
兰博基尼 Urus SE – 两全其美

日期:2024 年 10 月 18 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/纳尔多


首款插电式混合动力超级 SUV 在纳尔多技术中心首次亮相

圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/纳尔多,2024 年 10 月 18 日——Urus SE [1]在纳尔多技术中心 (NTC) 举行的首场插电式混合动力超级 SUV 动态活动中展示了其无与伦比的动态和性能品质,这是迄今为止最强大、性能最高的 Urus,并且在该车开发的同一试验场上。

Urus SE 配备 4.0 升双涡轮增压 V8 发动机和永磁同步电动机,安装在全新 8 速自动变速箱的上游,在 6000 rpm 转速下可产生 800 CV(588 kW)的总输出功率,在 1750 rpm 转速下和最高 5750 rpm 转速下即可产生 950 Nm 的总扭矩,确保从各个角度都拥有一流的性能。Urus SE 从 0 加速到 100 km/h 仅需 3.4 秒,从 0 加速到 200 km/h 仅需 11.2 秒,最高时速可达 312 km/h。

此外,Urus SE 还首次搭载了全新中置纵向电动扭矩矢量系统,该系统采用电控液压多片离合器,可在前后轴之间连续可变地分配驱动扭矩。分动箱与安装在后轴上的全新电子限滑差速器协同工作,使车辆“按需”过度转向,从而传达出纯正超级跑车的感觉。

这些技术解决方案在传奇的 Strada Bianca、NTC 的越野赛道和 Urus SE 展示其灵活性的动态竞技场上都得到了赞赏,使驾驶员能够轻松漂移,就像驾驶超级跑车一样。

兰博基尼汽车公司按照 ISO 20121 标准组织了此次发布会,并获得了 TÜV SÜD 的相关认证。这一认可再次凸显了公司对可持续发展的承诺,这要归功于公司通过特别关注材料、能源和食品资源管理来减少对环境的影响并促进社会责任的做法。

此次活动还得到了该公司技术合作伙伴倍耐力的支持,倍耐力是 Urus SE 专用轮胎系列的供应商,提供三种尺寸的 P Zero 轮胎,分别是 21 英寸、22 英寸和 23 英寸,以及 22 英寸尺寸的 Scorpion Winter 2,旨在为每种条件提供理想的装备。得益于 Elect™ 技术,电动驾驶也包括在内,该技术增强了电动汽车的特性。

Urus SE 可以成为一款全电动汽车,配备全轮驱动,续航里程超过 60 公里,这要归功于位于载货地板下方的 25.9 千瓦时电池。此次活动为 Urus 系列提供了全新的驾驶体验,嘉宾们可以在萨兰托地区的道路上欣赏,尝试四种新的电动性能策略,这些策略使 Urus SE 如此多功能且引人入胜。

[1] Urus SE 的消耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100km;综合功耗:39.5 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:B;电池放电后的综合油耗:12.9 l/100km;电池放电后的二氧化碳效率等级:G;[WLTP]

The Lamborghini Urus SE – the best of both worlds

DATE: 18 Oct 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Nardò

Dynamic debut of the first plug-in hybrid Super SUV at the Nardò Technical Center

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Nardò, 18 October 2024 – The Urus SE[1] demonstrated its unrivalled dynamic and performance qualities at the Nardò Technical Center (NTC) during the first dynamic event dedicated to the plug-in hybrid Super SUV, the most powerful and high-performance Urus yet, on the same proving ground where the vehicle was developed.

Equipped with a 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 engine combined with a permanent magnet synchronous electric motor, installed upstream from the new 8-speed automatic transmission, the Urus SE develops a total power output of 800 CV (588 kW) at 6000 rpm and a total torque of 950 Nm already available at 1750 rpm and up to 5750 rpm, ensuring best-in-class performance from every angle. The Urus SE sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds, from 0 to 200 km/h in just 11.2 seconds, reaching a top speed of 312 km/h.

In addition, debuting on the Urus SE is the new centrally located longitudinal electric torque vectoring system with an electro-hydraulic multi-plate clutch which distributes driving torque variably and continuously between the front and rear axles. The transfer case works in synergy with the new electronic limited-slip differential installed on the rear axle, giving the vehicle “on demand” oversteering to convey the feel of a purebred super sports car.

These technical solutions were appreciated on both the legendary Strada Bianca, the NTC’s off-road track, and on the dynamic arena where the Urus SE displayed its agility, enabling the drivers to drift with total ease, just like at the wheel of a super sports coupé.

Automobili Lamborghini organized the launch in compliance with the ISO 20121 standard, obtaining the respective certification from TÜV SÜD. This recognition once again underscores the company’s commitment to sustainability, thanks to practices that reduce environmental impact and promote social responsibility through specific attention to the management of materials, energy, and food resources.

The event was also supported by the company’s technical partner Pirelli, supplier of the tire range specific to the Urus SE, available with the P Zero tire in three sizes, 21”, 22” and 23”, and the Scorpion Winter 2 in the 22” size, with the aim of offering the ideal equipment for every condition. This also includes electric driving, thanks to Elect™ technology, which enhances the characteristics of electric vehicles.

The Urus SE can become a fully electric vehicle with all-wheel drive and a range of over 60 km thanks to the 25.9 kWh battery situated below the load floor. The event offered an entirely new driving experience for the Urus range that guests were able to appreciate on the roads of the Salento region, trying out the four new Electric Performance Strategies that make the Urus SE so versatile and engaging.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Urus SE: Combined fuel consumption: 2,08 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 39,5 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 51,25 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: B; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12,9 l/100km; CO2 efficiency class with discharged battery: G; [WLTP]


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