

+++ 为莱比锡工厂的未来投资 1600 万欧元 +++ 新大楼投入使用,占地面积 6000 平方米 +++ 莱比锡拥有先进的培训空间和员工发展研讨会 +++


莱比锡。每年有 65 名年轻人在宝马集团莱比锡工厂开始他们的职业培训。未来,每年将有超过 6,200 名员工通过专门定制的课程和研讨会发展自己的技能。莱比锡的新人才园区首次将职业培训和技能发展融为一体。新大楼于 10 月 25 日正式开放。

人才园区共有两层,总面积为 6,000 平方米对于接受职业培训的员工,园区配备了汽车、数控、机电一体化和机械车间以及气动、机电一体化和 IT/AR/VR 空间。对于接受技能开发的员工,园区提供 SPS 控制技术、机器人和自动化电动汽车车间以及实践培训多功能空间和研讨室。整栋建筑均设计为无障碍建筑,连同所有设备,投资额为 1600 万欧元。

BMW 集团房地产管理负责人 Nicole Haft-Zboril 表示:“这座新的人才园区是对我们莱比锡工厂灵活、以需求为导向的培训基础设施的一项投资。该建设项目已成功完成——这在很大程度上要归功于我们与合作伙伴莱比锡市的合作——该建筑已在学年开始前及时交付。”

人才园区为从学徒到经理等各行各业的参与者提供培训和发展机会。课程和计划以新电池系统的高压电工作和数字化为中心,特别关注人工智能,以培养未来汽车行业至关重要的技能。人力资源服务、招聘、资格认证副总裁 Moritz Kippenberger 表示:“为了应对未来的挑战,我们需要新的技能和能力。在宝马集团,我们正在为所有员工做好准备并提供支持,为他们提供所需的培训和教育,使他们能够让宝马集团实现电动化、数字化和循环化。这是我们与他们一起进行的变革过程。”

宝马集团莱比锡工厂的员工数量、建筑数量和产量都在稳步增长。工厂于 2005 年开业,员工人数约为 2,600 人。如今,员工人数已超过 6,000 人。工厂总监 Petra Peterhänsel表示:“培训和发展投资是我们行业转型的关键。我们通过培养年轻人才和提供有吸引力的技能发展机会来确保工厂的未来,以便让长期员工与我们一起踏上电动和数字化移动出行之路。”

培训和教育一直是宝马集团文化中不可或缺的重要部分。在过去三年中,莱比锡工厂的培训率上升了 44%。该工厂目前提供五种学徒岗位:生产技工、IT 系统电子技术员、汽车机电一体化技术员、机电一体化技术员和工业机械师。今年,宝马集团莱比锡工厂还获得了萨克森州最佳学徒称号。

莱比锡工厂工会主席 Jens Köhler 表示:“自工厂成立以来,培训一直是我们历史中不可或缺的一部分。我很自豪,通过开设这个人才园区,我们在工厂内建立了一个实体培训和教育机构。我们建立了一个尖端的学习环境,提供实践的动手培训,这是我们工厂的一个基本组成部分。”


The new Talent Campus at BMW Group Plant Leipzig: Apprenticeships and training under one roof

+++ 16 million euros invested in future of Leipzig site +++ New building opens, with 6,000 m2 space +++ Cutting-edge training spaces and workshops for employee development at Leipzig +++


Leipzig. Every year 65 young people start their vocational training at BMW Group Plant Leipzig. In the future, more than 6,200 employees a year will develop their skills too, in specifically tailored courses and seminars. For the first time, Leipzig’s new Talent Campus brings together vocational training and skills development – under one roof. The new building officially opened on 25 October.

The Talent Campus offers 6,000 m2 of space in total across two floors. For those doing their vocational training, it is equipped with automotive, CNC, mechatronics and mechanical workshops as well as spaces for pneumatics, mechatronics and IT/AR/VR. For employees undergoing skills development, it offers e-mobility workshops for SPS control technologies, robotics and automation as well as practical training multifunctional spaces and seminar rooms. The entire building is designed to be accessible and, along with all the equipment, it came in at an investment of 16 million euros.

Nicole Haft-Zboril, Head of BMW Group Real Estate Management: “This new Talent Campus is an investment in a flexible, needs-focused training infrastructure at our Leipzig site. The construction project has been successfully completed – thanks in large part to our collaboration with our partner, the City of Leipzig – and the building has been handed over in time for the start of the academic year.”

The Talent Campus offers training and development for a wide range of participants, from apprentices to managers. Courses and programmes centre on working with high-voltage electricity for new battery systems and on digitalisation, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence, to develop the skills that will be vital in the car industry of the future. Moritz Kippenberger, Vice President HR Services, Recruiting, Qualification: “To rise to the challenges that lie ahead, we need new skills and abilities. At the BMW Group, we are preparing and supporting all our employees by giving them the training and education they need to make the BMW Group electric, digital and circular. It’s a change process that we are undertaking with them.”

BMW Group Plant Leipzig is steadily growing in terms of employees, buildings and production volume. When it opened in 2005, it employed around 2,600 people. Today there are over 6,000. Plant Director Petra Peterhänsel: “Investments in training and development are key to the transformation of our industry. We are securing the future of our site by fostering young talent and offering attractive skills development options to keep our longer-standing employees with us on our journey to electric and digital mobility.”

Training and education has always been important and integral to the BMW Group’s culture. Over the last three years, the training rate at Plant Leipzig has risen by 44 percent. The site currently offers five apprenticeships: production mechanic, IT system electronics technician, automotive mechatronics technician, mechatronics technician and industrial mechanic. This year BMW Group Plant Leipzig is also home to the state of Saxony’s Best Apprentice.

Jens Köhler, Works Council Chairman at Plant Leipzig: “Training has been an integral part of our history ever since the plant was established. I am proud that by opening this Talent Campus, we are establishing training and education at our plant with a physical entity on our premises. We have enabled a cutting-edge learning environment that offers practical, hands-on training and is a fundamental component of our site.”

To ensure it has the skills it needs for the years ahead, the BMW Group has long been systematically identifying training needs, to be properly prepared for the future of individual mobility.


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