
以独特的风格展示出卓越的动力:全新 BMW M5 的 BMW M 性能部件

从首款搭载 M HYBRID 驱动系统的高性能轿车推出以来,就有大量特定车型的改装产品可供选择


慕尼黑。从新款 BMW M5 上市之日起,BMW 原装附件系列将提供多种选择,旨在更加凸显这款高性能轿车的动态特性(汽油和电力消耗 – 加权、综合:1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] 和 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km(WLTP 循环);二氧化碳排放量 – 加权、综合:39 – 37 g/km(WLTP 循环);电池放电后的燃油消耗:10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级:加权、综合 B,电池放电后 G)。特定型号的 BMW M 性能部件使车主能够真正精准地磨练最新 BMW M 车型的运动外观,以及最重要的空气动力学平衡。

新款 BMW M5 配备 M HYBRID 驱动系统,最大输出功率为 535 kW/727 hp,峰值系统扭矩为 1,000 Nm (737 lb-ft),其定制底盘技术和 M xDrive 智能全轮驱动系统,可提供同级车型中无与伦比的性能体验。其出色的动态性能与强劲、纯粹的外观设计相得益彰。与出厂时提供的 M Carbon 外观套件一样,一系列 BMW M 性能部件(同样采用减重高科技碳纤维制成,从新款 BMW M5 上市时开始提供)营造出罕见而独特的运动魅力。



新款 BMW M5 富有表现力的外观由雕塑般的前裙板和引人注目的 BMW M 双肾格栅以及突出的外扩式轮拱和侧裙板构成。外部的 BMW M 性能配件与汽车的几何形状和设计完美契合,并进一步突出了轿车的动感线条和强劲的身躯。

新款 BMW M5 的 BMW M Performance 配件系列的一大亮点是引人注目的两段式 M Performance 碳纤维后扩散器。它与碳纤维 M Performance 尾管饰件相结合,为这款高性能轿车的尾部带来了现代而极具运动感的外观。M Performance 尾管饰件由钛/碳纤维混合物制成。它们配有铣削钛端环和压花 M5 标志,营造出一种相当强大和气势磅礴的外观。

M Performance 碳纤维后扩散器既可以作为 M Carbon 外部套件中的后扰流板的补充,也可以与 M Performance 专业碳纤维后扰流板配合使用,后者也可作为改装选项。这可确保在极其动态的驾驶情况下精确优化空气路径。

M Performance 碳纤维前分流器进一步增强了新款 BMW M5 的空气动力学平衡和视觉冲击力。它也可与两种后扰流板搭配使用。两段式 M Performance 碳纤维前分流器更加突出地展示了中央下部进气口(首次通过中央隔板将其一分为二)。

超宽轮距和定制的车身侧框设计赋予新款 BMW M5 肌肉感十足的车身比例。M Performance 碳纤维门槛延伸件进一步强调了汽车侧面的运动造型。它们可以与 M 碳纤维外后视镜盖相结合,营造出特别有凝聚力的整体印象。所有碳纤维连接件均采用碳纤维增强塑料 (CFRP) 精心手工制作,并涂有高品质透明涂层。


M 典型的赛车感觉和细节定制。

新款 BMW M5 的动感外形通过 M Performance 的冰黑色侧贴进一步凸显。这些高品质贴花可以承受商业洗车,并且与 M5 的几何形状无缝融合。M Performance 天线罩芳纶——同样由独家纤维复合材料制成——为车顶增添了时尚亮点。此外,从 2025 年夏季起,新款 BMW M5 将配备 M Performance 轻合金轮毂。

M Performance 碳纤维油箱盖将这款新型高性能轿车的专属气质延伸到细节层面,可通过拉丝铝制 M Performance 徽章识别。四块 M Performance 地垫 – 每块都采用对比色的装饰缝线和 M Performance 徽章 – 为内饰增添了更多运动气息。M Performance 轮胎袋也为客户的车库带来了赛车运动的感觉。它们印有 BMW M GmbH 颜色的徽标和指示车轮位置的图形,并配有加固手柄,方便携带。M Performance 钥匙包也是一个独特的亮点。优雅、贴合的黑色细粒面纳帕皮革盖可保护车主的车钥匙免遭刮擦,并以时尚的方式完善了 BMW M Performance 零件系列。

新款 BMW M5 的 BMW M 性能配件以 BMW M GmbH 成熟的赛车专业知识和 50 多年的经验为基础开发而成,设计精确,适合高性能跑车的特殊特性。此外,改装产品已根据 BMW 集团严格的质量准则进行了测试,并已与整车一起通过了认证,这意味着无需在车辆许可机构单独注册。



汽油和电力消耗 – 加权、综合:1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] 和 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km(WLTP 循环);二氧化碳排放量 – 加权、综合:39 – 37 g/km(WLTP 循环);电池放电后的燃油消耗:10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp](WLTP 循环);二氧化碳等级:加权、综合 B,电池放电后 G

Standout dynamics showcased in distinctive style: the BMW M Performance Parts for the all-new BMW M5.

Extensive selection of model-specific retrofit products available from the launch of the first high-performance sedan with M HYBRID drive system.


Munich. From the launch of the new BMW M5, the range of Original BMW Accessories will offer a wide variety of options designed to shine an even brighter spotlight on the dynamic character of the high-performance sedan (petrol and electric power consumption – weighted, combined: 1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] and 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km in the WLTP cycle; CO2 emissions – weighted, combined: 39 – 37 g/km in the WLTP cycle; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes: weighted, combined B, with discharged battery G). Model-specific BMW M Performance Parts allow owners to hone both the athletic looks of the latest BMW M model and, above all, its aerodynamic balance with genuine precision.

With its M HYBRID drive system, which produces maximum output of 535 kW/727 hp and peak system torque of 1,000 Nm (737 lb-ft), its bespoke chassis technology and the M xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system, the new BMW M5 offers a performance experience beyond anything else in its class. Its standout dynamic capability is complemented by a powerful, puristic exterior design. Like the M Carbon exterior package available ex-factory, a host of BMW M Performance Parts – also made from weight-saving, high-tech carbon fibre and available from the launch of the new BMW M5 – generate a rare and distinctive sporting allure.


Exterior components in carbon fibre accentuate the car’s dynamic lines and optimise its aerodynamic balance.

The expressive appearance of the new BMW M5 is shaped by its sculptural front apron and eye-catching BMW M kidney grille, as well as by prominently flared wheel arches and side skirts. The BMW M Performance Parts for the exterior fit neatly into the car’s geometry and design, and bring added emphasis to both the sedan’s dynamic lines and its powerful stature.

A highlight of the BMW M Performance Parts range for the new BMW M5 is the head-turning, two-section M Performance rear diffuser carbon fibre. It teams up with the M Performance tailpipe trims carbon fibre to bring a modern and extremely sporty look to the rear end of the high-performance sedan. The M Performance tailpipe trims are made from a titanium/carbon fibre mix. With their milled titanium end rings and embossed M5 logo, they create a suitably powerful and imposing proposition.

The M Performance rear diffuser carbon fibre is offered either as an addition to the rear spoiler included in the M Carbon exterior package or in conjunction with the M Performance rear spoiler pro carbon fibre also available as a retrofit option. This ensures precisely optimised air routing in extremely dynamic driving situations.

The M Performance front splitter carbon fibre further enhances the aerodynamic balance and visual impact of the new BMW M5. It too is available in tandem with either of the two rear spoiler variants. The two-section M Performance front splitter carbon fibre showcases the central lower air intake – which, for the first time, is split into two by a central partition – even more prominently.

Extremely wide tracks and a bespoke design for the side frame of the body give the new BMW M5 muscular proportions. The M Performance sill extensions carbon fibre lend additional emphasis to the athletic form of the car’s side view. They can be combined with the M exterior mirror caps carbon fibre to create a particularly cohesive overall impression. All of the carbon fibre attachment parts are meticulously hand-crafted from carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) with a high-quality clear coat finish.


M-typical racing feeling and detail customisation.

The dynamic profile of the new BMW M5 can be further accentuated by the M Performance side decals in Frozen Black. These high-quality decals can withstand commercial car washes and again integrate seamlessly with the geometry of the M5. The M Performance aerial cover aramid – likewise constructed from an exclusive fibre composite material – brings a stylistic highlight to the car’s roof. Added to which, M Performance light-alloy wheels will be offered for the new BMW M5 from summer 2025.

The M Performance fuel tank cap carbon fibre extends the new high-performance sedan’s aura of exclusivity to a detail level and can be identified by its M Performance badging in brushed aluminium. The quartet of M Performance floor mats – each of which features decorative stitching in contrasting colours and M Performance badging – add further sporting touches to the interior. The M Performance tyre bags bring motor sport feeling to the customer’s garage, too. They are printed with a logo in BMW M GmbH colours and a graphic indicating the wheel position, and have a reinforced handle for easy transportation. The M Performance key case also makes a distinctive statement. The elegant, precisely fitting cover in black fine-grain nappa leather protects the owner’s car key against scratches and rounds off the BMW M Performance Parts line-up in stylish fashion.

The BMW M Performance Parts available for the new BMW M5 have been developed on the back of BMW M GmbH’s established motor-racing expertise and the experience it has garnered over more than five decades – and are designed precisely to fit the particular characteristics of the high-performance sports car. Plus, the retrofit products have been tested according to the BMW Group’s stringent quality guidelines and have already undergone homologation alongside the overall vehicle, which means separate registration with the vehicle licensing authorities is not required.



Petrol and electric power consumption – weighted, combined: 1.7 – 1.6 l/100 km [166.2 – 176.6 mpg imp] and 25.5 – 25.0 kWh/100 km in the WLTP cycle; CO2 emissions – weighted, combined: 39 – 37 g/km in the WLTP cycle; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.3 – 10.2 l/100 km [27.4 – 27.7 mpg imp] in the WLTP cycle; CO2 classes: weighted, combined B, with discharged battery G


BMW M Visionary Materials Seat 荣获 2024 年 Altair Enlighten 奖可持续流程类别




BMW M 赛车新闻:2022年7月25日
