



  • 劳斯莱斯汽车在 #速度节上展示当代表达
  • 在古德伍德庄园附近的#Festival 洗衣绿地上展出定制汽车系列
  • 最受期待的#Cullinan车型最新版本将在此次活动中首次在英国公开亮相
  • 全电动超级轿跑车#Spectre加入备受期待的超级跑车大赛

“速度节在历史悠久的古德伍德庄园举行,是我们年度日程的重要亮点。它是赛车运动的终极庆典,距离劳斯莱斯汽车公司位于西萨塞克斯郡的总部仅一箭之遥。我们非常高兴地发布一系列高度定制的汽车,这些汽车专为此次活动而打造,彰显了劳斯莱斯工匠、设计师和工程师的才华、创造力和独创性。我们最新一代超豪华 SUV 库里南也将在此次活动中首次在英国公开亮相。除了库里南系列 II,我们还自豪地展示全电动超级轿跑车 Spectre(采用活泼的双色设计),以及高度定制的幻影加长版和古斯特的独特外观。我们期待着媒体、客户和我们值得信赖的经销商合作伙伴参加此次活动。”
鲍里斯·韦莱茨基 (Boris Weletzky),英国、欧洲和中亚地区总监


劳斯莱斯库里南 库里
南于 2018 年首次推出,它为劳斯莱斯汽车树立了新的传奇,吸引了一代大胆而又不妥协的超豪华消费者。它重新定义了超豪华汽车,让劳斯莱斯客户能够在任何地形和世界每个角落体验该品牌标志性的“魔毯之旅”。

今年早些时候,劳斯莱斯发布了库里南 II 系,这是全球顶级超豪华 SUV 的升级版。这款汽车将在 2024 年速度节上首次在英国公开亮相。

库里南升级的关键主题之一是垂直性,这与库里南越来越熟悉的大城市中灯火通明的摩天大楼相呼应。这一点或许最明显地体现在新的车灯设计中,高大的日间行车灯图案确保库里南 II 系无论白天还是夜晚都易于识别。


库里南 II 系列展现了劳斯莱斯汽车广泛的定制能力和精湛的工艺。这是劳斯莱斯汽车首次在量产车上采用穿孔设计,即通过在皮革上打孔来创造艺术品。劳斯莱斯总部的设计师们创造了一种图案,灵感来自劳斯莱斯之家上空不断变化的云朵形状和阴影。库里南 II 系列还延续了劳斯莱斯对纺织品的探索,采用一种由竹子制成的新型人造丝面料,名为 Duality Twill。库里南

的现代表达,采用简约而精致的 Emperador Truffle 色调,将在活动上展出。受纹理丰富的棕色大理石的启发,劳斯莱斯色彩专家专门为库里南 II 系列开发了这种独特的漆面。北极白车身线与外部色调形成鲜明对比。内饰延续了优雅而简约的风格,采用羊绒灰和黄绿色皮革配色,后者采用复杂的穿孔图案。

2023 对劳斯莱斯汽车来说是意义重大的一年;这一年标志着劳斯莱斯汽车在古德伍德制造工厂投产 20 周年,2023 年第四季度,劳斯莱斯首款全电动汽车 Spectre 开始向客户交付。从那时起,Spectre 就开始了非凡的 Bespoke 定制之旅。

在今年的速度节上,劳斯莱斯电动超级轿跑车的亮相令人惊艳。这款充满活力的车型采用牡丹珍珠和黑钻双色设计,散发着现代奢华气息,象征着劳斯莱斯大胆新时代的到来。为了增强外观并突出 Spectre 的动感和实力,这款汽车配备了 23 英寸的车轮。外部采用 Black Coachline 饰条。牡丹粉和北极白是选择与外部相得益彰的主要和次要内饰颜色。内部舱室是

一个天堂般的避风港,配有迷人的星光顶篷、星光门,其中包含 4,796 颗柔和发光的“星星”,后瀑布座椅上有一个同色系的星光图案。一个特别的时钟玻璃柜,精心装饰着流星,营造出一种宁静而神奇的氛围。

今年是第 120为纪念查尔斯斯图尔特劳斯和亨利莱斯会面的周年纪念日,为了纪念这个重要的年份,为此次活动打造的每一辆独一无二的 Phantom、Ghost 和 Spectre 汽车都在中央控制台盖子上绘有“声波”图案。每个“声波”都传达了该品牌创始人不同的励志名言,他们的愿景支撑着公司今天的一切以及努力实现的目标。

定制是劳斯莱斯的特色;从精美的汽车到豪华的配饰,每件委托创作的作品都渗透着这种精神。从迷人的酒窖和香槟柜,到个性化的雨伞和野餐篮。为了与 Peony Pearl Spectre 相得益彰,我们设计和制作了优雅的 Escapism 行李箱系列。该行李箱系列外形优美,却又休闲现代,采用最优质的皮革和耐用帆布制成,非常适合那些寻求丰富体验和自发探索时刻的旅行者。

除了 Spectre 亮相展台之外,这款汽车还将在速度节超级跑车赛期间登上古德伍德著名的爬山赛道。


今年的速度节上,该品牌技艺高超的设计师、工程师和工匠设计和打造了劳斯莱斯巅峰汽车的现代诠释。这款华丽的车型采用引人注目的 Diba Teal 和 Black Diamond 双色车身,搭配黑色车身线条。这款汽车的设计灵感来自法国里维埃拉,这里因其迷人的生活方式、无与伦比的景色和令人惊叹的风景而闻名于世。该品牌与该地区也有着密切的联系;1912 年,亨利·罗伊斯爵士在 Le Canadel 村建造了 Villa Mimosa,此后他每年冬天都住在这里,直到 1933 年去世。

幻影为客户提供了前所未有的机会:在画廊中展示不拘一格的艺术品、雕塑或自我表达物品。这块独特的单片不间断玻璃横跨整个仪表板,意味着顾客可以在幻影豪华客舱的庇护所中欣赏、欣赏和欣赏他们最喜爱的艺术品。对于今年的委托,劳斯莱斯的工匠花费了超过 35 个小时创造了一个美丽的单色皮革画廊,上面绣有 47,319 针的波浪图案。这种图案再次是对法国里维埃拉的致敬,并在整个汽车的门卡和野餐桌上得到复制。

创新与精湛工艺相结合,Kinetic 行李箱系列与豪华汽车相得益彰。该系列采用黑色皮革,搭配北极白镶板和 Diba 青色缝线,由劳斯莱斯才华横溢的工匠精心设计和制作。






  • Spectre: WLTP:耗电量:2.6-2.8 英里/千瓦时 / 23.6-22.2 千瓦时/100 公里。电动续航里程 329 英里 / 530 公里。NEDC:二氧化碳排放量 0 克/公里。
  • Phantom  NEDC 综合:二氧化碳排放量:345 g/km;燃油消耗:18.7 mpg / 15.1 l/100km。WLTP 综合:二氧化碳排放量:362-351 g/km;燃油消耗:17.7-18.2 mpg / 15.5-16.0 l/100km。
  • 库里南系列 II: NEDCcorr(综合)二氧化碳排放量:348 g/km;油耗:18.6 mpg / 15.2 l/100km。WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:377-368 g/km;油耗:17.1-17.5 mpg / 16.5-16.1 l/100km。
  • Ghost: NEDCcorr(综合)二氧化碳排放量:343 g/km;燃油消耗:18.8 mpg / 15.0 l/100km。WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:359-347 g/km;燃油消耗:17.9-18.6 mpg / 15.2-15.8 l/100km。



Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates a highly Bespoke presence at this year’s Festival of Speed. Displayed on the Festival’s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House, a beautifully commissioned Phantom Extended, Ghost, Spectre, as well as the latest expression of Cullinan, will each provide a unique expression of the marque’s peerless craftsmanship.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars showcases contemporary expressions at #Festival of Speed
  • Collection of Bespoke motor cars presented on #Festival’s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House
  • The latest iteration of #Cullinan, the marque’s most requested model, makes its UK public debut at the event
  • All-electric super coupé #Spectre joins the highly anticipated Supercar Run

“The Festival of Speed, set in the remarkable grounds of the historic #Goodwood Estate, is an important highlight in our annual calendar. It is the ultimate celebration of motorsport, located only a stone’s throw away from the marque’s headquarters in West Sussex. We are delighted to unveil a highly Bespoke collection of motor cars, which have been created especially for the occasion and exemplify the talent, creativity and ingenuity of our artisans, designers and engineers at Rolls-Royce. The latest iteration of our super-luxury SUV, Cullinan, will also make its UK public debut at the event. Alongside Cullinan Series II, we are proud to showcase Spectre, our all-electric super coupé, presented in a vivacious two-tone, as well as a highly Bespoke Phantom Extended and a unique expression of Ghost. We are looking forward to welcoming media, clients and our trusted dealer partners to the event.”
Boris Weletzky, Regional Director, United Kingdom, Europe and Central Asia

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars celebrates a highly Bespoke presence at this year’s Festival of Speed. Displayed on the Festival’s Laundry Green, adjacent to Goodwood House, a beautifully commissioned Phantom Extended, Ghost, Spectre, as well as the latest expression of Cullinan, will each provide a unique expression of the marque’s peerless craftsmanship.

When Cullinan first launched in 2018, it built a new legacy for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, with a bold and uncompromising generation of super-luxury consumers. It reframed super-luxury motoring, enabling Rolls-Royce clients to experience the marque’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’ on any terrain and in every corner of the world.

Earlier this year, the marque unveiled Cullinan Series II, an evolution of the world’s pre-eminent super-luxury SUV. This motor car makes its UK public debut at the Festival of Speed 2024.

One of the key themes in Cullinan’s evolution is verticality, which echoes the illuminated skyscrapers in the megacities where Cullinan is increasingly at home. This is perhaps most apparent in the new lamp treatment, where tall daytime running light graphics ensure Cullinan Series II is easily identified, day and night.

The marque’s signature figurine, the Spirit of Ecstasy, features inside the motor car for the very first time and is displayed in miniature inside the new Clock Cabinet in the fascia. This unique inset vitrine displays both an analogue timepiece and the up-lit Spirit of Ecstasy figurine. Constructed from solid stainless steel, the Spirit of Ecstasy is placed on her own stage with a matte black back panel and high gloss side panels to create a reflection effect.

Cullinan Series II illustrates the extensive scope of the marque’s Bespoke capabilities and talented craftsmanship. For the first time ever on a series car, Placed Perforation, the practice of creating artworks through tiny perforations in the leather, is available. Designers at the marque’s headquarters created a pattern inspired by the constantly changing shapes and shadows of the clouds over the Home of Rolls-Royce.Cullinan Series II also continues Rolls-Royce’s exploration of textiles with a new rayon fabric made from bamboo, named Duality Twill.

A contemporary expression of Cullinan, finished in a minimalist yet sophisticated hue, Emperador Truffle, will be on show at the event. Inspired by richly-veined brown marble, Rolls-Royce colour specialists developed this unique paint finish especially for Cullinan Series II. An Arctic White Coachline provides a clean contrast to the exterior hue. Inside, the elegant yet minimalist style continues, with a Cashmere Grey and Chartreuse leather colourway, the latter with the intricate Placed Perforation pattern.

2023 was a momentous year for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars; it marked 20 years since production began at the marque’s Goodwood manufacturing facility and, in Q4 of 2023, client deliveries for Spectre, the marque’s first fully electric motor car, began. Since then, Spectre has been on a remarkable Bespoke journey.

For this year’s Festival of Speed, a striking expression of the marque’s electric super coupé has been created. Presented in two-tone Peony Pearl and Black Diamond, this vibrant expression of the marque’s genre-defining motor car exudes modern luxury and symbolises the dawn of a bold new era for Rolls-Royce. To embolden the exterior and highlight Spectre’s dynamic presence and prowess, 23-inch wheels are fitted to the motor car. The exterior is completed with a trim, Black Coachline. Peony Pink and Arctic White are the primary and secondary interior colours chosen to complement the exterior.

The interior cabin is a celestial cosseting haven, with a spellbinding Starlight Headliner, Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’, and a tone-on-tone starlight pattern on the rear waterfall seat. An extra special clock vitrine, delicately embellished with shooting ‘stars’, creates a serene yet magical essence.

This year marks the 120th anniversary of the meeting of The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry Royce and, in a gentle nod to commemorate this significant year, each of the one-of-one Phantom, Ghost and Spectre motor cars created for the event, features a painted ‘sound wave’ design on the lid of the centre console. Each ‘sound wave’ conveys a different inspirational quote from the marque’s founding fathers, whose vision underpins everything that the company is today and strives to achieve.

Bespoke is Rolls-Royce; an ethos which permeates every commissioned creation, from exquisite motor cars to luxurious accessories. This extends from glamorous cellarettes and champagne chests, to personalised umbrellas and picnic hampers. To complement the Peony Pearl Spectre, an elegant Escapism Luggage Collection has been designed and created. Beautiful in form, yet relaxed and contemporary, this luggage collection is crafted from the highest quality leather and durable canvas, ideal for those who travel for enriching experiences and spontaneous moments of discovery.

In addition to Spectre’s presence on the stand, this motor car will ascend the famous Hillclimb course at Goodwood during the Festival’s Supercar Run.

Phantom is an icon of legendary standing, which defines the barometers of luxury. A masterpiece of transcendent perfection, Phantom Extended offers tastemakers a serene and spacious realm to recharge before taking on the world. Its exquisite features and elevated nuances epitomise Rolls-Royce’s artisanship, solidifying it as an icon in the marque’s history.

For this year’s Festival of Speed, a modern interpretation of Rolls-Royce’s pinnacle motor car has been designed and created by the marque’s highly skilled designers, engineers and artisans. This magnificent expression is finished in a striking two-tone of Diba Teal and Black Diamond, with a Black Coachline. Inspiration for this motor car comes from the French Riviera, a location internationally renowned for its glamourous lifestyle, unrivalled views and stunning scenery. There is also a strong connection between the marque and the area; in 1912, Sir Henry Royce built Villa Mimosa in the village of Le Canadel, where he subsequently spent every winter until his death in 1933.

Phantom offers clients an unprecedented opportunity: a chance to showcase eclectic works of art, sculpture, or objects of self-expression in the Gallery. This unique single piece of uninterrupted glass, spans the entire fascia and means patrons can enjoy, admire and appreciate their favourite artwork from the sanctuary of Phantom’s sumptuous cabin. For this year’s commission, Rolls-Royce’s artisans spent over 35 hours creating a beautiful monochrome leather Gallery, with an embroidered wave pattern, which features 47,319 stitches. This pattern is once again a gentle nod to the French Riviera and is replicated throughout the motor car on the door card and picnic tables.

Innovation meets exquisite craftsmanship with the Kinetic Luggage Collection which complements the luxurious motor car. Presented in Black leather, with Arctic White panelling and Diba Teal stitching, the collection has been meticulously designed and crafted by Rolls-Royce’s talented artisans.

Ghost is a study in reduction, minimalism and simplicity. Its purity provides the ideal blank canvas for Bespoke commissions, with clients able to exercise their ambitious creativity and express their personal tastes almost entirely free of technical and aesthetic constraints.

That purity presents possibility. It creates potential as boundless as the owner’s imagination, emboldening them to bring colour, energy and vibrancy to their commission and to allow beautiful materials, expert craftsmanship and exquisite details speak for themselves, subtle and unadorned.

Presented in Blue Crystal over Black, the expression of Ghost created in honour of the occasion, oozes timeless elegance and sophistication. A Charles Blue Coachline elegantly resolves the exterior and illustrates the extensive scope of the marque’s Exterior Surface Centre.

Beautifully crafted leather Key Wraps have been designed and created for the Ghost, Phantom and Spectre.


  • Spectre: WLTP: Power consumption: 2.6-2.8 mi/kWh / 23.6-22.2 kWh/100km. Electric range 329 mi / 530 km. NEDC: CO2 emissions 0 g/km.
  • Phantom : NEDC combined: CO2 emissions: 345 g/km; Fuel consumption: 18.7 mpg / 15.1 l/100km. WLTP combined: CO2 emissions: 362-351 g/km; Fuel consumption: 17.7-18.2 mpg / 15.5-16.0 l/100km.
  • Cullinan Series II: NEDCcorr (combined) CO2 emission: 348 g/km; Fuel consumption: 18.6 mpg / 15.2 l/100km. WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 377-368 g/km; Fuel consumption: 17.1-17.5 mpg / 16.5-16.1 l/100km.
  • Ghost: NEDCcorr (combined) CO2 emission: 343 g/km; Fuel consumption: 18.8 mpg / 15.0 l/100km. WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 359-347 g/km; Fuel consumption: 17.9-18.6 mpg / 15.2-15.8 l/100km.

Further information:




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BMW 概念 Skytop:动力、精准与工艺融于一体,打造奢华敞篷双座车
