
BMW 的灵魂:BMW 发起国际多渠道活动,推动本地零排放高端出行

+++全球宣传活动通过电动汽车的视角诠释了经典的品牌价值+++英雄电影——由热门单曲“Beautiful Things”配乐——以及众多多媒体发布展示了该品牌多方面的电动汽车产品组合+++品牌活动重点关注 BMW i4、BMW i5、BMW i7、BMW iX1、BMW iX2、BMW iX3 和 BMW iX +++


慕尼黑。巴伐利亚豪华汽车制造商宝马正在通过精心策划的品牌活动,重点宣传其全系列纯电动汽车,目前包括宝马 i4、宝马 i5、宝马 i7、宝马 iX1、宝马 iX2、宝马 iX3 和宝马 iX。这项多渠道活动重点宣传宝马品牌一直以来的价值观——卓越的动力、创新的技术、独特的设计和极致的驾驶舒适度。

全球宣传活动主要采用视频形式。宣传活动的核心是一则 30 秒的电视广告,该广告已在品牌的社交媒体渠道(尤其是 YouTube 和 Instagram)上播出,并在各个市场借助付费媒体播出。广告引导观众在品牌历史的快节奏旅程中发现宝马的“灵魂”和个性:从赛车运动中的胜利,到品牌独特的设计语言和专业知识,再到其历史悠久的创新天赋,一直到向电动汽车的转型。自公司成立以来,驾驶的乐趣就与宝马密不可分——而这则广告通过品牌的全电动车型将驾驶的乐趣带入生活。

美国歌手本森·布恩的热门单曲《Beautiful Things》让这则广告的情感性更上一层楼。这首歌曲仅在 Spotify 上的播放量就已超过 13 亿次,并且连续几个月成为社交媒体平台 TikTok 上的热门歌曲。


BMW 品牌和产品管理高级副总裁 Bernd Körber 表示:“通过这次充满情感的宣传活动,我们庆祝了我们品牌的独特灵魂,这种灵魂从第一天起就定义了我们,我们也将其融入了我们的全电动汽车 BMW 车型中。”“毕竟,我们的客户代表了 BMW 的真正本质,他们在我们所有的车型中都能体验到纯粹的驾驶乐趣。”

除了视频内容外,近 40 张照片精选了全电动车型在自然环境中的壮观效果——在一天中的不同时间和不同地点。氛围灯以暖色和略微夸张的对比度丰富了主题,为图片带来了非常独特的亲切感。各个车型的独有功能(例如 BMW i7 的双色漆面)都得到了逼真的呈现。除了大量强调电动驾驶乐趣的单张图片外,BMW i4、BMW i5、BMW i7、BMW iX1、BMW iX2、BMW iX3 和 BMW iX 的各种配置的包装照片突出了 BMW 在相关领域提供的丰富多样性。

+++ Global awareness campaign interprets classical brand values through the lens of electric mobility +++ Hero film – soundtracked by hit single “Beautiful Things” – and numerous multimedia releases showcase the brand’s multi-faceted e-mobility portfolio +++ Branding activities focus on the BMW i4, BMW i5, BMW i7, BMW iX1, BMW iX2, BMW iX3 and BMW iX +++


Munich. Bavarian premium carmaker BMW is using an elaborately orchestrated brand campaign to shine the spotlight on its wide range of fully electric vehicles, which now comprises the BMW i4, BMW i5, BMW i7, BMW iX1, BMW iX2, BMW iX3 and BMW iX. The multi-channel campaign is focusing communications on values that have forever been associated with the BMW brand – exceptional dynamics, innovative technologies, unmistakable design and supreme driving comfort.

The global campaign relies primarily on video formats. The centrepiece of the campaign launch was a 30-second TV commercial, which has been spun off across the brand’s social media channels – YouTube and Instagram, in particular – and, with the help of paid media, in the individual markets. The commercial invites the viewer to discover the “soul” and character of BMW along a fast-paced journey through the history of the brand: from victories in motor racing via the brand’s distinctive design language and expertise, and its time-honoured talent for innovation, all the way to the transformation to electric mobility. The joy of driving has been inextricably linked with BMW since the company was formed – and this commercial brings it to life through the brand’s all-electric models.

The use of the hit single “Beautiful Things” by US singer Benson Boone turns up the emotionality of the commercial another notch. The track has exceeded 1.3 billion streams on Spotify alone and has also been a trending sound on social media platform TikTok for several months.

The emotionally charged hero film is accompanied by a series of other assets. For example, five reels have been produced which focus on the brand’s core competencies – Performance, Heritage, Innovation, Motorsport and Community. And additional reels telling inspirational social-media stories on the various fully electric models round off the multi-channel campaign.

“With this emotional campaign we are celebrating the unique soul of our brand, which has defined us since day one and which we have also carried into our fully electric BMW vehicles,” says Bernd Körber, Senior Vice President BMW Brand and Product Management. “After all, our customers represent the true essence of BMW, and they experience pure driving pleasure in all of our models.”

As well as the video content, a selection of just under 40 photo assets showcase the fully electric models to spectacular effect in natural surroundings – at different times of day and in different locations. Atmospheric lighting, which enriches the motifs with warm colours and mildly exaggerated contrasts, brings a very distinct sense of approachability to the images. The exclusive features of the individual models, such as the two-tone paint finish of the BMW i7, are depicted realistically. Alongside numerous individual images emphasising the pure joy of electric driving, a handful of pack shots of the BMW i4, BMW i5, BMW i7, BMW iX1, BMW iX2, BMW iX3 and BMW iX in their various configurations highlight the rich diversity of vehicles offered by BMW across the relevant segments.


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