

作为品牌成立 120 周年庆典的一部分,劳斯莱斯汽车公司欢迎安妮公主殿下首次正式访问古德伍德劳斯莱斯总部。


  • 安妮公主殿下首次正式访问古德伍德劳斯莱斯总部
  • 此次参观包括全面参观该品牌的全球奢侈品制造卓越中心
  • 听取公司当前正在进行的扩建项目及未来发展规划
  • 纪念牌匾揭幕

“我们很荣幸在今年的120周年庆典中欢迎安妮公主莅临劳斯莱斯总部。女王殿下首次访问古德伍德是我们历史上的一个关键时刻,我们开始对制造设施和产能进行自 2003 年开始在这里制造汽车以来最大的投资。通过与众多同事的会面——包括世界级的工匠和以学徒为代表的新一代人才——我们很高兴有机会向公主展示我们是谁、我们在做什么以及我们对当地、区域和国家经济的巨大贡献。我们很自豪能够延续劳斯莱斯汽车与皇室数十年的友好关系。” 劳斯莱斯汽车

120周年庆典的一部分 。


首席执行官克里斯·布朗里奇介绍了劳斯莱斯董事会成员,包括财务、制造、销售和品牌、全球传播和人力资源总监,然后带领安妮公主参观了工厂。参观了主要的幕后区域,包括表面处理中心、Bespoke 和星光顶篷部门、装配、内饰和内饰表面中心以及测试和完成设施。每到一站,安妮公主都会与经理、同事和学徒见面,他们向安妮公主解释他们的材料、工艺和手艺如何造就了被广泛称为“世界上最好的汽车”。

随后,首席执行官兼制造总监向安妮公主介绍了目前正在进行的场地扩建项目,该项目位于该品牌现有工厂和全球总部附近的土地上。克里斯·布朗里奇解释说,这是劳斯莱斯之家自 2003 年开业以来首次对实体空间和设施进行重大改变。

该项目对公司的长期可持续发展和繁荣至关重要。劳斯莱斯古德伍德总部有 2,500 多名员工,公司在其更广泛的供应链中支持超过 7,500 个工作岗位。伦敦经济学院 2023 年的一项研究发现,劳斯莱斯每年为英国经济贡献超过 5 亿英镑,其中五分之一来自奇切斯特和西萨塞克斯。在劳斯莱斯



Rolls-Royce Motor Cars welcomed Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal to the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood for her first official visit, as part of the marque’s 120th anniversary celebrations.


  • Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal made her first official visit to the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood
  • Visit included full tour of the marque’s Global Centre of Luxury Manufacturing Excellence
  • Briefed on the company’s extension project currently in progress and future development plans
  • Commemorative plaque unveiled to mark the occasion

“We’re honoured to welcome The Princess Royal to the Home of Rolls-Royce as part of our 120th anniversary celebrations this year. Her Royal Highness makes her first visit to Goodwood at a pivotal moment in our history, as we embark on the biggest investment in our manufacturing facilities and capabilities since we began building motor cars here in 2003. Through meetings with a broad range of colleagues – including world-class craftspeople and the new generation of talent represented by our apprentices – we were delighted to have the opportunity to show The Princess who we are, what we do and our immense contribution to the local, regional and national economies. We’re proud to continue the relationship Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has enjoyed with the Royal Family over many decades.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars welcomed Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal to the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood for her first official visit, as part of the marque’s 120th anniversary celebrations.

The Princess Royal was joined by dignitaries, including: the Vice Lord-Lieutenant for West Sussex, Sir Richard Kleinwort, Bt., DL; the High Sheriff, Mrs Philippa Gogarty; the Chair of West Sussex County Council, Councillor Pieter Montyn; the Chair of Chichester District Council, Councillor Clare Apel; and Jess Brown-Fuller, Member of Parliament for Chichester.

Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, introduced members of the Rolls-Royce Board including the Directors of Finance, Manufacturing, Sales and Brand, Global Communications and Human Resources, before conducting Her Royal Highness on a tour of the plant. The tour took in key behind-the-scenes areas including the Surface Finish Centre, Bespoke & Starlight Headliner department, Assembly, Interior Trim and Interior Surface Centres and the Test & Finish facility. At each stop, The Princess Royal met managers, associates and apprentices, who explained how their materials, processes and craft skills contribute to creating what is widely known as ‘the best car in the world’.

The CEO and Director of Manufacturing then briefed Her Royal Highness on the site extension project now underway on land adjacent to the marque’s existing plant and global headquarters. Chris Brownridge explained that this represents the first major change to the physical footprint and facilities at the Home of Rolls-Royce since it opened in 2003.

The project is crucial to the company’s long-term sustainability and prosperity. More than 2,500 people work at the Home of Rolls-Royce, at Goodwood, and the company supports more than 7,500 jobs in its wider supply chain. A 2023 study by the London School of Economics found that Rolls-Royce contributes more than half a billion pounds to the UK economy every year, with a fifth generated locally in Chichester and West Sussex.

Attended by an audience of Rolls-Royce associates, Her Royal Highness unveiled a plaque commemorating her visit and signed the Visitors’ Book.


冰上激情冬日:兰博基尼Esperienza Neve亮相内蒙古


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