
全胜:BMW M Team Redline 夺得电子竞技世界杯团体冠军——凯文·西吉成为车手冠军

BMW M Motorsport 在虚拟 ESL R1 赛季的高潮中留下了令人印象深刻的印记。在利雅得 (KSA) 举行的电子竞技世界杯 (EWC) 上,所有冠军均归 BMW M Team Redline 所有。


慕尼黑。BMW M Motorsport 在虚拟 ESL R1 赛季的高潮中留下了令人印象深刻的印记。在利雅得 (KSA) 举行的电子竞技世界杯 (EWC) 上,所有冠军都归 BMW M Team Redline 所有。周四,凯文·西吉 (SLO) 赢得了车手冠军,周日,这位新加冕的冠军与他的队友塞巴斯蒂安·乔布、卢克·贝内特 (均为英国人) 和杰弗里·里特维尔德 (NED) 一起获得了团体冠军。西吉获得了 25,000 欧元的奖金,而 BMW M Team Redline 获得了 140,000 欧元的总冠军奖金。总而言之,电子竞技世界杯的参赛者争夺了 500,000 欧元的奖金。


在车手总冠军争夺战中,宝马 M 车队的车手占据了主导地位。在 Siggy 之后,Job 和 Bennett 分别获得第二名和第四名,而去年赛季的夺冠大热门、宝马 M Team MOUZ 车手 Maximilian Benecke(德国)则位列第三。宝马 M Team BS+COMPETITION 车队也派出一名车手进入前十,Caique Oliveira(巴西)位列第十。九场比赛中有八场胜利都属于宝马 M 车队的车手。


在团体赛中,三名 BMW M 代表在“Rennsport”模拟平台上驾驶虚拟 BMW M4 GT3 赛车,表现也十分出色,分别在小组赛中取得第一名(Redline)、第六名(BS+COMPETITION)和第九名(MOUZ)。周六,在“Second Chance”赛事中,BMW M Team MOUZ 凭借出色的团队表现和贝内克的三场胜利,获得了进入前六名决赛的资格。周日,BMW M Team Redline 再次夺冠,并庆祝了另外三场个人比赛的胜利。四人组在第五场比赛后以 300 分的优势占据了绝对优势。决定性的胜利由乔布获得。BMW M Team MOUZ 在决赛中获得第三名。


三支 BMW M 车队共同为电子竞技世界杯做准备,并得到了 BMW M 赛车运动部的各种支持。其中最重要的就是在意大利维亚雷焦的 Formula Medicine 进行为期一周的联合训练,十二名车手接受了与真实赛车运动中 BMW M 车队车手类似的训练。




Andreas Roos(BMW M 赛车运动负责人): “祝贺 BMW M Team Redline 和新冠军 Kevin Siggy 在电子竞技世界杯上取得这一令人印象深刻的胜利。Redline 四人组在整个一周中再次表现出色,取得了一场又一场的胜利——这就是赢得冠军的方式。BMW M Team MOUZ 和 BS+COMPETITION 也表现出色,并庆祝了无数次胜利和登上领奖台。这表明我们的准备计划非常值得。为了参加电子竞技世界杯,我们比以往任何时候都更加深入地将现实 BMW M 赛车运动计划中的训练方法转移到虚拟世界中。它已经获得了回报。多年来,虚拟赛车运动在我们身上发挥了重要作用。我们的团队能够在电子竞技世界杯上奖励自己的辛勤工作,这真是太棒了。”


Kevin Siggy(宝马 M Team Redline 车手): “我们是一个实力强大的团队。我们在准备工作上投入了大量精力,而且取得了成功。我们主宰了比赛。”


卢克·贝内特(BMW M Team Redline 车手): “本周的比赛比我们预期的还要好。我们很有信心,知道自己实力非常强,但我们没想到会如此强大。”


塞巴斯蒂安·乔布(BMW M Team Redline 车手): “这个车队冠军意义非凡。我为我们的团队感到骄傲。我们是夺冠热门之一,肩上压力很大。我们应对压力的方式很棒。我为整个 Team Redline、BMW M Motorsport 以及其他在这里表现出色的 BMW M 车队感到高兴。”


杰弗里·里特维尔德(BMW M Team Redline 车手): “这次成功感觉棒极了。我们没有犯任何错误,在关键时刻总是全力以赴——尤其是在排位赛中。这是我们出色准备的结果,包括在 Formula Medicine 的训练营,这确实在心理上帮助我们应对压力。”


马克西米利安·贝内克(宝马 M 车队车手): “本周对我个人来说非常顺利。如果有人事先给我提供车手和车队积分榜第三名,我会欣然接受。现在终于如愿以偿,我非常高兴。尤其是凭借我在排位赛中的表现,我在许多比赛中都获得了杆位。至于我们的团队表现,第三名是我们能取得的最高成绩。总体而言,我认为所有三支宝马 M 车队都表现出色。我们成功让两支车队登上了车队积分榜的领奖台,并在车手积分榜上占据了前四名。这凸显了我们在这里表现的令人难以置信的高水平。”


Caique Oliveira(宝马 M BS+COMPETITION 车队车手): “我为我们车队在电子竞技世界杯上的表现感到骄傲。就我个人而言,我对我在 LAN 赛事中的首次胜利以及额外的领奖台位置感到非常满意。这对我参加宝马 M 赛车运动车队和宝马 M BS+COMPETITION 车队未来比赛有很大的激励作用。”

Triumph across the board: BMW M Team Redline wins team title at Esports World Cup – Kevin Siggy becomes driver champion.

BMW M Motorsport impressively stamped its mark on the climax of the virtual ESL R1 season. At the Esports World Cup (EWC) in Riyadh (KSA), all titles went to BMW M Team Redline.


Munich. BMW M Motorsport impressively stamped its mark on the climax of the virtual ESL R1 season. At the Esports World Cup (EWC) in Riyadh (KSA), all titles went to BMW M Team Redline. On Thursday, Kevin Siggy (SLO) triumphed in the drivers’ championship, and on Sunday, the newly crowned champion, along with his teammates Sebastian Job, Luke Bennett (both GBR), and Jeffrey Rietveld (NED), also secured first place in the team championship. While Siggy was rewarded with a prize of 25,000 euros, BMW M Team Redline received 140,000 euros for the overall victory. In total, the participants at the Esports World Cup competed for 500,000 euros.


In the drivers’ championship, BMW M drivers dominated the event. Behind Siggy, Job and Bennett finished second and fourth, respectively, with BMW M Team MOUZ driver Maximilian Benecke (GER), last year’s season highlight winner, placing third. BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION also brought a driver into the top-ten with Caique Oliveira (BRA) finishing tenth. Eight out of nine race victories went to BMW M drivers.


In the team competition, the three BMW M representatives, with their virtual BMW M4 GT3s on the “Rennsport” simulation platform, also performed strongly, finishing the group stage in first (Redline), sixth (BS+COMPETITION), and ninth (MOUZ) places. On Saturday, in the “Second Chance” event, BMW M Team MOUZ secured its ticket to the final of the top six teams thanks to a solid team performance and three victories by Benecke. On Sunday, BMW M Team Redline took the reins again and celebrated three more individual victories. With 300 points, the quartet was unbeatable after the fifth race. The decisive victory was clinched by Job. BMW M Team MOUZ finished third in the final.


The three BMW M teams had prepared together for the Esports World Cup and were supported in various ways by BMW M Motorsport. Central to this was a joint training week at Formula Medicine in Viareggio (ITA), where the twelve drivers underwent a similar programme to the BMW M works drivers from real motorsport.


Comments on the Esports World Cup:


Andreas Roos (Head of BMW M Motorsport): “Congratulations to BMW M Team Redline and the new champion Kevin Siggy on this impressive triumph at the Esports World Cup. The Redline quartet once again showed outstanding performance throughout the week and racked up victory after victory – that’s how you win titles. BMW M Teams MOUZ and BS+COMPETITION also showed very good form and celebrated numerous further victories and podium finishes. This shows that our preparation programme was more than worthwhile. We have transferred training methods from the real BMW M Motorsport programme into the virtual world more intensively than ever before for the Esports World Cup. It has paid off. Virtual motorsport has played an important role for us for many years. And it’s fantastic that our teams could reward themselves for their hard work at the Esports World Cup.”


Kevin Siggy (Driver BMW M Team Redline): “We were a real powerhouse as a team. We invested a lot of work in preparation, and it paid off. We dominated the event.”


Luke Bennett (Driver BMW M Team Redline): “The week went even better than we had hoped. We were confident and knew we were extremely strong but we did not expect such dominance.”


Sebastian Job (Driver BMW M Team Redline): “This team title means an incredible amount. I am very proud of our team. We came here as one of the favourites and had a lot of pressure on our shoulders. The way we dealt with it was great. I am very happy for the entire Team Redline, BMW M Motorsport, and also the other BMW M Teams that have also gave very strong performances here.”


Jeffrey Rietveld (Driver BMW M Team Redline): “This success feels fantastic. We made no mistakes and were always there when it mattered – especially in the qualifyings. This is the result of our excellent preparation, including the training camp at Formula Medicine, which really helped us mentally in dealing with the pressure.”


Maximilian Benecke (Driver BMW M Team MOUZ): “This week has gone very well for me personally. If someone had offered me third place in both the drivers’ and team standings beforehand, I would have gladly accepted. Now it has happened, and I am very happy. Especially with my qualifying performances, as I managed to get pole position in many races. As for our team performance, third place was the maximum we could achieve. Overall, I think all three BMW M teams have given an outstanding performance. We managed to get two teams on the podium in the team standings and occupied the top four places in the drivers’ standings. This underlines the incredibly high level at which we have performed here.”


Caique Oliveira (Driver BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION): “I am proud of our team’s performance here at the Esports World Cup. Personally, I am very satisfied with my first victory at a LAN event as well as additional podium finishes. This is a great motivation for future events with BMW M Motorsport and BMW M Team BS+COMPETITION.”


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