
冰上激情冬日:兰博基尼Esperienza Neve亮相内蒙古

日期: 2024 年 12 月 10 日 | 中国牙克石

兰博基尼高性能电动汽车 (HPEV) Revuelto 首次冰上驾驶体验

中国牙克石,2024 年 12 月 10 日——在世界上最令人叹为观止的冬季驾驶游乐场上体验令人振奋的驾驶情感:兰博基尼将其标志性的 Esperienza Neve 带到了内蒙古牙克石的冰雪天堂,这是其首次在中国举办,来自亚太地区的嘉宾享受了独家机会,首次体验 Revuelto [1]在冰上的性能和动力。

在冰封的云龙湖上,冬季气温可降至零下 20 摄氏度,来宾们体验了一系列兰博基尼车型的冬季驾驶训练。参与者由专业兰博基尼教练指导,确保既刺激又安全。Esperienza Neve 计划包括在低抓地力路面和不同车型上进行的一系列练习,让每位驾驶员都有机会在冬季赛道上最大限度地发挥自己的潜力,发掘兰博基尼超级跑车和超级 SUV 的天赋。来宾们还可以在 Huracán Sterrato [2]、Huracán Tecnica、Urus Performante [3]和 Urus S 上体验侧滑的快感,同时在极端驾驶条件下磨练自己的技能。

嘉宾们不仅体验了驾驶技巧,还体验了 Revuelto 的迷人魅力。这款高性能电动汽车 (HPEV) 的迷人动力系统——自然吸气式 V12 发动机和三台电动机——与 Lamborghini Dinamica Veicolo 2.0 系统完美协同,即使在雪地上也能提供令人振奋的即时动力、平稳牵引力和动态灵活性。在 Urus Performante 和 Urus S 上,嘉宾们体验了 Lamborghini 超级 SUV 车型稳健的操控特性,这两款车型的四轮转向系统使它们能够应对冰道上具有挑战性的驾驶练习,而后轮驱动的 Huracán Tecnica 和 Huracán Sterrato 在湿滑的冰道上提供了激动人心的赛车式操控。

兰博基尼汽车亚太区总监 Francesco Scardaoni 表示:“我们很高兴为亚太地区的客户提供机会,让他们体验兰博基尼超级跑车和超级 SUV 在雪地上的驾驶性能和激情。Esperienza Neve 一如既往地提供完美的动态冰上驾驶环境,让我们的客人在极端条件下体验我们汽车的高性能和动态。”


Esperienza Neve 活动还庆祝了与兰博基尼合作品牌的合作,例如 Dinamica,这是一种创新且用途广泛的绒面革,具有无可挑剔的柔软和天鹅绒般的触感。Dinamica 已经应用于首款 HPEV 混合动力超级跑车 Revuelto,并将为 HPEV 双涡轮 V8 混合动力系统 Temerario [4]的内饰提供先进材料。意大利音响工匠 Sonus faber 是从 Revuelto 和 Temerario 开始的新音响合作伙伴,为客人提供了身临其境的自然声音体验。凭借其尖端技术和对细节的一丝不苟,Sonus faber 的音响系统将每次驾驶变成一次独特的感官之旅,增强了驾驶兰博基尼的情感。

通过将令人振奋的冰上驾驶冒险与奢华生活的魅力以及世界各地丰富的文化探索完美融合,兰博基尼 Esperienza Neve 为每位客人打造了难忘的体验。

1 Revuelto 的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合 CO 2排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)
2所有 Hurácan 车型的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.9-13.9 l/100km(WLTP);综合 CO₂ 排放量:338-328 g/km(WLTP)
3所有 Urus 车型的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.1-12.7 l/100km(WLTP);综合 CO₂ 排放量:325-320 g/km(WLTP)
4该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。油耗和排放量数据处于类型核准阶段

Winter thrills on Ice: Lamborghini Esperienza Neve debuts in Inner Mongolia

DATE: 10 Dec 2024   |   Yakeshi, China

First ice-driving experience with Lamborghini’s High Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV), Revuelto

Yakeshi, China, 10 December 2024 – Exhilarating driving emotions on the world’s most breathtaking winter driving playgrounds: Lamborghini brings its signature Esperienza Neve to the snow-clad paradise of Yakeshi, Inner Mongolia for its first ever edition in China, where guests from the Asia Pacific region enjoyed an exclusive first opportunity to experience the Revuelto[1]’s performance and dynamics on ice.

On the frozen expanse of Yunlong Lake, where temperatures dip as low as -20 degrees Celsius in the winter months, guests savoured a full course of winter driving exercises with a range of Lamborghini models. Participants were guided by professional Lamborghini instructors, ensuring both an exhilarating and safe experience. The Esperienza Neve program involves a series of exercises behind the wheel on low-grip surfaces and in different models, allowing every driver the chance to maximize their potential and discover the talents of Lamborghini super sports car and super SUVs on winter tracks. Guests also relish sideways thrills in the Huracán Sterrato[2], Huracán Tecnica, Urus Performante[3] and Urus S, while honing their skills in extreme driving conditions.

Guests explored their driving abilities as well as the captivating prowess of the Revuelto, with the High-Performance Electrified Vehicle (HPEV)’s mesmerising powertrain – its naturally aspirated V12 and three electric motors – working in perfect synergy with its Lamborghini Dinamica Veicolo 2.0 system to deliver an exhilarating combination of immediate power, smooth traction and dynamic agility, even on snow. With the Urus Performante and Urus S, guests experienced the sure-footed handling characteristics of Lamborghini’s Super SUV models, with both models’ four-wheel steering enabling them to tackle challenging driving exercises on the ice track, while the rear-wheel drive Huracán Tecnica and Huracán Sterrato delivered emotive, race-oriented control on the slippery ice courses.

Automobili Lamborghini Region Director for Asia Pacific, Francesco Scardaoni said, “We are thrilled to offer our clients from Asia Pacific the opportunity to discover the driving performance and emotions of Lamborghini super sports cars and super SUVs on snow. As always, Esperienza Neve provides the perfect dynamic ice driving environment, allowing our guests to experience the high performance and the dynamics of our cars in extreme conditions.”

Over the curated three-day program, guests also had the pleasure of enjoying luxurious hospitality, gourmet dining and unique cultural experiences, all set against the backdrop of thrilling trackside action and the captivating surroundings of Hulunbuir city.

The Esperienza Neve program also celebrates the collaboration with partner brands of Lamborghini such as Dinamica, an innovative and versatile suede with an unmistakably soft and velvety touch. Dinamica is already available in the Revuelto, the first HPEV hybrid supercar, and will also provide advanced materials for the interiors of the Temerario[4], the HPEV twin turbo V8 hybrid powertrain. Sonus faber, the Italian artisans of sound and the new Audio Partner starting from Revuelto and Temerario, offered guests an immersive natural sound experience. With their cutting-edge technology and meticulous attention to detail, Sonus faber’s audio systems transform every drive into a unique sensory journey, enhancing the emotion of driving a Lamborghini.

By seamlessly blending an exhilarating ice driving adventure with the allure of luxury living and the richness of cultural exploration in locations worldwide, Lamborghini Esperienza Neve crafts an unforgettable experience for every guest.

1 Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)
2 Fuel consumption and emission values of all Hurácan models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,9-13.9 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 338-328 g/km (WLTP)
3 Fuel consumption and emission values of all Urus models; Fuel consumption combined: 14,1-12,7 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 325-320 g/km (WLTP)
4 The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage


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