
劳斯莱斯推出独一无二的加长版幻影,庆祝《金手指》上映 60 周年

劳斯莱斯汽车公司推出了一款独一无二的幻影加长版,以此向 1964 年的詹姆斯邦德电影《金手指》致敬——这是劳斯莱斯在 007 电影系列中出现的十二款车型之一。


融入了迄今为止最为精心设计和手工制作的 Bespoke 功能
庆祝 1964 年詹姆斯邦德电影《金手指》上映 60 周年
参考 Auric Goldfinger 的 1937 年款 Phantom III Sedanca de Ville
中央控制台上展示着 18K 纯金条,形状像“Speedform”
野餐桌上镶嵌着 22 克拉黄金制成的虚构诺克斯堡金银储备地图
1964 年拍摄该场景时,星光顶灯与富尔卡上方的星座相匹配
金色高尔夫球杆安装在行李箱盖上,参考 007 和 Auric Goldfinger 的第一次相遇
Harlequin 遮阳伞和 007 徽标投影仪参考了电影中的关键时刻

劳斯莱斯汽车首席执行官克里斯·布朗里奇 (Chris Brownridge)

“见证我们的定制团队如何抓住庆祝电影 60 周年的想法真是太了不起了;这个精彩的故事在幻影金手指的精美设计中得到了巧妙的探索。创造力远远超出了汽车的制造,因为我们为客户及其家人策划了非凡的体验,同时忠于金手指主题的精神。正是这种吸引客户并留下持久印象的卓越能力,将我们定义为真正的奢华之家。”
鲍里斯·韦莱茨基 (Boris Weletzky),劳斯莱斯汽车英国、欧洲和中亚地区总监

Auric Enterprises 的 Auric Goldfinger

劳斯莱斯汽车推出了一款独一无二的幻影加长版,以此向 1964 年的詹姆斯·邦德电影《 金手指》致敬——这是劳斯莱斯在 007 系列电影中出现的十二辆车型之一。这款车

在电影上映 60 周年之际亮相,其设计灵感源自同名反派人物 Auric Goldfinger 的 1937 年幻影第三代 Sedanca de Ville。幻影金手指巧妙地探索了这个故事,精致而巧妙的 Bespoke 定制功能与这部经久不衰的电影的情节和图像相呼应。


对于这款向金手指汽车致敬的现代车型的外观,劳斯莱斯油漆专家将外部的黄色色调与电影中使用的原版 1937 年幻影 III Sedanca de Ville 精确匹配。开发了一种独特的“长边”双色设计,其中黑色饰面包裹着汽车宽大的车身,形成一个单一的、不间断的图形。21 英寸盘式车轮采用黑色饰面,搭配银色“浮动”轮毂盖,营造出同色系效果,让人想起电影中 1937 年汽车的车轮设计。

幻影金手指车头的欢庆女神雕像采用了独特的表面处理,巧妙地暗示了电影的情节。影片中,大反派金手指用他的幻影车身面板走私黄金。为了体现这一概念,雕像的一些部分似乎露出了下面的黄金,暗示它是由纯金制成,但隐藏在银涂层中。由于无法镀银,劳斯莱斯专家使用纯银欢庆女神雕像,并巧妙地用 18K 黄金镀层,以达到“显金”的效果。内饰:隐藏的黄金为了向《金手指》电影致敬,劳斯莱斯内部的设计师、工程师和工匠组成的 Bespoke 团队开发了一些非常复杂的细节和功能,其中包括 18K 和 24K 黄金。前排座椅之间的中央控制台中隐藏的保险库就是其中一项壮举。该区域经过重新设计,可容纳一块发光的 18 克拉纯金条,形状为幻影“Speedform”——以微缩模型形式呈现汽车设计。前后中央控制台底部也采用精致的金色饰面,手套箱内部亦是如此。手套箱内盖上还刻有金手指的标志性名言:“这就是黄金,邦德先生。我一生都爱着它的色彩、它的光彩和它神圣的重量。”整个汽车的通风口和“风琴音栓”也采用光泽的金色饰面。扬声器音柱也采用相同的饰面,并刻有电影片名。踏脚板的设计看上去就像《金手指》中的金条,镀金后采用的压花字体与 1964 年为电影开发的字体相同。24 克拉镀金 VIN 铭牌上镌刻着特意获得的车辆识别号,以 007 结尾。富尔卡山口画廊幻影艺境藏珍画廊中的定制艺术作品贯穿整个前脸,是这款车的真正核心。手绘的三维设计是一幅精确而又艺术性的等值线图,展示了富尔卡山口的轮廓。在电影中,007 走在这条传奇的道路上,悄悄跟随金手指来到瑞士阿尔卑斯山的冶炼厂。用于制造该作品的不锈钢采用一种名为物理气相沉积的方法变暗。轮廓线和立面图被镌刻在深色基材上,露出下方明亮的金属。富尔卡通道从不锈钢层中切出,露出下面的镀金表面。

这一高度复杂的功能需要一年的艰苦开发,在此期间,Bespoke Collective 制作了十个完整的原型以完善设计。艺术品中心的 Bespoke 时钟环绕灵感来自于一眼就能认出的“枪管”序列,自《诺博士》(1962 年)以来,每部詹姆斯邦德电影中都有这一序列。


这款车再次巧妙地向令人难忘的富尔卡山口场景致敬。该品牌的 Bespoke Collective 设计了幻影金手指的星光顶篷,以完美反映 1964 年 7 月 11 日(即在瑞士拍摄该场景的最后一天)富尔卡山口上空的星座。719 颗“星星”散发着微妙的金色光芒,周围环绕着另外八颗“流星”——全部由手工放置。


皇家胡桃木野餐桌上装饰有深度仅为 0.1 毫米的 22 克拉黄金镶嵌物,上面是诺克斯堡的虚构地图,诺克斯堡是美国黄金储备的金银库。 该设计历时六个月完成,经过三个原型开发,包含金库路、金银大道和金手指在“大满贯行动”中计划袭击的金银库等关键地点。


幻影金手指采用海军蓝皮革和皇家胡桃木贴面,精选优雅精致的帆布来展示金色细节,灵感来自原车的内饰配色。座椅包括后排的倾斜式宁静座椅,采用金色缝线巧妙提升座椅高度,座椅滚边部分饰有金色“子弹头”,头枕上带有金色“RR”字母组合。精致的细节詹姆斯邦德第一次遇到金手指是在英国白金汉郡的斯托克公园,007 在那里向他挑战打一轮高尔夫球。金手指使用金推杆,由他的心腹奥德乔布安全看管。在 2024 年的幻影金手指中,镀金推杆被重新制作并安装在行李箱盖下侧。球杆上装饰有特别设计的“AG”字母组合,灵感来自于银幕上金手指佩戴的印章戒指上的雕刻。后来,当邦德独自一人驾驶金手指的幻影三号时,他在汽车上放置了 Q 部门发放的跟踪装置,并用它跟踪这个反派穿越欧洲。为了实现这一点,Bespoke Collective 开发了一款受原始小工具启发的设备,每当打开盖子时,它就会将 007 标志巧妙地投射到行李箱地板的地毯上。

在斯托克公园的场景中,邦德差点被奥德乔布发现在干扰幻影三号,奥德乔布将金手指的高尔夫球杆和一把小雨伞装进了行李箱。2024 款幻影金手指的后车门上安装的雨伞也采用了相同的红、蓝、绿和黄色。作为

点睛之笔,电影中金手指幻影三号的英国车牌“AU 1”也得到了保留——这是元素周期表中金的化学符号。这个数字将留在幻影金手指上,目前幻影金手指已经交付给一位重要的劳斯莱斯客户和英国收藏家。

“幻影金手指的诞生是 Bespoke Collective 迄今为止最伟大的创意之旅之一。优雅而异想天开的功能参考了电影中最难忘的时刻,完美地展示了 Bespoke 在现有故事中增添新篇章的强大能力。我很荣幸能够成为创意团队的一员,让这件备受追捧的收藏品重现生机。”
劳斯莱斯汽车高级定制设计师 Nick Rhodes



NEDCcorr(综合):二氧化碳排放量:345 g/km;燃油消耗:15.1 升/100 km / 18.7 mpg。WLTP(综合):二氧化碳排放量:362-348 g/km;燃油消耗:15.9-15.2 升/100 km / 17.7-18.6 mpg。


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has unveiled a one-of-one Phantom Extended that pays homage to the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger – one of twelve Rolls-Royce appearances in the 007 film franchise.


Rolls-Royce Phantom Goldfinger, a one-of-one masterpiece
Incorporates some of the most extensively engineered and hand-crafted Bespoke features ever produced
Celebrates sixty years of the 1964 James Bond film Goldfinger
References Auric Goldfinger’s 1937 Phantom III Sedanca de Ville
Solid 18-carat gold bar in the shape of a ‘Speedform’ exhibited in centre console
Picnic tables include fictional map of Fort Knox bullion reserve in 22-carat gold inlay
Three-dimensional steel and gold Gallery incorporates isoline map of legendary Furka Pass
Starlight Headliner matches constellation above Furka during filming of scene in 1964
Gold golf club fitted to boot lid, referencing 007 and Auric Goldfinger’s first encounter
Harlequin umbrellas and 007 logo projector reference key film moments

“At Rolls-Royce, we are dedicated to crafting deeply personal masterpieces that reshape the boundaries of possibility and truly define the essence of luxury. Each creation is a reflection of our commitment to producing extraordinary, unique motor cars that consistently delight and exceed the expectations of our clients. This particular project really invigorated our team of creatives, giving them the freedom to explore the reaches of their imagination. The final creation is a testament to the power of collaboration and the extraordinary ability of our designers, craftspeople, and engineers.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“Witnessing how our Bespoke Collective seized upon the idea of celebrating 60 years of the film has been truly remarkable; this fantastic story has been masterfully explored in Phantom Goldfinger’s exquisite design. The creativity extended far beyond the making of the motor car, as we curated extraordinary experiences for the client and their family, all while staying true to the spirit of the Goldfinger theme. It is this exceptional ability to engage our clients and create lasting impressions that defines us as a true House of Luxury.”
Boris Weletzky, Regional Director, United Kingdom, Europe and Central Asia, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“This is gold, Mr. Bond. All my life, I’ve been in love with its colour, its brilliance, its divine heaviness.”
Auric Goldfinger, Auric Enterprises

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has unveiled a one-of-one Phantom Extended that pays homage to the 1964 James Bond film, Goldfinger – one of twelve Rolls-Royce appearances in the 007 film franchise.

Revealed in the film’s 60th anniversary year, it takes inspiration from the 1937 Phantom III Sedanca de Ville owned by the eponymous villain, Auric Goldfinger. This story is masterfully explored in Phantom Goldfinger, with exquisite and ingenious Bespoke features linking to the plot and iconography of this enduring film.

Phantom Goldfinger incorporates some of the most extensively engineered Bespoke features applied to a one-of-one motor car in Rolls-Royce history, each linking to the Goldfinger film plot. A total of three years of continuous development was required to bring each of these elegant and playful Bespoke features to life – from a complex sculptural Gallery, inspired by the famous scene filmed on the Furka Pass, to a gold golf putter mounted to the inside of the motor car’s boot, recalling the club used by Auric Goldfinger during his first encounter with James Bond.


For the exterior of this contemporary tribute to Goldfinger’s motor car, Rolls-Royce paint specialists precisely matched the exterior yellow hue to the original 1937 Phantom III Sedanca de Ville used in the film. A unique ‘long-side’ two-tone design was developed in which the black finish wraps around the motor car’s generous coachwork as a single, uninterrupted graphic. The 21-inch disc wheels are finished in Black with silver ‘floating’ hubcaps, creating a tone-on-tone effect that recalls the wheel design of the 1937 motor car as seen in the film.

The Spirit of Ecstasy at the prow of Phantom Goldfinger has been given a unique finish, subtly referencing the motion picture’s plot. In the film, the villain Auric Goldfinger was smuggling gold in body panels of his Phantom. As a nod to this concept, sections of the figurine appear to reveal gold underneath, suggesting it is made of solid gold, concealed with a silver coat. Since it is not possible to silver-plate gold, Rolls-Royce specialists used a solid silver Spirit of Ecstasy and skilfully gold-plated it with 18-carat gold to achieve the ‘gold reveal’ effect.


In honour of the Goldfinger film, the Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers, and artisans within Rolls-Royce developed several highly complex details and features that incorporate 18- and 24-carat gold. One such feat is the hidden vault created in the centre console between the front seats. The area was re-engineered to house an illuminated solid 18-carat gold bar, shaped as a Phantom ‘Speedform’ – a stylised representation of the motor car’s design in miniature.

The base of the front and rear centre consoles is also lined with an exquisite gold finish, as is the inside of the glovebox. The inner lid of the glovebox is also debossed with Goldfinger’s iconic quote: “This is Gold, Mr. Bond. All my life, I have been in love with its colour, its brilliance, its divine heaviness.”

The air vents and ‘organ stops’ throughout the motor car also have a lustrous gold finish. The speaker frets are given the same finish and inscribed with the film’s title treatment. The treadplates, designed to look like the gold bars that feature Goldfinger, are gold-plated and embossed using the same font developed for the film in 1964. The 24-carat gold-plated VIN plaque is engraved with a specially obtained vehicle identification number, which ends in 007.


The Bespoke artwork installed in Phantom’s Gallery, which runs the full width of the front fascia, is the true centrepiece of the motor car. The three-dimensional design, which was hand-drawn, is a precise yet artistic isoline map that shows the contours of the Furka Pass; in the film 007 is seen on this legendary road, discreetly following Auric Goldfinger to his smelting plant in the Swiss Alps. The stainless steel used to construct the piece was darkened using a method named physical vapour deposition. Contour lines and elevation figures are engraved into the dark substrate, exposing the bright metal beneath. The Furka Pass is cut out from the stainless-steel layer, revealing a gilded surface underneath.

This highly complex feature required a year of painstaking development, in which the Bespoke Collective produced ten complete prototypes to perfect the design. The Bespoke clock surround at the centre of the artwork is inspired by the instantly recognisable ‘gun barrel’ sequence which has been featured in every James Bond film since Dr. No (1962).


The motor car pays another subtle tribute to the memorable Furka Pass scene. The marque’s Bespoke Collective designed the Starlight Headliner of Phantom Goldfinger to perfectly reflect the constellations as they were positioned over the Furka Pass on 11 July 1964 – the last day of filming the scene in Switzerland. 719 ‘stars’, which glow with a subtle gold hue, are surrounded by a further eight ‘shooting stars’ – all individually placed by hand.


The Royal Walnut picnic tables are adorned with a 22-carat gold inlay with a depth of only 0.1 mm, which feature a fictional map of Fort Knox, the bullion depository where the United States’ gold reserves are stored. The design, which took six months to finalise and was developed over three prototypes, incorporates key locations including Gold Vault Road, Bullion Boulevard, and the Bullion Depository that Goldfinger plans to attack in ‘Operation Grand Slam’.


Phantom Goldfinger is finished in Navy leather and Royal Walnut veneer, selected as an elegant and refined canvas to showcase the gold detailing, inspired by the interior colourway of the original motor car. The seating, which includes reclining Serenity Seating in the rear suite, is subtly elevated with gold stitching, gold-coloured ‘bullets’ to cap the seat piping sections, and headrests that incorporate gold ‘RR’ monograms.


James Bond’s initial encounter with Goldfinger takes place at Stoke Park in Buckinghamshire, UK, where 007 challenges him to a round of golf. Goldfinger uses a gold putter, which is safely guarded by his henchman, Oddjob. For the 2024 Phantom Goldfinger, the gold-plated putter has been recreated and mounted on the underside of the boot lid. The club is adorned with a specially designed ‘AG’ monogram, inspired by the engraving on the signet ring worn by Goldfinger on-screen.

Later, while alone with Goldfinger’s Phantom III, Bond places a Q Branch-issued tracking device on the motor car, which he uses to follow the villain across Europe. To acknowledge this, the Bespoke Collective developed a device, inspired by the original gadget, that subtly projects the 007 logo onto the carpet of the luggage compartment floor whenever the lid is opened.

During the Stoke Park scene, Bond is nearly caught interfering with the Phantom III by Oddjob, who loads Goldfinger’s golf clubs and a harlequin umbrella into the boot. For the 2024 Phantom Goldfinger, the umbrellas that fit into the motor car’s rear doors have been finished in the same red, blue, green, and yellow colours.

As a finishing touch, the prized British numberplate ‘AU 1’, which graced the Goldfinger Phantom III in the film, has been secured — a reference to the chemical symbol for gold on the periodic table of elements. This will remain with Phantom Goldfinger, which has now been delivered to a significant Rolls-Royce client and collector based in England.

“Bringing Phantom Goldfinger into being was one of the Bespoke Collective’s greatest creative journeys to date. The elegant and whimsical features that reference the film’s most memorable moments are an exquisite demonstration of the power of Bespoke in adding a new chapter to an existing story. It was a privilege to be a part of the creative team that brought this highly sought-after collector’s piece to life.”
Nick Rhodes, Bespoke Designer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars



NEDCcorr (combined): CO2 emissions: 345 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.1 ltr/100 km / 18.7 mpg. WLTP (combined): CO2 emissions: 362-348 g/km; Fuel consumption: 15.9-15.2 ltr/100 km / 17.7-18.6 mpg.






古思特系列 II:劳斯莱斯有史以来最先进的、以驾驶者为中心的 V12 发动机
