
劳斯莱斯与奇切斯特节日剧院:2024 年再度回归

劳斯莱斯汽车将于 2024 年继续与世界著名的奇切斯特节日剧院 (CFT) 保持长期合作关系。这一合作现已进入第 21 个年头,彰显了该品牌对当地社区及更广泛地区的坚定承诺和支持。


  • 劳斯莱斯汽车与世界著名的奇切斯特节日剧院达成白金合作伙伴关系 21 周年
  • 体现了品牌对当地社区和更广泛地区的深切承诺和支持
  • 劳斯莱斯是 2024 年夏季庆典的赞助商,特别演出深受喜爱的音乐剧 《奥利弗》!
  • 活动旨在为剧院在当地年轻人中开展的外展工作筹集资金

“我们对奇切斯特节日剧院 (CFT) 的支持始于 2003 年,同年我们在古德伍德首次开设了劳斯莱斯之家。除了上演真正世界一流的作品外,CFT 还做了令人惊叹的工作,为面临巨大生活挑战的当地年轻人带来了剧院独特的个人发展、自信建立、团队合作和纯粹快乐的机会。作为一家公司,我们在 CFT 中看到了自己的影子:一群相对较小的人,与当地社区紧密联系,工作在艺术的巅峰,其影响力和声誉遍及全球。很高兴开始这一美妙伙伴关系的第三个十年。
劳斯莱斯汽车企业关系和遗产主管安德鲁·鲍尔 (Andrew Ball)

劳斯莱斯汽车将于 2024 年继续与世界著名的奇切斯特节日剧院 (CFT) 保持长期合作关系。这一合作现已进入第 21 个年头,彰显了该品牌对当地社区和更广泛地区的坚定承诺和支持。劳斯莱斯是 2024 年夏季盛典赞助商,该盛典以夏季音乐剧特别演出为主,随后与演员和剧团共进私人晚宴。今年的作品是《 雾都孤儿》的重演,由获奖导演兼编舞马修·伯恩爵士和著名制作人卡梅隆·麦金托什爵士专门为 CFT 重新构思。CFT发展总监 Liz McCarthy-Nield表示:“我们很高兴继续与劳斯莱斯汽车保持白金合作伙伴关系,尤其高兴得到该品牌作为我们夏季盛典赞助商的支持。继 《雾都孤儿》今年夏天大获成功后,CFT 很高兴主办这场门票销售一空的盛典表演。夏季盛典筹集的收益将用于为弱势青年提供奖学金,使他们能够参加我们的青年剧院和其他创意项目,享受剧院带来的所有变革性益处。我们非常感谢劳斯莱斯汽车公司对此次活动的慷慨支持。”奇切斯特节日剧院成立于 1962 年,由传奇演员劳伦斯·奥利维尔爵士担任艺术总监,资金来自当地企业和个人的捐款。如今,每年有超过 35 万名剧院观众参加其旗舰节日季(从 4 月到 10 月)和繁忙的冬季巡回演出。劳斯莱斯汽车公司于 2003 年开始与剧院合作,同年在古德伍德开设了劳斯莱斯之家。


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars continues its long-running relationship with the world-renowned Chichester Festival Theatre (CFT) in 2024. The partnership, now entering its 21st year, demonstrates the marque’s deep commitment to – and support for – its local community and the wider region.


  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars marks 21st anniversary of its Platinum Partnership with the world-renowned Chichester Festival Theatre
  • Reflects the marque’s deep-rooted commitment to – and support for – the local community and wider region
  • Rolls-Royce was the 2024 Summer Gala Sponsor, featuring a special performance of beloved musical Oliver!
  • Event is raising funds for the Theatre’s outreach work among local young people

“Our support for Chichester Festival Theatre (CFT) began in 2003, the same year we first launched the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. As well as staging truly world-class productions, CFT does amazing work bringing theatre’s unique opportunities for personal development, confidence building, teamwork and sheer joy to local young people facing huge life challenges. As a company, we see ourselves reflected in CFT: a relatively small group of people, closely connected to their local community, working at the very pinnacle of their art and with an influence and reputation that extends around the world. It’s a pleasure to be embarking on the third decade of this wonderful partnership.
Andrew Ball, Head of Corporate Relations and Heritage, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars continues its long-running relationship with the world-renowned Chichester Festival Theatre (CFT) in 2024. The partnership, now entering its 21st year, demonstrates the marque’s deep commitment to – and support for – its local community and the wider region.

Rolls-Royce was the 2024 Summer Gala Sponsor, which featured a special performance of its summer musical followed by a private dinner with the cast and company. This year’s production was a spectacular revival of Oliver!, reconceived exclusively for CFT by award-winning director and choreographer, Sir Matthew Bourne, and acclaimed producer, Sir Cameron Mackintosh.

Liz McCarthy-Nield, Director of Development at CFT, said, “We are delighted to continue our Platinum Partnership with Rolls Royce Motor Cars, and were especially pleased to have the marque’s support as our Summer Gala Sponsor. Following a hugely successful run of Oliver! this summer, CFT was thrilled to host the sold-out Gala performance. Proceeds raised from the Summer Gala will support bursaries for disadvantaged young people to take part in our youth theatre and other creative projects, enabling access to all the transformative benefits of theatre. We are incredibly grateful to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars for generously supporting this event.”

Chichester Festival Theatre was founded in 1962, under the artistic directorship of the legendary actor, Sir Laurence Olivier, and financed by donations from local businesses and individuals. Today, over 350,000 theatregoers every year attend its flagship Festival Season, which runs from April to October, and its busy Winter season of touring shows.

The marque began its partnership with the Theatre in 2003, the same year the company launched the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood.


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