
兰博基尼 Urus SE 是德国市场上第一款插电式混合动力超级 SUV

日期:2024 年 5 月 20 日 |圣阿加塔博洛涅塞圣阿加塔博洛涅/科尔伯莫尔, 德国

超过 60 公里的全电动续航里程、800 CV 和全新设计使 Urus SE 成为同类产品中最强大的车型

德国圣阿加塔博洛涅塞/科尔伯莫尔,2024 年 5 月 20 日– 兰博基尼汽车首次在德国推出 Urus SE [1] 。兰博基尼汽车董事长兼首席执行官 Stephan Winkelmann、首席技术官 Rouven Mohr 和设计总监 Mitja Borkert 在 Kesselhaus Kolbermoor 举行的独家活动中向兰博基尼客户和媒体展示了首款 PHEV 超级 SUV。

与新的 800 CV 混合动力系统相一致,Urus SE 采用了改进的空气动力学和新的设计,以及全新的技术解决方案。在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面,它超越Urus S得益于它的两颗心脏:通过内燃机和电动机的结合,它实现了惊人的扭矩和性能值,使其在同类产品中拥有独特的地位。同时,能够减少 80% 的排放量。

“我们很高兴在这种令人印象深刻的氛围中向我们的客户展示市场上最强大的超级 SUV,” Stephan Winkelmann 说道。“凭借电气化,Urus SE 实现了令人印象深刻的性能水平,并带领兰博基尼进一步实现 Direzione Cor Tauri 为我们公司的未来制定的可持续发展目标。在德国首次亮相,就在全球首次亮相几周后在北京车展上,我们可以在一个有价值的环境中向我们最重要的市场之一的客户展示我们最成功的车型。”

Urus SE 提供独特的驾驶体验。新型插电式混合动力系统对此提供了支持,该系统提高了 Urus SE 在任何表面和所有条件下的性能和动力。除其他功能外,新的电动扭矩矢量系统确保了这一点:它在任何速度下在两个车轴和电子后轴差速器之间提供更多的扭矩和功率。

“我们对 Urus SE 的开发简介很明确:创造最先进的技术,提供更强大的动力,并结合兰博基尼 DNA 中典型的不妥协性格,” Rouven Mohr 解释道。“在驾驶乐趣和驾驶动力方面,它是同级车中无可争议的领导者。它是一款和谐地结合了不同品质的超级SUV:它提供绝对的舒适性,同时提供性能和驾驶乐趣。这保证了无与伦比的体验。 ”

改进后的 4 升 V8 发动机采用双涡轮增压技术,可与电动传动系统协同工作。它的输出功率为 620 CV(456 kW),驱动扭矩为 800 Nm,并配有 192 CV(141 kW)和扭矩 483 Nm 的电动传动系统。在最大输出方面,主要关注的是内燃机和电动机之间的校准策略。该系统的总输出功率为 800 CV (588 kW),并保证在每种驾驶模式和每种路面上都具有最佳功率曲线。 25.9 kWh 锂离子电池位于充电地板下方、电控后桥差速器上方。

自推出以来,这款超级SUV的每一个元素都遵循兰博基尼独特的设计DNA,例如具有强烈收缩侧窗的特色轮廓和六边形车窗线条。现在,Urus 的线条已经更新,旨在进一步优化其空气动力效率和性能。设计更新强调了轮廓的动感,同时强调了底盘的低悬挂肌肉感,并辅以新设计的 23 英寸车轮。

“我们的目标是让一辆美丽的车辆变得更加美丽,专注于提高性能、优雅和内饰更加奢华的感觉。新造型遵循‘本质和标志性’的设计理念,和谐地融入完美的整体外观:我们受到 Revuelto 浮动式发动机盖的启发,实现了非常清晰和肌肉感强的前部设计,客户是 Urus 拥有和驾驶体验的核心,我们为他们提供了一款优雅且可定制的车辆,具有更多的 Ad Personam 潜力, “兰博基尼汽车设计总监 Mitja Borkert 解释道。

Urus 前端的特点是新的发动机盖,带有坚固的动力圆顶,但没有经典的分离接头,类似于 Revuelto。这种设计强调了 Urus SE 的纯粹和运动风格。其他新元素包括采用矩阵 LED 技术的宽头灯和新的标志性灯光标志。车尾强调更宽的姿态,重点是带有集成车牌的新型扩散器。运动型哑光黑色六边形图形元素与之相辅相成,该图形元素连接着特色灯光,灵感源自兰博基尼 Gallardo。

Kesselhaus Kolbermoor 是旧棉纺厂的前发电站,其充满活力的历史与新款 Urus SE 完美契合,这款车辆将圣亚加塔博洛涅塞汽车制造商的传统带入未来,配备插电式混合动力汽车混合技术。

[1]该车辆尚未出售,因此不受 1999/94/EC 指令的约束。油耗和排放数据正处于型式核准阶段。

The Lamborghini Urus SE is the first plug-in hybrid Super SUV on the German market

DATE: 20 May 2024   |   Sant’Agata BologneseSant’Agata Bolognese/Kolbermoor, Germany


Over 60 kilometres of all-electric range, 800 CV and a new design make the Urus SE the most powerful model in its segment

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Kolbermoor, Germany, 20 May 2024 – Automobili Lamborghini debuts the Urus SE[1] for the first time in Germany. Stephan Winkelmann, Chairman and CEO of Automobili Lamborghini, Rouven Mohr, Chief Technical Officer, and Mitja Borkert, Director of Design, presented the first PHEV super SUV to Lamborghini customers and media at an exclusive event at the Kesselhaus Kolbermoor.

In line with the new 800 CV hybrid powertrain, the Urus SE features revised aerodynamics and a new design, as well as brand-new technological solutions. In terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure, it surpasses the Urus S thanks to its two hearts: with the combination of combustion engine and electric motor, it achieves sensational torque and performance values that give it a unique position in its segment and, at the same time, enable an 80 per cent reduction in emissions.

“We are delighted to present the most powerful Super SUV on the market to our customers in this impressive atmosphere,” says Stephan Winkelmann. “Thanks to electrification, the Urus SE achieves an impressive level of performance and takes Lamborghini further towards the sustainability goals set out in Direzione Cor Tauri for the future of our company. With the premiere in Germany, just a few weeks after the world premiere at Auto China in Beijing, we can present our most successful model to customers in one of our most important markets in a worthy setting.”

The Urus SE offers a unique driving experience. This is supported by the new plug-in hybrid system, which improves both the performance and dynamics of the Urus SE – on any surface and in all conditions. Among other features, the new electric torque vectoring system ensures this: it provides more torque and power between the two axles and the electronic rear axle differential at any speed.

“Our development brief for the Urus SE was clear: create state-of-the-art technology with more power in combination with the uncompromising character that is typical of Lamborghini’s DNA,” explains Rouven Mohr. “In terms of driving fun and driving dynamics, it is the undisputed leader in its segment. It is a Super SUV that harmoniously combines different qualities: it offers absolute comfort and at the same time performance and driving pleasure. This guarantees an unrivalled experience.”

The revised four-litre V8 with biturbo charging works in synergy with the electric drivetrain. It develops an output of 620 CV (456 kW) and a drive torque of 800 Nm and is combined with an electric drivetrain with 192 CV (141 kW) and 483 Nm of torque. In terms of maximum output, the main focus was on the calibration strategy between the combustion engine and electric motor. The system develops a total output of 800 CV (588 kW) and guarantees an optimum power curve in every driving mode and on every surface. The 25.9 kWh lithium-ion battery is located under the charging floor and above the electronically controlled rear axle differential.

Since its launch, every element of the Super SUV has followed Lamborghini’s unique design DNA, such as the characteristic silhouette with strongly retracted side windows and hexagon-shaped window lines. Now the lines of the Urus have been updated with the aim of further optimising its aerodynamic efficiency and performance. The design update emphasises the dynamics of the silhouette while emphasising the low-slung muscularity of the chassis, complemented by newly designed 23-inch wheels.

“Our aim was to make a beautiful vehicle even more beautiful, focusing on increased performance, elegance and a feeling of greater luxury in the interior. The new shape follows the ‘essential and iconic’ design philosophy and blends harmoniously into a perfect overall appearance: we were inspired by the Revuelto with its floating bonnet to achieve a very clear and muscular front design. The customer is at the heart of the Urus ownership and driving experience, to whom we offer an elegant and customisable vehicle with even more Ad Personam potential,” explains Mitja Borkert, Director of Design at Automobili Lamborghini.

The front end of the Urus is characterised by a new bonnet with a strong power dome but without the classic separating joint, similar to the Revuelto. This design emphasises the purist and athletic style of the Urus SE. Other new elements include the wide headlights with Matrix LED technology and a new, iconic light signature. The rear emphasises a wider stance with the focus on the new diffuser with integrated number plate. This is complemented by the sporty, matt black hexagon-shaped graphic element that connects the characteristic lights and is inspired by the Lamborghini Gallardo.

The Kesselhaus Kolbermoor is the former power station of the old cotton mill and, with its energetic history, fits perfectly with the new Urus SE, a vehicle that carries the traditions of the car manufacturer from Sant’Agata Bolognese into the future with plug-in hybrid technology.

[1] The vehicle is not yet offered for sale and is therefore not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC. The fuel consumption and emissions data is in the type approval stage.


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