
新款 MINI Aceman

MINI 庆祝首款高端小型车跨界车型的首次亮相。新款 MINI Aceman 结合了紧凑的外部尺寸、尽可能大的乘员空间和全电动驱动装置。


慕尼黑。空间的创造性利用——重新诠释:MINI 庆祝首款针对高端小型车领域的跨界车型的首次亮相。新款 MINI Aceman 结合了紧凑的外部尺寸、尽可能大的乘员空间和全电动驱动装置。其结果是对经典 Mini 发明家 Alec Issigonis 爵士的基本愿景的现代诠释:以最小的占地面积最大限度地利用空间,并结合现代驱动概念。新款 MINI Aceman 的先进设计在略多于四米的车长内提供了五个舒适座椅的空间。 MINI 利用创新技术来增强内饰,带来身临其境的数字用户体验,而 MINI Aceman 的全电动驱动则为 MINI 卡丁车特有的感觉注入了新的活力。传统品牌价值与现代辅助系统和标志性设计相结合,为全电动 MINI 的未来铺平了道路。

MINI 负责人 Stefanie Wurst 表示:“MINI Aceman 为我们的全电动产品线带来了新的兴奋点,充满了真正令人愉悦的沉浸式数字体验。” “MINI Aceman 非常适合在拥挤的城市街道上行驶,同时保持了跨界车的多功能性和功能性,以及 MINI 所具有的卡丁车感觉。我确信 5 座跨界车的时尚设计、性能和多功能性将使 MINI Aceman 取得巨大成功。”

从外观上看,MINI Aceman 体现了运动敏捷性和自信的风范。新型跨界车型的车辆架构基于全电动驱动概念。

新款 MINI Aceman 的长度不到 4 米,拥有五个座位和一个装载容积为 300 升的多功能行李箱,而众多的调节选项使该容量可以单独扩展至 1,005 升。 MINI Aceman 在 WLTP 测试周期中的预计续航里程可达 406 公里,完美适合城市以外的本地零排放出行。

整个全新 MINI 系列采用清晰简洁的设计,为各种车型赋予现代外观,散发出轻松自信的气息。 MINI Aceman 的简约设计风格也有力地传达了其进取的性格。

“MINI Aceman 在新 MINI 家族中是一个坚强的人物,有着自己年轻的个性。它拥有独立的设计语言,结构紧凑,看起来灵动。凭借其独特的表达方式,它成为那些重视城市个性的人们的完美日常伴侣。” MINI 设计主管 Oliver Heilmer 强调


凭借引人注目的前端、坚固的轮廓和运动姿态,这款运动型 MINI 跨界车型体现了敏捷性和自信的风采。 MINI Aceman 长 4.07 米,宽 1.75 米,高 1.50 米,定位于 MINI Cooper 和 MINI Countryman 之间。

该品牌标志性的“巧妙利用空间”设计原则以流线型前部、短悬垂和实用的两箱设计为特色,被赋予了新的、独特的特征,而全电动驱动则在汽车领域开辟了一系列新的可能性。车辆设计方面。创造性的空间利用确保新款 MINI Aceman 在城市交通中灵活自如,同时为乘员提供充足的空间。

连续的表面为车身富有表现力和优雅的色彩提供了中心舞台。标准车顶纵梁、尺寸从 17 英寸到 19 英寸的视觉效果突出的车轮以及车辆前部、后部和侧面的防钻撞保护装置强调了 MINI Aceman 的多功能性和冒险精神。

现代前端设计,带有引人注目的 LED 头灯。
MINI Aceman 的前端设计传达出强大的存在感,重新诠释了典型的 MINI 设计元素,例如富有表现力的车头灯和特色前格栅。其经过改造的八边形形状建立在传统的六边形基础主题之上。 MINI Aceman 中的格栅环绕延伸至前裙板上坚固的钻底保护装置中。前格栅采用全新的亮银色饰面或高光亮黑色,形成高度对比的装饰,有助于使跨界车型立即被识别。

凭借其独特的设计,该车的棱角分明的 LED 车头灯也强调了 MINI Aceman 在 MINI 车型系列中的独特地位。它们的形状通过清晰的发动机罩设计和精确的线条得以延续,赋予车辆前部独特的特征。 LED 头灯的日间行车灯元件可以切换为三种不同的模式,增强了这款 MINI 家族新成员的表现力。

MINI Aceman 的表面设计为新车型的美学风格增添了清晰和新鲜感。精确的线条和坚固的角度凸显了绷紧的身体表面。在做出前卫宣言的同时,MINI Aceman 引人注目的造型也与该品牌的历史建立了联系,使其能够立即被识别为 MINI。

车身、周边车窗图形和车顶的经典三重划分得到了重新诠释。为了与减少一切到必需品的理念相一致,车身和玻璃表面之间的齐平过渡优化了汽车的空气动力学特性。扁平的集成式开门装置强调了 MINI Aceman 的前卫表现,而 A 柱下方车身的对角线轮廓则与侧板前部区域中经典 Mini 车型的焊缝相呼应。和谐的表面和轮拱之间的水平线条营造出迷人的腰线,赋予车身明显的动感风格。形状引人注目的轮拱、较长的后掠角和相对陡峭的下倾角是 MINI Aceman 在 MINI 家族中的一个完全独特的特征。亚光黑色门槛使道路侧面的设计更加完美,其形状也延续到了车门区域,赋予车身纤细、挺拔和运动的外观。

车辆后部体现了清晰的设计,具有大水平表面,强调车辆宽阔而稳定的姿态。符合空气动力学原理的倾斜和收缩后窗确保了明显、强大的肩部部分,细长的车顶扰流板进一步强调了这一效果。 MINI 标志性的直立尾灯构成了车辆后部的中心部分。 Matrix 尾灯采用三种独特的图形,以不同的方式体现了 MINI Aceman 的特征。后裙板下缘的宽大深色边框和集成在中心的钻底保护元件营造出运动感的比例,从而传达了跨界车型的多功能特性。

车身表面微妙的三维品质通过富有表现力的色彩时尚地凸显出来。根据光线的入射和视角,可以不同程度地感知强调车身投射的阴影。结合 MINI 标志性风格的四种对比鲜明的车顶饰面,清晰地传达了 MINI Aceman 的表现力特征。

MINI Aceman 有四种不同的装饰可供选择。各个设备型号设计的椭圆形徽章固定在门槛的前部区域。 Essential Trim 呈现最大的清晰度和简化的整体外观,突出显示某些功能部分,例如采用全新活力银色饰面的徽标。与经典装饰相结合,对比鲜明的车顶和外后视镜可以选择黑色或白色。前格栅采用高光黑色饰面,格栅内表面和保险杠采用车身同色饰面。

Favored Trim 扩展了 MINI Aceman 的个性化表现能力,包括特色多色调车顶选项,以及白色后视镜盖和亮银色格栅框架。新款跨界车型的最大运动风格在 JCW Trim 中尤为明显。这款受赛车运动启发的设备型号具有独特的前后设计。前格栅采用框架和高光黑色的车型专用 JCW 标志,而辣椒红车顶和发动机盖上的红色条纹则凸显出强大的整体外观。与此同时,后部雕塑的形状更加肌肉化,四周的镶板采用高光黑色。

尺寸在 17 英寸至 19 英寸之间的各种空气动力学轮圈设计进一步补充了 MINI Aceman 可用的外部设备选项。

内饰。 纯粹的设计和广泛的材料概念。全新 MINI 设计风格“魅力简约”在内饰中表现得尤为明显。 MINI Aceman 秉承经典 Mini 发明者 Alec Issigonis 的最初愿景,在内饰设计上不断精简。驾驶舱拥有易于操作的方向盘、中央 OLED 显示屏和经过改造的标志性切换杆,与经典 Mini 的三个关键设计元素相呼应。通过全新跨界车型的现代风格,MINI 将品牌的历史带入此时此地。


内饰柔和圆润的设计风格进一步体现在仪表板的弧形表面上:后者的表面覆盖有针织材料,下部颜色透过上部颜色发光。这赋予室内温馨的特色,色彩对比鲜明。延伸至车门内饰,这种易于护理、多功能的结构由再生聚酯制成。舒适的座椅使驾驶舱内的高品质配件更加完善,座椅可选择采用织物表面或由穿孔 Vescin 制成。

车辆后部宽敞,可容纳三名乘客。得益于 60:40 折叠后排座椅靠背,行李箱可根据需要从 300 升扩展至 1,005 升。

高分辨率 OLED 显示屏,带来现代乘坐舒适度。
凭借创新技术,圆形 OLED 显示屏为内饰增添了额外的表现力。中央仪器直径为240毫米,采用极其扁平的设计和高品质的玻璃表面。创新的 MINI 操作系统 9 使所有驾驶功能都可以通过触摸或语音直观地操作。 MINI 交互单元是舒适性和体验的中心,其操作方式与智能手机类似。

车辆相关数据的图形显示风格现代简约,速度和电池状态显着显示在显示屏顶部,直接显示在驾驶员的视野中。点击速度显示屏会打开一个大的全屏速度表,明显注重驾驶体验。其他小部件以缩略图视图显示在主菜单中,位于当前菜单功能的左侧和右侧。这些可以移动到中心并通过水平滑动移动进行选择。在 OLED 显示屏的下部区域,可以随时直接选择导航、媒体、电话和气候菜单项。

MINI 体验模式增强了驾驶体验。
情感化的 MINI 体验模式通过身临其境的用户体验增强了内饰。在 MINI Aceman 中,两个投影仪装置将具有不同图案和颜色的特殊照明图形投射到仪表板上。根据所选的体验模式,灯光图案的配色方案以及整个内部的环境照明都会发生变化。新打造的 MINI 驾驶声音增强了全电动汽车的体验。结合 OLED 显示屏上的特定图形元素,车辆乘员在 MINI Aceman 的车内享受全新的驾驶体验。

在可供选择的八种模式中,个人模式提供了用于定制驾驶舱的创新选项。在此模式下,可以通过 MINI 应用程序从智能手机上传个人选择的图像并选择作为显示背景。然后,数字颜色选择器识别照片的主色,以便投影到纺织品仪表板表面上。仪表板下方和车门后视镜中的环境照明也采用颜色编码以匹配这些投影。

其他可供选择的模式包括卡丁车模式、生动模式、核心模式、绿色模式、永恒模式、平衡模式和越野模式,每种模式都将显示集中在“模式应用程序”上以匹配氛围。例如,在卡丁车模式中,高度动态地关注 MINI 的赛车 DNA。显示屏和内饰整体采用无烟煤色和红色,而用于驾驶动态的特定模拟显示屏则补充了受 John Cooper Works 启发的 MINI 体验模式。

典型的 MINI:历史悠久的拨杆采用新设计。
在经典 Mini 中,驾驶舱中央的切换杆的感觉增强了驾驶员和车辆之间的情感联系。 MINI 还利用这一独特的设备细节,将品牌历史融入到其最新车型中。最重要的驾驶功能(驻车制动、档位选择器、启动/停止键、体验模式切换、音量控制)可通过 MINI Aceman 中的五个单独设计的切换直接访问。这意味着不需要额外的档位选择器,从而为中控台中实用且宽敞的存储选项腾出了空间。除了杯架外,还有一个用于为智能手机无线充电的额外托盘。

全新 MINI 系列的所有车型均配备四种装饰,并具有个性化定制选项,每一种装饰都以不同的方式在 MINI Aceman 内饰中传达现代舒适感概念。

在 Essential Trim 中,内饰设计尽可能清晰,并减少了设备细节。黑色运动座椅配有图案清晰的多色调纺织品,与仪表板上的彩色纺织品镶嵌相协调。从经典装饰向上,两辐基本方向盘被带有不同颜色织物带的三辐方向盘所取代。此外,仪表板和车门上采用黑色和蓝色针织表面的设备型号与采用优质织物或 Vescin 制成的座椅形成了多样化的对比。

在 Favored Trim 中,内饰采用了极具表现力的设计。仪表板采用优雅的深色汽油色,乘客侧则采用橙色渐变颜色。动感外观进一步体现在由穿孔 Vescin 制成的运动座椅上。这些产品采用传统的装饰缝线和两种颜色的刺绣 MINI 标志。 JCW Trim 以最大程度的运动风格展现了 MINI Aceman 的多功能材料概念。 JCW 座椅具有运动座椅几何形状和额外的侧向支撑,显着提高了舒适度。结合多色针织纺织品和带有红色缝线的黑色合成皮革,颜色概念与仪表板和车门装饰的设计相呼应。

数字服务。 与首款 MINI 语音助手简化通信。 MINI Aceman 中的该品牌首款成熟的语音助手可以通过说“嘿 MINI!”来激活。或者,一键通方向盘按钮也可用于此目的。通过图形元素、版式和头像的动画,语音控制的交互在圆形 OLED 显示屏上可视化。由于改进的语音识别功能,与虚拟旅行伙伴(无论是风格化的 MINI 还是角色“Spike”)的沟通变得特别流畅和直观。通过说出相关命令,可以简单方便地控制导航、电话、娱乐和众多车辆功能。


MINI 智能个人助理通过对话不断学习,并能够在重复路线上执行日常任务。例如,基于地理数据,车辆可以识别多层停车场的入口并自动打开窗户。这意味着可以更方便地处理各个例程。

Driving Assistant Plus 为 MINI Aceman 提供了额外的转向和车道辅助功能,用于横向引导。方便且协作的转向有助于驾驶员保持在轨道上。该系统提供的更高的舒适度结合了对车辆的轻松和卓越的控制,同时使驾驶员摆脱了单调和要求不高的驾驶方面。显示屏、操作元件的清晰外观和易于理解的功能特性带来了高度的系统安全性。新的拖车助手可以在标配拖车进入停车位时提供帮助,还可以提供倒车时所需方向盘角度的建议。

凭借 12 个超声波传感器和 4 个环视摄像头,MINI Aceman 能够更精确地识别空置停车位,在空间有限的情况下自动启动停车操作,而选装的 Parking Assistant Pro 的全新远程停车功能使车辆能够使用智能手机停车。该功能可以让 MINI Aceman 自动驶出停车位,从而在侧面空间太有限的情况下更容易进入车辆。

创新的 MINI Digital Key Plus 选项同样利用用户的智能手机来确保便捷和个性化的车辆体验,将智能手机转变为车钥匙。当驾驶员距离不到三米时,前后灯即启动迎宾投影,车门自动解锁。数字钥匙取代了传统的车钥匙,可以转让给多个用户。

MINI Aceman 数字用户界面的现代美学结合了功能和情感元素。其极简设计使新图形适应了 MINI 交互单元的圆形形状,通过清晰的结构简化了操作。静态和动态元素与微动画相结合,确保驾驶员与中央仪表之间的交互和谐直观。 MINI Aceman 的这种突出的数字特征是由 MINI 操作系统 9 实现的。


屏幕左右边缘永久显示驾驶员和前排乘客的温度。气候设置始终集成在 MINI 交互单元的顶层,并通过触摸或语音进行操作。根据体验模式的不同,只需轻按速度显示屏即可将整个 MINI 交互单元转变为典型的 MINI 速度计。

MINI Connected 升级允许随时灵活激活额外的驾驶功能,包括可选的增强现实功能,例如能够以三维显示方式真实地呈现复杂的转弯情况。与可选的 MINI Connected Package 相结合,数字 MINI Connected Store 提供对不断发展的各种实用和娱乐应用程序的访问,包括游戏、音乐和视频流领域。新的 AirConsole 应用程序为所有乘客提供了一种独特的车内游戏形式,将用户的智能手机变成 OLED 显示屏上的游戏控制器。

驱动器。 全电动且高效。 MINI Aceman 仅配备全电动驱动装置,可实现本地零排放出行。高效的电动机确保了 MINI 在城市地区和城市以外的旅行中的标志性驾驶乐趣。上市时,新款 MINI Aceman 将提供 MINI Aceman E(综合耗电量:14.7 – 14.1 kWh/100 km,根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量综合:0 克/公里;二氧化碳等级:A ; 根据 WLTP 的续航里程:298 – 310) 版本以及 MINI Aceman SE(综合耗电量:根据 WLTP 计算,14,8 – 13,9 kWh/100 km;二氧化碳排放量综合:0 g/km;CO2 -等级:A;根据 WLTP 的续航里程:382 – 406),输出增加。


MINI Aceman E 的 135 kW/184 hp 电动机可产生 290 Nm 的扭矩,使汽车在 7.9 秒内从静止加速到 100 公里/小时,最高时速可达 160 公里/小时。 MINI Aceman SE 的输出功率为 160 kW/218 hp,扭矩为 330 Nm,使车辆能够在 7.1 秒内从 0 加速到 100 km/h,最高时速可达 170 km/h。

MINI Aceman E 的电池能量为 42.5 kWh,在 WLTP 测试循环中的续航里程达到 310 公里。 MINI Aceman SE 的高压电池的能量含量为 54.2 kWh,根据 WLTP,其续航里程为 406 公里。

其底盘赋予新款 MINI Aceman 运动特质,这也体现在该品牌特有的驾驶乐趣上。直径654毫米的轮胎赋予车辆更强劲的视觉冲击力,同时增强驾驶动力和乘坐舒适性。 Aceman 配备了精确的阻尼系统,该系统具有高预应力稳定器:这些稳定器提高了转向精度和准确度,同时确保了良好的侧倾支撑。转向和所有驾驶稳定性控制系统的精确调节可实现舒适或运动驾驶,保证在任何情况下都能提供卓越的驾驶体验。电动驱动器对油门踏板压力的响应针对运动驾驶风格进行了优化。

同时,直接转向强调了敏捷和动态的操控性,方向盘每转一圈的齿条比为 59.5 毫米的齿条行程。集成制动系统结合制动时短暂而坚定的感觉,通过可靠的稳定性提高了乘坐舒适度。与众多驾驶员辅助系统相结合,短制动距离可提高安全性。

具有各种悬架设置的 MINI 体验模式可提供定制的驾驶体验,同时可以通过调整转向响应以及专门校准的牵引力控制干预限制来增强驾驶乐趣。

MINI Aceman 的电池可通过 11 kW 的交流电充电。 MINI Aceman E 的功率为 75 kW,Aceman SE 的功率高达 95 kW,可采用直流快速充电。在快速充电站,电池可以在不到 30 分钟的时间内从 10% 充电到 80%。当MINI导航启动时,可以根据天气情况提前将高压电池设置为理想的温度,以便高效充电。这显着缩短了充电时间,尤其是在寒冷的室外温度下。

为了实现透明、简单的充电过程,客户可以通过易于理解的设置选项来优化车辆电池充电。例如,可以选择充电的开始时间或者可以设置充电的特定时间窗口。电池容量的精确目标水平也可以提前确定。为了获得特别愉快的起步,可以将充电设置为在选定的出发时间之前完成,并且此时可以将车辆内部空调至所需的温度。即使客户不在车辆附近,MINI 应用程序也可以方便地概述充电过程。这提供了当前电池状态、充电优化路线计划以及迄今为止的充电历史记录的详细信息,包括所有成本和节省的费用。



MINI Aceman E(综合耗电量:14.7 – 14.1 kWh/100 km,根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量综合:0 g/km;CO2 等级:A;续航里程(公里)根据 WLTP:298 – 310)

MINI Aceman SE(综合耗电量:14.8 – 13.9 kWh/100 km,根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量综合:0 g/km;CO2 等级:A;续航里程(公里)根据 WLTP:382 – 406)

The new MINI Aceman.

MINI celebrates the premiere of the first crossover model for the premium small car segment. The new MINI Aceman combines compact exterior dimensions with as much room as possible for occupants and an all-electric drive.


Munich. Creative use of space – reinterpreted: MINI celebrates the premiere of the first crossover model for the premium small car segment. The new MINI Aceman combines compact exterior dimensions with as much room as possible for occupants and an all-electric drive. The result is a contemporary interpretation of classic Mini inventor Sir Alec Issigonis’ underlying vision: maximum utilisation of space with a minimum footprint combined with a modern drive concept. The progressive design of the new MINI Aceman provides space for five comfortable seats within a vehicle length of just over four metres. MINI draws on innovative technologies to enhance the interior with an immersive digital user experience, while the MINI Aceman’s all-electric drive gives a fresh boost to the characteristic MINI go-kart feeling. Combined with modern assistance systems and hallmark design, traditional brand values pave the way for an all-electric MINI future.

“The MINI Aceman brings a new level of excitement to our all-electric lineup, packed with a truly enjoyable immersive digital experience,” says Stefanie Wurst, Head of MINI. “The MINI Aceman is perfect for navigating crowded city streets, while maintaining the versatility and functionality of a Crossover and the Go Kart feeling you can expect from a MINI. I am certain that the sleek design, the performance, and the versatility as a 5-seater Crossover, will make the MINI Aceman a resounding success.”

From the outside, the MINI Aceman embodies sporty agility and a self-assured presence. The vehicle architecture of the new crossover model is based on a fully electric drive concept.

Measuring just under four metres in length, the new MINI Aceman has five seats and a versatile luggage compartment with a load volume of 300 litres, while numerous adjustment options enable this capacity to be extended individually to as much as 1,005 litres. With a predicted range of up to 406 kilometres in the WLTP test cycle, the MINI Aceman is perfectly equipped for locally emission-free mobility beyond the city limits, too.

New design style “Charismatic Simplicity”.
The entire new MINI family features a clear, reduced design, giving the various models a contemporary look that exudes effortless assurance. The minimalist design style of the MINI Aceman also powerfully conveys its progressive character.

“The MINI Aceman is a strong character with his own young personality within the new MINI family. It has an independent design language, is compact and looks agile. With its distinctive expression, it is the perfect everyday companion for those who value individuality in urban areas.” emphasizes Oliver Heilmer, Head of MINI Design

The exterior.
Expressive crossover with compact proportions.

With its striking front-end, robust contours and athletic stance, the sporty MINI crossover model epitomises agility and self-assured presence. Measuring 4.07 metres in length, 1.75 metres in width and 1.50 metres in height, the MINI Aceman is positioned between the MINI Cooper and the MINI Countryman.

Featuring a streamlined front, short overhangs and the functional two-box design, the brand’s hallmark “Clever Use of Space” design principle has been given a new, distinctive character, while the all-electric drive opens up a whole range of fresh possibilities in terms of vehicle design. Creative space utilisation ensures the new MINI Aceman is agile and nimble in urban traffic while at the same time providing ample room for occupants.

Continuous surfaces give centre stage to the expressive and elegant colours of the body. The versatile and adventurous character of the MINI Aceman is emphasised by the standard roof rails, visually accentuated wheels in sizes from 17” to 19”, and underride protection at the front, rear and sides of the vehicle.

Modern front-end design with striking LED headlights.
The front-end design of the MINI Aceman conveys a powerful presence, reinterpreting typical MINI design elements such as the expressive headlights and the characteristic front grille. Its remodelled, octagonal shape builds on the traditional underlying theme of the hexagon. The grille surround in the MINI Aceman extends into the solid underride protection on the front apron. In the new Vibrant Silver finish or in high-gloss Jet Black, the front grille sets highly contrasting accents, helping to make the crossover model instantly identifiable.

With their individual design, the car’s angular LED headlights also lend emphasis to the distinctive standing of the MINI Aceman within the MINI model family. Their shape is perpetuated in the clarity of the bonnet design with its precise lines, giving the front of the vehicle its distinctive character. The daytime running light elements of the LED headlights can be switched to three different modes, underpinning the expressive character of this new MINI family member.

Distinctive body design with eye-catching details.
The surface design of the MINI Aceman contributes to the clarity and freshness of the new model’s aesthetic style. Tautly stretched body surfaces are accentuated by precise lines and robust angles. While making a progressive statement, this eye-catching styling of the MINI Aceman also forges a link to the brand’s history, enabling it to be instantly identified as a MINI.

The classic tripartite division of body, surrounding window graphics and roof has been reinterpreted. In keeping with idea of reducing everything to the essentials, a flush transition between the vehicle body and glass surfaces optimises the car’s aerodynamic properties. Flat integrated door openers emphasise the progressive expression of the MINI Aceman, while diagonal contours in the body below the A-pillars echo the weld crease of the classic Mini models in the front area of the side panels. Harmonious surfaces and horizontal lines between the wheel arches create an intriguing waistline, giving the vehicle body its unmistakable dynamic flair. The strikingly shaped wheel arches with their long rearward sweep and relatively steep downturn are an entirely unique feature of the MINI Aceman within the MINI Family. Sills in matt black round off the design of the side view towards the road, and their shape is carried on into the door area, giving the vehicle body a slim, upright and athletic appearance.

The rear of the vehicle reflects clarity of design, featuring large horizontal surfaces that emphasise the vehicle’s broad and stable stance. The aerodynamically bevelled and retracted rear window ensures a pronounced, powerful shoulder section, an effect that is further emphasised by the elongated roof spoiler. The hallmark MINI upright rear lights frame the centre section of the rear of the vehicle. With three distinctive graphics, the Matrix rear lights bear out the character of the MINI Aceman in differing ways. A wide, dark surround at the lower edge of the rear apron and the underride protection element integrated in the centre make for sporty proportions, thereby conveying the crossover model’s versatile characteristics.

Expressive body finishes and four individual trims .
The subtle three-dimensional quality of the body surfaces is stylishly highlighted by means of expressive colours. Shadows cast by the accentuated bodywork can be perceived to varying degrees, depending on the incidence of light and perspective. In combination with four contrasting finishes for the roof in hallmark MINI style, this conveys the expressive character of the MINI Aceman with particular clarity.

The MINI Aceman is available in four different trims. An oblong-shaped badge in the design of the respective equipment variant is attached to the front area of the side sill. The Essential Trim presents maximum clarity and a reduced overall appearance, highlighting certain functional parts such as the logo in the new Vibrant Silver finish. In connection with the Classic Trim, the contrasting roof and exterior mirrors can be selected in black or white. The front grille is finished in high-gloss black, while the inner surface of the grille and the bumper are finished in body colour.

The Favoured Trim extends the individual expressive capabilities of the MINI Aceman to include the option of the characteristic Multitone Roof, combined with white mirror caps and a grille frame in Vibrant Silver. The maximum sporty flair of the new crossover model is particularly evident in the JCW Trim. This equipment variant inspired by motorsports has its very own distinctive front and rear design. The front grille is featuring a frame and the variant-specific JCW logo in high-gloss black, while a contrasting roof in Chili Red and red bonnet stripes underline the powerful overall appearance. Meanwhile the rear sculpture is much more muscular in shape and the all-round panelling is finished in high-gloss black.

Various aerodynamic wheel rim designs in sizes between 17 inches and 19 inches further complement the exterior equipment options available for the MINI Aceman.

The interior.
Purist design and wide-ranging material concept.

The new MINI design style “Charismatic Simplicity” is expressed particularly clearly in the interior. With its consistent reduction in terms of interior design, the MINI Aceman follows the original vision of Alec Issigonis, the inventor of the classic Mini. With its easy-to-handle steering wheel, a central OLED display and the remodelled hallmark toggle bar, the cockpit echoes three key design elements of the classic Mini. By means of this contemporary styling in the entirely new crossover model, MINI transports the history of the brand into the here and now.

Spacious door interiors along with comfortable dimensions in the shoulder area and convenient legroom give the bright cockpit an open and amply proportioned atmosphere, while the panoramic glass roof enhances this effect by providing additional light from above. In the dark, the ambient lighting along the roof frame creates the selected lighting mood in the interior. The free-standing door handles and the speaker covers in the new Vibrant Silver finish are aligned diagonally and create a fascinating contrast with the horizontal design in the front area of the cockpit.

The gentle, rounded design style of the interior is further reflected in the curved surfaces of the dashboard: the latter’s surface is covered with a knitted material in which the lower colour shines through the upper one. This gives the interior a homely character with starkly accentuated colour contrasts. Extending to the interior door trim, the easy-care, versatile structure is made of recycled polyester. Rounding off the high-quality fittings in the cockpit are comfortable seats, optionally featuring a textile surface or made of perforated Vescin.

The amply sized rear of the vehicle offers space for three passengers. Thanks to the 60:40 folding rear seat backrest, the luggage compartment can be extended from 300 litres to up to 1,005 litres as required.

High-resolution OLED display for contemporary ride comfort.
With innovative technologies, the circular OLED display lends the interior additional expressive quality. With a diameter of 240 mm, the central instrument features an extremely flat design and a high-quality glass surface. The innovative MINI Operating System 9 enables all driving functions to be operated intuitively by touch or voice. A centre for both comfort and experience, the MINI Interaction Unit is handled in a similar way to a smartphone.

The graphic presentation of the vehicle-related data is contemporary and minimalistic in style, with the speed and battery status shown prominently at the top of the display, directly in the driver’s field of vision. Tapping the speed display opens a large full-screen speedometer that clearly focuses on the driving experience. The other widgets are shown in thumbnail view in the Home menu, to the left and right of the current menu function. These can be moved to the centre and selected by means of a horizontal swiping movement. In the lower area of the OLED display, the menu items Navigation, Media, Telephone and Climate can be selected directly at any time.

MINI Experience Modes enhance the driving experience.
The emotional MINI Experience Modes enhance the interior with immersive user experiences. In the MINI Aceman, two projector units beam special illuminated graphics onto the dashboard with differing patterns and colours. Changes are made to the colour scheme of the light patterns and to the ambient lighting in the entire interior depending on the Experience Mode selected. The newly created MINI Driving Sounds enhance the experience of all-electric mobility. Together with specific graphic elements on the OLED display, vehicle occupants enjoy an entirely new driving experience in the interior of the MINI Aceman.

Among the eight modes available for selection, Personal Mode offers innovative options for customising the cockpit. In this mode, a personally selected image can be uploaded from a smartphone via the MINI app and chosen as the display background. A digital colour picker then identifies the dominant colours of the photo for projection onto the textile dashboard surfaces. The ambient lighting under the dashboard and in the door mirror is also colour-coded to match these projections.

The other modes available for selection are Go-Kart Mode, Vivid Mode, Core Mode, Green Mode, Timeless Mode, Balance Mode and Trail Mode, each of which focusses the display on a “Mode App” to match the ambience. In Go-Kart Mode there is a highly dynamic focus on MINI’s racing DNA, for example. The display and the interior as a whole then feature the colours anthracite and red, while specific analogue displays for driving dynamics complement this MINI Experience Mode inspired by John Cooper Works.

Typical MINI: historic toggle bar in a new design.
In the classic Mini, the feel of the toggle bar at the centre of the cockpit enhanced the emotional connection between driver and vehicle. MINI also draws on this characteristic equipment detail to transport brand history into the latest of its models. The most important driving functions (parking brake, gear selector, start/stop key, experience mode toggle, volume control) are directly accessible in the MINI Aceman via five individually designed toggles. This means that no additional gear selector is required, making room for practical and spacious storage options in the centre console. In addition to the cup holders, there is an additional tray for wirelessly charging smartphones.

Four individual equipment options.
All the models of the new MINI family feature four trims with individual customisation options, each conveying the contemporary feel-good concept in the interior of the MINI Aceman in a different way.

In the Essential Trim, the interior is designed with maximum clarity and a reduction of equipment details. Black sports seats with distinctly patterned multitone textile harmonise with a coloured textile inlay on the dashboard. From the Classic trim upwards, the two-spoke basic steering wheel is replaced by a three-spoke steering wheel with a textile band in differing colours. In addition, the equipment variant with a black and blue knitted surface on the dashboard and doors provides a diversified contrast to the seats in high-quality fabric or Vescin.

In the Favoured Trim, the interior features a strikingly expressive design. The dashboard comes in the elegant Dark Petrol, complemented by an accentuated colour gradient in orange on the passenger side. The dynamic appearance is further reflected in the sports seats made of perforated Vescin. These are available with traditional accent stitching and an embroidered MINI logo in two colours. The JCW Trim presents the versatile material concept of the MINI Aceman in maximum sporty style. The JCW seat with sports seat geometry and additional lateral support noticeably enhances comfort. Combined with multi-coloured knitted textile and black synthetic leather with red stitching, the colour concept echoes the design of the dashboard and door trim.

Digital services.
Simplified communication with the first MINI voice assistant.
The brand’s first fully-fledged voice assistant can be activated in the MINI Aceman by saying “Hey MINI!”. Alternatively, the push-to-talk steering wheel button is also available for this purpose. Voice-controlled interaction is visualised on the circular OLED display by means of an animation of graphic elements, typography and an avatar. Communication with the virtual travel partner – either a stylised MINI or the character “Spike” – is particularly fluent and intuitive thanks to improved speech recognition. Navigation, telephony, entertainment and numerous vehicle functions can be controlled simply and conveniently by speaking the relevant command.

The MINI Intelligent Personal Assistant learns continuously through dialogue and is able to take on day-to-day tasks on repeated routes. Based on geo-based data, for example, the vehicle can identify the entrance to a multi-storey car park and automatically open the window. This means that individual routines can be handled more conveniently.

Advanced assistance systems increase safety.
Driving Assistant Plus provides the MINI Aceman with an additional steering and lane assistant for lateral guidance. Convenient and cooperative steering helps the driver stay on track. The increased comfort offered by the system combines relaxed and superior control of the vehicle while relieving the driver of the monotonous and less demanding aspects of driving. The clear-cut appearance of the displays, operating elements and easy-to-understand functional features result in a high degree of system security. The new Trailer Assistant helps when manoeuvring into a parking space with a trailer as standard, also offering advice on the required steering wheel angle when reversing.

Thanks to twelve ultrasonic sensors and four Surround View cameras, the MINI Aceman is able to identify vacant parking spaces with greater precision, automatically initiating parking manoeuvres where space is limited, while the new Remote Parking function of the optional Parking Assistant Pro enables the vehicle to be parked using a smartphone. This function allows the MINI Aceman to be driven out of a parking space automatically, making it easier to get into the vehicle if space to the side is too limited.

The innovative MINI Digital Key Plus option likewise utilises the user’s smartphone to ensure a convenient and personalised vehicle experience, transforming the smartphone into a vehicle key. The front and rear lights start the welcome projection as soon as the driver is less than three metres away, and the doors unlock automatically. Replacing the conventional vehicle key, the digital key can be transferred to several users.

Convenient connectivity and intuitive interaction.
The modern aesthetics of the digital user interface in the MINI Aceman combine functional and emotional elements. Its minimalist design adapts the new graphics to the circular shape of the MINI Interaction Unit, simplifying operation by means of a clear structure. Static and dynamic elements combined with micro-animations ensure that the interaction between the driver and the central instrument is harmonious and intuitive. This emphatically digital character of the MINI Aceman is enabled by the MINI Operating System 9.

At the centre of the screen is the start menu, while at the bottom of the screen the fixed status bar can be seen with the menu items “Navigation”, “Media”, “Telephony”, “All Apps” and, in certain situations, “Home” – all of which can be selected directly. As customers are used to from numerous consumer electronics devices, a so-called toolbelt can be made to appear by swiping upwards from the bottom edge of the screen. Preferred functions such as navigation destinations and radio stations can be saved for quick retrieval at any time. The toolbelt can also be activated via the star button on the multifunction steering wheel. The upper screen area is reserved for driving-related content such as speed and important vehicle status information. The optional head-up display presents the most important information in the driver’s line of sight.

The temperature is shown permanently for the driver and front passenger at the left and right-hand edge of the screen. The climate settings are always integrated at the top level of the MINI Interaction Unit and are operated by either touch or voice. Depending on the Experience Mode, a single tap on the speed display transforms the entire MINI Interaction Unit into a typical MINI speedometer.

MINI Connected upgrades allow additional driving functions to be activated flexibly at any time, including an optional augmented reality function that is able to visualise complicated turning situations realistically and in three-dimensional display, for example. In conjunction with the optionally available MINI Connected Package, the digital MINI Connected Store provides access to a constantly evolving variety of practical and entertaining apps, including in the area of gaming, music and video streaming. The new AirConsole app offers a unique form of in-car gaming for all passengers, turning the user’s smartphone into a game controller on the OLED display.

The drive.
All-electric and efficient.
The MINI Aceman is available solely with an all-electric drive, enabling locally emission-free mobility. The efficient electric motor ensures hallmark MINI driving fun both in urban areas and on excursions beyond the city limits. At market launch, the new MINI Aceman will be available in the MINI Aceman E (electricity consumption combined: 14,7 – 14,1 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 298 – 310) version and also as the MINI Aceman SE (electricity consumption combined: 14,8 – 13,9 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 382 – 406) with increased output.

The 135 kW/184 hp electric motor of the MINI Aceman E generates a torque of 290 Nm, accelerating the car from standstill to 100 km/h in 7.9 seconds and reaching a top speed of 160 km/h. With an output of 160 kW/218 hp, the MINI Aceman SE generates a torque of 330 Nm, enabling the vehicle to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.1 seconds and reach a top speed of 170 km/h.

With an energy content of 42.5 kWh, the battery of the MINI Aceman E achieves a range of 310 kilometres in the WLTP test cycle. The high-voltage battery of the MINI Aceman SE has an energy content of 54.2 kWh, giving it a range of 406 kilometres according to the WLTP.

Sporty agility and outstanding driving dynamics.
Its chassis gives the new MINI Aceman a sporty character, and this is also reflected in the driving fun that is typical of the brand. The tyres with a diameter of 654 mm give the vehicle a more powerful visual presence, enhancing driving dynamics and ride comfort in equal measure. The Aceman is equipped with a precise damping system that features highly prestressed stabilisers: these improve steering precision and accuracy while at the same time ensuring sound roll support. The precise adjustment of the steering and all driving stability control systems to either comfortable or sporty driving guarantees an exceptional driving experience in every situation. The response of the electric drive to pressure on the accelerator pedal is optimised for a sporty driving style.

Meanwhile, agile and dynamic handling is emphasised by the direct steering, with a rack ratio of 59.5 mm rack travel per turn of the steering wheel. Combined with a short and firm feel when braking, the integrated braking system increases ride comfort by means of reliable stabilisation. In conjunction with the numerous driver assistance systems, short braking distances increase safety.

The MINI Experience Modes with various suspension set-ups are available for a customised driving experience, while driving fun can be intensified by adjusting the steering response and also specially calibrated intervention limits for the traction control.

Quick and easy: charging the battery.
The battery of the MINI Aceman can be charged via alternating current with 11 kW. Fast charging with direct current is possible in the MINI Aceman E with 75 kW and in the Aceman SE with up to 95 kW. At a fast charging station, this allows the battery to be charged from 10 per cent to 80 per cent in just under 30 minutes. When MINI Navigation is activated, the high-voltage battery can be set to the ideal temperature for efficient charging in advance, depending on weather conditions. This significantly reduces charging time, especially in cold outdoor temperatures.

For a transparent and simple charging process, the customer can optimise vehicle battery charging by means of easy-to-understand setting options. The start time for charging can be selected or a specific time window for charging can be set, for example. A precise target level for battery capacity can be determined in advance, too. For a particularly pleasant start, charging can be set to be completed by a selected departure time, and the vehicle interior can be air-conditioned to the desired temperature by this time. The MINI App provides a convenient overview of the charging process, even if the customer is not near the vehicle. This provides details of the current battery status, a charging-optimised route plan, and charging history to date – including all costs and savings.



MINI Aceman E (electricity consumption combined: 14,7 – 14,1 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 298 – 310)

MINI Aceman SE (electricity consumption combined: 14,8 – 13,9 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 382 – 406)


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