

一个多世纪以来,欢庆女神一直是优雅和人类成就的象征,激发了无数艺术作品的创作,从音乐到摄影和动态影像。2024 年,劳斯莱斯汽车庆祝成立 120 周年,推出了一款名为“幻影火花”的独特私人收藏版,向其永恒的缪斯女神致敬。


  • 劳斯莱斯汽车推出幻影 Scintilla 私人珍藏版
  • 灵感源自欢庆女神的优雅、活力和飘逸之美
  • 采用精美陶瓷饰面的欢庆女神雕像
  • 回顾小雕像的灵感:希腊大理石雕塑“萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神”
  • “天体脉动”画廊艺术品和定制星光顶篷动画捕捉了欢庆女神稍纵即逝的身影
  • 车门和座椅的刺绣包含 869,500 针
  • 劳斯莱斯汽车史上最复杂的内门设计
  • 基于 Phantom Extended,为 Bespoke 委托打造的终极画布
  • 所有 10 辆均通过劳斯莱斯私人办公室网络分配给全球客户

克劳德·约翰逊,劳斯莱斯有限公司董事总经理——劳斯莱斯小雕像的原始简介(1910 年)


制作精美的定制产品和塑造非凡体验直接响应了当今超豪华消费者的需求。这种方法将继续塑造我们的业务。我们将扩大我们全球 VIP 专属私人办公室网络,我们的设计师将直接与客户合作,共同打造最非凡的汽车,无论身在何处他们遍布世界各地。我们将扩大古德伍德总部的规模,扩大我们的定制产品范围,并将继续打造世界上最精致、最精致的体验和定制奢侈品。 “Phantom Scintilla 是对这些原则的完美体现,它向我们永恒的缪斯女神——欢庆女神致敬。”
劳斯莱斯汽车首席执行官克里斯·布朗里奇 (Chris Brownridge)

一个多世纪以来,欢庆女神一直是优雅与人类成就的象征,启发了从音乐到摄影和动态影像等无数艺术作品的创作。2024 年,劳斯莱斯汽车将庆祝其成立 120 周年,为此,劳斯莱斯汽车推出了名为 Phantom Scintilla 的独特私人收藏版,以此向其永恒的缪斯女神致敬。这个华丽的收藏版以 Phantom Extended——个性化的终极画布——为基础,颂扬了欢庆女神的空灵之美、优雅和传统。

劳斯莱斯 Phantom Scintilla 全球仅限量 10 辆,其设计唤起了人们对欢庆女神稍纵即逝的奇妙感觉:其精致的内饰特征灵感来自于汽车滑过时,欢庆女神长袍的明显移动。

优雅的定制刺绣贯穿整个内饰,捕捉欢庆女神的优雅动感,并在复杂的 Gallery 艺术品中达到顶峰。精心策划的设计特征暗示了雕像的起源,它们参考了帕罗斯大理石:2000 多年前,一位不知名的古希腊天才用这种著名的材料雕刻了萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神,这尊雕像启发了克劳德·约翰逊最初设计劳斯莱斯吉祥物的想法。Phantom

Scintilla 的名字源于拉丁语“火花”——一种只能瞬间看到的明亮闪光。这指的是克劳德·约翰逊第一次想到吉祥物时,即上述希腊雕像,并捕捉到了欢庆女神的飘逸优雅——当汽车驶过时,这种优雅只能一闪而过,但却给人留下了深刻的印象。


1910 年,劳斯莱斯董事总经理克劳德·约翰逊委托雕塑家兼插画家查尔斯·赛克斯创作劳斯莱斯吉祥物。约翰逊心中已有灵感:在一次巴黎之旅中,他参观了卢浮宫,对一尊从天而降的希腊大理石雕像《 萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神》印象深刻,这尊雕像可追溯到公元前 190 年。

然而,赛克斯认为这座雕像过于霸气,不适合作为主题。由于经常乘坐银魅,他认为一个更为精致、飘逸的人物更能体现出劳斯莱斯的优雅、静谧和微妙的力量。现在普遍认为,约翰逊从蒙塔古勋爵的秘书兼情妇埃莉诺·桑顿那里获得了欢庆女神的灵感。在打造 Phantom Scintilla 的过程中,Bespoke Collective 通过引入新材料并巧妙地借鉴了《 萨莫色雷斯岛的胜利女神》的迷人形象,重拾了约翰逊最初的一些灵感。



在 Phantom Scintilla 中,欢庆女神雕像采用了陶瓷饰面,巧妙地暗示了帕罗斯大理石的纹理,同时保留了其熟悉的女性气质和空灵——这一劳斯莱斯标志最终将约翰逊和赛克斯的愿景结合在一起。

塞利纳·梅唐 (Celina Mettang),劳斯莱斯汽车定制色彩和材料设计师。


Phantom Scintilla 的外观采用双色定制饰面。上身为安达卢西亚白,下身为色雷斯蓝,灵感来源于萨莫色雷斯岛周围海洋的色彩,萨莫色雷斯岛胜利女神像就源于此。微妙的金属薄片模仿了阳光在水面上闪烁的光芒。手绘双腰线和精神蓝车轮细条纹使优雅的外观更加完美。


车内充满了设计元素、纹理和连续的图形,其灵感来自欢庆女神富有表现力的动态造型——这是 Bespoke 设计师和工匠密切合作的成果。图形在车舱中移动,让乘客感受到不间断的能量流。

“我们希望创作出几乎像水彩画一样的图形——我们称之为‘线画’。为了营造出发光效果,我们使用了四种不同的颜色、线粗细和针法方向。在此过程中,我们覆盖了劳斯莱斯汽车从未探索过的区域,实现了 劳斯莱斯汽车中刺绣密度最大的效果。” 劳斯莱斯汽车 
Bespoke 色彩和材料设计师 Katrin Lehmann 说道。

负责将这一创意变为现实的首席工匠布赖恩妮·达德利 (Brienny Dudley) 尝试了多种针法和色调,最终选择了榻榻米针法。这种针法分为六层,以不同密度和复杂程度交织在一起。整个内饰组合包含 869,500 针,耗时超过 40 个小时。劳斯莱斯汽车定制工艺专家布赖恩妮·达德利说道:

“将这种设计转化为三维形式是一项绝佳的创意挑战,需要我们与定制设计团队密切合作两年半以上,才能在刺绣中实现恰到好处的细节、纹理和触感。使用两种画布——皮革和织物——又增加了一层复杂性,因为这两种材料对针法的反应不同。36 个单独刺绣的面板必须经过精心挑选,才能完美对齐,在整个内饰套件中营造出无缝、流畅的图案。

车门上的刺绣图案是劳斯莱斯有史以来最复杂的车门设计,由 633,000 针缝制而成,结合了蓝灰色、北极白色、精神蓝色、粉蓝色和淡黄色线条,并配有照明孔眼。到了夜间,刺绣会发出迷人的冷光,仿佛从内而外散发光芒。座椅采用带有微妙反光光泽的斜纹织物装饰,为内饰材料的相互作用增添了额外的复杂性。236,500 针蓝灰色、北极白色和精神蓝色线条缝制而成,延续了横跨四扇车门的复杂图形。


Phantom Scintilla 的核心是画廊中的一件定制艺术品,贯穿整个前面板。这件作品名为《天体脉动》,由七条丝带组成,每条丝带均由实心铝单独铣削而成,然后饰以与欢庆女神雕像相同的细粒陶瓷饰面。边缘抛光成镜面光泽,以便捕捉光线,营造出一种运动和流畅的感觉。

克劳德·约翰逊最初为劳斯莱斯吉祥物设计的简介展示在隐藏在手套箱中的浮雕板上。这些写于 1910 年的话完美地抓住了 Phantom Scintilla 私人收藏的精髓:“静谧的速度、无振动、巨大能量的神秘利用、以及优雅绝伦的美丽生命体”。


Phantom Scintilla 的定制星光顶篷的动画灵感来自欢庆女神飘逸的长袍。 1,500 颗光纤“星星”全部由手工放置和安装,形成独特的图案,依次发光,增添了动感。设计中还故意打磨了 4,450 个比平时更大的穿孔,以便可以瞥见下面的金属银色织物,营造出微妙的光线交织。


动感延续到后面的野餐桌上,精致的图案捕捉了欢庆女神流畅的运动感。图案采用遮蔽技术应用于光滑的彩虹色表面上,然后手工打磨并涂上哑光漆,营造出两种微妙变幻的色彩幻觉。全套木质家具采用北极白色,并涂有混合了彩虹色金属颗粒的漆。为了达到这种效果,工匠们要涂上多达 19 层漆——每辆汽车需要 190 多个小时才能完成这一过程。

Private Collection 的名字刻在抛光不锈钢踏板上。作为点睛之笔,每辆委托车都配有定制车罩。

劳斯莱斯幻影 Scintilla 私人收藏品仅通过该品牌的国际私人办公室网络提供。 



PHANTOM EXTENDED: NEDCcorr(综合):二氧化碳排放量:345 克/公里;油耗:15.1 升/100 公里 / 18.7 英里/加仑。WLTP(综合):二氧化碳排放量:362-348 克/公里;油耗:15.9-15.2 升/100 公里 / 17.7-18.6 英里/加仑。更多信息:


For more than a century, the Spirit of Ecstasy has symbolised elegance and human achievement, inspiring countless works of art, from music to photography and moving image. In 2024, the year the marque celebrates its 120th anniversary, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars pays homage to its timeless muse in a unique Private Collection, named Phantom Scintilla.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars reveals Phantom Scintilla Private Collection
  • Inspired by the grace, dynamism and ethereal beauty of the Spirit of Ecstasy
  • Spirit of Ecstasy figurine rendered in exquisite ceramic finish
  • Recalls the inspiration for the figurine: the Greek marble sculpture ‘Winged Victory of Samothrace’
  • ‘Celestial Pulse’ Gallery artwork and animated Bespoke Starlight Headliner capture the fleeting presence of the Spirit of Ecstasy
  • Coach doors and seats feature embroidery comprising 869,500 stitches
  • The most complex interior door design ever seen in a Rolls-Royce motor car
  • Based on Phantom Extended, the ultimate canvas for Bespoke commissions
  • All 10 examples allocated to clients worldwide through Rolls-Royce Private Office network

“Speed with silence, the absence of vibration, the mysterious harnessing of great energy, and a beautiful living organism of superb grace.”
Claude Johnson, Managing Director, Rolls-Royce Limited – Original brief for a Rolls‑Royce figurine (1910)

“The unveiling of a Private Collection is always a landmark moment. These rare and collectable motor cars, limited to just a handful of examples worldwide, are true masterpieces. They illustrate the boundless ingenuity and skill of the creatives and craftspeople at the Home of Rolls-Royce and stimulate ideas among our clients for their own commissions. They also affirm Rolls-Royce’s status as an authentic luxury house. We do not simply build motor cars — we create rare, complex and exquisitely crafted super-luxury products that are highly prized by collectors today and will be cherished long into the future.

Crafting exquisite Bespoke products and shaping extraordinary experiences directly responds to the requirements of today’s super-luxury consumers. This approach will continue to shape our business. We will grow our global network of VIP-only Private Office outposts, where our designers collaborate directly with our clients to co-create the most extraordinary motor cars, wherever they are in the world. We will expand our home in Goodwood to grow the scale of our Bespoke offering, and we will continue to craft the most intricate and sophisticated experiences and Bespoke luxury goods in the world. Phantom Scintilla, which honours our enduring muse, the Spirit of Ecstasy, is the perfect expression of these principles.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

For more than a century, the Spirit of Ecstasy has symbolised elegance and human achievement, inspiring countless works of art, from music to photography and moving image. In 2024, the year the marque celebrates its 120th anniversary, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars pays homage to its timeless muse in a unique Private Collection, named Phantom Scintilla. Based on Phantom Extended – the ultimate canvas for personalisation – this magnificent collection celebrates the ethereal beauty, grace and legacy of the Spirit of Ecstasy.

Limited to just ten examples worldwide, Rolls-Royce Phantom Scintilla’s design evokes the wonder of the Spirit of Ecstasy’s fleeting presence: its exquisite interior features were inspired by the apparent movement of her robes, as the motor car glides by.

Graceful Bespoke embroidery flowing throughout the interior captures the Spirit of Ecstasy’s elegant dynamism, culminating in a complex Gallery artwork. Carefully curated design features allude to the figurine’s origins with their references to Parian Marble: it was in this famed material that, more than 2,000 years ago, an unknown genius of Classical Greece sculpted The Winged Victory of Samothrace, the statue that inspired Claude Johnson’s original idea for a Rolls‑Royce mascot.

Phantom Scintilla derives its name from the Latin word for ‘spark’ – a bright flash, witnessed only for an instant. This refers to Claude Johnson’s first flash of inspiration for a mascot, the aforementioned Greek statue, and captures the Spirit of Ecstasy’s ethereal grace – something glimpsed only for a moment as the motor car passes by, but which leaves a lasting impression.


In 1910, Rolls-Royce Managing Director Claude Johnson commissioned sculptor and illustrator Charles Sykes to create a Rolls-Royce mascot. Johnson already had an inspiration in mind: on a trip to Paris, he had visited the Louvre and been greatly impressed by the Greek marble statue of a deity descending from the heavens – The Winged Victory of Samothrace, which dates from 190 BCE.

Sykes, however, felt the statue was too domineering to be a suitable subject. Having often travelled in Silver Ghosts, he believed a more delicate, ethereal figure would better express the marque’s grace, silence and subtle power. It is now generally accepted that he took his inspiration for what would become the Spirit of Ecstasy from Eleanor Thornton, Lord Montagu’s secretary and paramour. In creating Phantom Scintilla, the Bespoke Collective has reclaimed some of Johnson’s original inspiration, by introducing new materials and subtle references to the captivating vision of The Winged Victory of Samothrace.


The famed statue is sculpted in Parian marble, a fine-grained white marble quarried during the classical era on the Greek island of Paros. Known for its purity and radiance, this material allows light to penetrate to a depth of several centimetres, giving it a lustre that appears to come from within.

For Phantom Scintilla, the Spirit of Ecstasy figurine has been given a ceramic finish that skilfully alludes to the texture of Parian marble, while retaining its familiar femininity and ethereality – a Rolls-Royce icon that finally unites the visions of both Johnson and Sykes.

“We were fascinated with the qualities of Parian marble, and this material became the subject of our research for many months. To create a clear and elegant connection to the famed statue, we developed a ceramic finish that captures the translucence and purity of this unique stone, and perfectly embraces the ethereal nature of our icon”.
Celina Mettang, Bespoke Colour and Material Designer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.


Phantom Scintilla’s exterior is presented in a two-tone Bespoke finish. The upper body is in Andalusian White, with the lower body in Thracian Blue, inspired by the colours of the sea around the island of Samothrace, whence the statue of The Winged Victory of Samothrace originates. A subtle metallic flake mimics the sparkle of sunlight on the water. The hand-painted double Coachline and Wheel Pinstripes in Spirit Blue complete the graceful exterior.


The interior is filled with design elements, textures and a continuous graphic inspired by the Spirit of Ecstasy’s expressive, dynamic form – the result of an intense collaboration between Bespoke designers and artisans. The graphic moves through the cabin, embracing the occupants in an uninterrupted flow of energy.

“We wanted to create a single graphic that almost appears as a watercolour artwork – we call it ‘painting with thread’. To create a luminescent effect, we used four different colours, thread thicknesses and stitch orientations. In doing so, we covered areas never explored in a Rolls-Royce before, achieving the most extensive density of embroidery ever seen in a Rolls-Royce motor car.”
Katrin Lehmann, Bespoke Colour and Material Designer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

The lead artisan tasked with bringing this idea to life, Brienny Dudley, experimented with a variety of stitches and hues before selecting the tatami stitch, which was applied over six layers, interlacing in varying degrees of density and complexity. The full interior composition comprises 869,500 stitches and takes over 40 hours to complete.

“Translating this design into a three-dimensional form was a wonderful creative challenge, requiring more than two and a half years of close collaboration with our Bespoke design team to achieve the right level of detail, texture and tactility in the embroidery. Having two canvases – leather and fabric – added another level of complexity, as these materials respond to stitching in different ways. 36 individually embroidered panels had to be carefully curated so that they aligned perfectly, creating a seamless, flowing motif through the interior suite.”
Brienny Dudley, Bespoke Craft Specialist, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

The embroidered motif on the doors – the most complex door design ever seen on a Rolls-Royce – is made of 633,000 stitches combining Blue Grey, Arctic White, Spirit Blue, Powder Blue and Pastel Yellow thread, complemented by illuminated perforations. By night, the embroidery takes on a mesmerising, luminescent sparkle and appears to glow from within. The seats are upholstered in a twill fabric with a subtle reflective sheen, providing an additional complexity to the material interplay within the interior. 236,500 stitches applied in Blue Grey, Arctic White and Spirit Blue thread continue the complex graphic spanning across the four doors.


The centrepiece of Phantom Scintilla is a Bespoke artwork in the Gallery which runs the full width of the front fascia. Entitled Celestial Pulse, the work consists of seven ribbons, each individually milled from solid aluminium, before being adorned with the same finely-grained ceramic finish as the Spirit of Ecstasy figurine. The edges are polished to a mirror shine so that they catch the light, creating a sense of movement and fluidity.

Claude Johnson’s original brief for a Rolls-Royce mascot is displayed on an embossed plate concealed in the glove compartment. These words, written in 1910, wonderfully capture the essence of the Phantom Scintilla Private Collection: ‘Speed with silence, the absence of vibration, the mysterious harnessing of great energy, and a beautiful living organism of superb grace’.


Phantom Scintilla’s Bespoke Starlight Headliner features an animation inspired by the Spirit of Ecstasy’s flowing gown. 1,500 fibre-optic ‘stars’, all placed and fitted by hand in a unique pattern, illuminate in sequence, adding to the sense of motion. The design is completed with a further 4,450 perforations deliberately made larger than usual to reveal glimpses of a metallic silver fabric beneath, creating a subtle interplay of light.


The sense of movement continues on the rear picnic tables, with a delicate graphic capturing the Spirit of Ecstasy’s fluidity of motion. The motif is applied with the masking technique on top of the glossy iridescent surface, then hand-sanded and coated with a matte finish, creating the illusion of two subtle, shifting colours. The full wood set is rendered in Arctic White and finished with a lacquer mixed with iridescent metallic particles. To achieve the effect, craftspeople apply up to 19 coats of lacquer – a process that takes more than 190 hours per motor car.

The Private Collection name is engraved on the polished stainless-steel treadplates. As a finishing touch, each commission is supplied with a Bespoke car cover.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom Scintilla Private Collection is available exclusively through the marque’s international Private Office network.



PHANTOM EXTENDED: NEDCcorr (combined): CO2 emissions: 345 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.1 ltr/100 km / 18.7 mpg. WLTP (combined): CO2 emissions: 362-348 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.9-15.2 ltr/100 km / 17.7-18.6 mpg. Further information:


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