
兰博基尼 Urus SE 世界巡演

日期: 2024 年 7 月 1 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞

超级 SUV Urus 首款插电式混合动力版在地区首发,独家活动和国际观众

圣亚加塔·波洛涅塞,2024 年 7 月 1 日——超过 4,000 名客户和记者参加了三大洲的 12 场独家活动:这只是兰博基尼首款 PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)超级 SUV Urus SE [1]首次亮相的部分数字。从中国到美国,再到欧洲,Urus SE 开始了一场名副其实的世界巡演,登上了最著名的城市的舞台,吸引了嘉宾和记者的注意力。但 Urus SE 的旅程并没有就此结束:它很快就会前往世界其他角落,继续让客户、爱好者和媒体有机会欣赏其标志性和必不可少的设计。

此次国际之旅的第一站是中国。4 月 24 日,Urus SE 首次亮相北京国际汽车展览会,吸引了众多到场人士的兴趣和好奇。活动期间,超过 400 名记者有机会近距离欣赏这款超级 SUV 的混合动力版,之后,这款特别的汽车继续其东方之旅:首先前往上海,途经曼谷皇宫,然后前往充满活力的东京,并于 6 月 4 日抵达马来西亚首都吉隆坡。

美国也有机会举办 Urus SE 的首秀。美国是兰博基尼汽车公司销售的第一大市场,也是第二个迎接 Urus SE 车型的国家,4 月 29 日,Urus SE 在纽约切尔西艺术区中心举办了一场活动。从“大苹果”的繁华中,Urus SE 向北移至美洲大陆的第二站,在加拿大大都市多伦多举办了一场活动。

五月,Urus SE 在意大利汽车谷盛会上首次亮相欧洲,这是一项年度盛会,旨在庆祝汽车制造商兰博基尼总部所在地汽车区的卓越成就,也是这款全新意大利超级 SUV 首次在欧洲亮相的场地。随后,该车前往英国参加第二届英国兰博基尼日,然后抵达中东,在迪拜的 One & Only One Za’abeel 举办活动。随后,Urus SE 前往德国,在慕尼黑附近科尔伯莫尔的 Kesselhaus(前棉纺厂的发电站)举办了一场活动。此次巡演在法国巴黎和蔚蓝海岸之间结束,客人们有机会在奢华而欢乐的氛围中探索这款车,欣赏地中海的壮丽景色。

Urus SE 不仅局限于现实世界,还在数字领域继续前行。这款车已在 Roblox 平台上首次亮相,为品牌爱好者提供了一个前所未有的机会,让他们可以直接通过游戏机沉浸在兰博基尼的卓越品质中。在专属虚拟休息室中,玩家可以定制他们的 Urus SE,使其独一无二并体​​现他们的风格,这要归功于 Studio Lamborghini Ad Personam 精心挑选的颜色和定制选项。

Urus SE 是一款旨在彻底改变豪华车市场的车型。得益于热电“双心脏”,Urus SE 可拥有 800 马力的功率和 950 牛米的扭矩,从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时仅需 3.4 秒。在电动模式下,“第二心脏”可使这款超级 SUV 的排放量减少 80%,这要归功于超过 60 公里的续航里程,这证明了 Urus SE 的脱碳能力。

Urus SE 以其出色的性能和独特的设计征服了公众,获得了客户的广泛好评,订单量几乎达到一年。兰博基尼汽车公司的这款新车型在全球舞台上首次亮相,全球巡演吸引了成千上万的人,并在投产前就引起了人们对该车的极大期待。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令约束。燃油消耗和排放数据处于类型核准阶段。

The Lamborghini Urus SE world tour

DATE: 01 Jul 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

Exclusive events and international spectators at the regional debuts of the first plug-in hybrid version of the Urus Super SUV

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 1 July 2024 – Over 4,000 customers and journalists took part in 12 exclusive events on three different continents: just some of the numbers marking the debut of the Urus SE[1], Automobili Lamborghini’s first PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) Super SUV. From China to America and passing through Europe, the Urus SE embarked on a veritable world tour, gracing the stages of the most renowned cities and capturing the attention of guests and journalists. But the Urus SE’s journey does not end here: it will soon be on its way to other corners of the world, continuing the opportunity for clients, enthusiasts and media to appreciate its iconic and essential design.

The first stop on this international journey was China where, on the 24 April, the Urus SE made its world debut, attracting interest and curiosity from those present at the Beijing International Automotive Exhibition. During the event, more than 400 journalists had the opportunity to admire the hybrid version of the Super SUV up close, after which this particular car continued its eastern tour: first to Shanghai, passing by the Royal Palace in Bangkok, then on to vibrant Tokyo and, on 4 June, to the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

America also had the opportunity to host the debut of the Urus SE. The United States – the first market in terms of sales for Automobili Lamborghini – was the second country to welcome an Urus SE model, with an event organized in New York on 29 April in the heart of the Chelsea Arts District. From the sophistication of the ‘Big Apple’, the Urus SE moved north to the second stop on the American continent, for an event in the metropolis of Toronto, Canada.

In May, the Urus SE made its European debut in Italy at the Motor Valley Fest, the annual event that celebrates the excellence of the automotive district in which Automobili Lamborghini is headquartered, and a fitting first European venue for the new Italian Super SUV. Subsequently, the car travelled to the United Kingdom for the second edition of Lamborghini Day UK, and then landed in the Middle East in the setting of the One & Only One Za’abeel in Dubai. The Urus SE then headed to Germany, with an event at the atmospheric Kesselhaus, the former power station of the former cotton mill in Kolbermoor, near Munich. The tour ended in France, between Paris and the Côte d’Azur, where guests had the opportunity to discover the car in a luxurious and convivial atmosphere, enjoying spectacular views of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Urus SE has not limited itself to the physical world but has also continued its journey in the digital realm. The car has debuted on the Roblox platform, offering an unprecedented opportunity for brand enthusiasts to immerse themselves in Lamborghini’s excellence directly from their consoles. In an exclusive virtual lounge, players could customize their Urus SE, making it unique and reflective of their style, thanks to a curated selection of colors and customization options by Studio Lamborghini Ad Personam.

The Urus SE is a model aiming to revolutionize the luxury car market. Thanks to its thermal and electric ‘two hearts’, the Urus SE can boast 800 hp of power and 950 Nm of torque, with acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. In electric mode, the ‘second heart’ allows the Super SUV to reduce emissions by 80 per cent thanks to more than 60 km of autonomy endorsing the Urus SE’s decarbonization credentials.

The Urus SE enchanted the public with its outstanding performance and distinctive design, receiving a wide positive response from customers, resulting in an order bank covering almost one year. The new Automobili Lamborghini model debuted on the global stage in style, with a world tour that attracted thousands of people and built-up huge expectations around the car before it even starts production.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.


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