

为庆祝品牌成立 120 周年,劳斯莱斯汽车将于 2024 年 6 月 21 日至 23 日参加劳斯莱斯爱好者俱乐部 (RREC) 在林肯郡伯利庄园举行的年度拉力赛和优雅竞赛。


  • 劳斯莱斯汽车将参加 2024 年 6 月 21 日至 23 日在林肯郡伯利府举行的劳斯莱斯爱好者俱乐部 (RREC) 年度拉力赛和优雅大赛
  • 古德伍德展会系列中的部分车型(幻影、古斯特、库里南和 Spectre)将进行展示
  • 劳斯莱斯出席全球最大的劳斯莱斯汽车爱好者和古董车聚会,在劳斯莱斯品牌庆祝成立 120 周年之际,再次证实了两大组织之间的密切友好关系

“我们很高兴今年再次支持劳斯莱斯爱好者俱乐部的年度拉力赛,尤其是在 2024 年我们将庆祝该品牌成立 120 周年之际。我们一直很高兴与 RREC 合作,他们对历史悠久的劳斯莱斯汽车的了解和热爱是无与伦比的。他们是该品牌丰富遗产的重要保管人,这些遗产继续为我们今天在古德伍德劳斯莱斯之家所做的许多工作提供信息和启发。我们还将展示我们当代定制工艺的精美样品,强调亨利·莱斯亲自设计和制造的汽车与我们为当今客户打造的汽车之间的连续性。”

劳斯莱斯汽车公司企业关系和遗产主管安德鲁·鲍尔 (Andrew Ball)

在劳斯莱斯汽车庆祝其成立 120 周年之际,劳斯莱斯汽车将于 2024 年 6 月 21 日至 23 日参加劳斯莱斯爱好者俱乐部 (RREC) 在林肯郡伯利庄园举行的年度拉力赛和优雅竞赛。

劳斯莱斯汽车是该活动的常客,该活动是全球最大的历史悠久的劳斯莱斯汽车、其车主和崇拜者的年度聚会,被认为是整个汽车日历中最迷人、最壮观的聚会之一。数百辆劳斯莱斯和宾利汽车将在伯利庄园前展出,伯利庄园是英国最精致的庄园之一,其历史可追溯到 16 世纪。

在所有跨越一个多世纪的古董汽车中,劳斯莱斯汽车公司将展示在古德伍德劳斯莱斯之家设计和手工打造的所有车型系列的定制车型:幻影、幽灵、古斯特和库里南。幽灵是劳斯莱斯历史上第一款采用全电动传动系统的车型,预计将引起特别关注——因为它实现了查尔斯·劳斯 (Charles Rolls) 先生对汽车未来电动化的预言,他在 1900 年说道:“电动汽车完全没有噪音,而且很干净。没有气味或振动。当可以安排固定充电站时,它们将变得非常有用。”  在 RREC 拉力赛上展出的劳斯莱斯汽车全系列包括



这款“SUV 中的劳斯莱斯”采用蒙特韦尔德 (Monteverde) 涂装,并配备全景玻璃天窗。内饰采用贝壳色主皮革和棕褐色次皮革,搭配对比鲜明的黑色地毯和脚垫。主饰面为开孔 Calamander 皮革;门衬里和头枕上印有“双 R”标志。Lounge Seat 配置旨在让三名乘客在后舱舒适出行。SPECTRE

的双色外观将摩根石色 (下部) 与青铜色 (上部) 搭配在一起。发光格栅和向上发光的欢庆女神吉祥物与这款汽车的全电动动力系统相得益彰。醒目而复杂的内饰配色由 Grace White 主皮革组成;Ardent Red 次色也延伸到地毯,而座椅滚边为牡丹粉色。饰面为开孔 Tudor Oak 橡木,搭配 Canadel 门衬里。

RREC 成立于 1957 年,是劳斯莱斯爱好者、车主以及对亨利·莱斯爵士、查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯爵士及其杰出同事和继任者的生活和工作真正感兴趣的人的国际俱乐部,他们创造了“世界上最好的汽车”。该俱乐部在 60 个不同的国家/地区拥有约 7,500 名会员;其全球总部位于北安普敦郡保勒斯普里的亨特豪斯 (The Hunt House),拥有汽车档案馆、博物馆和技术研讨会车间。



Phantom: NEDC 综合:二氧化碳排放量:345 g/km;油耗:18.7 mpg / 15.1 l/100km。WLTP 综合:二氧化碳排放量:362-351 g/km;油耗:16.0-15.5 l/100km / 17.7-18.2 mpg。Ghost

:  NEDCcorr(综合):二氧化碳排放量:343 g/km;油耗:15.0 ltr/100 km / 18.8 mpg。WLTP(综合):二氧化碳排放量:359-347 g/km;油耗:15.8-15.2 ltr/100 km / 17.8-18.6 mpg。Cullinan :

WLTP(综合)二氧化碳排放量:380-363 g/km;油耗:16.8-17.7 mpg / 16.8-16.0 l/100km。Spectre :

WLTP:耗电量:2.6-2.8 mi/kWh / 23.6-22.2 kWh/100km。电动续航里程 329 mi / 530 km。NEDC:二氧化碳排放量 0 g/km。


In the year the marque celebrates its 120th Anniversary, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars joins the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club (RREC) for its Annual Rally and Concours d’Elegance at Burghley House, Lincolnshire, on 21-23 June 2024.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars joins the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club (RREC) for its Annual Rally and Concours d’Elegance at Burghley House, Lincolnshire, on 21-23 June 2024
  • Examples from the full Goodwood portfolio – Phantom, Ghost, Cullinan and Spectre – will be on display
  • Rolls-Royce’s presence at the world’s largest gathering of enthusiasts and historic Rolls-Royce motor cars reaffirms the close and friendly ties between the two organisations as the marque celebrates its 120th anniversary

“We’re delighted to support the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club’s Annual Rally again this year – especially as we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the marque in 2024. We’ve always enjoyed working with the RREC, whose knowledge and love of historic Rolls-Royce motor cars is unparalleled. They are crucial custodians of the marque’s rich heritage, which continues to inform and inspire so much of what we do at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood today. We’ll also be displaying beautiful examples of our contemporary Bespoke craft, underlining the continuity between the motor cars designed and built by Henry Royce himself, and those we’re creating for today’s clients.”

Andrew Ball, Head of Corporate Relations and Heritage, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

In the year the marque celebrates its 120th Anniversary, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars joins the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club (RREC) for its Annual Rally and Concours d’Elegance at Burghley House, Lincolnshire, on 21-23 June 2024.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is a regular guest at the event, which is the largest annual gathering of historic Rolls-Royce motor cars, their owners and admirers anywhere in the world, and is regarded as one of the most glamorous and spectacular in the entire motoring calendar. Hundreds of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars will be on display in front of Burghley House, one of the finest stately homes in Britain, which dates from the 16th Century.

Amid all the historic motor cars spanning more than a century, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will present Bespoke examples from all the model families being designed and hand-built at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood: Phantom, Spectre, Ghost and Cullinan. Spectre, the first-ever Rolls-Royce with an all-electric drivetrain, is expected to be of particular interest – as it is the motor car which fulfils The Hon. Charles Rolls’ prophecy of an electric future for the motor car, when he said in 1900, “The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”  The full line-up of current Rolls-Royce motor cars on show at the RREC rally includes:

The marque presents its pinnacle product in Sapphire Gunmetal, complemented with a single Coachline and wheel-centre pinstripes on the 22″ Forged Black Painted Disc wheels hand-painted in Peony Pink. The interior is trimmed in Navy Blue primary and Peony Pink secondary leathers, with Piano White veneer and Navy Blue carpets. The Starlight Headliner includes the animated ‘shooting star’ feature, in which lines of fibre optic ‘stars’ light up sequentially to create the effect of a meteor crossing the night sky.

For Ghost, the design team has selected a Bespoke Verde Ermes exterior finish with no Coachline: the interior is trimmed in Tan leather with Havana as the secondary colour, complemented with Dark Amber veneer and Dark Spice carpets and foot-mats. Ghost is also equipped with the ‘shooting star’ Starlight Headliner, which is an increasingly popular Bespoke option.

The ‘Rolls-Royce of SUVs’ is finished in Monteverde and fitted with a panoramic glass sunroof. The interior is composed of Seashell primary and Tan secondary leathers, with contrasting Black carpets and foot-mats. The main veneer is Open Pore Calamander; the door linings and headrests are embossed with the ‘double R’ logo. The Lounge Seat configuration is designed to allow three passengers to travel comfortably in the rear cabin.

Spectre’s two-tone exterior pairs Morganite for the lower section with the upper contrast section in Gunmetal. The Illuminated Grille and up-lit Spirit of Ecstasy mascot are in keeping with the motor car’s all-electric powertrain. The striking and complex interior palette is composed of Grace White primary leather; the Ardent Red secondary colour also extends to the carpets, while the seat piping is in Peony Pink. The veneer is open-pore Tudor Oak with Canadel door linings.

Founded in 1957, the RREC is the international club for Rolls-Royce enthusiasts, owners and anyone with a genuine interest in the life and works of Sir Henry Royce, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and their distinguished colleagues and successors, who created ‘the best car in the world’. It has around 7,500 members in 60 different countries; at its global headquarters, The Hunt House in Paulerspury, Northamptonshire, it maintains a vehicle archive, museum and workshop for technical seminars.


Phantom: NEDC combined: CO2 emissions: 345 g/km; Fuel consumption: 18.7 mpg / 15.1 l/100km. WLTP combined: CO2 emissions: 362-351 g/km; Fuel consumption: 16.0-15.5 l/100km / 17.7-18.2 mpg.

Ghost: NEDCcorr (combined): CO2 emission: 343 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.0 ltr/100 km / 18.8 mpg. WLTP (combined): CO2 emission: 359-347 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.8-15.2 ltr/100 km / 17.8-18.6 mpg.

Cullinan: WLTP (combined) CO2 emission: 380-363 g/km; Fuel consumption: 16.8-17.7 mpg / 16.8-16.0 l/100km.

Spectre: WLTP: Power consumption: 2.6-2.8 mi/kWh / 23.6-22.2 kWh/100km. Electric range 329 mi / 530 km. NEDC: CO2 emissions 0 g/km.


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