
宝马集团董事会主席奥利弗·齐普策 (Oliver Zipse) 声明 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的季度财报电话会议

宝马集团董事会主席奥利弗·齐普策 (Oliver Zipse) 声明 截至 2024 年 9 月 30 日的季度财报电话会议























我们的销售额增长了 7% 以上,远远超过整个欧洲市场,并且扩大了我们的市场份额。



  • 在英国,增长了 21%,
  • 西班牙增长了 19%,
  • 意大利上涨17%,

法国的增幅为 14%。




全球对我们高端车型高利润车型的需求保持稳定。截至 9 月底,宝马 M 高性能汽车的销量增长了 2%。本月,众多车迷期盼已久的最新 M 车型也将上市:宝马 M5 Touring*。




在宝马、MINI 和劳斯莱斯品牌中,客户有超过 15 种不同车型可供选择。这意味着宝马集团拥有竞争对手中最广泛的全电动汽车系列之一。




尽管其他制造商(包括一些只生产电动汽车的制造商)的销量大幅下降,但电池电动汽车仍是我们 2024 年的增长动力。


截至 9 月底,我们已售出近 30 万辆纯电动汽车,比去年同期增长了 19% 以上。第三季度,纯电动汽车已占宝马集团总销量的 19%。


宝马品牌的全电动车型在欧洲表现尤为出色,前九个月销量增长了 36%。


在全球范围内,宝马强劲的纯电动汽车产品组合推动交付量增长超过 22%。宝马 i4* 仍然是该品牌最受欢迎的电动汽车。

紧随其后的是 BMW iX1*,与 BMW i7* 一样,这款车也实现了两位数的增长。首款全电动 BMW iX2* 在上市后也有望取得成功。


新款纯电动 MINI 车型(以 MINI Cooper SE* 为首)也大受欢迎。MINI BEV 的销量增长了 54%,在第三季度实现了高度强劲的增长。从本月开始,纯电动 MINI Aceman* 也将在欧洲上市。


MINI 还首次为 John Cooper Works 车型提供电动版本。MINI John Cooper Works Electric* 和 MINI John Cooper Works Aceman* 在巴黎车展上首次亮相。


性能和驾驶动态是这两款车型的明显重点。从 2025 年 1 月起,它们将吸引最狂热的赛车运动爱好者。


展望明年,我们预计全电动汽车和部分电动汽车的销量将再次大幅增长。因此,我们认为没有必要修改或推迟欧盟 2025 年更严格的二氧化碳排放目标。


我们长期以来一直在努力实现这些新的船队目标。因此,我们有信心,我们也将满足 2025 年更严格的要求,就像我们在过去几年中一直做到的那样。


尽管如此,我们认为,2025 年之后对欧盟二氧化碳排放车辆立法进行全面和严格的审查是绝对必要的。


最重要的是我们今天可以节省的每一吨二氧化碳,而不是未来的某个时候。这就是为什么还应该重新考虑使用低二氧化碳燃料,如电子燃料、E25 或 HVO100。这些燃料可以立即改善欧盟道路上已有的 2.5 亿多辆汽车的碳足迹。


到 2030 年,纯电动汽车将占我们总销量的 50% 以上。我们推出的纯电动 NEUE KLASSE 将在此过程中发挥重要作用。


NEUE KLASSE 现已进入最后冲刺阶段,我们正在让这个前瞻性项目保持正轨。凭借全新设计、新一代电力驱动和全面的数字体验,NEUE KLASSE 将树立全新的标准。


不到一年的时间,NEUE KLASSE 的首款量产 SAV 车型将在我们位于匈牙利德布勒森的新工厂下线。紧随其后的是来自我们位于慕尼黑的主要工厂的一款运动型轿车。




  • 十月初,我们在德布勒森达到了一个重要的里程碑,开始了预批量生产。
  • 在兰茨胡特工厂,NEUE KLASSE 电动发动机外壳的预批量生产已经开始。
  • 在慕尼黑,NEUE KLASSE 新装配厂的建设与正在进行的生产同时进行。


借助 NEUE KLASSE,我们将把整个车辆组合提升到一个全新的创新水平。这要归功于我们使用的技术集群,这些技术集群可以集成到所有未来的车辆中。


这样,我们所有的产品都将受益于 NEUE KLASSE 实现的技术飞跃。这不仅适用于我们的全电动汽车,也适用于所有驱动技术。


我们持续、系统地实施技术开放也确保我们将在未来几年继续提供最新的 ICE 车型。


2028 年,我们将在我们的动力传动系统产品组合中引入另一个元素:宝马集团首款量产的燃料电池汽车。




为了开发新一代燃料电池传动系统,我们正在深化与丰田的长期合作。我们于 9 月与丰田首席执行官佐藤浩二共同宣布了这一消息。






























我们正在巴伐利亚州的伊尔巴赫-施特拉斯基兴建造一座新装配厂,用于生产最新一代高压电池。这些电池将首次用于 NEUE KLASSE。


















我们在确保短期收益和长期成功之间取得了平衡:今年,我们对新产品、新技术和工厂的投资比以往任何时候都多,以便从明年开始我们能够通过 NEUE KLASSE 延续宝马的成功故事。





BMW M5 Touring: 加权综合能耗:27.6 kWh/100 km 和 2 l/100 km(WLTP);加权综合二氧化碳排放量:45 g/km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:空载电池:G;加权综合:B;空载电池燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km(WLTP)

BMW i4 eDrive40 Gran Coupé:综合能耗:18.6 kWh/100 km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:A

BMW iX1 eDrive20:综合能耗:15.4 kWh/100 km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:A;电动续航里程:474 km(WLTP);性能:150 kW(204 PS)

BMW i7 eDrive50:综合能耗:19.2 kWh/100 km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:A;电动续航里程:610 km(WLTP);性能:335 kW(455 PS)

BMW iX2 eDrive20:综合能耗:15.3 kWh/100 km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:A;电动续航里程:478 km(WLTP);性能:150 kW(204 PS)

MINI Cooper SE:能耗(NEFZ)(kWh/100km):–;能耗(WLTP)(kWh/100km):14.8 – 14.1;电动续航里程(WLTP)(km):385 – 402。

MINI Aceman E: WLTP 综合能耗:14.7 kWh/100 km;WLTP 综合二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km;二氧化碳等级:A;WLTP 电动续航里程:289 – 309 km

MINI Cooper Works Electric: WLTP 能耗(kWh/100km)综合:14.3;WLTP 二氧化碳排放量综合:0;二氧化碳等级:A。

MINI John Cooper Works Aceman: WLTP 能耗(kWh/100km)综合:14.7;二氧化碳排放量(g/km)综合:0;二氧化碳等级:A

Statement Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Conference Call Quarterly Statement to 30 September 2024

Statement Oliver Zipse, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Conference Call Quarterly Statement to 30 September 2024


– Check against delivery –


Ladies and Gentlemen,


At the BMW Group, we always focus on opportunities in the current market, as well as on our long-term success.

We ensure this by acting in a flexible, forward-looking manner.


After the extraordinary challenges in the third quarter, we are looking ahead: In the fourth quarter, we are back on track for stronger earnings in order to achieve our annual targets, despite planned high upfront expenditures.


We continuously adapt to changes in our environment – without ever reacting rashly. We continue to steer our strategic course into the future, while avoiding short-term adjustments that could jeopardise our long-term success.


Our commitment to technology openness has proven its value – and is paying off today more than ever.

Our global positioning across sales, production and our supplier network secures us access to markets worldwide.


BMW is a global company with a strong presence in all relevant economic regions. I regularly take the time to see this for myself. This doesn’t work at a distance, but is best done when you are on the ground.


So, over the past three months, I have visited markets in all of our four sales regions – in Europe, the Americas, China and our emerging “Fourth Pillar Region”, which includes Southeast Asia and the Middle East, among others.


Our global approach has often allowed us to compensate for fluctuating demand in individual markets. Of course, we are monitoring current developments in China very closely. The economic conditions there are challenging – and that applies to all market participants.


However, it’s our ambition to perform better than our competitors, even in a challenging environment.


The key to this lies in our highly attractive product line-up. This enabled the BMW brand to deliver solid sales growth in Europe in the first nine months of the year.

With sales up by over 7 percent, we are significantly outperforming the total European market and expanding our market share.


There was particularly high demand

  • in the UK, with an increase of 21 percent,
  • in Spain, plus 19 percent,
  • in Italy, up 17 percent,

and in France, with a gain of 14 percent.


And the BMW brand is also growing in markets such as South Korea, Australia and India.


Global demand for our high-margin models in the upper vehicle segments remains stable. The high-performance cars of BMW M reported sales growth of two percent in the year to the end of September. This month also sees the market launch of the latest M model many fans have been waiting for: the BMW M5 Touring*.


We are constantly expanding our product range across all drive variants in line with customer demand. Our highly flexible production network allows us to tap market potential.

This applies in particular to our all-electric models. In virtually every relevant segment, the BMW Group has at least one pure electric vehicle.

Across BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, customers have a choice of more than 15 different models. This means that the BMW Group has one of the broadest ranges of fully-electric vehicles among its competitors.


Sales in the first nine months of the year underscore the success of the BMW Group’s electrification strategy.


While other manufacturers – including some that only produce electric cars – are seeing a significant decrease in sales, battery-electric vehicles remain a growth driver for us in 2024.


By the end of September, we had sold almost 300,000 BEVs – an increase of more than 19 percent compared to the same period of last year. In the third quarter, battery-electric vehicles already accounted for 19 percent of the BMW Group’s total sales.


The BMW brand’s fully-electric models performed particularly well in Europe – with sales climbing 36 percent in the first nine months.


Globally, BMW’s strong BEV portfolio fed growth in deliveries of more than 22 percent. The BMW i4* remains the brand’s most popular electric vehicle.

It is closely followed by the BMW iX1*, which – like the BMW i7* – recorded double-digit growth. The first all-electric BMW iX2* is also on track for success following its market launch.


The new all-electric MINI models – led by the MINI Cooper SE* – are also being very well received. With a sales increase of 54 percent, MINI BEVs experienced highly dynamic growth in the third quarter. Starting this month, the all-electric MINI Aceman* will also be available in Europe.


For the first time, MINI is also electrifying its John Cooper Works variants. The MINI John Cooper Works Electric* and MINI John Cooper Works Aceman* celebrated their premiere at the Paris Motor Show.


Performance and driving dynamics are the clear focal point in both models. From January 2025 onwards, they will captivate even the most dedicated motorsport fans.


Looking ahead to next year, we anticipate another significant increase in sales of fully and partially electrified vehicles. For that reason, we see no need to modify or delay the European Union’s stricter CO2 fleet targets for 2025.


We have been working intensively to meet these new fleet targets for a very long time. We are therefore confident that we will also meet the stricter requirements for 2025, as we have consistently in the last years.


Nevertheless, we believe that a comprehensive and critical review of CO2 fleet legislation in the EU following 2025 is absolutely essential.


What matters most is every tonne of CO2 we can save today – not sometime in the future. This is why the use of low-CO2 fuels, such as e-fuels, E25 or HVO100, should also be revisited. These fuels could immediately improve the carbon footprint of the more than 250 million vehicles already on roads in the EU.


By 2030, all-electric vehicles will account for more than 50 percent of our total sales. The rollout of our fully-electric NEUE KLASSE will play an important part in this.


The NEUE KLASSE is now entering the final straight – and we are keeping this forward-looking project on track. With a new design, the next generation of electric drives and a comprehensive digital experience, the NEUE KLASSE will set completely new standards.


In just under a year, the first series-production SAV model of the NEUE KLASSE will roll off the line at our new plant in Debrecen, Hungary. This will soon be followed by a sporty sedan from our main plant in Munich.


Preparations for the launch are progressing well:


  • In early October, we reached an important milestone in Debrecen, with the start of pre-series production.
  • At Plant Landshut, pre-series production of electric-engine housings for the NEUE KLASSE has already begun.
  • In Munich, construction of the new assembly for the NEUE KLASSE is progressing in parallel with ongoing production.


With the NEUE KLASSE, we will elevate our entire vehicle portfolio to a whole new level of innovation. This will be possible thanks to our use of technology clusters, which can be integrated into all future vehicles.


In this way, all our products will benefit from the technological leaps we will achieve with the NEUE KLASSE. This applies not only to our all-electric vehicles, but across all drive technologies.


Our continued, systematic implementation of technology openness also ensures that we will continue to offer the latest ICE models in the coming years.


In 2028, we will introduce another element to our drive train portfolio: the BMW Group’s first series-produced fuel cell vehicle.


Hydrogen will play an increasingly important role in decarbonisation. This makes vehicles with a fuel cell drive train a logical complement to established drive technologies.


To develop the new generation of fuel cell drive trains, we are deepening our long-standing cooperation with Toyota. We announced this in September together with Toyota CEO Koji Sato.


This collaboration also shares the goal of expanding infrastructure for hydrogen refuelling and electric vehicle charging.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


The European automotive industry currently faces fundamentally different challenges from those we have faced in the past.

We are not dealing with a singular, overarching occurrence.

Instead, we are facing a tangle of critical influencing factors that keep growing in number.


In such a phase, we do not need short-term incentives that only create a fleeting impact. What global companies truly need is a reliable and binding framework for progress and prosperity.


It should be up to each company to find the best technological solutions to meet legal requirements and to further reduce CO2 emissions.


Instead, more and more obstacles are constantly being placed in the way of existing successful technologies. As a result, potential for reducing CO2 emissions cannot be utilized. At the same time, decisions are being made that even harm the industry.


The introduction of tariffs on electric vehicles imported into the EU from China is just one example. Import duties do NOT make European manufacturers any more competitive.


On the contrary: They undermine the business models of companies that operate globally.

And, since these tariffs mainly affect small electric cars built by European manufacturers, they could even impede the growth of e-mobility.


Measures like these are also inconsistent with the EU value of free trade. Free movement of goods is a key success factor for economic growth – not just within the European Union, but globally.


Free trade remains a guiding principle for the BMW Group – and we will continue to advocate for it. Because protectionism always carries the risk that measures will provoke countermeasures – ultimately hurting everyone involved, rather than benefitting any of them.


We operate as a global player, making it all the more important to maintain our strategy of balanced global positioning. This applies as much to our sales and production network as to our selection of suppliers.


We continue to systematically expand our “local for local” approach – making our supply chains more resilient and improving our access to different market regions.


And while Germany’s future as an industrial location may be questioned by some, we are making investments here.

In Irlbach-Straßkirchen in Bavaria, we are building a new assembly plant for the latest generation of high-voltage batteries. They will be used for the first time in the NEUE KLASSE.


A total of five new assembly plants are under construction near our production sites worldwide, across all three major sales regions – Europe, the Americas and China.


In this way, we are already laying the foundation today for successful growth in the future.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


This past quarter, we faced a series of extraordinary challenges.


One of the BMW Group’s biggest strengths is our ability to consistently find the right solutions and implement the necessary steps swiftly and efficiently.


Our company maintains a robust global presence. Our strategic direction for the future is solid. We are carefully adapting our approach to changing conditions and planning for a range of scenarios.


We continue to be guided by the developments we can realistically expect to see in different regions of the world.


The fourth quarter will demonstrate that our measures – despite all the ongoing challenges – yield positive results. We therefore approach the final quarter of the current financial year with a sense of confidence.


We are striking a balance between securing short-term earnings and long-term success: This year, we are investing more than ever in new products, technologies and our plants, so that we can continue the BMW success story with the NEUE KLASSE from next year onwards.


Thank you.



BMW M5 Touring: energy consumption weighted combined: 27,6 kWh/100 km and 2 l/100 km (WLTP); CO₂ emissions weighted combined: 45 g/km (WLTP); CO₂ classes: unloaded battery: G; weighted combined: B; fuel consumption with unloaded battery: 10,9 l/100 km (WLTP)

BMW i4 eDrive40 Gran Coupé: energy consumption weighted combined: 18,6 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO₂ classes: A

BMW iX1 eDrive20: energy consumption weighted combined: 15,4 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO₂ classes: A; electrical range: 474 km (WLTP); performance: 150 kW (204 PS)

BMW i7 eDrive50: energy consumption weighted combined: 19,2 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO₂ classes: A; electrical range: 610 km (WLTP); performance: 335 kW (455 PS)

BMW iX2 eDrive20: energy consumption weighted combined: 15,3 kWh/100 km (WLTP); CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km (WLTP); CO₂ classes: A; electrical range: 478 km (WLTP); performance: 150 kW (204 PS)

MINI Cooper SE: energy consumption (NEFZ) in kWh/100km: – ; energy consumption (WLTP) in kWh/100km: 14,8 – 14,1; electrical range (WLTP) in km: 385 – 402.

MINI Aceman E: WLTP energy consumption combined: 14,7 kWh/100 km; WLTP CO2 emissions combined: 0 g/km; CO₂ classes: A; WLTP electrical range: 289 – 309 km

MINI Cooper Works Electric: WLTP energy consumption combined in kWh/100km: 14.3 ; WLTP CO2 emissions combined: 0; CO₂ classes: A .

MINI John Cooper Works Aceman: WLTP energy consumption combined in kWh/100km: 14.7; CO2 emissions combined in g/km: 0; CO₂ classes: A




BMW M 赛车运动新闻,2023 年 10 月 17 日


MINI Countryman E 受欢迎配置:全电动且功能多样
