
新款 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé:在 2024 年里斯本 ApeFest 上惊艳亮相



慕尼黑。新款宝马 2 系四门轿跑车首次在高度独特的环境中公开亮相。在正式开始沟通仅两天后,宝马就在里斯本的 ApeFest 2024 上展示了其优雅运动型四门车型的新款。这款车的全球首发是该活动的亮点之一,该活动每年由 Bored Ape 游艇俱乐部 (BAYC) 举办。BAYC 是美国公司 Yuga Labs 最著名的非同质化代币 (NFT) 系列之一,总共包含 10,000 件独特的数字收藏品,上面有卡通猿猴的图片。ApeFest 主要为这些数字商品的持有者举办——一个拥有高水平技术亲和力、非凡创造力和强大创新精神的 Web3 社区,使其成员与宝马品牌完美匹配。在 ApeFest,他们聚集在一起建立联系,塑造 Web3 技术的未来,并享受独家数字内容和体验的访问权,这些内容和体验使他们能够提出新的商业想法等。宝马今年再次成为该活动的合作伙伴。

“我们很高兴 ApeFest 为我们提供了理想的环境,让我们能够向由数字爱好者和早期采用者组成的科技爱好者观众展示新款 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé 的先进特性,”BMW 集团客户格式和 BMW 品牌体验副总裁 Stefan Ponikva 解释道。“社区对数字创新的反应非常热烈。我们不仅成功将社区最爱的 Dookey Dash: Unclogged 游戏带入车辆,还成功将车辆作为游戏内汽车带入游戏。”

新款 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé 亮相 BAYC 社区艺术比赛:一次性模型在 2024 年 ApeFest 上亮相。

ApeFest 社区有幸在正式发布之前近距离体验第二代 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé。两款紧凑型四门车型均配备车载游戏体验,同时展出的还有一款设计独特的概念车,该车是在线艺术比赛的产物。

在 ApeFest 前夕,Yuga Labs 在宝马的协助下在社区内发起了一场在线艺术竞赛。来自迪拜的艺术家兼 3D 图形专家 Rida 在比赛中击败了其他四名选手,夺得了冠军。

他设计的 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé 外观线条简洁、金色装饰和纹理丰富,采用 ApeCar 外观设计,凸显了车辆的优雅运动性和高端魅力,而由卡通猿猴轮廓组成的马赛克图案则传达了社区信息。BMW 添加了定制的 BMW M 性能部件,使这款独一无二的车型外观更加锐利,带来更加动感和进步的感觉。

继今年 ApeFest 的精彩亮相后,Bored Ape 或 Mutant Ape NFT 持有者有机会登记购买这款独特车型的兴趣。一旦从所有潜在买家中选出 ApeCar 的未来主人,宝马将打造定制版宝马 2 系 Gran Coupé,其配置适合买家的本土市场,还将为其配备一系列独家数字功能。

充满动感的车载游戏新标题——“Dookey Dash: Unclogged”。

BMW 利用 ApeFest 的先锋氛围,与游戏开发商 Yuga Labs 合作推出了新游戏“Dookey Dash: Unclogged”的测试版。这款充满动感的无尽跑酷游戏的更新版本现在也可以在 iOS 和 Android 移动设备上玩,并将在未来几个月内作为 BMW Digital Premium 套餐的一部分推出,适用于所有搭载 BMW 操作系统 9 的车辆。游戏中包含一个特殊装置,玩家可以选择新款 BMW 2 系 Gran Coupé 的 3D 模型作为高速水下汽车,然后驾驶它在虚构的地下世界中竞速。追逐高分的玩家必须避开障碍物、突破障碍并收集助推器和能量提升。

当前 BMW 车型提供的这种创新型车载游戏形式允许乘客在车辆停放时通过控制显示屏上的休闲游戏来消磨时间。Dookey Dash: Unclogged 是 BMW Digital Premium 套餐的一部分,与其他十几款视频游戏一起提供,并通过无线方式从 BMW ConnectedDrive Store 导入。ApeFest 的参与者有机会在这款热门游戏正式发布之前对其进行测试。

BMW 生活方式,拥有独家定制的 ApeFest 系列。

定制对 BAYC 社区来说意义重大,因此 BMW Lifestyle 为当前系列中的部分产品设计了特别款式。这款备受追捧的BMW Mechanics Jacket可作为俱乐部夹克,是一大亮点。会员可获得夹克上的互动补丁,以便与 BMW 进行特定互动。这款智能时尚单品还内置有 NFC 芯片,可让会员相互联系。

这些独家商品可在活动现场的 BMW Lifestyle 快闪店购买。这些商品还可以使用打印枪进行个性化定制,让它们真正独一无二。

BMW M 驾驶体验凭借专门开发的 BMW M 混合现实 (MMR) 版本获得成功。

ApeFest 2024 还为 BMW M Mixed Reality 的全新创新版本提供了首发场地——这是一种独一无二的驾驶体验,其中物理世界和虚拟世界为驾驶员融为一体。借助最新的 VR 和 GPS 技术,车辆本身成为控制器,并可以由驾驶员引导穿越虚拟世界。

现有的 MMR 针对 ApeFest 进行了进一步改进,并首次添加了合作伙伴提供的 3D 元素。在 Yuga Labs 软件专家的帮助下,BAYC 特定内容(例如猿、独角兽和鳄鱼)被添加到混合现实体验中。

ApeFest 的参与者乘坐专为此次活动设计的宝马 M 车型,开始了一场令人着迷的实体数字化之旅,穿越里斯本充满活力的城市景观。这次体验让他们享受到了驾驶 BMW M2(WLTP 循环中综合油耗:9.8 – 9.6 升/100 公里 [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp];WLTP 循环中综合 CO 2 排放量:223 – 218 g/km;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合油耗:10.2 – 9.8 升/100 公里 [27.7 – 28.8 mpg imp];根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合CO 2排放量:231 – 222 g/km;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的 CO 2等级:G)和 BMW M4 竞赛型轿跑车(WLTP 循环中综合油耗:9.9 – 9.7 升/100 公里 [28.5 – 29.1 mpg imp];WLTP 综合CO 2排放量)循环:223 – 219 g/km;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合油耗:9.9 – 9.8 升/100 km [28.5 – 28.8 mpg imp];根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合CO 2排放量:223 – 221 g/km;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的CO 2等级:G) 在虚拟世界中将模型推向极限。

ApeFest 的参与者还看到了一辆经过大量改装的 BMW M2 Ice Racer。这辆赛车在 ApeFest 的主展区 Convento Do Beato 展出,作为 BMW M Driving Experience 超独家冬季项目的大使,它吸引了众多关注。在瑞典阿尔耶普卢格的 BMW 集团冬季测试中心举行的亮点活动将冰上漂移训练与个性化的配套活动计划相结合,仅供 BAYC 社区成员预订。


燃油消耗、二氧化碳排放量、电力消耗和行驶里程数据根据适用版本的欧洲法规 (EC) 715/2007 确定。它们指的是德国市场的车辆。当显示行驶里程时,这些数字会考虑任何选装附加装置的影响。


所有值均基于新的 WLTP 测试循环计算得出。WLTP 值是确定与车辆相关的税费或其他税费(至少除其他外)的基础,这些税费基于 CO 2排放量,以及是否有资格享受任何适用的车辆特定补贴。有关 WLTP 测量程序的更多信息,请访问。



宝马集团旗下拥有宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车四个品牌,是全球领先的豪华汽车和摩托车制造商,同时还提供高端金融和移动出行服务。宝马集团生产网络覆盖全球 30 多个生产基地,公司在全球 140 多个国家/地区拥有销售网络。


2023 年,宝马集团在全球销售了超过 255 万辆乘用车和超过 209,000 辆摩托车。2023 财年的税前利润为 171 亿欧元,营收为 1555 亿欧元。截至 2023 年 12 月 31 日,宝马集团拥有 154,950 名员工。




2 系四门轿跑车 M235 xDrive: 根据 WLTP 确定的综合油耗:8.2 – 7.5 升/100 公里(62 英里);根据 WLTP 确定的综合二氧化碳排放量:185 – 170 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 确定的综合油耗:8.2 升/100 公里(62 英里);根据 Pkw-EnVKV 确定的综合二氧化碳排放量:185 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 确定的二氧化碳等级:G。

M2:  WLTP 循环中的综合燃油消耗:9.8 – 9.6 升/100 公里 [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp];WLTP 循环中的综合二氧化碳排放 量:223 – 218 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合燃油消耗:10.2 – 9.8 升/100 公里 [27.7 – 28.8 mpg imp];根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合二氧化碳排放量:231 – 222 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的二氧化碳等级:G 

M4 Competition Coupé: WLTP 循环中的综合油耗:9.9 – 9.7 升/100 公里 [28.5 – 29.1 mpg imp];WLTP 循环中的综合二氧化碳排放量:223 – 219 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的综合油耗:9.9 – 9.8 升/100 公里 [28.5 – 28.8 mpg imp];根据Pkw-EnVKV 的综合二氧化碳排放量:223 – 221 克/公里;根据 Pkw-EnVKV 的二氧化碳等级:G 

The new BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé: spectacular debut at ApeFest 2024 in Lisbon.

+++ First public appearance at exclusive community event just two days after start of communication +++ BMW enhancing in-car gaming range and BMW M Driving Experience +++ BMW Lifestyle with exclusive, customised ApeFest collection +++


Munich. The new BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé has made its first public appearance in a highly exclusive setting. BMW presented the new edition of its elegantly sporty four-door model at ApeFest 2024 in Lisbon just two days after the official start of communication. The car’s world premiere was one of the highlights of the event, which is staged annually by the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). BAYC is one of the best-known non-fungible token (NFT) collections from American company Yuga Labs and comprises a total of 10,000 unique digital collector’s items featuring pictures of cartoon apes. ApeFest is primarily put on for the holders of these digital goods – a Web3 community boasting high levels of technological affinity, remarkable creative powers and strong innovative spirit, making its members a perfect match for the BMW brand. At ApeFest they come together to connect, shape the future of Web3 technology and enjoy access to exclusive digital content and experiences that allow them to come up with new business ideas too, among other things. BMW once again partnered the event this year.

“We are delighted that ApeFest has provided us with the ideal setting for presenting the progressive character of the new BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé to a tech-loving audience made up of digital enthusiasts and early adopters,” explained Stefan Ponikva, Vice President BMW Group Customer Formats and BMW Brand Experience. “The community’s response to the digital innovations is phenomenal. Not only did we manage to bring the Dookey Dash: Unclogged game – a community favourite – into the vehicle, we also managed to bring the vehicle into the game as an in-game car.”

New BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé starred in art contest for the BAYC community: one-off model unveiled at ApeFest 2024.

The ApeFest community had a unique opportunity to experience the second-generation BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé up close ahead of its official launch. Two specimens of the compact four-door model – both featuring an in-car gaming experience – were on show, together with a concept car in a unique design that was the product of an online art contest.

In the run-up to ApeFest, Yuga Labs launched an online art contest within the community with the assistance of BMW. Rida, an artist and 3D graphics expert from Dubai, came out on top in the contest against four other contenders.

With its clean lines, golden accents and rich textures, the exterior of the BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé he designed in the ApeCar look emphasises the vehicle’s elegant sportiness and premium appeal, while a mosaic pattern made up of cartoon ape silhouettes delivers a message of community. BMW added bespoke BMW M Performance Parts to give the one-off model a sharper appearance for an even more dynamic and progressive feel.

Following the spectacular reveal at this year’s ApeFest, Bored Ape or Mutant Ape NFT holders had the opportunity to register their interest in buying the unique model. Once the future owner of the ApeCar has been chosen from all the prospective buyers, BMW will build the customised BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé in a configuration adapted to the buyer’s home market and will also equip it with a selection of exclusive digital features.

New title for action-packed in-car gaming – “Dookey Dash: Unclogged”.

BMW capitalised on the avant-garde mood at ApeFest to present a beta version of the new title “Dookey Dash: Unclogged” in collaboration with the game’s creator Yuga Labs. The updated version of this action-packed endless runner game can now also be played on iOS and Android mobile devices and will be rolled out in the coming months as part of the BMW Digital Premium package for all vehicles with BMW Operating System 9. A special gimmick has been included that allows players to select a 3D model of the new BMW 2 Series Gran Coupé as a speedy underwater car and then race though a fictional underworld with it. Players chasing the high score have to avoid obstacles, break through barriers and collect boosters and power-ups.

This innovative form of in-car gaming offered in current BMW models allows the occupants to pass the time by playing casual games on the control display while the vehicle is parked. Dookey Dash: Unclogged is available as part of the BMW Digital Premium package along with a dozen other video games and is imported over the air from the BMW ConnectedDrive Store. ApeFest attendees had the opportunity to test out the hit game ahead of its official release.

BMW Lifestyle with exclusive, customised ApeFest collection.

Customisation means a lot to the BAYC community, so BMW Lifestyle came up with a special design for selected products from the current collection. This cult BMW Mechanics Jacket, which serves as a club jacket, is a particularly noteworthy highlight. Members get an interactive patch for the jacket allowing selected interaction with BMW. This smart fashion piece also includes a built-in NFC chip that enables the members to connect with one another.

The exclusive articles were available to buy from the BMW Lifestyle pop-up store at the event. The products could also be personalised with a print gun to make them truly unique.

BMW M Driving Experience scores a hit with specially developed version of BMW M Mixed Reality (MMR).

ApeFest 2024 also provided the venue for the premiere of a new and innovative version of BMW M Mixed Reality – a one-of-a-kind driving experience in which the physical and virtual worlds merge into one for the driver. Thanks to the very latest VR and GPS technology, the vehicle itself becomes the controller and can be guided through a virtual world by the driver.

The existing MMR was further refined for ApeFest and augmented with 3D elements from a partner for the first time. BAYC-specific content, such as apes, unicorns and crocodiles, was added to the mixed-reality experience with the help of the software specialists from Yuga Labs.

The ApeFest attendees set off on a captivating phygital tour through the pulsating cityscape of Lisbon in BMW M models that had been specially designed for the event. The experience allowed them to enjoy pushing the BMW M2 (fuel consumption, combined in the WLTP cycle: 9.8 – 9.6 litres/100 km [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined in the WLTP cycle: 223 – 218 g/km; fuel consumption, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 10.2 – 9.8 litres/100 km [27.7 – 28.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 231 – 222 g/km; CO2 class according to Pkw-EnVKV: G) and BMW M4 Competition Coupé (fuel consumption, combined in the WLTP cycle: 9.9 – 9.7 litres/100 km [28.5 – 29.1 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined in the WLTP cycle: 223 – 219 g/km; fuel consumption, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 9.9 – 9.8 litres/100 km [28.5 – 28.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 223 – 221 g/km; CO2 class according to Pkw-EnVKV: G) models to their limits in the virtual world.

ApeFest attendees were also treated to the sight of a heavily modified BMW M2 Ice Racer. It was on display in the Convento Do Beato, the main exhibition area of ApeFest, where this ambassador of the BMW M Driving Experience’s ultra-exclusive winter programme attracted a great deal of attention. The highlight event at the BMW Group’s winter test centre in Arjeplog, Sweden combines drift training on ice with an individually tailored programme of accompanying activities and can be booked exclusively by members of the BAYC community.

The fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, electric power consumption and operating range figures are determined according to the European Regulation (EC) 715/2007 in the version applicable. They refer to vehicles in the German market. Where a range is shown, the figures take into account the impact of any optional extras.

All values were calculated based on the new WLTP test cycle. WLTP values are taken as the basis for determining vehicle-related taxes or other duties based (at least inter alia) on CO2 emissions as well as eligibility for any applicable vehicle-specific subsidies. Further information on the WLTP measurement procedure can also be found at


The BMW Group

With its four brands BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce and BMW Motorrad, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and mobility services. The BMW Group production network comprises over 30 production sites worldwide; the company has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.


In 2023, the BMW Group sold over 2.55 million passenger vehicles and more than 209,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax in the financial year 2023 was € 17.1 billion on revenues amounting to € 155.5 billion. As of 31 December 2023, the BMW Group had a workforce of 154,950 employees.


The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. Sustainability is a vital element of the BMW Group’s corporate strategy, from the supply chain through production to the end of the use phase of all products.



2 Series Gran Coupé M235 xDrive: combined fuel consumption according to WLTP: 8.2 – 7.5 l/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions according to WLTP: 185 – 170 g/km; combined fuel consumption according to Pkw-EnVKV: 8.2 l/100 km (62 miles); combined CO2 emissions according to Pkw-EnVKV: 185 g/km; CO2 class according to Pkw-EnVKV: G.

M2: fuel consumption, combined in the WLTP cycle: 9.8 – 9.6 litres/100 km [28.8 – 29.4 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined in the WLTP cycle: 223 – 218 g/km; fuel consumption, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 10.2 – 9.8 litres/100 km [27.7 – 28.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 231 – 222 g/km; CO2 class according to Pkw-EnVKV: G.

M4 Competition Coupé: fuel consumption, combined in the WLTP cycle: 9.9 – 9.7 litres/100 km [28.5 – 29.1 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined in the WLTP cycle: 223 – 219 g/km; fuel consumption, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 9.9 – 9.8 litres/100 km [28.5 – 28.8 mpg imp]; CO2 emissions, combined according to Pkw-EnVKV: 223 – 221 g/km; CO2 class according to Pkw-EnVKV: G.


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