
SPECTRE 继续其定制之旅,与 SEMAPHORE 合作参加蒙特雷汽车周

劳斯莱斯汽车公司推出 Spectre Semaphore,这是一款 Bespoke 定制版车型,将于 8 月 16 日在加州 2024 年蒙特雷汽车周期间在 The Quail 赛车聚会上全球首发。这款高度定制的劳斯莱斯 Spectre 车型体现了该品牌自信、年轻的客户群体正在建立的大胆新奢华准则。


  • 劳斯莱斯 Spectre Semaphore 体现了品牌大胆、年轻客户的全新奢华准则
  • 定制信号黄油漆灵感源自加州沿海地区的休闲优雅
  • 引人注目的“大理石纹喷漆”引擎盖耗时 160 小时开发
  • 定制数字仪表盘搭配鲜艳的黄色配色
  • 高光羊绒灰色木质套装采用微妙的金属饰面
  • 将于 2024 年 8 月 16 日星期五在蒙特雷汽车周的赛车运动聚会 The Quail 上首次亮相
  • 全球仅构建一个 Spectre Semaphore

劳斯莱斯汽车公司推出了 Spectre Semaphore,这是一款独一无二的 Bespoke 定制车型,将于 8 月 16 日在加州 2024 年蒙特利汽车周期间,在赛车运动聚会 The Quail 上全球首发。这款劳斯莱斯 Spectre 高度 Bespoke 表达了劳斯莱斯自信、年轻的客户群所建立的大胆全新奢华准则。

外部车身采用 Bespoke 信号黄,这款定制车型的名称即源于此。引擎盖上独特的艺术品进一步提升了这种纯色,其灵感来自加州沿海地区的休闲优雅。该图形名为“大理石纹油漆溢出”,是对金州及其多样化环境的抽象致敬。从南加州的阳光到东部银色的山顶,Bespoke 工匠将这一灵感变成了现实。

为打造这一图案,劳斯莱斯工匠采用银漆和多层清漆,以实现天衣无缝的效果。仅引擎盖就花费了 160 多个小时的设计、开发和生产时间。

明亮的黄色延伸到车内。座椅、星光门和仪表板上方采用了 Bespoke 柠檬黄和黄水晶黄的组合。它与柠檬黄缝线形成的对比色格雷斯白和板岩灰融为一体。该品牌的设计师还充分利用了 SPIRIT 操作系统提供的数字 Bespoke 潜力,将表盘与车型的黄色配色相得益彰。Spectre

Semaphore 以简洁、高抛光的 Bespoke 喷漆木套件最大限度地发挥了内饰套件的现代设计感。羊绒灰色漆面与灰色材料装饰相匹配,并注入了银云母薄片,在直射光下散发出活泼的光芒。

劳斯莱斯 Spectre Semaphore 仅生产一辆。它将于 8 月 16 日在 The Quail 赛车运动聚会上展出,作为劳斯莱斯汽车参加 2024 年蒙特雷汽车周的一部分。


  • Spectre:  WLTP:耗电量:2.6-2.8 英里/千瓦时 / 23.6-22.2 千瓦时/100 公里。电动续航里程 329 英里 / 530 公里。NEDC:二氧化碳排放量 0 克/公里。


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars unveils Spectre Semaphore, a Bespoke one-of-one commission that will make its global debut at The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, on 16 August, during the 2024 Monterey Car Week in California. This highly Bespoke expression of Rolls-Royce Spectre captures the bold new codes of luxury being established by the marque’s confident, youthful client base.


  • Rolls-Royce Spectre Semaphore reflects new codes of luxury among marque’s bold, youthful clients
  • Bespoke Semaphore Yellow paint inspired by informal elegance of coastal California
  • Dramatic ‘Marbled Paint Spill’ bonnet took 160 hours of development
  • Bespoke digital instrument dials match vivid yellow colourway
  • High-gloss Cashmere Grey wood set incorporates a subtle metallic finish
  • Debut on Friday 16 August at The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, at Monterey Car Week 2024
  • Only one Spectre Semaphore to be built globally

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars unveils Spectre Semaphore, a Bespoke one-of-one commission that will make its global debut at The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, on 16 August, during the 2024 Monterey Car Week in California. This highly Bespoke expression of Rolls-Royce Spectre captures the bold new codes of luxury being established by the marque’s confident, youthful client base.

The exterior coachwork is finished in Bespoke Semaphore Yellow – the colour from which this commission takes its name. This solid hue is further elevated with a unique artwork on the bonnet, inspired by the informal elegance of coastal California. Named ‘Marbled Paint Spill’, the graphic is an abstract tribute to the Golden State and its diverse environment. From the sunshine of Southern California to the eastern silver mountain tops, the Bespoke artisans have brought this inspiration to reality.

To create this motif, Rolls-Royce craftspeople applied silver lacquer and multiple layers of clearcoat for a seamless finish. The bonnet alone is the product of over 160 hours of design, development and production.

The bright yellow colourway extends into the motor car’s interior. A combination of Bespoke Lemon Yellow and Citrine Yellow is used across the seats, Starlight doors and above the instrument panel. It blends into the contrasting Grace White and Slate Grey hues with Lemon Yellow stitching. The marque’s designers also leveraged the digital Bespoke potential offered by the SPIRIT operating system by complementing the dials to the motor car’s yellow colourway.

Spectre Semaphore maximises the interior suite’s contemporary design with a clean, high-polish Bespoke painted wood set. Coloured to match the grey material accents, the Cashmere Grey paint is infused with silver mica flakes, which creates a vivacious sparkle under direct light.

Only one Rolls-Royce Spectre Semaphore will be built. It will be displayed on 16 August at The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, as part of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ presence at Monterey Car Week 2024.


  • Spectre: WLTP: Power consumption: 2.6-2.8 mi/kWh / 23.6-22.2 kWh/100km. Electric range 329 mi / 530 km. NEDC: CO2 emissions 0 g/km.


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