控制和 MagneRide 悬架控制系统,以及更硬的弹簧,以改善汽车在赛道行驶过程中的表现。 Spyder 敞篷版于 2017 年推出,以补充该系列。凭借出色的性能,Huracán Performante 于 2016 年在纽博格林赛道创造了同级别车型的新圈速记录,成为当时顶级的超级跑车。

2019 Huracán EVO:“每一天都在放大”

2019 年推出的Huracán EVO [1]轿跑车和 Spyder 车型中,兰博基尼的 V10 在美学和机械方面进行了彻底改造。该发动机现在在 8000 rpm 时产生 640 CV,在 6500 rpm 时产生 600 Nm 的扭矩。 EVO 拥有全新的前端,可改善下压力,而后部的扩散器以及排气管和散热器的位置在美学上受到了 Performante 的启发,而发动机正是取自于 Performante。重新设计的后扰流板带来的下压力比之前的车型提高了五倍。 MagneRide 悬架得到升级,现在适应使用电磁电流的驾驶类型。为了提高动态性能,兰博基尼动态转向系统 (LDS) 与兰博基尼全轮转向系统 (LAWS) 相结合,可改善城市驾驶并允许在赛道上进行更高速的转弯。全新信息娱乐系统首次亮相,采用全新中央 8.8 英寸高清显示屏,结合兰博基尼集成车辆动力学 (LDVI) 技术,具有基于驾驶员方向盘、加速器和制动命令以及分析外部变量的驾驶模式预测功能例如路面类型以及作用在汽车上的横向力和纵向力以及垂直加速度。

2020 Huracán EVO RWD:“倒回后轮驱动”

之前的 Huracán 后轮驱动车型首次引入的“驾驶乐趣”概念在 Huracán EVO RWD 中得到了重申和强化,其中包括轿跑车和 Spyder 车型。重新设计的前分流器允许更多的空气流向后扩散器。为了让后轮驱动更加敏捷、更具驾驶乐趣,兰博基尼选择不使用 LDVI,而是选择开发 P-TCS(性能牵引力控制系统):这是一项独家技术,可确保漂移期间的最佳牵引力,将过度转向行为减少 30 倍% 与四轮驱动版本相比。

2021 Huracán STO:“基于真实故事”

STO [2](Super Trofeo Omologata 的缩写)的推出是一款专为赛道使用而设计的公路版本,直接源自参加兰博基尼 Super Trofeo 锦标赛的赛车版本:它改变了比赛规则。 STO 保留了 EVO 的 640 CV 发动机,经过重新校准,可提供更好的驾驶感觉,并提供带后轮转向的纯后轮驱动模式。百分之七十五的车身由碳纤维制成,客户可以选择喷漆或保持可见状态。 “cofango”前引擎盖/挡泥板总成是一件由碳纤维复合材料制成的一体成型艺术品,是该车车身的一大特色。 “cofango”是兰博基尼 Miura 的一大特色。全面升级,固定开口尾翼可在三个位置手动调节,以获得不同的气动载荷。全新的驾驶模式系统是专为这款车开发的:用于公路驾驶的 STO、用于赛道使用的 Trofeo 以及用于湿滑路况的 Pioggia。方向盘和油门踏板提供了更直接的感觉。源自一级方程式赛车的 CCM-R 制动器是与 Brembo 合作开发的,首次在量产车上使用。该制动器由多个碳纤维片连接在一起制成的圆盘组成,具有比碳陶瓷制动器更高的阻力,即使在高温下也能实现更稳定的制动。

2022 Huracán Tecnica:“全力以赴地驾驶”

Tecnica [3]配备 640 CV 发动机,转速为 8000 rpm,是三合一的灵魂:生活方式,来自独特的设计和许多独特的元素,例如碳和玻璃发动机罩,在优雅和运动之间提供了完美的平衡。看;驾驶乐趣,得益于仅后轮驱动和特定校准的使用;和性能,通过后轮转向(最大3°)和改进的空气动力学,还得益于全新的前保险杠设计,优化的进气口和重新设计的分流器,与EVO车型相比,下压力增加了35%。

2023 Huracán Sterrato:“超越混凝土”

Sterrato [4] 的诞生是为了将超级跑车的“驾驶乐趣”因素转移到意想不到的地形上,它是一个全新的汽车概念。 Urus 为全地形车带来了超级跑车的性能,而 Sterrato 却恰恰相反,将超级跑车带到了 SUV 特有的地形上。 Sterrato 的行驶高度更高,为 44 毫米;重新设计和加固的悬架;以及经过改进的车身底部,以承受铺装道路上通常不会遇到的负载。 Knobbly Dueller(缺气保用)轮胎是与普利司通合作专门为此车型打造的,突出了车辆在各种地形上的特性。特殊的挡泥板将挡泥板末端的轮胎包围起来。轮距加宽30毫米;前分光器经过重新设计,确保更好的入射角;前保险杠也经过重新设计,配备了用于制动的超大进气口。为了保护发动机免受沙子、灰尘和碎石的影响,所有低位进气口均被关闭,并在车顶添加了一个特殊的进气口。 Strada、Sport 和 Rally 三种驾驶模式经过重新编程,以确保 Sterrato 在各种条件下的性能得到改善。 Sterrato 是唯一一款限量生产的 Huracán 车型,共生产了 1499 辆。

Huracán 还通过许多特别系列让客户和车迷感到高兴,其中包括 2019 EVO GT 庆典; 2023年60周年纪念款; 2024 STJ(Super Trofeo Jota 的缩写)是最新的庆祝超级跑车,配备吸气式 V10 发动机,限量生产 10 辆。凭借其破纪录的性能、技术和销售数据,Huracan 公路版和竞赛版(Gran Turismo、Huracán GT3、Huracán GT3 EVO 和 Huracán GT3 EVO 2)已经并将继续成为汽车行业的重要组成部分。兰博基尼。它是这家总部位于圣阿加塔·博洛尼亚的汽车制造商历史上功能最丰富的车型:自然吸气式 V10 发动机是兰博基尼汽车历史的象征,为 Huracán 家族的成功做出了贡献,该家族将被一个品牌所取代——年底将推出配备新型混合动力总成的新型超级跑车。

[1]综合油耗:14.9-13.9升/100公里(WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:338-328 克/公里 (WLTP)

[2]综合油耗:13.9升/100公里(WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:331 克/公里 (WLTP)

[3]综合油耗:14.5升/100公里(WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:328 克/公里 (WLTP)

[4]综合油耗:14.9 升/100 公里 (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:337 克/公里 (WLTP)

Huracán (R)evolution: a story of technology and innovation

DATE: 08 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

The evolution of Huracán, the most versatile super sports car in the history of Automobili Lamborghini, from the first LP 610-4 to the STJ

Sant’Agata Bolognese, May 8, 2024 – Presented at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show, the Lamborghini Huracán has represented consistent evolution for Automobili Lamborghini, pushing the envelope of the driving experience for customers across the years. The Huracán, named after the famous bull by the same name for its courage, stands today as Lamborghini’s most versatile super sports car for its ability to express its full potential not only on the road and track but now also on snow, dirt and sand with the recent Sterrato. Huracán was also the first production model to incorporate significant technological innovations. Some examples include the dashboard with digital display featured for the first time on the Huracán LP 610-4; the ALA system (Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva) developed on the Huracán Performante; and the CCM-R brakes derived from Formula 1 used for the first time on the Huracán STO. The technologies introduced on the Huracán were ultimately woven into Lamborghini’s DNA, forming a crucial component of later models. For instance, the Revuelto’s futuristic frame is made of Forged Composite, a special composite material patented by Lamborghini and commercially launched on the Huracán Performante. These innovations contributed to making the Huracán a commercial success, produced since 2014.

2014 Huracán LP 610-4: “Instinctive Technology”

The Huracán LP 610-4 coupé premiered at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show comes with a V10 engine delivering 610 CV at 8250 rpm. It is a four-wheel drive and, for the first time, incorporates the Lamborghini LDF dual-clutch system. The choices of driving modes are Strada, Sport, and Corsa. It features carbon-ceramic brake discs and MagneRide shock absorbers with electromagnetic control system and it is the first Lamborghini to include a digital display on the dashboard with 11” cluster. The Spyder convertible version is presented in 2015.

2016 Huracán LP 580-2: “Enjoyable Technology”

The Huracán coupé and Spyder in the rear-wheel drive versions arrive in 2016, aimed at a “fun to drive” experience. The model is designed for traditional driving purists desiring speed but also a car to enjoy in leisurely driving without pushing it to the limit. This Huracán is offered with 580 CV engine at 8000 rpm. It incorporates aesthetic changes in the front fascia and the air intakes, which are larger in size to better cool the rear brakes.

2016 Huracán Performante: “Sculpted by the Wind”

The Huracán Performante is the first iteration of the Huracán designed for sports performance. The engine gains 30 CV, upped to 640 CV at 8000 rpm, with 600 Nm of torque at 6500 rpm. However, the whole car gets an extreme makeover, not just the engine. For the Performante, lowering the weight was one of the main goals, which is achieved through the extensive use of Forged Composite (reinforced carbon polymers that are forged together) in the exterior and interior of the car, cutting the weight by 40 kg. Patented by Lamborghini, this technology combines maximum resistance and reduced weight. The Performante also incorporates advanced aerodynamics with the new ALA (Aerodinamica Lamborghini Attiva) system that delivers cutting-edge technology in a super-lightweight package: nearly 80% lighter than the traditional system. Thanks to aerodynamic flow control, the innovative ALA system allows achievement of optimum behavior depending on the type of use. Additional features in the Performante include recalibrated steering control and MagneRide suspension control systems, plus stiffer springs to improve the car’s behavior during track driving. The Spyder convertible version is presented in 2017 to complement the range. Thanks to its performance, the Huracán Performante set the new lap record in its category in 2016 at Nürburgring, becoming the top super sports car of its day.

2019 Huracán EVO: “Every Day Amplified”

Lamborghini’s V10 was completely revamped in both aesthetics and mechanics with the Huracán EVO[1] coupé and Spyder models launched in 2019. The engine now generates 640 CV at 8000 rpm, with 600 Nm of torque at 6500 rpm. The EVO has an all-new front end that improves downforce, while the diffuser and position of the exhausts and radiators in the rear are aesthetically inspired by the Performante, from where the engine was taken. The redesigned rear spoiler brings a five-fold improvement in downforce compared to the previous model. The MagneRide suspension gets an upgrade and now adapts to the type of driving using electromagnetic current. To improve dynamic performance, Lamborghini Dynamic Steering (LDS) is coupled with Lamborghini All-Wheel Steering (LAWS), which improves city driving and allows higher-speed bends on the track. The new infotainment system makes its debut with an all-new central 8.8” HD display, combined with Lamborghini Integrated Vehicle Dynamics (LDVI) technology featuring driving mode prediction capabilities based on the driver’s steering wheel, accelerator and brake commands, and by analyzing external variables such as the type of road surface and the lateral and longitudinal forces and vertical acceleration acting on the car.

2020 Huracán EVO RWD: “Rewind to Rear-Wheel Drive”

The “fun to drive” concept that was first introduced with the previous Huracán rear-wheel drive model is reiterated and played up in the Huracán EVO RWD, which includes both coupé and Spyder models. The redesigned front splitter allows more air directed toward the rear diffuser. And to make the RWD even more agile and fun to drive, Lamborghini chooses not to use LDVI, opting instead to develop a P-TCS (Performance Traction Control System): an exclusive technology that ensures optimum traction during drifting, increasing oversteering behavior by 30% compared to the four-wheel drive version.

2021 Huracán STO: “Based on a True Story”

The introduction of the STO[2] (acronym for Super Trofeo Omologata) is a road version built for racetrack use, directly descended from the race version competing in the Lamborghini Super Trofeo championship: it changes the rules of the game. The STO maintains the EVO’s 640 CV engine, featuring reworked calibrations to provide greater driving feel and rear-wheel-drive-only mode with rear-wheel steering. Seventy-five percent of the bodywork is made from carbon fiber, which customers can choose to paint or leave visible. The “cofango” front hood/fender assembly, a one-piece molded work of art made of carbon fiber composite, is a distinctive feature of the car’s bodywork. The “cofango” had been a peculiarity of the Lamborghini Miura. Completely upgraded, the fixed-opening rear wing adjusts manually in three positions to obtain different aerodynamic loads. The driving mode systems are all-new and developed especially for this car: STO for road driving, Trofeo for racetrack use, and Pioggia for slippery road conditions. The steering wheel and accelerator pedal provide an even more direct feel. Developed in collaboration with Brembo, CCM-R brakes derived from Formula 1 are used for the first time on a production car. The brake consists of discs made from multiple carbon fiber sheets coupled together and has an even higher resistance than carbon-ceramic brakes, for more consistent braking even at high temperatures.

2022 Huracán Tecnica: “Take All Your Souls To Drive”

With a 640 CV engine at 8000 rpm, the Tecnica[3] is three souls in one: lifestyle, coming from the unique design and many distinctive elements, e.g. the carbon and glass engine hood, that provide a perfect balance between elegance and a sporty look; driving enjoyment, thanks to rear-wheel-drive only and use of specific calibrations; and performance, via rear-wheel steering (by maximum 3°) and improved aerodynamics, also owing to the all-new front bumper design with optimized air intakes and redesigned splitters, increasing downforce by 35% compared to the EVO model.

2023 Huracán Sterrato: “Beyond the Concrete”

Born to transfer the “fun to drive” factor to unexpected terrains for a super sports car, the Sterrato[4] is a completely new car concept. While the Urus brought super sports car performance to an all-terrain vehicle, the Sterrato does exactly the opposite, bringing a super sports car to terrains that are typically the prerogative of SUVs. The Sterrato comes with a higher ride height of 44 mm; redesigned and reinforced suspension; and also a modified underbody, to withstand the loads not typically experienced on paved roads. Knobbly Dueller (run-flat) tires were created especially for this model in partnership with Bridgestone and accentuate the character of the vehicle on all types of terrain. Special mudguards enclose the tires where the fender ends. The wheel track is 30 mm wider; the front splitter was redesigned to ensure a better angle of incidence; and the front bumper, also redesigned, incorporates oversized air intakes for the brakes. For engine protection against sand, dust and gravel, all the low intakes were closed and a special intake was added to the roof of the car. The three driving modes, Strada, Sport and Rally, were reprogrammed to ensure improved behavior of the Sterrato under various conditions. The Sterrato is the only Huracán built in a limited run, with 1499 units produced.

The Huracán has also delighted customers and fans with many special series, including the 2019 EVO GT Celebration; the 2023 60th Anniversary model; and the 2024 STJ (acronym for Super Trofeo Jota), the latest celebratory super sports car equipped with aspirated V10 engine and produced in a limited run of 10 units. With its record-breaking performance, technology and sales figures, the Huracán in both the road versions and the competition versions (Gran Turismo, Huracán GT3, Huracán GT3 EVO and Huracán GT3 EVO 2) has been and continues to be an important part of Automobili Lamborghini. It has been the most versatile model in the history of the Sant’Agata Bolognese-based carmaker: the naturally aspirated V10 engine is a symbol of Automobili Lamborghini’s history and contributed to the success of the Huracán family, which will be replaced by a brand-new super sports car equipped with a new hybrid powertrain by the end of the year.

[1] Fuel consumption combined: 14,9-13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 338-328 g/km (WLTP)

[2] Fuel consumption combined: 13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 331 g/km (WLTP)

[3] Fuel consumption combined: 14,5 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 328 g/km (WLTP)

[4] Fuel consumption combined: 14,9 l/100km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 337 g/km (WLTP)


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