



  • 劳斯莱斯汽车利兹店庆祝新篇章的开始,在市中心开设全新优雅展厅
  • 该展厅空间宽敞,是欧洲最大的展厅
  • 奢华而现代的空间为品牌客户提供了完美的欢迎场所
  • 新的宽敞空间、视觉语言和现代风格反映了对该品牌顶级产品日益增长的需求

“自 2018 年 JCT600 加入劳斯莱斯大家庭以来,劳斯莱斯汽车利兹店一直是我们值得信赖的经销商网络的重要组成部分。新店的开业是一个重大时刻,它代表了品牌迈出的大胆而激动人心的一步,将古德伍德的精髓带到了约克郡。这个宽敞而现代的新空间,拥有丰富的数字技术以及精致优雅的设计,是品牌的完美体现。对于高度专业的团队来说,这是一个理想的地方,可以为顾客提供超个性化的客户体验,以奢华的邂逅为特点。它真正抓住了品牌的精神,让我们的视觉形象焕发生机,重申了我们作为奢侈品牌领先者的地位。”
英国、欧洲和中亚区域总监 Boris Weletzky

“  在 2018 年将劳斯莱斯添加到我们的豪华汽车品牌库后,我们渴望为它创建一个新家,以彰显这个世界领先的品牌。利兹展厅为约克郡和东北部带来了古德伍德风格,令人叹为观止。从“舞动”动态照明的多媒体窗帘到展示约克郡传统的独特“珍品柜”,这里的参观旨在为客户带来一次引人入胜的体验,他们可以看到劳斯莱斯品牌的最佳之处。”
克里斯蒂安·凯利,劳斯莱斯汽车公司利兹业务主管,JCT600 Brooklands。劳斯莱斯对客户以及他们的期望、需求和愿望有着深刻的理解。这是该品牌作为知名奢侈品品牌不断取得成功的重要因素。位于约克郡中心的新劳斯莱斯展厅是客户了解更多品牌信息和体验劳斯莱斯世界优雅风格的理想场所。该空间位于利兹的显著位置,展示了劳斯莱斯汽车的精美产品,并为客户提供无与伦比的体验,符合劳斯莱斯作为真正的全球奢侈品品牌的地位。新展厅的前门仿照劳斯莱斯著名的万神殿格栅设计,从客户进入大楼的那一刻起,便为他们提供完全沉浸式的品牌体验。新展厅内部散发着酷炫的现代奢华,同时仍然认识到品牌传统的重要性,展厅各处都悬挂着品牌创始人的名言。 珍奇柜是引人入胜、永恒而传奇的设计物品的混合体,在委托过程中激发了客户的想象力和对话。它还通过独特的物品和书籍来庆祝当地风情这些物品和书籍反映了来自约克郡的传说。亮点

工作室是劳斯莱斯汽车技艺精湛的专业团队帮助客户实现梦想的地方。工作室收藏了劳斯莱斯汽车最精湛的工艺,包括木质饰面、皮革、绣花线和羊毛样品,色调鲜艳多样。工作室是一个充满感官体验的房间,展示了劳斯莱斯汽车在高级定制和奢华方面的造诣。表面处理样品采用熟悉的劳斯莱斯 Speedform 造型,让人不难想象无穷无尽的双色组合;皮革卷在带有劳斯莱斯著名雨伞手柄的魔杖上,饰面则呈机翼横截面的形状,让人想起劳斯莱斯创始人查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯的航空功绩。

利兹展厅空间非凡,进一步表明了该经销商自 2018 年加入该品牌以来对卓越的承诺和非凡的旅程。2020 年,劳斯莱斯汽车利兹分公司荣幸地获得了“全球私语经销商”称号。私语是该品牌高度专属的会员专属俱乐部。劳斯莱斯汽车



The new Rolls-Royce showroom in the heart of Yorkshire is the perfect place for clients to learn more about the marque and experience the elegance of the world of Rolls-Royce. Located in a prominent location in Leeds, this space showcases the marque’s exquisite products and provides clients with an unparalleled experience, in line with Rolls-Royce’s position as a true global luxury goods brand.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Leeds celebrates the beginning of a new chapter, revealing its new elegant showroom in the heart of the city
  • The showroom, with its expansive space, is the largest showroom in Europe
  • A luxurious yet contemporary space provides the perfect place to welcome clients to the brand
  • New expansive space, visual language, and modern style reflects the increasing demand for the marque’s pinnacle products

“Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Leeds has been an important part of our trusted dealer network ever since JCT600 joined the Rolls-Royce family in 2018. The opening of this new space is a momentous occasion – it illustrates a bold and exciting step for the brand, bringing the essence of Goodwood to Yorkshire. This new expansive and contemporary space – with its wealth of digital technologies, and sophisticated, elegant design – is the perfect embodiment of the brand. It is the ideal space for the highly professional team to offer patrons a hyper-personalised client experience characterised by luxurious encounters. It really captures the spirit of the marque and brings our visual identity to life, reaffirming our position as a leading House of Luxury.”
Boris Weletzky, Regional Director, United Kingdom, Europe and Central Asia

“After  adding Rolls-Royce to our stable of luxury car marques in 2018, we were keen to create a new home for it which would do justice to this world-leading brand. Bringing a touch of Goodwood to Yorkshire and the North East, the Leeds showroom is simply stunning. From a multi-media curtain of ‘dancing’ kinetic lighting to a unique ‘cabinet of curiosities’ showcasing our Yorkshire heritage, a visit here is designed to be an engaging experience for customers where they can see the very best of the Rolls-Royce brand.”
Kristian Keighley, Head of Business for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Leeds, JCT600 Brooklands.

Rolls-Royce has a profound understanding of its clients, their expectations, their needs and their wishes. This is an essential element in the marque’s ongoing success as a renowned House of Luxury. The new Rolls-Royce showroom in the heart of Yorkshire is the perfect place for clients to learn more about the marque and experience the elegance of the world of Rolls-Royce.

Located in a prominent location in Leeds, this space showcases the marque’s exquisite products and provides clients with an unparalleled experience, in line with Rolls-Royce’s position as a true global luxury goods brand. The new showroom, with the front doors modelled on Rolls-Royce’s famous Pantheon grille, offers clients a fully immersive brand experience from the moment they enter the building.

Inside, the new showroom exudes cool modern luxury, yet still recognises the importance of heritage for the marque, with citations from the founding fathers of the brand throughout the showroom. The Cabinet of Curiosities, an eclectic mix of intriguing, timeless and legendary design objects, sparks the imagination and client conversations as part of the commission process. It also celebrates the local area with unique objects and books which reflect the legends that hail from Yorkshire.

The pièce de résistancethe Atelier, is the place where, with the help of the marque’s highly skilled and professional team, clients can envisage their dream commission coming to life. Housing some of the marque’s most exquisite examples of craftsmanship, including wood veneers, leathers, embroidery threads and lambswool samples, in a variety of vivacious hues, the Atelier is a sensory-inspired room; it showcases the marque’s fluency in Bespoke and luxury. The surface-finish samples are presented in the familiar Rolls-Royce speedform shape, making it easy to imagine the almost endless two-tone colour combinations; the leathers are rolled on wands with handles from Rolls-Royce’s famous umbrellas, while the veneers are shaped like the cross-section of an aerofoil, recalling the aviation exploits of the marque’s founding father, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls.

The remarkable space that is the Leeds showroom is a further sign of the dealership’s commitment to excellence and extraordinary journey since joining the marque in 2018. In 2020, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Leeds was honoured to receive the title of ‘Global Whispers Dealer’. Whisper’s is the marque highly exclusive members only club.

A Rolls-Royce is unapologetically luxurious, it is unmistakable, synonymous with beauty and elegance, a true design icon, and so, in the new Leeds showroom, each model rightfully enjoys its own dedicated space, framed, and is presented according to its distinctive personality and characteristics.


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