
新款 BMW 3 系轿车、新款 BMW 3 系旅行车

近 50 年来,BMW 3 系一直是 BMW 品牌的核心。它是中型豪华轿车运动驾驶乐趣的典范,在七代车型中不断为该细分市场的设计、驾驶动态和技术创新做出重大贡献。当前一代 BMW 3 系的特质同样为不懈进步提供了范例。




近 50 年来,BMW 3 系一直是 BMW 品牌的核心。它是中型豪华轿车运动驾驶乐趣的典范,在七代车型中不断为该领域的设计、驾驶动态和技术创新做出重大贡献。当前一代 BMW 3 系的特点同样为不懈进步提供了案例。2022 款车型已经在设计、动力系统、数字化和设备方面进行了广泛的改进,现在将推出一套全新的更新,将汽车的外观吸引力和尖端现代感提升到新的水平。新的高压电池将插电式混合动力车型的电动续航里程在 WLTP 循环中增加到最大 101 公里(63 英里)。新的底盘调校进一步增强了运动性能和舒适性之间的平衡。在新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的数字化方面,BMW 操作系统 8.5 提供了极其直观和舒适的操作基础——通过升级的带有 QuickSelect 的 BMW iDrive——以及包括增强视图在内的扩展导航功能。

这些新技术的进步伴随着对外部和内部的精确设计修改。新的外部漆面和轻合金车轮凸显了轿车和旅行车散发出的运动优雅气息。在内饰方面,新设计的方向盘和仪表板,加上 CraftedClarity 玻璃应用等先进的设备功能,在高端现代的氛围中带来驾驶乐趣。

新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车将于 2024 年 7 月在全球上市,并分阶段投产。这两款车型都将在宝马集团慕尼黑工厂生产。宝马 3 系轿车还将在宝马集团墨西哥圣路易斯波多西工厂生产。面向中国市场的新款 BMW 3 系轿车将在合资企业华晨宝马汽车 (BBA) 运营的沈阳铁西工厂生产。

BMW 3 系是同级别高端车型的市场领导者。

新款 BMW 3 系最重要的销售市场是中国、德国、英国和其他欧洲国家以及美国。轿车尤其如此,而旅行车在欧洲尤其受欢迎。其独特的设计和基本概念本身就更实用的特性使它在日本、韩国、台湾、香港、澳大利亚和新西兰也很受欢迎。

自 1975 年问世以来,BMW 3 系就体现了驾驶乐趣、优雅的运动设计和持续的技术进步。因此,它以特别浓缩的形式囊括了该品牌的标志性特征。迄今为止,BMW 3 系在全球已售出超过 2000 万辆,其中目前的第七代车型就占了近 300 万辆。事实上,最近的数据显示,BMW 3 系是中国、欧洲和美国中型车高端市场的领导者。目前,该品牌在全球交付的每八辆汽车中就有一辆是 3 系。在某些市场,3 系占 BMW 总销量的 25% 至 35%。

BMW 3 系的一大特色是其向客户提供种类繁多的动力装置。轿车和旅行车均可选择四种汽油发动机和四种柴油发动机。两款车均配备一对搭载六缸直列发动机的顶级 M 性能车型。与此同时,插电式混合动力车型最近尤其受欢迎 – 这一发展随着高压电池和充电技术的最新升级而继续。3 系销量榜单上,BMW 320i 轿车位居榜首(综合油耗:7.3 – 6.5 升/100 公里;综合二氧化碳排放量:165 – 147 克/公里(WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级:F – E)。全球约四分之三的轿车车型配备汽油发动机。相比之下,约有 40% 的宝马 3 系旅行车车型采用柴油发动机,其余车型则分别采用汽油发动机和插电式混合动力车型。

一系列奖项证实了宝马 3 系的吸引力。

除了在全球汽车市场经久不衰的人气之外,宝马 3 系还获得了越来越多由评审团和读者投票选出的著名奖项。2023 年,宝马 3 系不仅在德国汽车杂志《Auto Zeitung》读者评选的“汽车奖杯”中荣获一等奖,还在另一家德国杂志《auto, motor und sport》举办的“最佳汽车”评选中获得冠军。轿车和旅行车还在德国以外的市场获得了一系列殊荣,以表彰其动态品质、可靠性和先进的设备特点。


高效的驱动系统、智能的轻量化设计和优化的空气动力学特性是新款 BMW 3 系在驾驶乐趣和低油耗与低排放之间实现良好平衡的关键因素。某些车型采用的 48V 轻度混合动力技术既提高了动力传输,又提高了效率。发动机罩、前侧板、发动机副车架、前弹簧支柱和众多底盘部件均由铝制成。BMW 3 系铸铝部件中使用的二次原材料比例约为 50%。轿车和旅行车的铝制轮辋由高达约 70% 的再生铝制成。

宝马集团慕尼黑工厂生产新款宝马 3 系时使用的外部采购电力来自可再生能源。宝马 3 系还通过不断提高车辆效率,帮助宝马集团实现严格的二氧化碳排放目标。宝马集团已设定目标,到 2030 年,每辆车的生命周期二氧化碳排放量至少比 2019 年减少 40%。到 2050 年,该公司的目标是在整个价值链中实现二氧化碳净零排放

2023 年,宝马集团将继续减少其在欧洲汽车市场的车队二氧化碳排放量。事实上,该公司在 WLTP 循环中公布的临时数字为每公里 102.1 克——比欧盟设定的 128.5 克/公里的目标低约 20%。


外观设计、内饰 和设备。 

进步的气息, 精致的氛围。 

新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的设计比以往任何时候都更加彰显运动优雅和现代感。在当前车型中,其以驾驶乐趣为中心的特点通过清晰的线条和大方的雕刻表面表现出来。BMW 双肾格栅和双圆形大灯的精致设计(均为标志性品牌特征)赋予前端独特的外观。引人注目的前后裙板凸显了汽车的动感外形,通过指定可选的 M 运动套件或 M 运动套件 Pro 可以进一步突出这一点。

现在,宝马 3 系还可选择新的外部喷漆和轻合金车轮,以增添额外的个性化色彩。在内饰方面,带有宝马曲面显示屏的驾驶舱的渐进式氛围通过新的方向盘、仪表板的视觉改进和现代化的装饰元素得到进一步增强。新款 M Performtex 车型的座椅表面是 M Sport 套件的一部分,或作为 M Performance 车型的标准配置。


新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的车身颜色范围包括两种纯色和七种金属漆。新加入的车型包括北极赛车蓝金属漆和火红金属漆。

可选轻合金轮毂的选择也迎来了新的亮点。配备 M 运动套件的汽车将配备双辐设计的新型 19 英寸 M 轻合金轮毂,使其侧面看起来更加动感。客户可以订购深黑色或双色轮毂。同时,BMW Individual 系列轿车和旅行车车型还包括采用 Y 辐设计和双色饰面的新型 19 英寸轻合金轮毂。所有新型轻合金轮毂均配备混合尺寸轮胎。


轿车和旅行车的内饰也引入了先进的新功能。这些功能有助于使驾驶舱看起来干净简洁。新设计的方向盘进一步增强了驾驶体验。高品质材料和新内饰元素也彰显了汽车的先进高端特性。可选的 Sensatec 豪华仪表板具有进一步精致的表面结构和对比色的装饰缝线。

新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的最新一代方向盘以其现代和运动的设计脱颖而出。这两款车型都标配了经过彻底重新设计的运动型真皮方向盘,带有双辐设计的多边形轮辋。M 运动套件带来了一款新的 M 真皮方向盘,带有三辐、平底轮辋和 12 点钟位置的隐蔽中心标记。这两款新设计的方向盘都配有发光的多功能按钮和换档拨片。作为标准配置,换档拨片可在档位选择过程中实现特别快速的手动干预,并凸显了新款 BMW 3 系的运动风格。


新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车引入了基于 BMW 操作系统 8.5 的带有 QuickSelect 的最新一代 BMW iDrive,这也优化了通风和空调功能的操作。以触摸控制和自然语言为重点的操作理念进一步减少了驾驶舱内的物理按钮和控件的数量。现在可以通过 BMW 曲面显示屏或借助 BMW 智能个人助理通过语音命令来调节温度选择、通风强度、座椅加热以及(如果需要)方向盘加热。仪表板中央以及驾驶舱驾驶员侧和副驾驶侧的通风格栅的新调节控制装置允许通过旋转和倾斜动作来调节气流的强度和方向。

车内照明现在包括集成在中央缝线通风口周围饰条中的级联照明,这是标准配置。它可以根据个人喜好调整颜色和亮度,用户可以从九种颜色世界中进行选择。他们选择的颜色和亮度设置将作为其配置文件的一部分进行存储。如果指定了可选的环境照明(M Performance 车型的标准配置),则可单独调节的灯光氛围还会延伸到前脚部空间、中控台前部的储物箱和车门饰板的轮廓线。车内照明的功能还包括大气的欢迎和再见动画以及表示来电和可选开门的灯光信号。

M Performtex 的全新座椅表面。

作为标准黑色布质座椅表面的替代品,新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车还可以选配 Sensatec 穿孔运动座椅。这些座椅有黑色、Tacora 红色或干邑色可供选择。可选的 Vernasca 皮革内饰现在有四种颜色可供选择。

新款 M Performtex 内饰的运动座椅采用黑色表面,彰显出前卫的运动魅力。它们包含在 M 运动套件中,或作为 M Performance 车型的标准配置。这种创新的丝绒覆盖物结合了高品质材料和运动设计,重量轻,生产方法可持续优化。配备 M 运动套件和 M Performance 车型的汽车还可以订购运动座椅和 M 运动座椅,采用 Vernasca 皮革,表面为黑色,配以蓝色对比绗缝。

新的内饰元素,CraftedClarity 的独特装饰。

内饰元素也进行了广泛的修改。新版宝马 3 系标配深石墨哑光,而细线浅色开孔和灰蓝灰开孔细木饰以及碳纤维和铝菱形无烟煤变体均可在选配列表中找到。

使用极高品质的材料还使内饰的其他区域也具有独特的触感,以增强其现代高端特性。例如,客户现在可以指定 CraftedClarity 玻璃应用 – 这是选配列表中的另一个新成员。这些应用使换档杆、BMW iDrive 控制器和启动/停止按钮具有独特的氛围,无论是在视觉上还是在触感上。


新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的标准配置包括 17 英寸(插电式混合动力车型:18 英寸)轻合金轮毂、M 高光阴影线、带自动防眩目功能的后视镜以及带前后传感器的停车距离控制 (PDC) 的停车辅助系统。此外,三区自动气候控制和 BMW Live Cockpit Plus 也作为标准配置,配备全数字 BMW 曲面显示屏,包括 BMW 地图导航系统。

Touring 车型标配自动尾门和 40:20:40 分割/折叠式后排座椅靠背,轿车车型可选配。个性化选配清单中的亮点包括:除了运动座椅和氛围灯外,Harman Kardon 环绕音响系统、预热系统、轿车车型的电动玻璃车顶和 Touring 车型的全景玻璃天窗,这些亮点让客户可以根据自己的需求和品味调整内饰。




BMW 3 系提供四款汽油发动机和四款柴油发动机供您选择,这些发动机均采用 BMW TwinPower Turbo 技术,包括用于 M Performance 车型的超强直列六缸发动机,以及用于众多车型的插电式混合动力技术和 BMW xDrive 智能全轮驱动系统,与该品牌产品组合中的任何其他车型相比,BMW 3 系提供了更多种类的驱动系统。所有新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车均标配八速 Steptronic 变速箱,方向盘上配有换挡拨片,可在换挡过程中快速手动干预。

BMW 3 系提供多种发动机,输出功率范围从 110 kW/150 hp 到 210 kW/286 hp。此外,M Performance 车型的引擎盖下还配备 275 kW/374 hp 六缸直列汽油发动机和 250 kW/340 hp 直列六缸柴油发动机(见单独章节)。六缸直列汽油发动机和所有柴油发动机均采用轻度混合动力技术,可实现更动态的动力输出和更高的效率。为此,它们的 48V 启动发电机可额外提供 8 kW/11 hp 的功率。


新款宝马 3 系的插电式混合动力车使电气化又向前迈进了一步。现在,精简阵容包括 BMW 330e 轿车(加权综合消耗:23.4 – 20.7 kWh/100 km 和 1.1 – 0.8 l/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放量:25 – 19 g/km(WLTP);电池放电后综合汽油消耗:7.9 – 7.1 l/100 km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 G – F;加权综合 B)和 BMW 330e 旅行车(加权综合消耗:23.0 – 21.3 kWh/100 km 和
1.1 – 0.9 l/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放 量:24 – 20 g/km(WLTP);电池放电后综合汽油消耗:7.8 – 7.2 l/100 km(WLTP);二氧化碳级别:电池放电的 G – F;加重、组合 B)车型,这两款车型均提供经典后轮驱动或 BMW xDrive 两种选择。它们的驱动技术包括四缸汽油发动机和集成在八速 Steptronic 变速箱中的电动机,可产生 215 kW/292 hp 的组合系统输出。

最新款 BMW 3 系插电式混合动力车型效率更高,续航里程更长。这得益于其采用新型高压电池,可用能量为 19.5 kWh。作为第五代 BMW eDrive 技术的产物,其能量密度远高于之前 BMW 3 系插电式混合动力车型所采用的电池。

新款 BMW Gen5 高压电池代表着一次飞跃,带来了所有相关技术统计数据的改进。电池和电池组层面的高能量密度与更高的电压相结合,使系统效率大幅提升。这最终为驾驶员带来了更长的电动续航里程。尽管高压电池的可用能量几乎增加了一倍,但内部和载货舱的空间大小保持不变,油箱容量也保持不变。

电池技术的最新进步为体验宝马 3 系纯电动驾驶乐趣开辟了更大的空间。新款 BMW 330e 轿车的电动续航里程为 85 – 101 公里(53 – 63 英里),新款 BMW 330e xDrive 轿车的电动续航里程为 81 – 96 公里(50 – 59 英里)(加权消耗,综合:24.6 – 22.0 kWh/100 km 和 1.2 – 0.9 l/100 km;加权二氧化碳排放量,综合:27 – 21 g/km(WLTP);电池放电后汽油消耗,综合:8.4 – 7.4 l/100 km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 G;加权,综合 B),新款 BMW 330e Touring 的电动续航里程为 87 – 98 公里(54 – 61 英里),新款 BMW 330e xDrive Touring 的电动续航里程为 84 – 91 公里(52 – 57 英里)(消耗)加权、综合:24.4 – 22.9 kWh/100 km 和 1.2 – 1.0 l/100 km;二氧化碳排放量加权、综合:26 – 23 g/km(WLTP);电池放电后汽油消耗量、综合:8.3 – 7.8 l/100 km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 G;加权、综合 B)使驾驶员不仅能够以零排放完成城市驾驶和日常通勤,而且能够完成长途驾驶。

更先进的充电技术也已到位,可帮助驾驶员尽可能多地使用全电动驱动力。新的充电装置支持高达 11 kW 的三相交流充电,这是 BMW 插电式混合动力车首次提供如此高的充电速率。这使高压电池能够在 2 小时 15 分钟内从空电状态充满电。新款 BMW 3 系插电式混合动力车型现在还兼容 BMW 充电的最新产品:联网家庭充电选项为太阳能优化和负载优化充电提供了基础。


全新 BMW 3 系的底盘技术也得益于严格的开发工作。轿车和旅行车款始终是各自细分市场的驾驶动态标准。BMW 3 系以运动风格和乘坐舒适性而闻名,如今,通过一系列有针对性的更新,所有车型都得到了进一步完善。将后减震器连接到车身的刚性更强的支架只是实现这一目标的措施之一。

得益于这些不懈的研发努力,驾驶员在所有驾驶情况下都能享受到显著提升的舒适度——无论路面状况如何,无论选择哪种驾驶模式——而不会损失 3 系一贯的动态性能。当汽车处理路面引发的峰值力时,这也对声学产生了积极影响。因此,其操控性表现出更高的整体精度、沉着性和可控性。在舒适模式下,转动方向盘所需的力也减小了,以便在日常驾驶中实现卓越的转向舒适性。

作为标准车型的替代,M 运动悬架是 M 运动套件的一部分。配备电子控制减震器和可变运动转向的自适应 M 悬架也可用于配备 M 运动套件的车型。


多种辅助系统可提高新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车驾驶和停车时的舒适性和安全性。带制动干预的前方碰撞警告系统、带制动功能的巡航控制和新的智能速度辅助功能是标准配置的一部分。突出的选配是专业驾驶辅助套件,包括转向和车道控制助手和带 Stop&Go 功能的主动巡航控制,以及自动限速辅助、路线速度控制、交通信号灯识别、避让助手、带城市制动功能的十字路口警告、错误方向警告和前方交叉交通警告。

除了停车距离控制外,标准停车辅助系统还可实现自动进出停车位,并配备倒车辅助摄像头和倒车辅助。此外,还可选配带全景视图和远程 3D 视图功能的停车辅助升级版。


新款 BMW 3 系中的 M Performance 车型。 


新款 BMW 3 系的运动特性在 BMW M GmbH 的顶级性能车型中得到了高度集中的体现。这些精英运动车型配备强大的六缸直列发动机、定制底盘设置和标志性的 M 设计元素,无论是在驾驶体验还是外观上,都彰显出其独特的个性。现在还有新的方向盘和新的座椅内饰,让驾驶舱焕然一新。

新 3 系的 M Performance 车型配备汽油和柴油发动机,排量均为 3.0 升,具有 M 典型的性能属性。它们对转速的强劲需求和瞬时动力输出是最新 M TwinPower Turbo 技术(针对每款发动机单独定制)和 48V 轻度混合动力技术的结果,其 8 kW/11 hp 的输出可产生电动增压效果。M Performance 车型中的直列六缸动力装置与换挡动作超灵敏的八速 Steptronic Sport 变速箱配合使用。BMW xDrive 全轮驱动系统也是标准配置,可提高灵活性和牵引力。

BMW M340i xDrive 轿车(综合油耗:8.5 – 7.8 l/100 km;综合二氧化碳排放 量:192 – 177 g/km (WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级:G)和 BMW M340i xDrive 旅行车(综合油耗:8.8 – 8.1 l/100 km;综合二氧化碳排放量:198 – 182 g/km (WLTP 循环);二氧化碳
等级:G) 中的六缸直列汽油发动机可产生 275 kW/374 hp 的最大输出功率和 500 Nm (369 lb-ft) 的峰值扭矩。同时,BMW M340d xDrive 轿车(综合油耗:6.6 – 6.0 升/100 公里;综合二氧化碳排放量:172 – 157 克/公里 (WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级 F)和 BMW M340d xDrive 旅行车(综合油耗:6.8 – 6.1 升/100 公里;综合二氧化碳排放量:177 – 161 克/公里 (WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级 :G – F)采用直列六缸柴油发动机,功率为 250 千瓦/340 马力,峰值扭矩为 700 牛米 (516 磅-英尺)。标配的 M 运动悬架和可变运动型转向系统、M 运动差速器和 M 运动制动器也使 M 车型兼具动态纵向和横向性能、精准度和驾驶乐趣。

具有 M 特定设计特征的个性化外观。

这些精英运动员的性能能力通过 M 特有的设计功能清晰可见,这些设计功能旨在满足空气动力学和冷却空气供应方面的技术要求。这些设计包括前裙板中的大型进气口、黑色高光 M 外后视镜盖和带有突出扩散器的后裙板。BMW M340i xDrive 轿车和 BMW M340d xDrive 轿车车型还配备了车身颜色的 M 后扰流板。

网状设计的 BMW 双肾格栅、专属 18 英寸 M 轻合金车轮和梯形排气尾管饰件进一步增强了这款顶级运动四重奏的独特外观。它们还可选配 M Sport 套件 Pro。


在 M Performance 车型内部,M 专属设备细节有助于在现代跑车氛围中提供专注的驾驶体验。采用全新 M Performtex 内饰装饰的黑色运动座椅现已成为标准配置,同时还有 M Sport 座椅可供选择,该座椅采用 Vernasca 皮革包裹,颜色为黑色,配以蓝色对比色绗缝。

新款 M 真皮方向盘采用平底轮辋、红色中央标记和 BMW M GmbH 颜色的对比色缝线,提升了性能体验的强度。采用全新铝制细磨砂饰面的内饰条、M 门槛饰条、M 踏板、M 驾驶员脚踏板和 BMW 曲面显示屏的 M 专用图形是进一步的标准配置,有助于赋予旗舰运动车型独特的个性。




最新版本的 BMW iDrive 显示和控制/操作系统(带 QuickSelect)安装在新版 BMW 3 系轿车和 BMW 3 系旅行车上,可直观控制车辆功能并提供数字服务。它现在基于 BMW 操作系统 8.5,具有新外观的主屏幕和 QuickSelect 快速访问技术,带来了改进的菜单结构,其灵感来自消费电子设备。

新款 BMW iDrive 与 BMW 曲面显示屏和 BMW 智能个人助理协同工作,使用触摸控制和自然语言进行操作更加精确。空调控制功能(包括座椅加热和方向盘加热(如果配备))现在也采用数字控制。

带有 QuickSelect 的 BMW iDrive 允许使用快速访问技术直接从主屏幕选择功能。

BMW iDrive 主屏幕现在以大尺寸格式持续显示导航系统的地图视图或其他可单独选择的视图。该系统的 QuickSelect 功能还为更扁平的菜单结构铺平了道路,使驾驶员能够直接从主屏幕选择所需的功能,而无需进入子菜单。


控制显示屏下边缘的主页图标使用户只需轻点手指即可从任何应用程序返回主屏幕。现在,主页图标旁边还提供了用于直接访问气候控制菜单、所有应用程序菜单以及(如果已激活)Apple CarPlay ®和 Android Auto TM 的图标。

通过 BMW 地图和增强视图增强导航。

BMW Maps 导航系统是新 3 系标准 BMW Live Cockpit Plus 的一部分,它使输入目的地更加容易,并且可以在驾驶时提供更多信息。其他新功能包括更易用的过滤器、更扁平的菜单结构(触摸按钮直接显示在地图视图上)和主动路线推荐。

可选的 BMW Live Cockpit Professional 不仅增加了 BMW 平视显示器,还增加了增强视图功能。此功能通过在信息显示屏或控制显示屏上显示驾驶员视野的实时视频流,并通过上下文实时信息对其进行补充,补充了导航系统的地图显示。例如,在令人困惑的路口,视频图像中集成了一个动画方向箭头,以帮助驾驶员在计划路线中选择最佳转弯。

通过 BMW ID 和 My BMW App 实现个性化的用户体验。

BMW 操作系统 8.5 的推出简化了车辆与 BMW ID 和 My BMW App 关联流程,让 BMW 3 系的用户体验个性化变得更加容易。客户首先使用智能手机扫描二维码,通过 BMW ID 登录车辆。然后自动导入个人用户资料。加载可同步设置,并将车辆中检测到的钥匙与 BMW ID 关联。

同时,车辆被添加到 My BMW App 中,这是一个通用界面,是 BMW 数字生态系统的门户。它提供有关车辆状态、剩余行驶里程以及任何维修和保养要求的信息。根据车辆的规格,它还可以访问各种远程功能,例如定位车辆或锁定和解锁车门。可选的远程 3D 视图功能使驾驶员能够在智能手机上调出车辆附近的三维实时图像。

还可以通过 My BMW App 控制插电式混合动力车型的充电过程。这意味着可以立即或在指定时间启动和停止高压电池的充电。同样可以使用智能手机远程激活预调节。My BMW App 还提供充电历史记录概览。

除此之外,My BMW 应用程序还允许用户将目的地地址从智能手机发送到车辆的导航系统以进行路线规划,或访问在线 BMW ConnectedDrive 商店,在那里可以通过无线方式启动、购买或扩展新 BMW 3 系的升级和附加功能。“我的旅程”功能包括效率训练器和每月回顾,为用户提供行驶距离、油耗和平均速度的宝贵数据和评估,并提供高效驾驶的有用提示。

与个人 eSIM 和 5G 移动标准的最佳连接。

除了车辆内置的移动 SIM 卡外,客户还可以使用新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车标配的个人 eSIM 卡。该卡与用户的 BMW ID 而非汽车相关联,将车辆完全集成到客户的数字生态系统中。个人 eSIM 卡可轻松使用与汽车分开的手机合同所涵盖的通信和连接功能——即使在智能手机本身不在车内的情况下也是如此。

个人 eSIM 可使用 5G 移动通信标准。它还允许通过 WiFi 热点通过低辐射连接到车辆的外部天线进行数据流传输。所有电话功能都可以通过 BMW iDrive 系统或 BMW 智能个人助理进行操作。个人 eSIM 可在所有提供 BMW ConnectedDrive 服务的国家/地区使用。它延长了客户现有的手机合同,这可能会产生额外费用。


在欧洲许多国家,最新款 BMW 3 系的车主现在可以直接从车上支付停车费。车辆到达停车区时会自动检测是否可以使用停车服务,如果可以使用,则显示支付功能。使用 My BMW App 中注册的信用卡即可快速、简单地支付停车费用。



BMW M 性能部件。 


BMW 3 系是中型豪华轿车和动感旅行车的典范​​,体现了驾驶乐趣。除了工厂提供的 M 运动套件和 M 运动套件 Pro,BMW M 性能配件系列中的产品为所有车型的外观和驾驶性能带来了更大的动态吸引力。

这些来自原装 BMW 配件清单的车型专用改装选项是利用 BMW M GmbH 在赛车运动领域的成熟专业知识开发的。新款 BMW 3 系轿车和新款 BMW 3 系旅行车的特定空气动力学和外部组件凸显了这两款车型的动感气质,BMW M 性能配件系列中的轻合金车轮也是如此。



新款 BMW 3 系轿车:

WLTP 综合:能耗 7.8 – 7.0 升/100 公里;二氧化碳排放量 175 – 158 克/公里;二氧化碳等级 F

新款 BMW 3 系旅行车:

WLTP 加权综合:汽油和电力能耗 1.1 – 0.9 l/100 km 和 23.0 – 21.3 kWh/100 km;CO2 排放量加权综合 24 – 20 g/km;CO2 等级 B;电动续航里程 87 – 98 km

The new BMW 3 Series Sedan, the new BMW 3 Series Touring.

For almost 50 years now, the BMW 3 Series has represented the core of the BMW brand. It epitomises sporty driving pleasure in the premium midsize class and has made significant contributions to design, driving dynamics and technological innovations in this segment time and again across what is now seven model generations. The character of the current-generation BMW 3 Series has likewise provided a case study in unwavering progress at work.


Relentless progress at the core of the BMW brand.

Update for the global best-seller in the premium midsize class. 

For almost 50 years now, the BMW 3 Series has represented the core of the BMW brand. It epitomises sporty driving pleasure in the premium midsize class and has made significant contributions to design, driving dynamics and technological innovations in this segment time and again across what is now seven model generations. The character of the current-generation BMW 3 Series has likewise provided a case study in unwavering progress at work. The extensive revisions already introduced for model year 2022 in the areas of design, powertrain, digitalisation and equipment will now be followed up with a fresh package of updates that take the cars’ visual appeal and cutting-edge modernity to new levels. New high-voltage batteries increase the electric range of the plug-in-hybrid models to a maximum 101 kilometres (63 miles) in the WLTP cycle. New chassis tuning further enhances the balance between sporting potency and comfort. And when it comes to digitalisation in the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring, BMW Operating System 8.5 provides the basis for extremely intuitive and comfortable operation – via the upgraded BMW iDrive with QuickSelect – and for extended navigation functions including Augmented View.

These new technological advances are accompanied by precise design modifications for the exterior and interior. New exterior paint finishes and light-alloy wheels accentuate the aura of sporting elegance radiated by the Sedan and Touring. In the interior, the newly designed steering wheels and instrument panel, plus sophisticated equipment features such as the CraftedClarity glass applications, deliver driving pleasure in an ambience of premium modernity.

The new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring will be launched worldwide with a production phase-in in July 2024. Both models will be built at BMW Group Plant Munich. The BMW 3 Series Sedan will also be produced at BMW Group Plant San Luis Potosí in Mexico. The new BMW 3 Series Sedan for the Chinese market will be produced at the Tiexi plant in Shenyang operated by the joint venture BMW Brilliance Automotive (BBA).

BMW 3 Series is the market leader in the premium segment of its class.

The most important sales markets for the new BMW 3 Series are China, Germany, Great Britain and the other European countries, as well as the USA. This is especially true of the Sedan, while the Touring model is particularly in demand in Europe. Its distinctive design and the inherently more practical nature of the underlying concept mean it is also popular in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.

The BMW 3 Series has embodied driving pleasure, elegantly sporty design and sustained technological progress ever since its debut in 1975. It therefore encapsulates the brand’s hallmark features in particularly concentrated form. More than 20 million examples of the BMW 3 Series have been sold around the world to date, with the current, seventh model generation now accounting for almost three million of these alone. Indeed, recent figures showed the BMW 3 Series to be the market leader in the premium segment of the midsize class in China, Europe and the USA. As things stand, one in every eight vehicles delivered by the brand worldwide is a 3 Series. And in some markets, the share of the total BMW sales accounted for by the 3 Series is as high as 25 – 35 per cent.

One of the standout features of the BMW 3 Series range is the wide variety of power units available to customers. Both the Sedan and Touring can be specified with a choice of four petrol engines and four diesels. And both feature a range-topping pair of M Performance models with six-cylinder in-line engines. The plug-in-hybrid variants, meanwhile, have gained particularly strongly in popularity recently – a development that the latest upgrades in high-voltage battery and charging technology are set to continue. The 3 Series sales charts are headed by the BMW 320i Sedan (Fuel consumption combined: 7.3 – 6.5 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 165 – 147 g/km in WLTP cycle; CO2 classes: F – E). Around three quarters of the globally available Sedan variant are delivered with a petrol engine. By contrast, around 40 per cent of BMW 3 Series Touring models are specified with a diesel engine, with the remainder split equally between petrol and plug-in-hybrid variants.

A host of awards confirm the appeal of the BMW 3 Series.

Alongside its enduring popularity in car markets around the world, the BMW 3 Series has also amassed a steadily increasing number of prestigious awards decided on by juries and readers’ polls. In 2023 the BMW 3 Series earned both a class win in the “Auto Trophy” awarded by readers of German motoring magazine “Auto Zeitung” and victory in the “Best Cars“ competition conducted by fellow German title “auto, motor und sport”. And the Sedan and Touring also collected a series of distinctions in markets beyond Germany in recognition of their dynamic qualities, reliability and advanced equipment features.

An unwavering commitment to carbon footprint reduction.

Highly efficient drive systems, intelligent lightweight design and optimised aerodynamic attributes are key contributors to the fine balance between driving pleasure and low fuel consumption and emissions struck by the new BMW 3 Series. The 48V mild hybrid technology used in certain models both sharpens power delivery and enhances efficiency. The bonnet, front side panels, engine subframe, front spring struts and numerous chassis components are all made from aluminium. The proportion of secondary raw materials used in cast aluminium parts for the BMW 3 Series is around 50 per cent. And the aluminium wheel rims offered for the Sedan and Touring are made up of as much as around 70 per cent recycled aluminium.

The externally procured electricity used in production of the new BMW 3 Series at BMW Group Plant Munich is generated from renewable sources. The BMW 3 Series also plays its part in helping the BMW Group to meet its exacting CO2 targets by consistently increasing vehicle efficiency. The BMW Group has set itself the goal of cutting life-cycle CO2 emissions per vehicle by at least 40 per cent by 2030 compared to 2019. By 2050 at the latest, the company is aiming for net zero in terms of CO2e emissions throughout the value chain.

The BMW Group continued the ongoing reduction in its fleet CO2 emissions across the European car markets in 2023. Indeed, the company posted a provisional figure of 102.1 grams per kilometre in the WLTP cycle – around 20 per cent below the target of 128.5 g/km set by the European Union.


Exterior design, interior and equimpent. 

Progressive aura, refined ambience. 

More than ever, sporting elegance and modernity define the design of the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring. In the current model generation, their driving pleasure-focused character is expressed in clear lines and generously sculpted surfaces. The sophisticated design of the BMW kidney grille and twin circular headlights – both signature brand features – gives the front end an unmistakable appearance. Eye-catching front and rear aprons underscore the cars’ dynamic profile, which can be further accentuated by specifying the optional M Sport package or M Sport package Pro.

The BMW 3 Series can now also be ordered with new exterior paint finishes and light-alloy wheels to add an extra touch of individualisation. In the interior, the progressive aura of the cockpit with BMW Curved Display is further enhanced by new steering wheels, visual modifications for the instrument panel and modernised decorative elements. Seat surfaces in the new M Performtex variant come as part of the M Sport package or are included as standard in the M Performance models.

Fresh design updates enhance the sporting elegance of the exterior.

The spectrum of exterior colours available for the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring comprises two solid and seven metallic paint finishes. New additions to the range include Arctic Race Blue metallic and Fire Red metallic.

The selection of optional light-alloy wheels also welcomes attractive new arrivals. Cars specified with the M Sport package will be available with new 19-inch M light-alloy wheels in double-spoke design, giving their side view an even more dynamic appearance. Customers can order these wheels in either a Jet Black finish or a bi-colour variant. Meanwhile, the BMW Individual range for the Sedan and Touring models also includes new 19-inch light-alloy wheels in Y-spoke design and a bi-colour finish. All the new light-alloy wheels are fitted with mixed-size tyres.

Progressive cockpit with new sports leather steering wheels.

Advanced new features have also been introduced in the interior of the Sedan and Touring models. These help to give the cockpit a clean and pared-back look. Newly designed steering wheels add further intensity to the driving experience. The progressive premium character of the cars is also showcased by high-quality materials and new interior trim elements. The optional instrument panel Luxury in Sensatec has a further refined surface structure and decorative stitching in a contrasting colour.

The latest-generation steering wheels in the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring stand out with their modern and sporty design. Both models come as standard with a fundamentally redesigned sports leather steering wheel with a polygonal rim in two-spoke design. The M Sport package brings a new M leather steering wheel with three spokes, a flat-bottomed rim and a discreet centre marking in the 12 o’clock position. Both of the newly designed steering wheels have illuminated multifunction buttons and gearshift paddles. Fitted as standard, the paddles enable particularly swift manual interventions in the gear selection process and underscore the sporting profile of the new BMW 3 Series.

Digital climate control, selectable light moods.

The introduction of the latest-generation BMW iDrive with QuickSelect based on BMW Operating System 8.5 in the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring also brings optimised operation of the ventilation and climate control functions. An operating concept focused squarely on touch control and natural language enables a further reduction in the number of physical buttons and controls in the cockpit. Temperature selection, intensity of ventilation, seat heating and – if specified – steering wheel heating can now be adjusted on the BMW Curved Display or by voice command with the help of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant. New adjustment controls for the air vent grilles in the centre of the instrument panel and on the driver’s and front passenger side of the cockpit allow the intensity and direction of airflow to be adjusted using rotating and tilting movements.

The interior lighting now includes cascade lighting integrated into the trim around the central seam vents as standard. It can be adjusted for colour and brightness according to personal preference, with users able to select from nine colour worlds. Their choice of colour and brightness settings are stored as part of their profile. If the optional ambient lighting (standard in the M Performance models) is specified, the individually adjustable light mood also extends to the front footwells, the storage compartment in the front section of the centre console and the contour lines of the door panel trims. The functionality of the interior lighting also includes an atmospheric Welcome and Goodbye Animation and light signals indicating an incoming phone call and optionally also an open door.

New seat surfaces in M Performtex.

As an alternative to the black cloth seat surfaces fitted as standard, the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring can also be ordered with sport seats in Sensatec perforated. These are available in Black, Tacora Red or Cognac. The optional Vernasca leather trim is now offered in four colour variants.

The black surfaces of the sport seats in new M Performtex trim embody progressive sporting appeal. They are included in the M Sport package or as part of standard equipment for the M Performance models. This innovative velours covering combines high material quality and a sporty design with low weight and a sustainability-optimised production method. Cars with the M Sport package and the M Performance models can also be ordered with sport seats and M sport seats in Vernasca leather with black surfaces and blue contrast quilting.

New interior trim elements, exclusive accents with CraftedClarity.

Extensive revisions have also been made to the range of interior trim elements. Dark Graphite matt comes as standard in the new edition of the BMW 3 Series, while Fineline Light open-pored and Grey Blue Ash open-pored fine-wood trim, plus the Carbon Fibre and Aluminium Rhombicle Anthracite variants, can all be found on the options list.

The use of extremely high-quality materials also allows distinctive touches to be included in other areas of the interior to enhance its modern premium character. For example, customers can now specify CraftedClarity glass applications – another new addition to the options list. These give the gear selector lever, BMW iDrive Controller and Start/Stop button a particular air of exclusivity, both visually and in how they feel to the touch.

Extensive standard equipment, high-quality options.

Standard specification for the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring includes 17-inch (plug-in-hybrid models: 18-inch) light-alloy wheels, M High-gloss Shadow Line, a rear-view mirror with automatic anti-dazzle function and the Parking Assistant including Park Distance Control (PDC) with sensors at the front and rear. Also fitted as standard are three-zone automatic climate control and BMW Live Cockpit Plus with the fully digital BMW Curved Display including the BMW Maps navigation system.

The Touring model comes as standard with automatic tailgate operation and a 40 : 20 : 40 split/folding rear seat backrest, which is available as an option for the Sedan. Among the highlights on the list of individual options allowing customers to adapt the interior to their requirements and tastes are – alongside sport seats and ambient lighting – the Harman Kardon surround sound system, pre-heating, an electrically operated glass roof for the Sedan and a panoramic glass sunroof for the Touring model.


Powertrain and driving experience.

Greater electric range for plug-in-hybrid models and improved ride comfort. 

With a choice of four petrol and four diesel engines with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology – including exceptionally powerful six-cylinder in-line units for the M Performance models – as well as plug-in-hybrid technology and the BMW xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system for numerous model variants, the BMW 3 Series offers a greater variety of drive systems than any other model range in the brand’s portfolio. All new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring models come equipped with an eight-speed Steptronic transmission as standard, complete with shift paddles on the steering wheel for quick manual interventions in the gear selection process.

The various engines available for the BMW 3 Series produce outputs ranging from 110 kW/150 hp up to 210 kW/286 hp. These are joined by the 275 kW/374 hp six-cylinder in-line petrol engine and the 250 kW/340 hp straight-six diesel found under the bonnet of the M Performance models (see separate chapter). Both the six-cylinder in-line petrol unit and all diesel engines come with mild hybrid technology for more dynamic power delivery and greater efficiency. To this end, their 48V starter generator puts an extra 8 kW/11 hp on tap.

New high-voltage battery for plug-in-hybrid models.

The plug-in hybrids in the new BMW 3 Series range take electrification a step further. The condensed line-up now consists of the BMW 330e Sedan (Consumption weighted, combined: 23.4 – 20.7 kWh/ 100 km and 1.1 – 0.8 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 25 – 19 g/km (WLTP); petrol consumption with discharged battery, combined: 7.9 – 7.1 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: with discharged battery G – F; weighted, combined B) and BMW 330e Touring (Consumption weighted, combined: 23.0 – 21.3 kWh/100 km and
1.1 – 0.9 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 24 – 20 g/km (WLTP); petrol consumption with discharged battery, combined: 7.8 – 7.2 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: with discharged battery G – F; weighted, combined B) models, which are both available with a choice of classical rear-wheel drive or BMW xDrive. Their drive technology comprises a four-cylinder petrol engine and an electric motor integrated into the eight-speed Steptronic transmission, which generate a combined system output of 215 kW/292 hp.

The plug-in-hybrid representatives from the latest edition of the BMW 3 Series boast even greater efficiency and a considerably longer electric range. This has been made possible by the switch to a new high-voltage battery with 19.5 kWh of usable energy. The product of fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology, it has a much higher energy density than the battery previously fitted in BMW 3 Series plug-in-hybrid models.

The new BMW Gen5 high-voltage battery represents a leap forward, bringing an improvement in all the relevant technical statistics. The high energy density at both cell and battery pack level combines with higher voltages to bring about a major increase in system efficiency. This ultimately results in a much longer electric range for the driver. Although the high-voltage battery’s usable energy has nearly doubled, the amount of space in the interior and load compartment remains unchanged, as does fuel tank capacity.

These latest advances in battery technology open up greater scope for experiencing pure-electric driving pleasure in a BMW 3 Series. Electric range figures of 85 – 101 kilometres (53 – 63 miles) for the new BMW 330e Sedan, 81 – 96 kilometres (50 – 59 miles) for the new BMW 330e xDrive Sedan (Consumption weighted, combined: 24.6 – 22.0 kWh/100 km and 1.2 – 0.9 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 27 – 21 g/km (WLTP); petrol consumption with discharged battery, combined: 8.4 – 7.4 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: with discharged battery G; weighted, combined B), 87 – 98 kilometres (54 – 61 miles) for the new BMW 330e Touring and 84 – 91 kilometres (52 – 57 miles) for the new BMW 330e xDrive Touring (Consumption weighted, combined: 24.4 – 22.9 kWh/100 km and 1.2 – 1.0 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 26 – 23 g/km (WLTP); petrol consumption with discharged battery, combined: 8.3 – 7.8 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: with discharged battery G; weighted, combined B) allow drivers to complete not only urban journeys and the daily commute with zero local emissions, but longer trips too.

More advanced charging technology is also on hand to help drivers use all-electric drive power as extensively as possible. The new charging unit supports three-phase AC charging at up to 11 kW, the first time that such a high rate has been available for a plug-in hybrid from BMW. This enables the high-voltage battery to be fully recharged from empty in 2 hours 15 minutes. The plug-in-hybrid models in the new BMW 3 Series range are also now compatible with the latest offering from BMW Charging: the Connected Home Charging option provides the basis for solar-optimised and load-optimised charging.

Chassis offers an even better blend of sportiness and comfort.

The chassis technology of the new BMW 3 Series also benefits from rigorous development work. Both the Sedan and Touring variants have always set the standard for driving dynamics in their respective segments. The blend of sporting flair and ride comfort for which the BMW 3 Series is renowned has now been further refined across all model variants with a series of targeted updates. The stiffer mounting connecting the rear dampers to the body is just one of the measures used to achieve this.

Thanks to these relentless development endeavours, drivers will enjoy a notable increase in comfort across all driving situations – regardless of the road surface conditions and the selected driving mode – without any loss of the customary 3 Series dynamic prowess. This also has a positive impact on acoustics when the car is handling peak forces triggered by the road surface. As a result, its handling exudes even greater overall precision, composure and controllability. The force needed to turn the steering wheel has also been reduced in Comfort mode to achieve superior steering comfort in everyday driving.

Available as an alternative to the standard variant is the M Sport suspension included as part of the M Sport package. Adaptive M suspension with electronically controlled dampers and variable sport steering is also available on models with the M Sport package.

Advanced assistance systems for driving and parking.

A wide selection of assistance systems enhance comfort and safety when driving and parking in the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring. The front collision warning system with brake intervention, Cruise Control with brake function and the new Intelligent Speed Assistance function are some of the features that come as standard. The standout optional extra is the Driving Assistant Professional package comprising the Steering and Lane Control Assistant and Active Cruise Control with Stop&Go function, plus automatic Speed Limit Assist, route speed control, traffic light recognition, the Evasion Assistant, Crossroads Warning with city braking function, Wrong-way Warning and Front Crossing Traffic Warning.

Besides Park Distance Control, the standard Parking Assistant also enables automated manoeuvring into and out of parking spaces, as well as featuring a Reversing Assist Camera and the Reversing Assistant. There is also the option of the Parking Assistant Plus with Surround View and Remote 3D View functions.


The M Performance models in the new BMW 3 Series range. 

Elite sporting models with a distinctive character. 

The sporting character of the new BMW 3 Series can be experienced in a highly concentrated format with the range-topping Performance models from BMW M GmbH. Featuring powerful six-cylinder in-line engines, a bespoke chassis set-up and signature M design cues both inside and out, the distinctive personality of these elite sporting models clearly shines through in both the driving experience and their looks. And there is now a new steering wheel and new seat upholstery to freshen up the cockpit.

The M Performance models from the new 3 Series range are available with a petrol and a diesel engine, each with a displacement of 3.0 litres and endowed with M‑typical performance attributes. Their healthy appetite for revs and instantaneous power delivery are the result of the latest M TwinPower Turbo technology – which is tailored individually to each engine – and 48V mild hybrid technology, whose output of 8 kW/11 hp produces an electric boost effect. The straight-six power units in the M Performance models are partnered by an eight-speed Steptronic Sport transmission with an ultra-sharp shift action. The BMW xDrive all-wheel-drive system is also on hand as standard to enhance agility and traction.

The six-cylinder in-line petrol engine in the BMW M340i xDrive Sedan (Fuel consumption combined: 8.5 – 7.8 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 192 – 177 g/km in WLTP cycle; CO2 class(es): G) and BMW M340i xDrive Touring (Fuel consumption combined: 8.8 – 8.1 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 198 – 182 g/km in WLTP cycle;
CO2 class(es): G) generates maximum output of 275 kW/374 hp and peak torque of 500 Nm (369 lb-ft). The BMW M340d xDrive Sedan
(Fuel consumption combined: 6.6 – 6.0 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 172 – 157 g/km in WLTP cycle; CO2 class(es): F) and BMW M340d xDrive Touring (Fuel consumption combined: 6.8 – 6.1 l/ 100 km; CO2 emissions combined: 177 – 161 g/km in WLTP cycle;
CO2 class(es): G – F), meanwhile, are powered by a straight-six diesel unit delivering 250 kW/340 hp and peak torque of 700 Nm (516 lb-ft). M Sport suspension with variable sport steering, the M Sport differential and M Sport brakes are also included as standard to deliver the blend of dynamic longitudinal and lateral performance, precision and exhilaration at the wheel for which M models are renowned.

Individual look with M-specific design features.

The performance capabilities of these elite athletes are clearly flagged by M‑specific design features crafted to meet technical requirements in terms of aerodynamics and cooling air supply. These include the large air intakes in the front apron, along with the M exterior mirror caps in Black high-gloss and the rear apron with its prominently styled diffuser. The BMW M340i xDrive Sedan and BMW M340d xDrive Sedan models also sport a body-coloured M rear spoiler.

A mesh-design BMW kidney grille, exclusive 18-inch M light-alloy wheels and trapezoidal exhaust tailpipe trim further add to the individual appearance of the range-topping sporting quartet. They are also available with the option of the M Sport package Pro.

Modern sports car ambience in the cabin.

Inside the M Performance models, M-specific equipment details help to deliver a focused driving experience in a modern sports car ambience. Black sport seats trimmed in the new M Performtex upholstery are now fitted as standard, while there is also the option of M Sport seats covered in Vernasca leather that come in Black with blue contrast quilting.

A new version of the M leather steering wheel dials up the intensity of the performance experience with its flat-bottomed rim, red centre marker and contrast stitching in BMW M GmbH colours. Interior trim strips in the new Aluminium fine-brushed finish, M door sill trim, M pedals, an M driver’s footrest and M-specific graphics for the BMW Curved Display are further standard features that help to imbue the flagship sporting models with their distinctive personality.


Display and control/operation system, connectivity. 

The new BMW Operating System 8.5 and innovative digital services. 

The latest version of the BMW iDrive display and control/operation system with QuickSelect is fitted in the new edition of the BMW 3 Series Sedan and BMW 3 Series Touring, enabling vehicle functions to be controlled intuitively and providing access to digital services. It is now based on BMW Operating System 8.5 and features a new-look home screen and QuickSelect rapid-access tech, bringing an improved menu structure that takes its cue from consumer electronics devices.

Working in tandem with the BMW Curved Display and BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant, the new BMW iDrive is geared even more rigorously to operation using touch control and natural language. The climate control functions, including the seat heating and – if fitted – the steering wheel heating, are also now controlled digitally.

BMW iDrive with QuickSelect allows functions to be selected directly from the home screen with rapid-access tech.

The BMW iDrive home screen now continuously displays the navigation system’s map view in a large format or another individually selectable view. The system’s QuickSelect functionality also paves the way for a flatter menu structure, enabling the driver to select the desired function directly from the home screen without any need to enter submenus.

On the driver’s side of the control display, there is a bar of widgets for accessing e.g. media or phone functions, which can be navigated by swiping vertically. Swiping a widget horizontally then displays additional related information and settings options. The widget bar can be customised by installing new widgets, removing existing ones or changing their arrangement.

And the home icon at the lower edge of the control display makes it possible to return to the home screen from any application with a simple tap of the finger. Icons for direct access to the climate control menu, All Apps menu and, if activated, Apple CarPlay® and Android AutoTM can also now be found next to the home icon.

Enhanced navigation with BMW Maps and Augmented View.

The BMW Maps navigation system forming part of the standard BMW Live Cockpit Plus in the new 3 Series range makes it easier to input destinations and can offer additional information while driving. Further new features include better usability of filters, a flatter menu structure with touch buttons shown directly on the map view and proactive route recommendations.

The optional BMW Live Cockpit Professional adds not only the BMW Head-Up Display, but also the Augmented View function. This supplements the navigation system’s map display by showing a live video stream of the driver’s view on the information display or control display and augmenting it with contextual real-time information. At confusing junctions, for instance, an animated directional arrow is integrated into the video image to help the driver take the best turn-off for the planned route.

Individual user experience with the BMW ID and My BMW App.

The arrival of BMW Operating System 8.5 makes it even easier to personalise the user experience in the BMW 3 Series by simplifying the process for linking the vehicle with the BMW ID and My BMW App. Customers initially sign in to the vehicle with their BMW ID by scanning a QR code with their smartphone. The personal user profile is then imported automatically. Synchronisable settings are loaded and the key detected in the vehicle is associated with the BMW ID.

At the same time, the vehicle is added to the My BMW App – the universal interface that serves as a gateway to BMW’s digital ecosystem. It provides information on the vehicle’s status, its remaining range and any servicing and maintenance requirements. Depending on the car’s specification, it also enables access to various remote functions, such as locating the vehicle or locking and unlocking the doors. The optional Remote 3D View function gives drivers the ability to call up a three-dimensional live image of their vehicle’s immediate vicinity on their smartphone.

It is also possible to control the charging process for the plug-in-hybrid models from the My BMW App. This means that charging of the high-voltage battery can be started and stopped again either immediately or at a specified time. Pre-conditioning can likewise be activated remotely using a smartphone. The My BMW App additionally offers an overview of the charging history.

Besides this, the My BMW App also lets users send destination addresses from their smartphone to the vehicle’s navigation system for route planning, or access the online BMW ConnectedDrive Store where upgrades and additional functions for the new BMW 3 Series can be initiated, purchased or extended over the air. The “My Trips” feature including Efficiency Trainer and monthly review provides the user with valuable data and evaluations for distance travelled, consumption and average speed, as well as offering helpful tips for driving efficiently.

Optimum connectivity with Personal eSIM and 5G mobile standard.

In addition to the vehicle’s built-in mobile SIM, customers can also use the Personal eSIM included in the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring as standard. Linked to the user’s BMW ID rather than the car, this fully integrates the vehicle into the customer’s digital ecosystem. The Personal eSIM makes it possible to use the communications and connectivity functions covered by a separate mobile phone contract from the car with ease – even in situations where the smartphone itself isn’t actually in the vehicle.

The Personal eSIM enables use of the 5G mobile communications standard. It also allows data streaming via a WiFi hotspot by means of a low-radiation connection to the vehicle’s exterior antenna. All phone functions can be operated with the BMW iDrive system or the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant. The Personal eSIM can be used in all countries where BMW ConnectedDrive services are available. It extends the customer’s existing mobile phone contract, which may result in additional costs.

Parking fees and fuel bills can be paid directly from the vehicle.

Drivers of the latest edition of the BMW 3 Series are now able to pay parking fees directly from their vehicle in many European countries. The vehicle automatically detects whether the service is available upon arrival in a parking zone and, if so, displays the payment function. The parking booking can be paid for quickly and simply using the credit card registered in the My BMW App.

And drivers in Germany also have the option of settling fuel bills digitally from their car as soon as they have refuelled at participating filling stations. As with the parking fee payment service, this is done using the credit card information first registered in the vehicle apps.


BMW M Performance Parts. 

Distinctive additions express the passion for motor sport. 

The BMW 3 Series epitomises driving pleasure in the premium segment of the midsize class – in both sporty Sedan and dynamic Touring form. In addition to the M Sport package and M Sport package Pro available from the factory, the products included in the BMW M Performance Parts range offer further scope for bringing even greater dynamic appeal to the appearance and driving properties of all the model variants.

These model-specific retrofit options from the Original BMW Accessories list were developed using the proven expertise of BMW M GmbH in motor sport. The specific aerodynamics and exterior components for the new BMW 3 Series Sedan and new BMW 3 Series Touring underscore the dynamic aura of the two models, as do the light-alloy wheels in the BMW M Performance Parts line-up.



The new BMW 3 Series Sedan:

WLTP combined: Energy consumption 7,8 – 7,0 L/100km; CO2 emissions 175 – 158 g/km; CO2 class F

The new BMW 3Series Touring:

WLTP weighted, combined: Petrol and electric Energy consumption 1.1 – 0.9 l/100 km and 23.0 – 21.3 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined 24 – 20 g/km; CO2 class B; electric range 87 – 98 km


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