
全新 BMW M5 车

BMW M GmbH 正在扩大其在高性能领域的产品组合,同时推进其车型系列的电气化。新款 BMW M5 Touring(能耗,加权,综合:2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] 和 30.7 kWh/ 100 km;二氧化碳排放量,加权,综合:46 g/ km;电池放电后的燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级,加权,综合:B,电池放电后 G)将公路和赛道上的出色动力与可用于日常工作、休闲活动和外出旅行的可变用途内部空间相结合。这是第三款搭载 M HYBRID 驱动系统的 BMW M 汽车,其中高转速 V8 发动机由具有极快速功率输出的电动机助力。发动机和电动机共同产生 535 kW/727 hp 的最大输出功率和 1,000 Nm (737 lb-ft) 的峰值扭矩。


新款 BMW M5 Touring 的车辆和驾驶理念在于提供极其丰富的驾驶体验,包括不受限制的日常实用性和长途能力、令人着迷的性能以及在城市地区及更远地区仅靠电力驱动的能力。通过八速 M Steptronic 变速箱、M xDrive 全轮驱动系统、主动 M 差速器和
M 特有的底盘技术进行的动力传输都精确地调整到 M HYBRID 驱动系统的性能特征。新款 BMW M5 Touring 在 3.6 秒内从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时 (62 英里/小时),在高度动态的驾驶情况下,其出色的弹性和无与伦比的精确度将让您面带微笑。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 将于 2024 年 8 月中旬在美国加利福尼亚州蒙特利汽车周上全球首发。2024 年 11 月,
在宝马集团丁戈尔芬工厂投产后,该车型将紧随其后上市。新款 BMW M5 Touring 最重要的市场是德国和美国,其次是英国、加拿大和瑞士。


新款 BMW M5 Touring 重新诠释了高性能汽车标志性的 M 设计,清晰地表达了其赛车风格。车身颜色的喷涂面积特别大,车顶采用黑色实心饰面,营造出纯粹的外观,与 Touring 车型熟悉的比例相得益彰。车型特有的侧框设计结合了突出的外扩轮拱,与肌肉感十足的肩部和修长的车顶线相结合,突出了新款 BMW M5 Touring 的运动外观,并将其与新款 BMW 5 系 Touring 区分开来。

雕塑般的前端由大型进气口和新设计的 BMW M 双肾格栅塑造,标准配置为 BMW Iconic Glow 轮廓灯。在汽车的另一端,延伸到汽车侧面的纤细尾灯、位于后端外缘的垂直反射器以及两段式分体式扩散器(左右集成两对排气尾管)强调了新款 BMW M5 Touring 的宽度和强劲的身材。

M HYBRID 驱动系统将自由旋转的 V8 发动机与强大的电动机相结合。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 的 M HYBRID 驱动系统将 4.4 升 V8 发动机和集成在八速 M Steptronic 变速箱中的电动机结合在一起。除了最新版本的 M TwinPower Turbo 技术外,内燃机还受益于跨排排气歧管和优化的油分离。它的最大输出功率为 430 kW/585 hp,峰值扭矩为 750 Nm (553 lb-ft)。

电动机采用最新的第五代 BMW eDrive 技术,最大输出功率为 145 kW/197 hp。借助 BMW 专利的预传动级,其额定扭矩 280 Nm (206 lb-ft) 可在变速箱输入端增加至 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) 的有效扭矩。电动机产生的功率(驾驶员起步时即可获得)以及发动机和电动机之间智能控制的相互作用可确保在负载和转速范围内无延迟响应和线性功率传输。通过指定选配的 M 驾驶套件,标准最高速度 250 km/h (155 mph) 可提高至 305 km/h (189 mph)。

带电控襟翼的运动型排气系统营造出动人心弦的驱动系统声音。根据所选的配置和操作模式,电动机的动力输出还将获得 BMW IconicSounds Electric 提供的声学伴奏。仅靠电力驱动时,最高时速可达 140 公里/小时 (87 英里/小时)。新款 BMW M5 Touring 的高压电池可提供 18.6 千瓦时的可用能量。这使得在 WLTP 测试周期中可实现 61 – 67 公里 (38 – 42 英里) 的电动续航里程。组合充电装置支持高达 11 千瓦的交流充电。

M xDrive 全轮驱动系统与后轴的电子控制主动 M 差速器一样,专门针对 M HYBRID 驱动系统的性能特性进行了调整。除了默认的 4WD 设置外,驾驶员还可以使用 M 设置菜单选择 4WD 运动模式,在该模式下,M xDrive 系统的后置偏置设置尤为明显。而选择 2WD 模式并关闭 DSC(动态稳定控制)系统,则为熟练的驾驶员打开了享受卓越纯粹性能体验的大门。

M 特定底盘技术带来引人注目的动力。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 以其出色的动态品质提升了其所在细分市场的标准。除了驱动系统、长轴距和宽轮距之外,车身刚度的提高也起着关键作用。除了前端结构中的塔架至隔板加固板、塔架至前端支柱和其他支撑元件外,后端还具有特定于该车型的底板支柱,包括横杆、加固板和载货舱中的其他支撑元件。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 的底盘技术先进,包括双叉臂前桥和五连杆后桥,具有特定车型的运动学和弹性运动学。标准配置还包括带电子控制减震器的自适应 M 悬架和整体式主动转向系统。M 特定的调校、可单独选择的设置以及单独调节每个车轮减震器的能力优化了车身与路面的连接,并最大限度地发挥了汽车在动态性能和乘坐舒适性之间的优势。牵引力、灵活性和方向稳定性都得益于近执行器车轮滑移限制和集成横向动态管理装置内所有控制系统的联网。

标准配置的 M 复合制动器可提供必要的制动力。与可选的 M 碳陶瓷制动器一样,它们与集成制动系统相结合,提供两种踏板感觉和响应设置。M 轻合金车轮(前轮:20 英寸;后轮:21 英寸)标配高性能轮胎。


新款 BMW M5 Touring 标配多种驾驶辅助系统,集成制动系统和联网横向动态管理系统进一步增强了这些系统的功能。标准配置包括前方碰撞警告、车道偏离警告(包括带转向辅助的车道返回)、避让辅助、注意力辅助和限速信息系统。



中央控制台上的 M 专用控制面板提供了更多选项,可定制驾驶体验。例如,设置按钮可直接访问驱动系统、Drivelogic 功能、底盘、转向、制动系统、M xDrive 和制动能量回收强度的设置。驾驶员可以使用方向盘上的 M 按钮调用他们之前为车辆设置编程的两种配置。

只需按下按钮,即可激活 M 动态模式(用于调节稳定性控制)。DSC 也可以完全关闭。驾驶员可以使用 M 模式按钮调整显示屏和驾驶员辅助系统的配置。在 SPORT 模式下,辅助系统的干预以及信息显示屏和 BMW 平视显示器上显示的内容仅限于运动驾驶所需的基本功能。如果指定了 M Drive Professional,还可以使用 TRACK 模式。此选项还包括 M 圈速计时器以及 Boost Control 功能,用于驾驶员想要召唤特别动态的速度注入时。

M HYBRID 按钮可用于根据需要设置驱动系统的运行模式。基本设置 Hybrid 控制发动机和电机之间的相互作用,而 Electric 模式提供全电动驾驶。eControl 模式可实现有效的制动能量回收或将电池电量保持在恒定水平。此外,Dynamic 和 Dynamic Plus 模式也是 M Drive Professional 的一部分,可为冷却系统和驱动系统做好准备,以保持性能始终处于高水平或在乡村道路或赛道上产生短时间的最大功率爆发。

配备 M 专用显示屏的先进跑车驾驶舱。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 的驾驶舱以驾驶员为中心,采用全新设计的 M 皮革方向盘、M 多功能座椅、BMW 曲面显示屏上的 M 专用读数以及标准 BMW 抬头显示屏,散发出真正的赛车气息。Merino 皮革内饰、BMW 互动栏、四区自动气候控制、带迎宾动画的 M 专用内部照明以及 Bowers & Wilkins 环绕声音响系统有助于营造出独特、优质的车内氛围。选配项目包括方向盘加热、主动座椅通风和全景玻璃天窗。从 2025 年春季开始,客户还可以通过 BMW Individual Metallic Merino 皮革内饰为他们的汽车增添一丝奢华感。

新款 BMW M5 Touring 的载货容量可从 500 升扩展到最大 1,630 升。标配的舒适进出系统和自动尾门操作使装卸变得轻松。选配拖车挂钩的最大拖车负载为 2,000 公斤。

基于 BMW 操作系统 8.5 的最新版本 BMW iDrive 专为使用触摸屏和自然语言操作车辆功能而设计。标准规格还包括 BMW Live Cockpit Professional,它配备了 BMW Maps 导航系统和增强视图功能。兼容 5G 的天线系统可确保使用数字服务(如视频流和车载游戏)的最佳连接。通过 Apple CarPlay® 和 Android Auto™ 实现的智能手机集成是一个无缝过程。此外,新款 BMW M5 Touring 既提供使用个人 eSim 的选项,也提供通过 BMW ID 和 My BMW App 解锁的一系列个性化选项。


BMW M5 Touring:能量消耗,加权,综合:2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] 和 30.7 kWh/100 km;二氧化碳排放量,加权,综合:46 g/km;电池放电后燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级,加权,综合:B,电池放电后 G。

The all-new BMW M5 Touring.

BMW M GmbH is expanding its offering in the high-performance segment and at the same time pushing ahead with the electrification of its model range. The new BMW M5 Touring (energy consumption, weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] and 30.7 kWh/ 100 km; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 46 g/ km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes, weighted, combined: B, with discharged battery G) combines standout dynamics on the road and track with variable-use interior space for everyday jobs, leisure activities and trips away. This is the third current BMW M car to be powered by an M HYBRID drive system, in which a high-revving V8 engine is boosted by an electric motor with extremely rapid power delivery. Together, the engine and motor generate maximum output of 535 kW/727 hp and peak torque of 1,000 Nm (737 lb-ft).


The vehicle and drive concept of the new BMW M5 Touring lay on an exceptionally multifaceted driving experience, headlined by unrestricted everyday usability and long-distance capability, captivating performance and the ability to drive on electric power alone in urban areas and beyond. Power transfer via the eight-speed M Steptronic transmission, the M xDrive all-wheel-drive system, the Active M Differential and the
M-specific chassis technology are all tuned precisely to the performance characteristics of the M HYBRID drive system. The new BMW M5 Touring accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 3.6 seconds and will put smiles on faces with its outstanding elasticity and unparalleled precision in highly dynamic driving situations.

The new BMW M5 Touring will celebrate its world premiere at Monterey Car Week in California, USA in mid-August 2024. Market launch in November 2024 will follow hot on the heels of the production start-up
at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing. The most important markets for the new BMW M5 Touring are Germany and the USA, followed by Great Britain, Canada and Switzerland.

Exterior design: athletic forms, typical Touring proportions.

With a fresh interpretation of the signature M design for high-performance cars, the new BMW M5 Touring clearly expresses its racing-car-inspired character. A particularly high proportion of surfaces painted in body colour and a Black solid finish for the roof create a puristic appearance to go with the familiar proportions of a Touring model. A model-specific side frame design incorporating prominently flared wheel arches teams up with muscular shoulders and a long roofline to headline the athletic appearance of the new BMW M5 Touring – and set it apart emphatically from the new BMW 5 Series Touring.

The sculptural front end is shaped by large air intakes and a newly designed BMW M kidney grille, which is showcased as standard by BMW Iconic Glow contour lighting. At the opposite end of the car, slim rear lights extending into the car’s flanks, vertical reflectors positioned to the outer edges of the rear end and a two-section split diffuser with two pairs of exhaust tailpipes integrated to the left and right emphasise the width and powerful stature of the new BMW M5 Touring.

M HYBRID drive system combines a free-revving V8 engine with a powerful electric motor.

The M HYBRID drive system in the new BMW M5 Touring brings together a 4.4-litre V8 engine and an electric motor integrated into the eight-speed M Steptronic transmission. As well as the latest version of M TwinPower Turbo technology, the combustion engine also benefits from a cross-bank exhaust manifold and optimised oil separation. It develops maximum output of 430 kW/585 hp and peak torque of 750 Nm (553 lb-ft).

The electric motor is from the latest, fifth generation of BMW eDrive technology and produces maximum output of 145 kW/197 hp. Its nominal torque of 280 Nm (206 lb-ft) increases to effective torque at the transmission input of 450 Nm (332 lb-ft) with the help of the pre-gearing stage patented by BMW. The power generated by the electric motor – on tap the moment the driver pulls away – and the intelligently controlled interplay between the engine and motor ensure delay-free response and linear power delivery into the upper reaches of the load and rev ranges. The standard top speed of 250 km/h (155 mph) can be raised to 305 km/h (189 mph) by specifying the optional M Driver’s Package.

The sports exhaust system with electrically controlled flaps conjures up an emotionally engaging drive system sound. Depending on the configuration and operating mode selected, the power delivery of the electric motor will also gain an acoustic accompaniment courtesy of BMW IconicSounds Electric. Driving on electric power alone at speeds of up to 140 km/h (87 mph) is possible. The high-voltage battery of the new BMW M5 Touring provides 18.6 kWh of usable energy. This makes an electric range of 61 – 67 kilometres (38 – 42 miles) achievable in the WLTP test cycle. The Combined Charging Unit supports AC charging at up to 11 kW.

The M xDrive all-wheel-drive system, like the electronically controlled Active M Differential at the rear axle, is specially tuned to the performance characteristics of the M HYBRID drive system. Beyond the default 4WD setting, drivers can also use the M Setup menu to select 4WD Sport mode, in which the M xDrive system’s rear-biased setup is particularly pronounced. And choosing 2WD mode with the DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) system switched off opens the door for skilled drivers to enjoy a performance experience of exceptional purity.

M-specific chassis technology delivers compelling dynamics.

The new BMW M5 Touring raises the bar in its segment with its standout dynamic qualities. Playing a key role here – alongside the drive system, long wheelbase and wide tracks – is improved body rigidity. As well as a tower-to-bulkhead stiffening plate, tower-to-front-end struts and other bracing elements in the front-end structure, the rear end features model-specific underfloor struts, including a cross-bar, a stiffening plate and other bracing elements in the load compartment.

The sophisticated chassis technology of the new BMW M5 Touring comprises a double-wishbone front axle and a five-link rear axle with model-specific kinematics and elastokinematics. Standard specification also includes adaptive M suspension with electronically controlled dampers and Integral Active Steering. The M-specific tuning, the individually selectable settings and the ability to adjust the dampers at each wheel individually optimise the body’s connection to the road and maximise the car’s spread of talents between dynamic potency and ride comfort. Traction, agility and directional stability all benefit from near-actuator wheel slip limitation and the networking of all control systems within the integrated transverse dynamics management setup.

The standard-fitted M Compound brakes provide the requisite stopping power. Like the optional M Carbon ceramic brakes, they combine with an integrated braking system that offers two pedal feel and response settings. The M light-alloy wheels (front: 20 inches; rear: 21 inches) are fitted as standard with high-performance tyres.

Wide range of assistance systems for automated driving and parking.

The new BMW M5 Touring comes as standard with a wealth of driver assistance systems, whose functionality is further enhanced by the integrated braking system and networked transverse dynamics management. Standard specification includes front collision warning, Lane Departure Warning including lane return with steering assistance, the Evasion Assistant, the Attentiveness Assistant and the Speed Limit Info system.

As an option, customers can also order their car with the Driving Assistant Professional including Steering and Lane Control Assistant, Active Cruise Control, automatic Speed Limit Assist, traffic light detection and Active Navigation. The likewise optional Parking Assistant Professional allows parking and manoeuvring to be controlled by smartphone from outside the car.

Configurable driving experience for everyday driving and track sessions.

The M-specific control panel on the centre console offers additional options for customising the driving experience. For example, the Setup button enables direct access to the settings for the drive system, Drivelogic function, chassis, steering, braking system, M xDrive and brake energy recuperation intensity. Drivers can use the M buttons on the steering wheel to call up two configurations they have previously programmed for the vehicle setup.

M Dynamic Mode – for adjusting the stability control – can also be activated at the touch of a button. DSC can also be fully switched off. Drivers can use the M Mode button to adjust the configuration of the displays and driver assistance systems. In SPORT mode, the interventions from the assistance systems and the content shown on the information display and BMW Head-Up Display are restricted to just the essential functions required for sporty driving. If M Drive Professional is specified, TRACK mode is also on hand. And this option also includes the M Laptimer, as well as the Boost Control function for when the driver wants to summon a particularly dynamic injection of speed.

The M HYBRID button can be used to set the drive system’s operating mode as desired. While the basic setting Hybrid controls the interplay between the engine and motor, Electric mode provides all-electric driving. The eControl mode enables effective brake energy recuperation or maintains the battery charge at a constant level. In addition, Dynamic and Dynamic Plus modes are also available as part of M Drive Professional, priming the cooling system and drive system to keep performance at a constantly high level or generate short bursts of maximum power on country roads or race tracks.

Progressive sports-car cockpit with M-specific displays.

The driver-focused cockpit of the new BMW M5 Touring exudes an authentic racing-car aura with its newly designed M leather steering wheel, M multifunction seats, M-specific readouts on the BMW Curved Display and the standard BMW Head-Up Display. Helping to create an exclusive, premium ambience on board are Merino leather trim, the BMW Interaction Bar, four-zone automatic climate control, M-specific interior lighting with Welcome Animation and a Bowers & Wilkins Surround Sound System. Among the items on the options list are steering wheel heating, active seat ventilation and a panoramic glass sunroof. From spring 2025, customers will also be able to give their cars an additional touch of luxury in the form of BMW Individual Metallic Merino leather trim.

The load capacity of the new BMW M5 Touring can be expanded from 500 to a maximum of 1,630 litres. The standard-fitted Comfort Access and automatic tailgate operation enable easy loading and unloading. The maximum trailer load for the optional trailer coupling is 2,000 kg.

The latest version of BMW iDrive, based on BMW Operating System 8.5, is designed squarely for operating vehicle functions using a touchscreen and natural language. Standard specification also includes BMW Live Cockpit Professional, which comes with the BMW Maps navigation system and Augmented View function. A 5G-compatible antenna system ensures optimal connectivity for using digital services such as video streaming and in-car gaming. And smartphone integration via Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™ is a seamless process. In addition, the new BMW M5 Touring offers both the option of using a Personal eSim and a host of personalisation options unlocked by the BMW ID and the My BMW App.



BMW M5 Touring: Energy consumption, weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km [141.2 mpg imp] and 30.7 kWh/ 100 km; CO2 emissions, weighted, combined: 46 g/ km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km [25.9 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes, weighted, combined: B, with discharged battery G.




BMW M 赛车新闻:2022年7月25日


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