

+++ 新款 BMW M5 Touring 在丁戈尔芬工厂投入生产 +++ 第三代车型首次搭载电动传动系统 +++ 工厂扩大高性能车型系列 +++


丁戈尔芬。今天,在 BMW M5 轿车投产四个月后,新款 BMW M5 Touring 在 BMW 集团丁戈尔芬工厂开始量产(综合加权油耗:2.0 l/100 km 和 30.7 kWh/100 km;综合加权 CO2 排放量:46 g/km;电池放电时的燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km(WLTP);CO2 等级:综合加权 B;电池放电时 G)。新车型将出色的驾驶动力与适合日常生活、休闲和旅行的多功能空间相结合。

这是目前第三款配备 M HYBRID 传动系统的 BMW M 车型,其中高转速 V8 传动系统与动力发展极其灵敏的电子驱动系统相得益彰。两款发动机共同提供 535 kW/727 hp 的峰值性能和 1,000 Nm 的最大扭矩。

“随着 BMW M5 Touring 的推出,‘丁戈尔芬制造’的全新 BMW 5 系系列已趋于完整,”工厂总监 Christoph Schröder 说道。“我们现在可以为全球核心车型系列的客户提供各种独特的驱动技术和车身变体。”

随着新车型的推出,该工厂还继续扩大其 BMW M 高性能汽车的生产。除了 BMW M4 双门轿跑车和敞篷车、BMW M8 双门轿跑车、敞篷车和四门轿跑车以及 BMW M5 轿车外,新款 BMW M5 Touring 是
丁戈尔芬生产线下线的第七款 M 衍生车型。BMW M 车型约占丁戈尔芬总产量的 6%。


BMW M5 Touring:加权综合消耗:2.0 l/100 km 和 30.7 kWh/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放量:46 g/km;电池放电后燃油消耗:10.9 l/100 km(WLTP);二氧化碳等级:加权综合 B;电池放电后 G。

Sportiness meets everyday practicality

+++ New BMW M5 Touring celebrates start of production at Plant Dingolfing +++ Third generation available for the first time with electrified drive train +++ Plant expands range of high-performance vehicles +++


Dingolfing. Today, four months after the start of production for the BMW M5 Sedan, series production of the new BMW M5 Touring got underway at BMW Group Plant Dingolfing (consumption weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km and 30.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 46 g/km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: weighted, combined B; with discharged battery G). The new model combines exceptional driving dynamics with versatile space for everyday life, leisure and travel.

It is the third current BMW M vehicle to feature an M HYBRID drive train in which a high-rpm V8 power train is complemented by an e-drive with extremely responsive power development. Together, the two engines deliver a peak performance of 535 kW/727 hp and a maximum torque of 1,000 Nm.

“With the BMW M5 Touring, the new BMW 5 Series family ‘made in Dingolfing’ is complete,” says Plant Director Christoph Schröder. “We can now offer customers of our core model series worldwide a unique variety of drive technologies and body variants.”

With the addition of the new model, the location also continues to expand its production of BMW M high-performance cars. Alongside the BMW M4 Coupé and Convertible, the BMW M8 Coupé, Convertible and Gran Coupé and the BMW M5 Sedan, the new BMW M5 Touring is the seventh
M derivative to come off the Dingolfing production line. BMW M models account for around six percent of Dingolfing’s total production.


BMW M5 Touring: consumption weighted, combined: 2.0 l/100 km and 30.7 kWh/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted, combined: 46 g/km; fuel consumption with discharged battery: 10.9 l/100 km (WLTP); CO2 classes: weighted, combined B; with discharged battery G.




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