
全新 BMW Panoramic iDrive 彻底改变了车辆操作。Neue Klasse 的前瞻性技术套件在 2025 年 CES 上全球首发

+++全新显示和操作概念将于 2025 年底在全新 BMW 车型上推出 +++始终以驾驶员为中心、信息分布和人体工程学 +++全新 BMW 操作系统 X 提供智能软件基础,​​确保广泛的个性化范围和数字功能的广泛传播 +++


慕尼黑/拉斯维加斯。宝马集团在拉斯维加斯举行的 2025 年消费电子展 (CES) 上展示了未来的驾驶和用户体验。宝马集团在此次展会上首次提供了体验接近量产版的全新 BMW iDrive 的机会,其中包括其核心产品 BMW 全景视觉系统。支撑这一切的软件是全新 BMW 操作系统 X,它是新显示和操作概念背后的智能中心。从 2025 年底开始,这套整体系统将采用现代、时尚的设计,应用于所有全新 BMW 车型。
“高科技与高度直观的操作相结合——25 年来在操作概念方面的开创性工作和技术领导力已被融入全新 BMW 全景 iDrive,” 宝马集团董事会成员、负责开发的 Frank Weber说道。
“全新 BMW 操作系统 X 奠定了基础。凭借这一进步,我们为世界上最好、最全面的信息娱乐系统之一赋予了更强大的功能,并再次在多模式交互方面树立了行业标杆。从今年年底首款量产的 Neue Klasse 车型开始,新款 BMW Panoramic iDrive 将成为未来所有 BMW 车型不可或缺的一部分。” 

四个元素,一个目标:始终以 BMW 特有的驾驶者为中心。
新款 BMW iDrive 将四个核心元素融合到独特的显示和操作概念中。

  • BMW 全景视觉系统是 BMW 最新开发的用于投影内容的抬头显示概念,可将 A 柱之间的可见信息反射到挡风玻璃下部的黑色印刷表面上。所有乘客都可以看到这些信息。
    最重要的驾驶信息直接投射到 BMW 全景视觉系统(左驾汽车)左侧方向盘上方的驾驶员视线中。驾驶员可以通过中央显示屏个性化 BMW 全景视觉系统中央和右侧区域的内容。BMW 全景视觉系统的集成为驾驶员和乘客创造了 3D 效果。
  • BMW 全景视觉系统上方的全新选配BMW 3D 平视显示器现在可在驾驶员视野中直接显示集成导航和自动驾驶信息。BMW 全景视觉系统和 BMW 3D 平视显示器中的内容以整齐协调的方式呈现。BMW
  • 在采用矩阵背光技术的中央显示屏上,熟悉的、更新的菜单结构和 QuickSelect 确保通过触摸即可最佳地操作功能和内容。操作非常简单方便,因为自由切割设计的显示屏位于方向盘附近,符合人体工程学的理想位置。只需在中央显示屏上滑动,即可将选定的内容(小部件)传送到 BMW 全景视觉系统。最多可以有六个小部件,它们可以在 BMW 全景视觉系统中根据需要排列。
  • 新款多功能方向盘采用了 BMW 的低调科技方法,相关按钮会发光以突出显示可用功能。方向盘是主要的物理控制装置,其按钮提供主动触觉反馈。按钮具有精心设计的浮雕状表面,这使得它们非常容易找到,这意味着驾驶员可以按它们而无需将视线从道路上移开。按钮

这四个元素的组合重新诠释了 BMW 一贯的“手放在方向盘上,眼睛盯着路面”的方法,BMW 以此为以驾驶员为中心的理念树立了标杆,并呈现出一种直观、易用且符合人体工程学的独特操作方式。BMW Panoramic iDrive 始终在正确的时间和地点为驾驶员提供正确的信息。该系统通过使用开关、按钮、触摸和语音控制,延续了模拟和数字控制的最佳组合方法。挡风玻璃雨刷、转向信号指示灯、外后视镜、音量控制、档位选择器和车窗除冰器均配有触觉开关。其他功能也经过优化,可使用触摸/语音控制或通过多功能方向盘进行操作,例如电话功能、媒体控制系统、导航、辅助驾驶、显示个性化、MyModes 选择等等。

除了通过数据学习目前全球超过 2200 万辆联网 BMW 汽车使用 BMW 操作系统的情况外,新款 BMW Panoramic iDrive 的开发阶段还包括在 BMW 集团可用性实验室进行的大量研究,约有 3,000 名客户参与其中。因此,操作逻辑各个方面的每个决策都是基于数据并以结构化的方式做出的。在这里,用户体验的扩展个性化范围也与客户的偏好和要求保持一致。

BMW 操作系统 X:智能、多功能、面向未来。
全新 BMW 操作系统 X 是最新操作系统的升级版,已在多款 BMW 车型中推出,由 BMW 完全自主开发。与 BMW 操作系统 9 一样,该系统基于 Android 开源项目 (AOSP) 软件堆栈。与前代系统相比,该系统提供更强大的更新和升级能力,使其既面向未来又向后兼容。该系统可容纳更多功能,并将使配备全新 BMW 全景 iDrive 的车辆长期处于技术前沿。
“配备操作系统 X 的全新 BMW 全景 iDrive 的整体概念得益于巨大的技术飞跃,” BMW 集团互联公司高级副总裁 Stephan Durach 表示。“该系统提供直观的操作、情感体验和特定的个性化设置。配备操作系统 X 的全新 BMW iDrive 展示了软件定义汽车的潜力。”

BMW 操作系统 X 的扩展智能可以将 BMW 全景视觉、可选的 BMW 3D 抬头显示、中央显示屏和多功能方向盘结合在一起,从而实现物理和数字体验的融合。例如,来电首先会在 BMW 全景视觉上显示一个图形。同时,相关方向盘按钮上之前不可见的符号会亮起绿色,表示可以通过按下按钮接听电话或在方向盘右侧滑动来拒绝来电。当
通过触摸控制或语音命令输入导航目的地时,BMW 3D 抬头显示上会显示路线指引警报,BMW 全景视觉上会显示有关道路和交叉口的更多信息。整个地图概览可随时显示在中央显示屏上,以实现更大范围的定位。

BMW 操作系统 X 将内容个性化提升到了一个新高度。全景视野中的显示可以根据个人喜好进行调整。此外,驾驶员现在还可以选择在“个人”模式中选择自己的驾驶属性设置,例如响应和转向特性。此外,用户选择的图片可以上传为中央显示屏的背景,环境光的配色和用户界面设计也可以根据他们的特定喜好进行调整,从而创造更加个性化的驾驶体验。

BMW 智能个人助理会以惯常方式响应“嘿 BMW”提示,或者可以通过按下多功能方向盘上的相应按钮来调用。BMW 智能个人助理的功能正在不断增强,并将通过集成大型语言模型 (LLM) 为 Neue Klasse 提升到一个全新的水平。该技术的使用最初侧重于导航,允许客户使用自然语言发出更广泛的口头命令:例如:“带我去靠近食品店的充电站。”在 CES 2025 的技术合作伙伴亚马逊展位上,参观者可以使用 BMW X3 中此 BMW 智能个人助理的测试版对这些功能有初步印象。

与 BMW 当前的信息娱乐系统一样,如果驾驶员需要,BMW 智能个人助理可以根据用户行为主动提出建议。这种智能通过 BMW 操作系统 X 进一步扩展。在相关情况下,BMW 智能个人助理会突出显示驾驶员很少使用的驾驶辅助系统。作为一种提醒,如果驾驶员事先已经独立启动了运动模式,系统会建议在合适的路线上启动运动模式。如果驾驶员多次不响应或忽略这些主动建议,系统会学习并从此不再提出建议。

BMW 操作系统 X 延续了上一代信息娱乐系统集成第三方应用程序的范围。目前,BMW ConnectedDrive Store 在全球范围内为 BMW 操作系统 9 提供 60 多个应用程序。选择范围将继续扩大,例如视频会议服务 Zoom 等生产力应用程序。

全新 BMW Panoramic iDrive 可扩展,并将从 2025 年底开始集成到所有全新 BMW 车型中 – 涵盖所有车型和所有驱动系统技术。

驾驶体验是重中之重。驾驶员应感到轻松自在,并完全控制车辆。这一原则反映在新款 BMW Panoramic iDrive 的设计中。细节尤为重要:用户界面设计得尽可能直观和自适应,以确保无缝交互。最终,声音、灯光和创新设计的和谐结合增强了整体体验。每一次旅程都成为人与车之间连接的特殊时刻。
“技术和客户偏好的变化比以往任何时候都快。数字体验和声音的设计发挥着越来越重要的作用,” BMW 集团设计高级副总裁 Adrian van Hooydonk 说道。 “新款 BMW Panoramic iDrive 不仅使我们的车辆更智能、更人性化,而且还实现了更广泛的个性化,使每辆新 BMW 都成为用户自己的汽车。”
BMW Panoramic iDrive 提供的整体体验的另一个元素是 Neue Klasse 车型中的全新 HypersonX 声音体验。它由宝马集团声音设计工作室开发,包含 43 种声音信号和个人模式和运动模式的特殊驾驶声音。多维频谱可精确调整声音以适应当前的驾驶情况,从而在驾驶员和宝马之间建立情感互动。

New BMW Panoramic iDrive revolutionises vehicle operation. Visionary technology package for the Neue Klasse celebrates world premiere at CES 2025.

+++ The new display and operating concept will be introduced across all new BMW models from the end of 2025 +++ Consistent driver focus, information distribution and ergonomics +++ New BMW Operating System X provides intelligent software basis, ensuring extensive scope for personalisation and wide spread of digital functionality +++


Munich/Las Vegas. The BMW Group presents the driving and user experience of the future at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2025 in Las Vegas. BMW is providing the first opportunity to experience the close-to-production version of the new BMW iDrive – complete with its centrepiece, BMW Panoramic Vision – at the event. The software underpinning it all is the new BMW Operating System X, which acts as the intelligence hub behind the new display and operating concept. The holistic system, with its modern, style-shaping design, will be introduced in all new BMW models from the end of 2025.
“High tech meets highly intuitive operation – a quarter of a century of pioneering work and technological leadership in operating concepts has been channelled into the new BMW Panoramic iDrive,” says Frank Weber, member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, responsible for Development.
“The foundations are provided by the new BMW Operating System X. With this advance, we are giving one of the world’s best and most comprehensive infotainment systems even greater capability and once again setting the industry benchmark in multimodal interaction. Starting with the first series-produced Neue Klasse model at the end of this year, the new BMW Panoramic iDrive will form an integral part of all future BMW models.” 

Four elements, one goal: consistent driver focus in characteristic BMW style.
The new BMW iDrive merges four central elements into a unique display and operating concept.

  • BMW Panoramic Vision – a Head-Up Display concept newly developed by BMW for projecting content – reflects visible information from A-pillar to A-pillar onto a black printed surface in the lower section of the windscreen. This information is visible to all occupants.
    The most important driving information is projected directly into the driver’s line of sight on the left-hand side of the BMW Panoramic Vision (in left-hand-drive cars), above the steering wheel. The driver can personalise the content in the central and right-hand areas of the BMW Panoramic Vision via the central display. The integration of the BMW Panoramic Vision creates a 3D effect for the driver and passengers.
  • The new and optional BMW 3D Head-Up Display above the BMW Panoramic Vision now shows integrated navigation and automated driving information directly in the driver’s field of vision. The content in the BMW Panoramic Vision and BMW 3D Head-Up Display is presented in a neatly coordinated way.
    The level of innovation achieved by the two Head-Up display technologies is underlined by several patent applications from the BMW Group resulting from the development of these projection technologies.
  • On the central display with matrix backlight technology, the familiar, updated menu structure with QuickSelect ensures optimal operation of the functions and content by touch. Operation is very easy and convenient, as the free-cut-design display is located close to the steering wheel in an ergonomically ideal position. Selected content (widgets) can be carried over to the BMW Panoramic Vision with a swipe on the central display. As many as six widgets are possible and they can be arranged as desired in the BMW Panoramic Vision.
  • The new multifunction steering wheel uses BMW’s shy-tech approach, whereby the relevant buttons are illuminated to highlight available functions. The steering wheel serves as the primary physical control, and its buttons provide active haptic feedback. The buttons have a well-judged, relief-like surface, which makes them extremely easy to locate and means the driver can press them without needing to divert their gaze away from the road.
    The arrangement of the buttons follows the familiar principle of driver assistance functions being positioned on the left-hand side of the steering wheel and content-controlling functions on the right-hand side.

The combination of these four elements re-interprets BMW’s customary “hands on the wheel, eyes on the road” approach, with which BMW sets the benchmark for driver focus and presents a unique form of intuitive, use-friendly and ergonomically optimised operation. The BMW Panoramic iDrive always gives the driver the right information in the right place and at the right time. The system continues the approach of using an optimal combination of analogue and digital controls through the use of switches, buttons, touch and voice control. There are haptic switches for the windscreen wipers, turn signal indicators, exterior mirrors, volume control, gear selectors and window de-icers. Other functions are optimised for operation using touch/voice control or via the multifunction steering wheel, such as telephone functions, media control systems, navigation, assisted driving, personalisation of displays, selection of MyModes and much more besides.

Alongside data-driven learnings on the use of BMW Operating Systems across the global fleet of now more than 22 million connected BMW vehicles, the development phase of the new BMW Panoramic iDrive also included numerous studies conducted in the BMW Group’s usability labs, in which around 3,000 customers were involved. Every decision on the various aspects of the operating logic is therefore based on data and made in a structured manner. Here, the user experience’s extended scope for personalisation has also been aligned with customer preferences and requirements.

BMW Operating System X: intelligent, versatile, fit for the future.
The new BMW Operating System X represents an update of the latest operating system, as used in many BMW models, and is a wholly in-house development from BMW. Like BMW Operating System 9, it is based on an Android Open Source Project (AOSP) software stack. It offers even greater update and upgrade capability than the predecessor system, making it both fit for the future and backwards compatible. It is ready to accommodate additional functions and will keep vehicles equipped with the new BMW Panoramic iDrive at the cutting edge of technology over a long period of time.
“The overall concept of the new BMW Panoramic iDrive with Operating System X has been enabled by a large technological leap forward,” says Stephan Durach Senior Vice President Connected Company BMW Group. “It offers intuitive operation, emotionally engaging experiences and specific personalisation. The new BMW iDrive with Operating System X demonstrates the potential of a software-defined vehicle.”

The expanded intelligence of BMW Operating System X makes it possible to combine the BMW Panoramic Vision, optional BMW 3D Head-Up Display, central display and multifunction steering wheel with one another in such a way that physical and digital experiences merge. For example, an incoming call initially brings up a graphic on the BMW Panoramic Vision. At the same time, a symbol on the relevant steering wheel button that was not previously visible is illuminated in green, indicating the option of taking the call by pressing the button or rejecting it with a swipe on the right-hand side of the steering wheel.
When a navigation destination is entered by touch control or voice command, route guidance alerts are shown on the BMW 3D Head-Up Display and further information on roads and junctions on the BMW Panoramic Vision. A whole map overview can be shown on the central display at any time for broader-scale orientation.

The personalisation of content reaches a new level with BMW Operating System X. The displays in the Panoramic Vision can be adapted to personal preferences. In addition, drivers now also have the option of choosing their own settings for driving attributes such as response and steering characteristics in the My Mode “Personal”. Moreover, pictures chosen by the user can be uploaded as backgrounds for the Central Display and the colourway of the Ambient Lighting and user interface design adjusted to their particular preferences, creating an even more personalised driving experience.

The BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant responds in the accustomed way to the prompt “Hey BMW” or can be called up by pressing the respective button on the multifunction steering wheel. The capabilities of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant are being constantly enhanced and will be taken to a whole new level for the Neue Klasse through the integration of Large Language Models (LLM). The use of this technology is focused initially on navigation, allowing the customer to give more extensive spoken commands using natural language: for example: “Take me to a charging station which is close to a food store.” At technology partner Amazon’s booth at CES 2025, visitors can get an initial impression of these capabilities using a beta version of this build of the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant in a BMW X3.

As with the current infotainment systems from BMW, the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant can – if the driver desires – make suggestions proactively based on user behaviour. This intelligence expands further with BMW Operating System X. In relevant situations, the BMW Intelligent Personal Assistant highlights driver assistance systems, which are rarely used by the driver. As a kind of reminder, the system suggests activating Sport Mode on suitable routes if the driver has already activated Sport Mode independently beforehand. If the driver doesn’t respond to or ignores these proactive suggestions several times, the system learns and refrains from making suggestions from then on.

BMW Operating System X carries over the scope for integration of third-party apps from the previous infotainment generation. As things stand, the BMW ConnectedDrive Store offers more than 60 apps worldwide for BMW Operating System 9. The selection will continue to grow, e.g. with productivity apps such as video conferencing service Zoom.

Design and technology for a unique user and driving experience.
The new BMW Panoramic iDrive is scalable and will be integrated into all new BMW models – across all vehicle segments and with all drive system technologies – from the end of 2025.

The driving experience takes centre stage. The driver should feel at ease and have full control over the vehicle. This principle is reflected in the design of the new BMW Panoramic iDrive. Particular attention is paid to the details: the user interface has been designed as intuitively and adaptively as possible to ensure seamless interaction. The result is a holistic experience enhanced by a harmonious combination of sound, light and innovative design. Every journey becomes a special moment of connection between human and vehicle.
“Technology and customer preferences are changing more quickly than ever. The design of digital experiences and sound is playing an ever more important role,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, Senior Vice President BMW Group Design. “The new BMW Panoramic iDrive not only makes our vehicles smarter and more user-friendly, it also enables much more extensive personalisation, which turns every new BMW into a car that is very much the user’s own.”
Another element in the holistic experience provided by the BMW Panoramic iDrive is the new HypersonX sound experience in the Neue Klasse models. Developed by the BMW Group Sound Design Studio, it comprises 43 sound signals and special driving sounds for Personal Mode and Sport Mode. The multi-dimensional spectrum adapts the sounds precisely to the driving situation at hand and, in so doing, creates an emotional interaction between the driver and their BMW.




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