
美泰 (Mattel)、AirConsole 和宝马集团宣布全球首发 UNO® Car Party!车载游戏

+++ UNO® 汽车派对!将于 8 月 21 日起通过 AirConsole 向超过 500,000 辆宝马和 MINI 汽车推出+++


慕尼黑。 美泰公司(Nasdaq: MAT)、AirConsole和宝马集团今天宣布,美泰经典纸牌游戏 UNO TM将于下周在德国科隆的 2024 年科隆国际游戏展上亮相,该展会是全球最大、领先的电子游戏盛会。AirConsole 展位(10.1 号展厅,B028 – C029 展位)的参观者将在新款宝马 X3 中率先体验 UNO® Car Party!,这款游戏为车载游戏量身定制了全球排名第一的纸牌游戏*。该游戏将于 8 月 21日通过 AirConsole 平台向超过 500,000 辆宝马和 MINI 汽车无线推出。宝马集团开发互联公司和技术运营高级副总裁 Stephan Durach

表示:“我们不断为客户提升整体数字体验的价值。” “我们的合作伙伴 AirConsole 和 Mattel 正在帮助将车载游戏变成一种新的社交体验,我很高兴为这项激动人心的创新提供像 UNO 这样适合家庭的游戏。” Mattel、AirConsole 和宝马集团将 UNO 改造成一款可在全新环境中玩的联网游戏:汽车。无论是一家人在旅途中休息,还是一群朋友停下来思考下一步行动,静止的驾驶员都可以使用 AirConsole 独特的游戏控制器系统,让任何乘客使用他们的个人设备连接到游戏中。最多四名玩家可以体验这款游戏,它通过简单、通用的游戏玩法将人们聚集在一起,超越了语言和文化。车辆必须处于停车状态才能进行游戏。 AirConsole 首席执行官 Anthony Cliquot 表示: “UNO 完美地展示了 AirConsole 的优势,它是一款人人都可以访问的游戏,与汽车硬件进行了定制集成,并且可以通过手机控制游戏体验。每个玩家都可以在汽车的信息娱乐系统上玩游戏时,偷偷地在手机上看到自己的牌。这是仅使用信息娱乐系统上的触摸屏或蓝牙控制无法实现的体验。”美泰数字游戏业务开发主管 Erika Winterholler表示:“UNO 非常适合车载游戏,因为它极具吸引力,能将人们聚集在一起。 它的规则简单易学,引人入胜,非常适合短暂停留和长时间游戏。UNO 的社交性质使每次旅程都成为一次有趣的体验,我们很高兴能与宝马和 AirConsole 的合作伙伴一起以创新的方式将这种精神带给消费者。”

自 2022 年以来,宝马集团与 AirConsole 的合作一直在开拓车载游戏领域,通过 AirConsole 平台为宝马汽车带来直观和创新的游戏玩法。自 AirConsole 推出以来,其游戏选择不断增加,其中包括“谁想成为百万富翁?”等热门游戏,该游戏由索尼影视电视台、宝马集团和 AirConsole 合作推出,作为车载全球首发。AirConsole 适用于当前车型,配备 BMW/MINI 操作系统 9 与 BMW Digital Premium/MINI Connected Package 结合使用,以及配备 BMW 操作系统 8.5** 与 BMW ConnectedDrive Professional 结合使用。

在过去的五十年里,UNO 一直保持着其作为一款具有极强不可预测的乐趣、激烈的竞争和包容性的游戏的传统。UNO 继续通过顶级实体产品、手机游戏、现场游戏活动和高级集体卡牌游戏等创新产品给粉丝带来惊喜和愉悦;通过 UNO 盲文等产品和文化相关产品(从粉丝创作的 UNO 模因到展示过去和现在艺术家作品的 UNO Artiste 系列)实现包容性游戏。

*来源:Circana/零售跟踪服务/G10/2023 年 1 月至 12 月/游戏(不包括集换式卡牌游戏子细分)/预计美元

**在奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、加拿大、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、英国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、马耳他、荷兰、挪威、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、韩国、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、美国提供。在澳大利亚、日本、新西兰、泰国、南非、印度、印度尼西亚、新加坡、马来西亚仅适用于个人 eSIM 和 BMW 操作系统 8.5。不适用于宝马 2 系双门轿跑车、3 系和 4 系。

Mattel, AirConsole, and BMW Group Announce World Premiere of UNO® Car Party! for In-Car Gaming.

+++ UNO® Car Party! will begin rolling out to over 500,000 BMW and MINI vehicles through AirConsole starting August 21st +++


Munich. Mattel, Inc. (Nasdaq: MAT), AirConsole, and BMW Group announced today that Mattel’s classic card game UNOTM will be revealed next week for in-car gaming in Cologne, Germany at gamescom 2024, the world’s largest, leading event for video games. Visitors to the AirConsole booth (Hall 10.1, Stand B028 – C029) will be the first to experience UNO® Car Party! in the new BMW X3, which tailors the world’s #1 card game* for in-car gaming. The game will roll out via the AirConsole platform to over 500,000 BMW and MINI vehicles over-the-air on August 21st.

“We continue to increase the value of the overall digital experience for our customers,” said Stephan Durach, Senior Vice President of the BMW Group Development Connected Company and Technical Operations. “Our partners AirConsole and Mattel are helping make in-car gaming into a new social experience, and I am thrilled to offer a family-favorite game like UNO for this exciting innovation.”

Mattel, AirConsole and BMW Group have transformed UNO into a playable connected game in a brand-new environment: the car. Whether a family is at rest during a road trip or a group of friends stop to figure out their next move, stationary drivers can use AirConsole’s unique game controller system to connect any passenger to the game using their personal devices. Up to four players can experience the game that brings people together through its simple, universal gameplay that transcends languages and cultures. Vehicles must be in park to enable gameplay.

“UNO beautifully illustrates the strengths of AirConsole with a game accessible to everyone, a bespoke integration to the car hardware and our phone-controlled gaming experience,” said Anthony Cliquot, CEO of AirConsole. “Each player can secretly see their own cards on their phone while playing on the infotainment system of the car. This is an experience that would be impossible to achieve using only touchscreen or bluetooth controls on the infotainment system.”

“UNO is perfect for in-car gaming because it’s highly engaging and brings people together,” said Erika Winterholler, Head of Business Development, Digital Gaming at Mattel. “Its simple rules are easy to learn and endlessly captivating, making it ideal for both short pit stops and extended play sessions. UNO’s social nature turns every journey into a fun experience, and we’re so excited to bring this spirit to consumers in an innovative way with our partners at BMW and AirConsole.”

Since 2022, the partnership between the BMW Group and AirConsole has been pioneering in-car gaming, bringing intuitive and innovative gameplay to BMW vehicles through the AirConsole platform. Its selection of games has grown since the introduction of AirConsole, with popular games such as “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, which launched as an in-car world premiere in collaboration between Sony Pictures Television, BMW Group and AirConsole. AirConsole is available in current models with BMW / MINI Operating System 9 in combination with BMW Digital Premium / MINI Connected Package and with BMW Operating System 8.5** in combination with BMW ConnectedDrive Professional.

Over the past five decades, UNO has maintained its legacy as a game with wildly unpredictable fun, spirited competition, and inclusivity. UNO continues to surprise and delight fans through innovative offerings from top-line physical products, mobile games, live gaming events and premium collective card games; inclusive gameplay through products like UNO Braille and culturally relevant product from fan-created UNO memes to the UNO Artiste series featuring the artwork of artists from yesterday and today.

*Source: Circana/Retail Tracking Service/G10/JAN-DEC 2023/Games Excl Trade Card Game Subsegment/Projected USD

**Available in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA. In Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, South Africa, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia only available with Personal eSIM and BMW Operating System 8.5. Not available in BMW 2 Series Coupe, 3 Series and 4 Series.



品牌车型:20 世纪 40 年代劳斯莱斯银色黎明


宝马摩托车 2022 年东南欧国际 GS 奖杯


