

日期:2024 年 5 月 14 日 |圣亚加塔博洛尼亚



圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞,2024 年 5 月 14 日——仅通过双手的触摸即可表达情感,描述肉眼无法看到的事物。这些是新的兰博基尼汽车视频所讨论的主题,展示了每种情感的独特性,就像表达它的方式是独特的一样。 “触摸:情感的力量”:该视频恰逢欧洲多元化月,突显了圣亚加塔博洛尼亚公司对多元化和包容性问题的关注。

兰博基尼汽车感谢 UICI(意大利盲人和视障者联盟 ETS – APS)制作该视频,该视频描述了主角触摸 Huracán Tecnica 时所经历的感觉[1]。通过附着在他们手上的传感器检测到的每种情绪强度都对应于不同的颜色,因为正如其中一位所说,“触摸意味着获得所有形式的知识。 ”

该视频的灵感源自博洛尼亚古列尔莫·马可尼机场发生的真实事件,当时卡塔尼亚 Polo Tattile Multimediale(盲人和视障人士多媒体触摸中心)总监 Luca Grasso 被拒绝触摸那里展示的兰博基尼。这一事件促使兰博基尼汽车公司与 UICI 米兰分部取得联系并共同开展该项目。

该举措是兰博基尼致力于促进包容性、让越来越多的受众了解其历史和产品的承诺的一部分。自 2019 年以来,兰博基尼博物馆举办了一系列活动,在经过认证的 LIS 口译员的陪同下,以意大利手语 (LIS) 进行参观,探索圣亚加塔·博洛涅塞杰作的历史和技术创新。

从 2024 年 6 月起,盲人或视障人士可以参观兰博基尼博物馆。通过预约,客人将有机会参加导游活动,触摸展示的模型,通过与汽车的身体接触所产生的感觉来体验兰博基尼的世界。


YouTube 上视频第一部分的链接:


YouTube 上视频第二部分的链接:


[1] Huracán Tecnica 的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:14.5升/100公里(WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:328 克/公里 (WLTP)。

“The Touch: The Power of Emotions”

 DATE: 14 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Automobili Lamborghini’s video for the European Month of Diversity

Sant’Agata Bolognese, May 14, 2024 – Expressing emotions through mere touch of the hands, describing what cannot be seen with the eyes. These are the themes addressed in the new Automobili Lamborghini video that shows how each emotion is unique, just as the way to express it is unique. “The Touch: The Power of Emotions”: the video coincides with the European Month of Diversity, highlighting the attention the Sant’Agata Bolognese company dedicates to the issues of diversity and inclusion.

The video, for which Automobili Lamborghini would like to thank UICI (the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired ETS – APS), describes the sensations experienced by the protagonists when touching a Huracán Tecnica[1]. Every intensity of emotion, detected through sensors attached to their hands, corresponds to a different color because, as one of them says, “touching means gaining access to all forms of knowledge.”

The video was inspired by a real event at Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport when Luca Grasso, Director of Polo Tattile Multimediale in Catania (a multimedia touch center for the blind and visually impaired), was refused the chance to touch a Lamborghini on display there. This episode motivated Automobili Lamborghini to make contact with the Milan branch of the UICI and work on this project together.

The initiative is part of Lamborghini’s commitment to promoting inclusion, making its history and products accessible to an increasingly wide audience. Since 2019 the Lamborghini Museum has offered a series of events in which visits are conducted in Italian Sign Language (LIS), with a certified LIS interpreter, in a journey to discover the history and the technological innovations of the masterpieces made in Sant’Agata Bolognese.

From June 2024 people who are blind or visually impaired can enjoy visits to the Lamborghini Museum. Guests will have the opportunity, by reservation, to participate in guided tours where they can touch models on display and experience the world of Lamborghini through the sensations created by physical contact with the cars.

For information and reservations for guided tours of the Lamborghini Museum, please send an email to

Link to video part one on YouTube:

Link to video part one with audio description:

Link to video part two on YouTube:

Link to video part two with audio description:

[1] Fuel consumption and emission values of Huracán Tecnica; Fuel consumption combined: 14,5 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 328 g/km (WLTP).


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