
宝马集团管理委员会主席 Oliver Zipse 在 2024 年 5 月 15 日召开的宝马集团第 104 届年度股东大会上发表的声明,慕尼黑宝马世界现场直播

Oliver Zipse 2024 年年度股东大会声明











我们始终展望未来。这是宝马丰富经验的一部分。它给予我们力量,让我们一次又一次地采取大胆行动:我们知道自己的能力!这就是为什么宝马在 108 年后仍然存在。


影片展示了我们的管理委员会 – 但我们的表现取决于我们的全球团队。我们一起将我们综合的专业知识带到道路上——从字面意义上讲。目前,我们在全球拥有超过 150,000 名员工,几乎代表了每个国家,在 BMW 精神的指引下团结在一起。去年秋天,我们对世界各地的所有员工进行了调查:85% 的人表示完全支持公司的目标和战略。甚至 93% 的人都为能在宝马集团工作而感到自豪。





我亲爱的股东,你们也是我们宝马团队的一员。您对我们方向的支持为我们提供了从长远角度做出决策所需的动力和自由度。这可以追溯到传奇企业家赫伯特·匡特(Herbert Quandt)。多么宝贵的遗产啊!下一代人正在继承这一传统——就像我们在公司所做的那样。





2023 财年:如果您批准我们提议的股息,您将收到相当于我们未分配利润 33.7% 的支付。在本财政年度,我们向上修订了我们的指导。年底我们实现了所有目标。我们的销量稳步增长,达到超过 255 万辆的历史新高。事实上,我们是唯一一家恢复到大流行前水平的德国原始设备制造商。


我们集团 11% 的息税前利润率高于 10% 的战略目标。正如我们在汽车领域的息税前利润率所证实的那样,我们的业绩始终保持在高水平,过去九个季度(包括 2024 年第一季度)的息税前利润率一直在我们设定的 8% 至 10% 的目标范围内。








今天,让我们分四个章节来看看我们如何继续打造 BMW 之路 。


  1. 最大限度的未来: 将愿景变为现实
  2. 我们坚信:技术开放是有效的
  3. 今天的全球成功意味着区域行动
  4. 汽车作为数字伴侣: 我们正在使移动出行更加人性化、更加智能、更加可持续







您在这里看到的正是未来:纯粹的 BMW – 达到了一个全新的水平。这就是未来移动出行的所有重大主题的汇集点:电动。完全数字化。可持续的。


目前,它们仍然是 Vision Vehicle,但它们很快就会以非常相似的形式上路。去年,我向您承诺推出一款新的 Vision Vehicle,随后我们在 IAA MOBILITY 上推出了这款车。 BMW Vision Neue Klasse 在慕尼黑庆祝其首秀。您立刻就会发现这是一辆运动型轿车。


IAA 上没有其他汽车获得如此多的媒体报道和积极反馈 – 这只是今天为您带来另一个亮点的另一个原因:BMW Vision Neue Klasse X – 一款非常清晰地重新构想 BMW X 理念的汽车新方法。


这两款车都将在大批量细分市场展开竞争——因为我们希望我们的创新能够产生广泛的影响,而不仅仅是在利基细分市场。这两款车都强调了 NEUE KLASSE 的一致性和广泛性。



这是 NEUE KLASSE 的两个书挡——中间有很多我们打算利用的空间。我们兑现我们的承诺:



我们的行业以前从未见过这样的速度 – 但如果有人能做到这一点,那就是我们宝马。我们正在大规模加快步伐。


我们位于匈牙利德布勒森的新工厂将引领潮流,于 2025 年底推出首款 X 车型。这将在 2026 年与我们慕尼黑主工厂以及中国沉阳工厂的轿车无缝衔接。 2027 年,NEUE KLASSE 还将在墨西哥圣路易斯波托西扩大规模。




我们可以告诉他们:至少更远 30%,更快 30%。实际上,这意味着:仅需 10 分钟即可为汽车充电 300 公里,连喝杯咖啡的时间都不够!


这要归功于新的第六代圆形电池。我们首次在 NEUE KLASSE 中使用它们——这意味着您可以期待更高水平的“BMW 驾驶体验”。




对于我们的客户来说,最重要的方面是:NEUE KLASSE 在路上感觉如何?管理委员会已经有机会推动系列前的工作——相信我,这让我们起鸡皮疙瘩。



NEUE KLASSE 的创新技术将在未来几年内融入到所有 BMW 车型中,无论其驱动技术如何。简而言之:很快,所有 BMW 技术都将成为 NEUE KLASSE。 NEUE KLASSE 将成为我们未来所有活动领域(包括设计)的创新和技术助推器。






NEUE KLASSE 的核心是电动的 – 在其自己的新架构上运行。如果电动汽车的需求继续按预期增长,我们将能够利用相应的规模经济。






我们不区分“旧”和“新”车辆 – 相反,我们在所有领域提供尖端技术。此外,我们还提供最好的整体套餐。这就是我们所渴望的——这或许也是贵公司成功的根本秘诀。


举个现在的例子:继新BMW 5系轿车之后,新BMW 5系旅行车也配备了四种驱动技术。 BMW i5* 是全电动车型,每日行驶里程超过 500 公里,令人印象深刻。


插电式混合动力车也仍然非常受欢迎。对于新 BMW 5 系,插电式混合动力车型可能占我们在欧洲销量的 20% 左右。


这表明我们的十款极具吸引力的 PHEV 车型正走在正轨上。当然,新款 5 系列作为高效内燃机也广受好评。






我们的销售数据证实了这一点:宝马在全球高端汽车市场保持着领先地位。去年我们最强劲的增长来自高端和豪华车型,以及我们的全电动车型(简称 BEV)。 2023 年,我们向客户交付了超过 375,000 辆纯电动汽车,比上一年增长了近 75%。


这种活力也体现在我们在全球纯电动汽车市场中的份额:4.1%,已经显着高于我们在全球总市场中的份额,后者稳定在 3.3%。




我们将电动汽车视为当今和未来发展最快的驱动技术。到 2030 年,全电动汽车将占我们交付量的一半左右。我们仍然致力于实现这一目标,并根据需求引导产量增长。我们将保持灵活性——即使到 2030 年代也是如此。


我们正在相应地调整我们的战略规划,并启用我们的架构。这样,我们就可以随时快速做出反应。宝马集团所有品牌今年将推出超过 15 款纯电动车型。


在这里,您可以看到 MINI Aceman*。


4月,其在中国国际汽车展上全球首发。 Aceman 专门作为全电动汽车提供。

它填补了 Cooper* 和 Countryman* 之间的空白,后者的尺寸现已大幅增长。新款库珀已经售空——至少在接下来的四个月内是这样。唯一缺少的是将于今年下半年发布的新款 MINI Convertible。


这些车型共同构成了 NEW MINI 系列,它实际上与 BMW 的 NEUE KLASSE 相对应:MINI 向未来的飞跃。


并且:我们在全球范围内生产新 MINI 系列:在我们位于中国的 Spotlight 合资企业;在英国牛津;也是首次在德国莱比锡工厂进行。


我们之前讨论过书挡。现在,通过我们的品牌,让我们从 MINI 卡丁车的感觉跳到我们的豪华品牌劳斯莱斯。 Spectre* 确实一马当先。多么非凡的开始啊!


今年第一季度,仅该车型就占劳斯莱斯交付量的 38%。这就是我们在豪华车领域打造电动汽车的方式。幽灵毫不费力地滑行,就像飞毯一样。我们的豪华品牌车辆从未像今天这样引人注目和与众不同。我们不要忘记,他们还为公司赚取了可观的边际贡献。


宝马摩托车在 9 月份庆祝成立一百周年后,也报告了盈利增长。德国总理奥拉夫·肖尔茨出席了柏林施潘道工厂的周年庆典。



首先,新的“BMW Motorrad Welt”揭幕。就像慕尼黑的 BMW Welt 对于汽车一样,我们现在在柏林也有对于我们的两轮车辆的意义。其次,R 1300 GS全球首发。许多人,包括我自己,作为一名摩托车爱好者,一直在热切地等待下一代 GS。商业媒体对此几乎感到欣喜若狂。


对于那些喜欢在城市中乘坐电动汽车的人来说,BMW 摩托车的第二款电动车型 CE 02 是完美之选。


我们的核心 BMW 品牌还推出了一系列即将推出的令人兴奋的车辆,仅今年就推出了 14 款车型和众多车型。


BMW 1系将以紧凑型车型投放市场。


我们将推出新款 BMW X3——我们最受欢迎的车型之一。新款 X3 将配备高效内燃机和插电式混合动力车型。


最近,我们向零售商展示了我们的新车和未来车辆,其中包括来自欧洲各地位于阿姆斯特丹的 1,500 家零售商。我们在拉斯维加斯为美洲地区的 1,000 多家经销商做了同样的事情。我在这两次活动中都感觉到,我们的零售商对即将发生的事情感到由衷的兴奋。


特别是对于欧洲,我必须强调:在新的销售系统中,零售商将继续站在我们一边——这一点不会改变。我们已经在中国采用 MINI 的直销方式,并在首批欧洲国家报告了积极的经验。我们将按计划从 2026 年起将 BMW 品牌在欧洲过渡到新的直接和完全数字化的销售模式。





我们的 BMW iX5 Hydrogen* 目前正在进行世界巡演,接受现实测试。无论走到哪里,它都非常受欢迎。我们的试点车队正在提高人们对氢在能源转型中的作用的认识——无论是对于交通还是跨行业。您正确地期望我们满足欧盟的 CO 2要求。


2023 年,宝马集团的表现显着超出欧盟为我们设定的 CO 2 车队限制 20% 以上。今年,我们预计会再次出现小幅下降,所有品牌和动力传动系统型号都会有所贡献。



















今年4月,我们与辽宁省签署了价值200亿元人民币(25亿欧元)的新投资协议。我们的 BBA 合资企业沉阳生产基地正在转型为 BMW iFACTORY。



我在中国经常听到的一句话是“中国速度”。这是一个充满活力的国家,我们正在加快步伐以跟上:就在上周,我们自 2003 年以来在沈阳生产的第 600 万辆汽车下线了。大约一年前我们才达到 500 万大关。这意味着我们在短短15个月内就生产了100万辆汽车——这就是真正的“中国速度”。





享受民主意味着活生生的民主——这包括参与、行使投票权以及大声疾呼捍卫民主。这就是为什么我们要求大家在 6 月 9 日投票。




在德国,我们对情绪激动的触发点有很多争论。关于元主题有广泛的共识。社会学家史蒂芬·毛(Steffen Mau)是这样描述的。他的最新研究得出结论:我们不是一个分裂的社会。






我们将美国称为我们的“第二故乡”。明年将是我们在美国的第 50 周年。
2023 年,贵公司再次成为美国按价值计算最大的车辆净出口商之一。德国是唯一一个采购量高于美国的国家,目前每年采购额为 67 亿欧元。


25 年来,我们一直是当地的合作伙伴,尤其是在南卡罗来纳州。如今,斯巴达堡是我们最大的工厂,整个周边地区也与我们一起成长。








现在,我们的全球世界秩序正在演变——从“单极世界”走向“多极世界”,特别是在过去10-15年。卡洛·马萨拉(Carlo Masala)等作家谈到了目前正在兴起的高度一体化且基本自给自足的经济领域。我们仍然致力于开放市场和自由贸易。


我这么说也是为了考虑欧盟目前对中国进口电动汽车的审议。 360度全方位的视角会更好:去年在欧洲销售的所有纯电动汽车中有20%来自中国;超过一半是西方品牌,包括宝马。




我在宝马 30 多年的经验表明,当我们相互接触并准备好自己做出妥协时,解决方案就会出现。









谁拥有技术专长和急需的原材料?这决定了企业和经济领域的竞争力。我们的 BMW 高压电池生产设施靠近我们位于匈牙利、美国和中国的汽车工厂。就在几天前,我们为墨西哥圣路易斯波托西的高压电池组装项目奠基。




为了真正融入本地:您听说过下巴伐利亚州的 Irlbach-Straßkirchen 吗?从 2026 年起,它将为我们巴伐利亚工厂供应 Gen6 电池。这个过程并不完全简单。居民想知道:我们地区有什么好处?我们与他们进行了深入讨论以建立信任。最终,绝大多数人投票支持宝马新址。










您可能已经听说过 Catena-X。这里蕴藏着巨大的潜力:汽车制造商、供应商以及很快的回收商正在创建一个共享数据生态系统,使庞大的供应链变得透明,并使我们能够跟踪各个组件的碳足迹。安装的原材料的类型、数量和来源也可以数字化记录,使我们能够“追踪”它们。


我们即将启动一个试点项目:兰茨胡特工厂为 BMW iX* 生产双肾型格栅——一个由许多单独部件组成的部件。我们将使用 Catena-X 的数据来测量生产的总碳足迹。



我演讲的第四章 重点关注作为数字伴侣的汽车:我们正在使移动出行更加人性化、更加智能、更加可持续。




智能自学习系统长期以来一直是我们未来汽车生产战略的一部分。您知道这就是 BMW iFACTORY。




我们的平视显示器是经典之作。 20 年前,我们将这项技术从飞机引入了汽车。现在,我们正在 NEUE KLASSE 中彻底改变这种显示概念。




我们已经习惯于始终从我们的数字设备获取最新更新 – 人们也期望他们的汽车也能获得同样的信息。无线意味着我们可以随时更新车辆中的软件,而无需将其带到车间。我们很早就选择了这条路线。


如今,您的公司拥有市场上世界上最大的完全兼容升级的机队。我们已经可以达到超过 750 万辆汽车。


BMW 5 系树立了自动驾驶标准。它是德国第一辆获得批准在高速公路上以最高 130 公里/小时的速度进行部分自动驾驶的汽车。




自 2024 年 3 月起,BMW 7 系、X5、X6、X7、iX 和 XM* 也配备了高速公路辅助系统。那是2+级。


新款 BMW 7 系的功能甚至更多:

您甚至可以暂时将注意力从路面上移开。每当汽车调节自己的速度、距离和轨迹时,它都会让我着迷。这就是 3 级高度自动化驾驶——自 3 月份起在新款 BMW 7 系中提供。数字驾驶体验需要确保所有道路使用者的安全。




自 2023 年夏季以来,我们一直在位于捷克共和国索科洛夫的新自动驾驶中心测试自动驾驶和停车功能,直至 4 级全自动驾驶。











2024 年的前四个月表明,我们的所有关键绩效指标都步入正轨。






























BMW i5 eDrive40 豪华轿车: 综合能耗:16.3 kWh/100 km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量总计 0 克/公里 (WLTP); CO2 等级:A;耗电量:571公里(WLTP)

MINI Aceman E: 综合耗电量:14.7 – 14.1 kWh/100 km(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:0克/公里; CO2 等级:A;根据 WLTP 的续航里程(公里):298 – 310

MINI Cooper 3-Türer:  l/100km 综合能耗:6.4;CO2 排放量综合 g/km:144; CO2 E 级

MINI Aceman E: 综合耗电量:14.7 – 14.1 kWh/100 km(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:0克/公里; CO2 级:A;根据 WLTP 的续航里程(公里):298 – 310

劳斯莱斯 Spectre: 能耗:23.6 kWh/100 km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量总计 0 克/公里 (WLTP); CO2 A 级;耗电量:500公里(WLTP)

BMW iX5 Hydrogen:综合氢消耗量:1.19 kg/100 km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:0 克/公里(WLTP); CO2 等级:A

BMW iX xDrive40:综合能耗:19.9 kWh/100 km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:0 克/公里(WLTP); CO2 等级:A;电动续航里程:426公里(WLTP);性能:240kW(326 PS)

BMW XM:综合能耗:33.6 kWh/100 km 和 1.9 l/100 km (WLTP);二氧化碳排放量合计:43 克/公里(WLTP); CO2 等级:G 和 B;油耗:12.9升/100公里(WLTP)

Statement Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG,104th Annual General Meeting of BMW AG on 15th May 2024, Livestream from BMW Welt in Munich

Statement Oliver Zipse AGM 2024


Strong today – Strong tomorrow.
Our BMW way into the future



Dear Shareholders!


A warm welcome from BMW Welt in Munich. A lot of people talk about the transformation of mobility and the automotive industry – how one will replace the other. At BMW, we do things a little differently. We call it: continuous progress.


Becoming a little bit better every day – that is what we aspire to. And what I, myself, am measured against. Never being satisfied with the status quo brings us closer to our ambitious goals. Step by step. Or, more fittingly, when talking about cars: mile by mile. That may sound very grounded and methodical, but it certainly yields highly effective results.


We always look to the future. That is part of BMW’s vast array of experience. It gives us strength and empowers us, time and again, to take bold action: We know what we are capable of! That is why BMW is still here after 108 years.


The film showed our Board of Management – but we are only as good as our global team. Together, we bring our combined know-how to the roads – in a very literal sense. There are currently more than 150,000 of us worldwide – representing nearly every nationality there is, united by the BMW Spirit. In autumn of last year, we surveyed all our associates around the world: 85 percent said they fully support the company’s goals and strategy. And even 93 percent are proud to work for the BMW Group.


What a boost for us!

We are mobilising them all for the next massive leap, because your company is once again reinventing itself – at precisely the right time.


You, too, my dear shareholders, are part of our BMW team. Your support for our direction gives us the momentum and latitude we need to make decisions with a long-term perspective. This traces back to legendary entrepreneur Herbert Quandt. What a legacy! The next generation is carrying forward that legacy – much like we do at the company.


We always base our strategic decisions on facts and informed analysis. This certainly requires experience and, sometimes, plain common sense, as well. This makes your company robust and ensures that we remain composed in a turbulent environment. All of this comes together in the BMW way. This approach guarantees that the following always holds true for your company:

“Strong today – strong tomorrow”.


For financial year 2023: Should you approve our proposed dividend, you will receive a payout equivalent to 33.7 percent of our unappropriated profit. During the financial year, we had revised our guidance upwards. At year-end we met all our targets. We posted solid growth in sales, reaching a new all-time high of more than 2.55 million vehicles. In fact, we are the only German OEM to have regained our pre-pandemic level.


Our Group EBT margin of 11 percent came in higher than our strategic target of 10 percent. We are consistently performing at a high level, as confirmed by our EBIT margin in the Automotive Segment, which has been within our defined target range of eight to ten percent for the past nine quarters, including the first quarter of 2024.


This allows us to continue to make substantial investments.


Our capital expenditure, as well as our research and development spending, will peak this year. We will once again be making major investments – because our actions are always geared towards the future.


Individual mobility offers tremendous potential for profitable growth and gaining market share.


Today, let’s take a look at how we continue to forge our BMW way –
in four chapters.


  1. Future to the max: Turning visions into reality.
  2. Following our own convictions: Technology openness is effective.
  3. Global success today means acting regionally.
  4. The car as digital companion: We are making mobility more human, more intelligent and more sustainable.


These focal points also shed light on the topics you requested through the shareholder portal.


Turning visions into reality.

This is the first topic I would like to talk about today.


What you see right here is nothing less than the future: pure BMW – taken to a whole new level. This is where all the big topics of future mobility come together: Electric. Fully digitalised. Sustainable.


For now, they are still Vision Vehicles – but they will be on the roads in a very similar form very soon. Last year, I promised you a new Vision Vehicle, which we then unveiled at the IAA MOBILITY. The BMW Vision Neue Klasse celebrated its premiere here in Munich. You’ll see right away that it’s a sporty sedan.


No other car at the IAA received as much media coverage and positive feedback – which is just one more reason to bring along another highlight for you today: The BMW Vision Neue Klasse X – a car that very clearly reimagines the BMW X philosophy in a totally new way.


Both vehicles will compete in high-volume segments – because we want our innovations to have a broad impact, not just in niche segments. Both vehicles underline that the NEUE KLASSE is consistent and broad at the same time.

Consistent – in terms of design, technology and sustainability. Broad – with respect to the other models that will follow.


These are the two bookends of the NEUE KLASSE – with lots of room in-between that we intend to exploit. And we deliver on our promises:

Within 24 months of the start of production, there will be at least six different models on the market.


Our industry has never seen speed quite like this before – but if anyone can do it, then it’s us at BMW. We are picking up the pace on a massive scale.


Our new plant in Debrecen, Hungary, will lead the way, with the launch of the first X model in late 2025. This will continue seamlessly in 2026 with the Sedan at our main plant in Munich, as well as Plant Shenyang in China. In 2027, the NEUE KLASSE will also ramp up in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.


Our customers ask: How far can I drive on electric power? How quickly can I charge my car?


We are able to tell them: at least 30 percent farther and 30 percent faster. In practice, this means that: It only takes ten minutes to charge your car for a 300-kilometre trip – hardly enough time to grab a coffee!


This is possible thanks to the new sixth-generation round cells.  We are using them for the first time in the NEUE KLASSE – which means you can look forward to an even higher-level “BMW driving experience”.


What might look like a Playstation is actually four super-brains, each integrating several highly intelligent control units. This opens up new possibilities – from powertrain and driving dynamics, to automated driving, to how we interact with our cars.


The most important aspect for our customers is: What does the NEUE KLASSE feel like on the road? The Board of Management already had the chance to drive the pre-series – and, believe me, it gave us goosebumps.


The magnitude of the technological wave we are unleashing becomes even clearer when you realise:

The innovations of the NEUE KLASSE will be incorporated into all BMW models in the coming years, regardless of their drive technology. In simple terms: Soon, all BMW technology will be NEUE KLASSE. The NEUE KLASSE is set to become our innovation and technology booster for all future areas of activity, including design.


We aren’t just taking mobility to a new level; the BMW Group is also becoming a NEW company. I believe this is entirely in your interest as our shareholders.


My second topic for today reflects our belief in the effectiveness of technology openness.


The heart of the NEUE KLASSE is electric – running on its own, new architecture. If demand for electric vehicles continues to grow as forecast, we will be able to leverage corresponding economies of scale.


But the world is a big place – which is why we continue to serve all markets with premium products. With us, everyone can find the right drivetrain to suit their needs. Anything else would be unwise from a business perspective.


Using technology clusters and modules enables us to be highly flexible. Think of it like this: We can roll out innovations and technological advances across all architectures and segments, and scale them efficiently.


We don’t distinguish between “old” and “new” vehicles – instead, we deliver cutting-edge technology across all areas. And, moreover, we offer the best overall package. This is what we aspire to – and it is perhaps the underlying secret of your company’s success.


Let me give you a current example: Following on from the new BMW 5 Series Sedan, the new BMW 5 Series Touring also comes in four drive technologies. The BMW i5* is all-electric, with an impressive everyday range of over 500 kilometres.


Plug-in hybrids also remain extremely popular. For the new BMW 5 Series, the PHEV variant could account for about 20 percent of our sales in Europe.


This shows we are right on track with our ten attractive PHEV models. And of course, the new 5 Series is also well received as a highly efficient combustion engine.


Focused technology openness is not something that is achieved overnight. You know my position: Building cars is a highly complex task. New market players are realising this too.


It is a strength of your company – and I believe it is also a unique selling point: The ability to master this complexity, seamlessly, and to effectively orchestrate, scale and further develop technologies.


Our sales figures confirm this: BMW is maintaining its leading position in the global premium segment. Our strongest growth last year came from the upper premium and luxury class, as well as our all-electric models, or BEVs for short. We delivered over 375,000 BEVs to customers in 2023 – an increase of almost 75 percent over the previous year.


This dynamism is also reflected in our share of the global BEV market: At 4.1 percent, it is already significantly higher than our share of the total global market, which remains stable at 3.3 percent.


Demand for BEVs will continue to climb – although not in a linear fashion; it will be dynamic and market-specific. We reiterate this time and again – and it holds true in multiple markets.


We see e-mobility as the fastest-growing drive technology – today and in the future. By 2030, all-electric vehicles should account for about half of our deliveries. We remain committed to this goal and are steering the ramp-up in line with demand. We will stay flexible – even well into the 2030s.


We are aligning our strategic planning accordingly – and enabling our architectures. In this way, we can respond quickly at all times. More than 15 BEV models will be available this year across all BMW Group brands.


Here, you can see the MINI Aceman*.


In April, it celebrated its world premiere at AUTO CHINA. The Aceman is offered exclusively as a all-electric vehicle.

It fills the gap between the Cooper* and the Countryman*, which has now grown significantly in size. The new Cooper is already sold out – at least for the next four months. The only thing missing is the new MINI Convertible, which will be released in the second half of the year.


Together, these models form the NEW MINI Family, which is effectively the counterpart to the NEUE KLASSE at BMW: MINI’s leap into the future.


And: We produce the New MINI Family worldwide: at our Spotlight joint venture in China; in Oxford, in the UK; and, for the first time, also in Germany, at Plant Leipzig.


We talked about bookends earlier. Now, with our brands, let’s jump from MINI go-kart feeling to our luxury brand, Rolls-Royce. Spectre* certainly hit the ground running. What a phenomenal start!


In the first quarter of this year, this model alone accounted for 38 percent of Rolls-Royce deliveries. That is how we do e-mobility in the luxury class. Spectre glides along effortlessly, like a flying carpet. Our luxury brand’s vehicles have never been as compelling and as differentiated as they are today. And let’s not forget that they also earn a significant contribution margin for the company.


BMW Motorrad is also reporting profitable growth, having celebrated its centenary in September. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attended the anniversary celebrations at Plant Berlin-Spandau.


We shared two major milestones with him:

First, the inauguration of the new “BMW Motorrad Welt”. What BMW Welt in Munich is to cars, we now also have in Berlin for our two-wheeled vehicles. Second, the world premiere of the R 1300 GS. Many people – myself included, as a motorcycle enthusiast – have been eagerly awaiting the next-generation GS. The trade press was practically euphoric about it.


For those who prefer an electric ride in the city, BMW Motorrad’s second electric model, the CE 02, is perfect.


Our core BMW brand also has a slew of upcoming, exciting vehicles, with 14 launches and numerous model variants this year alone.


The BMW 1 Series will be released onto the market in the compact class.


And we will launch the new BMW X3 – one of our most popular models overall. The new X3 will be available with a highly-efficient combustion engine and as a plug-in hybrid variant.


We recently presented our new and future vehicles to our retailers, including 1,500 retailers from all over Europe in Amsterdam. We did the same in Las Vegas for over 1,000 dealers from the Americas region. I got the sense at both events that our retailers are genuinely excited about what is to come.


Especially for Europe, I have to stress: The retailers will remain by our side in the new sales system – that won’t change. We are already using direct sales for MINI in China and reporting positive experiences in the first European countries. We will be transitioning the BMW brand to the new direct and fully digitalized sales model in Europe from 2026, as planned.


You, our shareholders, also wanted to know:

How are we progressing with hydrogen?


Our BMW iX5 Hydrogen* is currently on a world tour, undergoing real-life testing. It is very well received, everywhere it goes. Our pilot fleet is raising awareness of hydrogen’s role in the energy transition – both for mobility and across industries. You rightly expect us to meet the European Union’s CO2 requirements.


In 2023, the BMW Group significantly outperformed the CO2 fleet limit set for us by the EU by more than 20 percent. This year, we expect to see another slight reduction, with all brands and drivetrain variants contributing.


Technology-centric, with a clear focus on e-mobility – we are always consistent in our actions: This is how we are reshaping perception of your company.


What the New York Times writes is precisely researched.


In March, the New York Times praised our drivetrain strategy as far-sighted and consistent. It described BMW as a “winner in electric vehicles” – and Tesla’s only serious competitor. We can certainly live with that. People expect us to consider things carefully and come up with practical solutions – because we consistently demonstrate our ability to do so.


In part three, I’ll look at the reasons for our global success – which, now, more than ever, requires us to act regionally. If you look closely, your company stands out as one of the automotive industry’s few “truly” global manufacturers.


Something like this has to grow systematically – and we have been expanding our footprint for this purpose over the decades.


Let me give you three examples:

China – our biggest single market; Europe – our most important sales region; the US – our “second home”:


First: China, where we employ about a fifth of our workforce. It is – after Germany – our second-largest R&D location. BMW enjoys a high level of trust there – and not just among our own customers. We are highly regarded as a company, because we enter into serious, long-term commitments.


This year, we are celebrating 30 years “at home in China” and more than two decades of commitment in Shenyang.


In April, we signed a new investment agreement with Liaoning Province, worth 20 billion renminbi or 2.5 billion euros. The Shenyang production site of our BBA joint venture is transforming into a BMW iFACTORY.


Also in April, I was part of German Chancellor Scholz’s economic delegation to China. Shortly after that, I was in Beijing at AUTO CHINA, where Prime Minister Li Qiang visited precisely one non-Chinese manufacturer – and that was the BMW Group.

A phrase I hear a lot in China is “China speed”. This is a dynamic country – and we are picking up the pace to keep up: Just last week, our six-millionth vehicle produced in Shenyang since 2003 rolled off the assembly line. We only reached the five million mark about a year earlier. This means we turned out one million vehicles in just 15 months – that is true “China speed”.

Second: Europe.

We sell nearly a third of all our vehicles in the European Union, where we operate ten plants and maintain a broad supplier base. We all benefit from a united Europe – every single day – and should channel all our collective efforts into preserving it.


BMW maintains a global outlook. This is something the chair of the General Works Council and I have reiterated. We urge our associates to pay close attention whenever seemingly simple solutions are proposed for complicated issues.

Enjoying democracy means living democracy – and that includes participation, exercising your right to vote and raising your voice to stand up for democracy. That is why we have asked everyone to vote on June 9.


What applies to Europe, applies even more to Germany: We need the best minds – and the smartest minds think very carefully about where they want to go. That is why we support the “We stand for values” initiative.


In Germany, we have many debates about emotionally charged trigger points. There is broad consensus on meta-topics. This is how sociologist Steffen Mau describes it. His latest study comes to the conclusion: We are not a divided society.


As a result, we shouldn’t speak ill of our country and Germany as a location, but leverage our potential. I can only agree with that.


Third: the USA.


We refer to the US as our “second home”. Next year will be our 50th year in the United States.
In 2023, your company was once again one of the largest net exporters of vehicles from the US by value. Germany is the only place where we have a higher purchasing volume than the US, which currently totals 6.7 billion euros annually.


For over 25 years, we have been a local partner – particularly in South Carolina. Today, Spartanburg is our largest plant – and the whole of the surrounding region has grown with us.


China, Europe and the US: Three examples of how our local presence forges close ties with the regions and markets.


We are living proof that everyone benefits when people work together. That is also one of the reasons why your company continued to grow in all major regions of the world in 2023.


We do business around the globe – and benefit from an integrated global economy.


Now, our global world order is evolving – from a “unipolar world” to a “multi-polar world”, especially in the last 10-15 years. Authors like Carlo Masala talk about the highly integrated and largely self-sufficient economic areas now emerging. We remain committed to open markets and free trade.


I also say this with a view to the European Union’s current deliberations over Chinese imports of electric cars. A 360-degree perspective would be better: 20 percent of all BEVs sold in Europe last year came from China; well over half were western brands, including BMW.


Protectionism triggers a spiral effect: Tariffs lead to new tariffs, with protectionism rather than cooperation.


My over 30 years of experience at BMW suggest that solutions come about when we reach out to one another – and when we are prepared to make compromises ourselves.


That is how we build a consensus that makes us stronger as a society and an economy and enables us to take action.

You are justified in asking how your company secures access to diversified, fragmented markets.


The answer is: by continuing to invest at local level. Also, by finding local solutions and partners for the upstream value chain.


“Local for local” is our recipe for success – and we are now applying this same principle to producing cells for the batteries needed for e-mobility.


Who has control over technological expertise and urgently needed raw materials? That is what decides the competitiveness of companies and economic areas. We locate production facilities for BMW high-voltage batteries close to our vehicle plants – in Hungary, the US and China. Just a few days ago, we laid the foundation stone for the high-voltage battery assembly in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.


The benefits for us are clear: Short transport distances and supply stability in the event of unforeseen events around the globe.


And to get really local: Have you heard of Irlbach-Straßkirchen in Lower Bavaria? It will supply Gen6 batteries for our plants in Bavaria from 2026 onwards. The process wasn’t entirely straightforward. Residents wanted to know: What are the benefits for our region? We engaged in in-depth discussions with them to build trust. Ultimately, an overwhelming majority voted in favour of the new BMW location.


As you can see: Global only works at local level – and this also applies to our supply chains.


We have learned in recent years how vulnerable and susceptible to disruption they can be. Take a guess: How many parts do you think our plants worldwide need to be supplied with every day? The answer is:
36 million. The right quantities have to be in the right place, at the right time, in the best quality.


Our digitalised “i Supply Chain” strategy ensures resilient supply chains.


Our “RiskHub” uses AI and data analytics to identify quality issues in the supplier network early. We also adopt a proactive approach to avoid supply bottlenecks.


You might already have heard of Catena-X. There’s tremendous potential here: Automotive manufacturers, suppliers and, soon, recyclers, are creating a shared data ecosystem that makes sprawling supply chains transparent and allows us to track the carbon footprint of individual components. The type, quantity and source of the raw materials installed can also be digitally documented, allowing us to “trace” them.


And we are about to embark on a pilot project: Plant Landshut produces the kidney grille for the BMW iX* – one component made of many individual components. We will be using data from Catena-X to measure the total carbon footprint of production.

Wherever we collaborate with suppliers, we do so as partners, always treating each other as equals. This is important to me.


Chapter four of my speech focuses on the car as a digital companion: We are making mobility more human, more intelligent and more sustainable.


The world of bits and bytes is highly dynamic. Digitalisation, hand in hand with artificial intelligence, is fundamentally changing how we experience mobility. The questions you submitted through the shareholder portal indicate that this interests you, too.


Intelligent, self-learning systems have long been part of our strategy for the automotive production of the future. You know this as BMW iFACTORY.


Digital added value can be experienced directly in our vehicles, but our approach here remains: Not everything that is possible also makes sense in a car.


Our Head-Up Display is a classic. 20 years ago, we brought this technology from the aeroplane into the car. Now, we are revolutionising this display concept in the NEUE KLASSE.


Take a look for yourselves: Our “BMW Panoramic Vision” uses the full width of the windscreen. Pure high-tech. But we also use digitalization to increase security. In this case, we reduce distraction while driving.


We have grown used to always getting the latest updates from our digital devices – and people expect the same from their cars. Over the air means we can update software in the vehicle at any time, without bringing it in to the workshop. We chose this route early.


Today, your company has the world’s largest fully upgrade-compatible fleet in the market. We can already reach more than 7.5 million vehicles.


The BMW 5 Series sets the standard for automated driving. It is the first car in Germany to be approved for partially automated driving at speeds up to 130 km/h on motorways.


This means you can take your hands off the steering wheel while driving. Your car can also change lanes by itself, when you briefly glance in the side mirror. Active Lane Change Assistant with eye confirmation – a somewhat unwieldy name for a genuine world first.


Since March 2024, Highway Assist has also been available in the BMW 7 Series, X5, X6, X7, iX and XM*. That’s level 2+.


The new BMW 7 Series does even more:

You can even temporarily turn your attention away from the road. It fascinates me, every time the car regulates its own speed, distance and tracking. That is Level 3 highly automated driving – available in the new BMW 7 Series since March. A digital driving experience needs to ensure the safety of all road users.


That is why your company only introduces mature technical solutions onto the road– no beta versions. No experiments at the expense of our customers. You can always rely on that.


Since summer 2023, we have been testing automated driving and parking functions all the way up to Level 4 fully automated driving at our new centre for automated driving in Sokolov in the Czech Republic.

Esteemed Shareholders,


The US publication Time Magazine and the online platform “Statista” analysed and compared 750 international companies: Your company did exceptionally well to make it into the top ten and was, in fact, the highest-ranked automotive manufacturer.


Revenue growth, sustainability and employee satisfaction – many people consider these to be conflicting goals. We find a way to reconcile them.


Our markets are dynamic and the geopolitical environment uncertain. This impacts us – just like it does other companies.


You are counting on us to remain successful – and, indeed, we will! We have ambitious plans for the current financial year. We expect to see a slight increase in sales, compared to the previous year, as well as a significantly higher percentage of all-electric vehicles.


The first fourth months of 2024 show that we are on track for all key performance indicators.


As CEO of BMW, I travel the world a lot. Everywhere I go, I see not only how valuable individual mobility is for many people, but how essential it is.


My experience is also that the BMW Group is appreciated and recognised in all corners of the globe. All of this encourages us to continue forging our own BMW way.


We are able to withstand the headwinds when we have confidence in our direction – which we usually do.


Your company is part of the global community. We engage with it – and evolve in and alongside it. That is extremely important.


The BMW way is also about our capacity for resonance – a term from physics that is also used in sociology.


So, what do I mean by capacity for resonance?

I’m talking about our ability to perceive and understand our relationship with the world – in Germany and elsewhere. We pay attention to developments, absorb them – and give something back to society in return.


This is a natural process we actively participate in and control.


We remain open to all input, but never allow ourselves to be influenced without careful consideration or emotionalised by trigger points. Above all, we avoid drifting aimlessly.


We are in permanent resonance with our evolving society – consciously and for our mutual benefit. And always focused on effectiveness.


The following therefore holds true for your company:

“Strong today – strong tomorrow”.


Another compelling reason for you to continue to stand by us!


Thank you.



BMW i5 eDrive40 Limousine: energy consumption combined: 16,3 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined 0 g/km (WLTP); CO2 class: A; electricity consumption: 571 km (WLTP)

MINI Aceman E: electricity consumption combined: 14,7 – 14,1 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2 class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 298 – 310

MINI Cooper 3-Türer: energy consumption combined in l/100km: 6,4;CO2 emissions combined g/km: 144; CO2 class E

MINI Aceman E: electricity consumption combined: 14,7 – 14,1 kWh/100 km according to WLTP; CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO2-class: A; Range in km according to WLTP: 298 – 310

Rolls-Royce Spectre: energy consumption: 23,6 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined 0 g/km (WLTP); CO2 class A; electricity consumption: 500 km (WLTP)

BMW iX5 Hydrogen: hydrogen consumption combined: 1,19 kg/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO2 class: A

BMW iX xDrive40: energy consumption combined: 19,9 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO2 class: A; electric range: 426 km (WLTP); performance: 240kW (326 PS)

BMW XM: energy consumption combined: 33,6 kWh/100 km and 1,9 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 43 g/km (WLTP); CO2 class: G and B; consumption: 12,9 l/100 km (WLTP)


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