
新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车

在新款 MINI Cooper 3 门推出几个月后,五门 Cooper 现已加入新款 MINI 家族。MINI Cooper 5 门以品牌典型的驾驶乐趣、宽敞的空间和独特的功能为特色。这些特点使这款五座车成为同类车型中的佼佼者,同时还拥有独特的设计——传统与现代、纯粹的造型相结合——以及创新的辅助系统。


车身尺寸长 4,036 mm、宽 1,744 mm、高 1,464 mm,与前代车型几乎相同,这也凸显了每款 MINI 汽车的基本理念:在小空间内创造尽可能多的空间。
对于 MINI Cooper 5 门车而言,这意味着其内部空间足以容纳五名乘客。与新款 MINI Cooper 3 门车相比,其轴距加长 72 mm,车身加长 172 mm。所有这些都为乘客带来了舒适性和空间感。短悬垂、清晰的表面和富有表现力的装饰也赋予了新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车独特的魅力。在内部,数字创新和身临其境的用户体验将 MINI DNA 提升到了一个新高度。

纯正 MINI Cooper 的加大车身版本也提供了该品牌标志性的驾驶乐趣和敏捷操控。有两种高效汽油发动机可供选择,结合现代底盘和精确转向,带来标志性的 MINI 卡丁车感觉。

MINI Cooper 5 门 C 的三缸汽油发动机输出功率为 115 千瓦/156 马力。MINI Cooper 5 门 S 搭载四缸汽油发动机,输出功率为 150 千瓦/204 马力。标志性的 MINI 转向系统和强大的制动器确保了高水平的驾驶乐趣、安全性和舒适性。紧凑的尺寸、短悬垂和 11.4 米的小转弯半径使 MINI Cooper 5 门成为城市中的多功能车型。

新款 MINI Cooper 5 Door 将 MINI 的魅力设计与额外的功能相结合。后排空间明显更宽敞,可为三名乘客提供舒适的空间。60:40 折叠式后排座椅将行李箱容量从 275 升增加到 925 升。

全新 MINI 设计风格。
新款 MINI Cooper 以“魅力简约”为特色。
当前 MINI 家族的设计语言以惊人的清晰度展现了品牌的传统价值观。新车型的正宗设计语言将先进技术与车辆设计的基本原则和品牌起源相结合。

短悬垂、小引擎盖、长轴距和大车轮 – MINI Cooper 5 Door 的比例反映了它的都市特征。

由于其紧凑的轮廓,该车型即使在狭小的空间内也可以轻松舒适地操纵 – 为所有乘客提供充足的空间。新款 MINI Cooper 5 门是一款具有高识别度的原创 MINI。视觉上分为设计清晰的车身、环绕式车窗区域和阶梯式车顶的三部分,使其一眼就能被识别。

前端的简约设计和专注的表达方式有助于实现这一点。新一代车型还配备了标志性的 MINI 圆形大灯。它们与八角形前格栅一起构成了独特的 MINI 前脸。带有可单独调节的日间行车灯元件的标准 LED 大灯增强了醒目的外观。可选的灯光特征有三种版本,以强调车辆的特性。MINI Cooper 甚至在旅程开始之前就通过特别编排的欢迎和再见动画与驾驶员互动。

新款 MINI 的美学风格在车尾延续下来,采用透明表面和齐平尾灯。垂直排列的 LED 灯组让人联想到经典的 MINI 灯,与前灯一样,可以切换到不同的设置。

尾灯采用齐平设计,为汽车后部雕塑增添了现代而纯粹的外观。它由带有独特型号字母的醒目黑色把手条细分。其水平排列强调了新款 MINI Cooper 的宽阔姿态。

新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车有 11 种富有表现力的车身颜色可供选择。车顶有三种对比色、车身颜色和具有渐变色彩的特色多色调车顶可供选择。不同的色调凸显了汽车的不同特点,并以多种方式展示了新款 MINI 设计语言。

该车可通过四种不同的外部装饰进行个性化定制。标准配置的基本装饰强调了整体的简约外观,并突出了某些功能部件,例如活力银色的标志。从经典装饰开始,车顶有黑色或白色可供选择,多色调车顶也有独特的颜色渐变。与车身颜色的对比使 MINI Cooper 看起来特别富有表现力。

在 Favoured Trim 版本中,前散热器格栅框架和某些设计元素采用活力银色,进一步增强了 MINI Cooper 的个性。

JCW 饰边凸显了 MINI Cooper 5 门的运动风格。独特的设计特色,如醒目的前后扩散器、散热器格栅环绕和高光黑色 JCW 标志,都暗示着 MINI 的赛车传统。辣椒红专门用于对比鲜明的车顶。

轮胎直径比旧款车型更大,凸显了新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车的宽大外形。16 英寸和 18 英寸的空气动力学车轮设计提供了更多外观选择。

新款 MINI Cooper 5 Door 的内饰也采用了该品牌典型的新元素、技术创新和品牌历史的结合。

新款 MINI Cooper 5 门车的前端设计简化到基本要素,让人联想到经典 Mini 的纯粹设计。传奇发明家 Alec Issigonis 为第一款车型设计的内饰,中间有一个圆形仪表,下方是独特的拨动开关条。这两个元素也构成了 MINI Cooper 5 门车的驾驶舱。

创新材料为 MINI Cooper 的内饰营造出舒适氛围。采用专门开发的针织工艺,打造出由再生聚酯制成的双色设计的多功能、易于打理的织物结构。织物表面延伸至弧形仪表板和车门面板。通风口采用特别扁平的设计。通风口的水平排列确保驾驶舱内空气均匀流动。通风口的方向可以轻松调整。

前排座椅空间宽敞,线条简洁,使驾驶舱看起来既现代又通风。全景玻璃车顶让车内格外明亮。座椅有标准版和 JCW 版。座椅侧面面板甚至调节按钮都采用优质织物装饰。后排可舒适地坐下三名乘客。

高分辨率 OLED 显示屏彻底改变了用户体验。
与即将推出的车型的圆形仪表一样,具有多种功能的新中央图标是内饰的视觉焦点。重新设计的驾驶舱中的中央 OLED 显示屏已移至更靠近驾驶员的位置,使其更容易触及。它的高分辨率树立了新标准。得益于 MINI 操作系统 9,所有车辆功能都可以通过触摸或语音直观地控制。纤薄的触摸显示屏具有高品质的玻璃边缘,直径已增至 240 毫米,其操作逻辑让人想起智能手机中熟悉的标准。

内容的图形呈现侧重于要点。车辆相关信息显示在顶部。OLED 显示屏的下部可直接访问导航、媒体、电话和气候控制菜单。主页按钮可将显示屏恢复为默认设置。

MINI 体验模式。
七种 MINI 体验模式可根据心情和个人喜好进行选择,并体现车内氛围。

通过使用 OLED 显示屏背面的 MINI 投影仪,他们将仪表板变成了色彩和图案相得益彰的世界。投影、环境照明和 MINI 交互单元的相互作用创造了一种独特的沉浸式体验,并延伸到门饰。这为个性化开辟了新的可能性。例如,在个人模式下,可以通过 MINI App 选择个性化图像作为显示背景。然后使用数字颜色选择器将图片的主色应用于仪表板的纺织表面。仪表板下方和后视镜中的环境照明也采用颜色编码以匹配这些投影。

每种模式都有自己的定制背景。例如,在卡丁车模式下,显示屏和内饰以 John Cooper Works 标志性的炭灰色和红色为主。


就像标志性的中控台一样,摇杆开关条及其拨动开关与 MINI 本身一样具有传奇色彩 – 然而它一次又一次地经过精心更新。在最新版本中,驻车制动器、档位选择器、启动/停止按钮、体验模式和音量控制都触手可及。实际好处:档位选择器的移除释放了中控台的更多空间,现在除了杯架外,中控台还配备了一个大型开放式储物格。智能手机可以在控制台前部的无线充电区充电,随时可用。

Cooper 5 Door 的新颜色和材料概念刻意简约。采用高品质环保材料,例如仪表板和车门饰板上的针织再生聚酯纤维表面。


从 Classic Trim 开始,标准双辐方向盘被三辐方向盘取代,六点钟位置带有织物带。仪表板和车门上的灰色和黑色 2D 针织面料与仿皮座椅形成鲜明对比。

针织仪表板上的双色千鸟格图案尤为引人注目。穿孔 Vescin 运动座椅有两种颜色可选,并带有传统的重点缝线。

JCW Trim 是对新材料概念的运动诠释。结合多色针织面料和带红色缝线的黑色仿皮,配色方案与仪表板和车门饰板相呼应。

“嘿 MINI”——全新 MINI 智能个人助理。
在新款 MINI Cooper 中,可以使用该品牌首款成熟语音助手控制众多功能。可以通过问候语“嘿 MINI”或使用即按即说方向盘按钮激活 MINI 智能个人助理。语音控制交互以图形元素、字体和头像动画的形式在圆形 OLED 显示屏上进行。用户可以在“MINI”可视化(MINI 的风格化表示)和虚拟旅行伙伴“Spike”之间进行选择。驾驶员可以通过语音轻松控制导航、电话、娱乐和众多车辆功能。

MINI 智能个人助理不断从重复的路线中学习。例如,利用基于地理的数据,车辆可以学会在进入停车场时自动打开车窗。这使日常生活变得更加便捷。

全新 MINI 操作系统 9。MINI
用户界面融合了功能性和情感元素。设计简约,基于新图形打造出极具现代感的外观。静态和动态元素自然融入 MINI 交互单元的圆形造型,结构清晰。微动画强化了驾驶员与中央仪表之间的直观交互,从而凸显了全新 MINI 家族的数字化特征。

MINI 操作系统 9 是宝马集团自主研发的,操作直观,遵循消费电子领域常见的标准。


与 MINI Connected 套件结合使用时,全套 MINI 导航套件可在旅途中为驾驶员提供支持,包括转弯情况的逼真 3D 可视化、即使未启动路线引导系统时也能显示当前交通状况、包括数字支付选项在内的停车设施信息等等。

新的 Parking Assistant Plus 让停车过程更加轻松。得益于 12 个超声波传感器和 4 个环视摄像头,车辆可以更清晰地识别可能的停车位,甚至可以独立启动空间受限的停车操作。

有了 MINI Digital Key Plus,智能手机就变成了钥匙,可以自动打开车门。只要驾驶员距离汽车不到三米,前灯和后灯就会开始闪烁;当驾驶员距离汽车不到一米半时,车门就会解锁。数字钥匙可以转让给不同的用户,从而促进汽车共享,因为不再需要将传统的汽车钥匙交给对方。

驾驶。 新款 MINI Cooper 5 门配备汽油发动机。新款 MINI Cooper 5 门提供两种高效汽油发动机供您选择。在新车型系列中,MINI 用 C 和 S 来表示性能水平。入门级车型是

MINI Cooper C 配备 115 kW/156 hp 三缸发动机(综合油耗:6.6 – 6.0 l/100 km(62 英里);综合 CO2 排放量:149 – 136 g/km(根据 WLTP)),扭矩为 230 Nm(170 lb/ft)。这使车辆能够在 8.0 秒内从静止加速到 100 km/h(62 mph),最高时速达到 225 km/h(134 mph)。

MINI Cooper S 配备 150 千瓦/204 马力的四缸发动机(综合油耗:6.8 – 6.3 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:153 – 141 克/公里(根据 WLTP),最大扭矩为 300 牛米(221 磅/英尺)。它在 6.8 秒内从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时(62 英里/小时),最高时速为 242 公里/小时(150 英里/小时)。

轮距和轴距对于这一车型细分市场来说非常宽大,为标志性的 MINI 动态性能奠定了基础。MINI Cooper 5 门车型配备了专为灵动操控而调校的悬架和减震系统。这确保了高水平的日常驾驶舒适性,并结合了 MINI 典型的精确转向感和强大的制动。

转向和所有稳定控制系统进行选择性调校,确保在所有驾驶情况下都能获得非凡的体验。带有频率选择性减震系统的自适应悬架可用于特别运动的驾驶。增加的 625 毫米轮胎直径使 MINI Cooper 5 门车型具有更大的视觉效果。同时,驾驶动态和乘坐舒适度也得到了改善。此外,可选的 17 英寸和 18 英寸轮辋的轮胎宽度增加到 215 毫米,以强调典型的 MINI 卡丁车感觉。可用的轮辋尺寸范围从 16 英寸到 18 英寸。


MINI Cooper C 5 Door 综合燃油消耗:6.6 – 6.0 l/100 km(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:149 – 136 g/km(根据 WLTP)。

MINI Cooper S 5 Door 综合燃油消耗:6.8 – 6.3 升/100 公里(62 英里);综合二氧化碳排放量:153 – 141 克/公里(根据 WLTP)。

The New MINI Cooper 5 Door.

A few months after the launch of the new MINI Cooper 3 Door, the five-door Cooper is now joining the new MINI family. The MINI Cooper 5 Door is characterised by the brand’s typical driving fun, extended space, and distinctive functionality. These make the five-seater an exceptional phenomenon in its segment, together with its unique design – a combination of tradition and modern, purist styling – and innovative assistance systems.


With a length of 4,036 mm, a width of 1,744 mm and a height of 1,464 mm, the body dimensions are almost identical to those of its predecessor and underline the basic idea behind every MINI: To create as much space as possible on a small footprint.
In the case of the MINI Cooper 5 Door, this means an interior that offers enough space for five passengers. Compared to the new MINI Cooper 3 Door, the wheelbase is 72 mm longer and the body 172 mm longer. All of which benefits the occupants in terms of comfort and space. Short overhangs, clear surfaces and expressive accents also give the new MINI Cooper 5 Door its unmistakable charisma. Inside, digital innovations and an immersive user experience take the MINI DNA to a new level.

The larger body version of the purist MINI Cooper also delivers the brand’s hallmark driving fun and agile handling. There is a choice of two efficient petrol engines which, combined with the modern chassis and precise steering, deliver the hallmark MINI go-kart feeling.

The three-cylinder petrol engine of the MINI Cooper 5 Door C generates 115 kW/156 hp. The MINI Cooper 5 Door S is powered by a four-cylinder petrol engine with 150 kW/204 hp. Hallmark MINI steering and powerful brakes ensure a high level of driving fun, safety, and comfort. Compact dimensions, short overhangs, and a small turning circle of 11.4 metres make the MINI Cooper 5 Door a versatile model for the city.

The new MINI Cooper 5 Doorcombines charismatic MINI design with an extra portion of functionality. In the rear, the noticeably wider interior provides comfortable space for three passengers. The 60:40 folding rear seats increase the luggage compartment capacity from 275 litres to up to 925 litres.

The new MINI design style.
The new MINI Cooper is characterised by “Charismatic Simplicity”.
The design language of the current MINI family presents the traditional values of the brand with a striking clarity. The authentic design language of the new models combines advanced technology with elementary principles of vehicle design and brand origins.

The exterior.
Short overhangs, a small bonnet, a long wheelbase, and large wheels – the proportions of the MINI Cooper 5 Door reflect its urban character.

Thanks to its compact silhouette, the model is easy and comfortable to manoeuvre even in tight spaces – with plenty of room for all passengers.  The new MINI Cooper 5 Door is an original MINI with a high recognition value. The visual tripartite division into a clearly designed body, a wraparound window area and a stepped roof makes it instantly recognisable.

The minimalist design of the front end with its focused expression contributes to this. The new generation also features the iconic MINI round headlights. Together with the octagonal front grille, they form the distinctive MINI face. Standard LED headlights with individually adjustable daytime running light elements enhance the striking appearance. The optional light signatures are available in three versions to emphasise the character of the vehicle. The MINI Cooper interacts with the driver using a specially orchestrated welcome and goodbye animation even before the journey begins.

Reduced body design for a striking look.
The new MINI aesthetic continues at the rear with clear surfaces and flush-fitting taillights. The vertically aligned LED clusters are reminiscent of the classic MINI lights and, like the headlights, can be switched to different settings.

The flush-mounted design of the rear lights lends a modern and purist look to the car’s rear sculpture. It is subdivided by a striking black handle strip with distinctive model lettering. Its horizontal alignment emphasises the new MINI Cooper’s broad stance.

Four trims with individual equipment options.
The new MINI Cooper 5 Door is available in eleven expressive body colours. For the roof, there is a choice of three contrasting colours, the car colour and the characteristic multi-tone roof with a gradual colour gradient. The different colour tones highlight different features of the car and showcase the new MINI design language in a variety of ways.

The car can be personalised with four different exterior trims. The Essential Trim, which comes as standard, emphasises the minimalist overall appearance and highlights certain functional parts such as the logo in Vibrant Silver. Starting with the Classic Trim, the roof is available in black or white, as is the Multitone roof with its unique colour gradient. The contrast with the body colour gives the MINI Cooper a particularly expressive look.

In the Favoured Trim version, the front radiator grille frame and certain design elements are finished in Vibrant Silver, further enhancing the individuality of the MINI Cooper.

The JCW Trim emphasises the sporty side of the MINI Cooper 5 Door. Exclusive design features such as the striking front and rear diffusers, radiator grille surround and high-gloss black JCW logo allude to MINI’s motorsport heritage. Chili Red is available exclusively for the contrasting roof.

The tyre diameter is larger than on the outgoing model, emphasising the wide stance of the new MINI Cooper 5 Door. Aerodynamic wheel designs in 16 and 18-inch sizes offer further exterior options.

The interior.
The interior of the new MINI Cooper 5 Door also features the brand’s typical combination of new elements, technical innovations, and references to the brand’s history.

Minimalist and immersive.
The design of the front end of the new MINI Cooper 5 Door is reduced to the essentials and is reminiscent of the purist design of the classic Mini. Legendary inventor Alec Issigonis designed an interior for the first model with a round instrument in the centre and the characteristic toggle switch strip below. These two elements also structure the cockpit in the MINI Cooper 5 Door.
The minimalist design of the interior makes do with fewer components, which are cleverly designed and manufactured to a high standard. Behind the steering wheel, the optional, slim, combined head-up display ensures that all relevant content appears in the driver’s field of vision. As a result, the dashboard on the driver’s side does not require an additional instrument panel, so it opens the view to the front.

Innovative materials characterise the feel-good atmosphere in the interior of the MINI Cooper. A specially developed knitting process is used to create the versatile, easy-care structure of the textile in two-colour design made of recycled polyester. The textile surfaces extend across the curved dashboard and into the door panels. The air vents feature an especially flat design. The horizontal arrangement of the air vents ensures an even flow of air in the cockpit. The direction of the vents can be easily adjusted.

The generous space in the front seats and the clean lines give the cockpit a modern and airy look. Thanks to the panoramic glass roof, the interior is particularly bright. The seats are available in a standard version and in a JCW version. Their side panels are upholstered in high-quality fabric right down to the adjustment buttons. Three passengers can sit comfortably in the rear.

High-resolution OLED display revolutionises user experience.
Like the round instrument of the outgoing model, the new central icon with its versatile functions is the visual focal point of the interior. The central OLED display in the redesigned cockpit has been moved closer to the driver, making it easier to reach. Its high resolution sets a new standard. Thanks to the MINI Operating System 9, all vehicle functions can be controlled intuitively by touch or voice. The slim touch display has a high-quality glass edge, has grown to 240 mm in diameter and its operating logic is reminiscent of the standards familiar from smartphones.

The graphical presentation of content focuses on the essentials. Vehicle-related information is displayed at the top. The lower part of the OLED display provides direct access to the navigation, media, phone and climate control menus. The home button returns the display to its default settings.

The MINI Experience Modes.
The seven MINI Experience Modes can be selected according to mood and personal preference and characterise the atmosphere in the interior.

Using the MINI Projector on the rear of the OLED display, they transform the dashboard into matching worlds of colour and pattern. The interplay of projection, ambient lighting and the MINI Interaction Unit creates a unique, immersive experience that extends into the door trim. This opens new possibilities for individualisation. In Personal Mode, for example, a personalised image can be selected as the display background via the MINI App. The dominant colours of the picture are then applied to the dashboard’s textile surfaces using a digital colour picker. The ambient lighting under the dashboard and in the door mirror is also colour-coded to match these projections.

Each mode has its own customised backgrounds. In Go-kart mode, for example, the display and interior are dominated by the John Cooper Works signature charcoal grey and red.


The new design of the rocker switch strip.
Just like the iconic centre console, the rocker switch strip with its toggle switches is as legendary as the MINI itself – and yet it has been carefully updated time and again. In the latest version, the parking brake, gear selector, start/stop button, Experience Mode, and volume control are all at your fingertips. Practical benefit: The removal of the gear selector has freed up more space in the centre console, which now features a large open storage compartment in addition to the cup holders. Smartphones can be charged in the wireless charging area at the front of the console and are always ready to hand.

Four newly designed interior trims.
The new colour and material concept for the MINI Cooper 5 Door is deliberately minimalist. High-quality, environmentally friendly materials are used, such as the knitted recycled polyester surfaces on the dashboard and door trim.

Four newly designed trims underline the feel-good concept. The Essential Trim includes black sport seats with patterned multi-tone fabric and a matching fabric strip on the dashboard. A new accent colour, Vibrant Silver, is used to highlight certain interior and exterior functional elements.

Starting with the Classic Trim, the standard two-spoke steering wheel is replaced by a three-spoke version with a textile band at the six o’clock position. A 2D knitted fabric in grey and black on the dashboard and doors contrasts with the imitation leather seats.

A two-tone houndstooth pattern on the knitted dashboard is particularly expressive. The perforated Vescin sports seats are available in two colours with traditional accent stitching.

JCW Trim is a sporty interpretation of the new material concept. Combined with multi-coloured knitted fabric and black imitation leather with red stitching, the colour scheme echoes that of the dashboard and door trims.

Digital services.
“Hey MINI” – the new MINI Intelligent Personal Assistant.
In the new MINI Cooper, numerous functions can be controlled using the brand’s first fully-fledged voice assistant. The MINI Intelligent Personal Assistant can be activated with the greeting “Hey MINI” or else by using the push-to-talk steering wheel button. Voice-controlled interaction takes place on the circular OLED display in the form of an animation of graphic elements, typography, and an avatar. Users can choose between the visualisation of “MINI” – a stylised representation of a MINI – and the virtual travel partner “Spike”. The driver can easily control navigation, telephone, entertainment, and numerous vehicle functions by voice.

The MINI Intelligent Personal Assistant continuously learns from repeated routes. Drawing on geo-based data, for example, the vehicle can learn to automatically open the window when entering a car park. This makes everyday life much more convenient.

The new MINI Operating System 9.
The MINI user interface combines functional and emotional elements. The design is reduced, creating a very modern look based on new graphics. Static and dynamic elements blend naturally into the circular shape of the MINI Interaction Unit, following a clear structure. Micro animations reinforce the intuitive interaction between the driver and the central instrument, thereby underlining the digital character of the new MINI family.

The MINI Operating System 9 is an in-house development of the BMW Group. Operation is intuitive and follows standards that are familiar from the consumer electronics sector.

The home menu is located in the centre of the screen. The status bar with the menu items Navigation, Media, Telephone, All Apps and (depending on the situation) Home is located at the bottom of the screen. Favourite functions such as navigation destinations or radio stations can be stored in the tool belt for quick access. The upper part of the screen is reserved for driving-related content, such as speed and important vehicle status information. The optional head-up display presents the most important information in the driver’s line of sight.

In conjunction with the MINI Connected Package, the full MINI Navigation Package supports the driver during the journey with realistic 3D visualisation of turn situations, a display of the current traffic situation even when the route guidance system is not activated, information on parking facilities including digital payment options and much more.

New driver assistance systems make day-to-day life easier.
The new Parking Assistant Plus makes the parking process even easier. Thanks to 12 ultrasonic sensors and four surround-view cameras, the vehicle can identify possible parking spaces more clearly and can even independently initiate space-restricted parking manoeuvres.

With MINI Digital Key Plus, the smartphone becomes the key and opens the car automatically. The welcome projection of the front and rear lights begins as soon as the driver is less than three metres away; the doors are unlocked when the driver is at less than one and a half metres away from the car. The digital key is transferable to different users, thereby facilitating car sharing in that it is no longer necessary to hand over a conventional vehicle key to the other person.

The drive.
The new MINI Cooper 5 Door with petrol engine.
The new MINI Cooper 5 Door is available with a choice of two efficient petrol engines. Within the new model family, MINI refers to the performance levels with the designations C and S. The entry-level model is the MINI Cooper C with a 115 kW/156 hp three-cylinder engine (consumption combined: 6.6 – 6.0 l/100 km (62 miles); CO2 emissions combined: 149 – 136 g/km according to WLTP) with 230 Nm (170 lb/ft) of torque. This enables the vehicle to accelerate from a standstill to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 8.0 seconds and reach a top speed of 225 km/h (134 mph).

The MINI Cooper S has a 150 kW/204 hp four-cylinder engine (consumption combined: 6.8 – 6.3 l/100 km (62 miles); CO2 emissions combined: 153 – 141 g/km according to WLTP with a maximum torque of 300 Nm (221 lb/ft). It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 6.8 seconds and has a top speed of 242 km/h (150 mph).

Comfortable and sporty mobility.
The track width and wheelbase are generous for this vehicle segment and provide the basis for the hallmark MINI dynamic performance. The MINI Cooper 5 Door features a suspension and damping system tuned for spirited handling. This ensures a high level of everyday driving comfort, combined with the precise steering feel typical of MINI and the powerful brakes.
Highly preloaded anti-roll bar mounts on the axles ensure balanced body handling during dynamic cornering. They also ensure steering precision and accuracy. The result is excellent body support combined with smooth rolling comfort.

Selective tuning of the steering and all stability control systems ensures an exceptional experience in all driving situations. An adaptive suspension with frequency-selective damping system is available for particularly sporty driving. The increased tyre diameter of 625 mm gives the MINI Cooper 5 Door a greater visual presence. At the same time, driving dynamics and ride comfort are improved. In addition, the tyre width of the optionally available 17-inch and 18-inch rims is increased to 215 mm in order to emphasise the typical MINI go-kart feeling. Available rim sizes range from 16 to 18-inches.



MINI Cooper C 5 Door fuel consumption combined: 6.6 – 6.0 l/100 km (62 miles); CO2 emissions combined: 149 – 136 g/km according to WLTP.

MINI Cooper S 5 Door fuel consumption combined: 6.8 – 6.3 l/100 km (62 miles); CO2 emissions combined: 153 – 141 g/km according to WLTP.


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