
BMW 5 系车型更加丰富:全新 BMW 5 系旅行车和首款 BMW i5 旅行车上市。随后还将推出更多插电式混合动力车型和柴油车型

+++ 现已在经销商处发售:全电动 BMW i5 Touring 和 BMW 5 系 Touring,配备四缸柴油发动机。+++ 现已上市,将于 2024 年夏季开始交付:BMW 5 系轿车和 BMW 5 系 Touring 的其他车型配备插电式混合动力和直列六缸发动机。+++


慕尼黑。新款 BMW 5 系旅行车现已上路。首批车辆几天前已交付给欧洲和日本的客户。如今,这款中高端车型细分市场中的运动型全能车型已发展到第六代,首次以全电动 BMW i5 Touring 的形式推出。两款纯电动车型和两款高效四缸柴油发动机车型可供市场推出。到 2024 年夏天,新款 BMW 5 系旅行车和轿车系列将扩大,包括更多配备插电式混合动力驱动和直列六缸柴油发动机的车型。

这家巴伐利亚豪华汽车制造商正在系统地继续其车型系列的电气化,包括 BMW i5 Touring 和即将推出的新款 BMW 5 系旅行车插电式混合动力版。新系列的顶级车型是 BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring(综合功耗:20.9 – 18.4 kWh/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:A;续航里程:441 – 503(274 – 313 英里))功率最高可达 442 kW/601 hp。与其并驾齐驱的是新款 BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring(综合功耗:19.3 – 16.5 kWh/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:A;续航里程:483 – 560(300 – 348 英里))在 WLTP 测试周期中,输出功率高达 250 kW/340 hp,续航里程高达 560 公里(348 英里)。

此外,在欧洲特别受欢迎的 BMW 520d Touring(综合油耗:5.9 – 5.3 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;CO2 排放量:154 – 140 g/km 根据 WLTP;CO2 等级:E)和 BMW 520d xDrive Touring(综合油耗:6.2 – 5.7 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;CO2 排放量:163 – 149 g/km 根据 WLTP;CO2 等级:F – E)车型现已上市。它们的四缸柴油发动机与 48 伏轻度混合动力技术相结合,最大输出功率为 145 kW/197 hp。

适用于轿车和旅行车型的插电式混合动力驱动和 BMW xDrive。

2024 年夏季,新款 BMW 5 系旅行车将引入插电式混合动力技术。将提供两种型号。新款 BMW 530e Touring(综合加权能耗:22.6 – 20.6 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 0.9 – 0.7 l/100 km;综合加权 CO2 排放量:根据 WLTP 为 21 – 16 g/km;根据 WLTP,电池放电后的燃油消耗为 7.6 – 7.0 l/100 km(62 英里);CO2 等级:电池放电后 F;综合加权 B;电动续航里程:83 – 95(52 – 55 英里))通过 8 速 Steptronic 变速箱将两个发动机的动力传输到后轮。在新款 BMW 530e xDrive Touring 中(综合加权消耗:23.7 – 21.7 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 1.0 – 0.8 l/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放量:22 – 18 g/km(根据 WLTP);电池放电后的燃油消耗量为 7.9 – 7.3 l/100 km(62 英里)(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 – F;综合加权 B;电动续航里程:82 – 89(51 – 55 英里)),智能全轮驱动可确保在所有道路条件下实现最佳牵引力、灵活性和驾驶稳定性。这种驱动技术组合也将在 2024 年夏季上市的 BMW 5 系轿车中采用。新款 BMW 530e xDrive 轿车(综合加权油耗:23.3 – 21.6 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 1.0 – 0.7 l/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放量:22 – 17 g/km(根据 WLTP);电池放电后的燃油消耗量为 7.8 – 7.2 l/100 km(62 英里)(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 – F;综合加权 B;电动续航里程:82 – 93(51 – 58 英里))将是搭载插电式混合动力系统的四门车型的第三款车型。

三款新车型的驱动系统由四缸汽油发动机和集成在 8 速 Steptronic 变速箱中的电动机组成,两者共同产生 220 kW/299 hp 的系统输出功率。高压电池可提供 19.4 kWh 的可用能量,使新款 BMW 530e Touring 的电动续航里程达到 83 至 95 公里(51 至 59 英里),新款 BMW 530e xDrive Touring 的电动续航里程达到 82 至 89 公里(50 至 55 英里),新款 BMW 530e xDrive Sedan 的电动续航里程达到 82 至 93 公里(50 至 58 英里)。

在新款 BMW 5 系旅行车中,选择插电式混合动力车型也不会损失运输能力。由于高压电池节省空间地布置在车身底部,完全平坦的行李舱的长度、宽度和高度与内燃机和全电动驱动车型相同。所有座位都坐满时行李舱容量为 570 升,如果需要可以增加到 1,700 升。

2024 年夏季上市:宝马 5 系六缸直列柴油发动机。

2024 年夏季,新款 BMW 5 系轿车和旅行车的可选发动机范围将扩大,包括直列六缸柴油发动机。BMW 540d xDrive 轿车(综合油耗:6.3 – 5.8 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:165 – 153 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:F – E)和 BMW 540d xDrive 旅行车(综合油耗:6.5 – 6.0 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:171 – 157 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:F)的驱动装置采用 BMW 集团最新一代模块化设计,并结合了 48 伏轻度混合动力技术,采用曲轴起动发电机形式。内燃机与集成在 8 速 Steptronic 变速箱中的电动机共同产生 223 kW/303 hp 的最大输出功率和 670 Nm (494 lb/ft) 的最大扭矩。

通过智能 BMW xDrive 全轮驱动系统,扭矩可完全可变地分配到所有四个车轮。直列六缸柴油发动机的动态动力输出和卓越的动力传输体现在 5.2 秒内从零加速到 100 公里/小时 (62 英里/小时),新款 BMW 540d xDrive 轿车和新款 BMW 540d xDrive 旅行车均如此。

以下销售价格(德国建议零售价含增值税)适用于新款 BMW 5 系旅行车和首款 BMW i5 旅行车的车型,这些车型将在上市时或 2024 年夏季上市,以及 BMW 5 系轿车的其他车型将在本年度夏季上市:

BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring 101,500 欧元
BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring 72,200 欧元
BMW 530e Touring 66,850 欧元
BMW 530e xDrive Touring 69,450 欧元
BMW 540d xDrive Touring 71,050 欧元
BMW 520d Touring 61,750 欧元
BMW 520d xDrive Touring 64,350 欧元
BMW 530e xDrive 轿车 67,450 欧元
BMW 540d xDrive 轿车 69,050 欧元


BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring:综合功耗:20.9 – 18.4 kWh/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:0 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级 :A;续航里程:441 – 503(274 – 313 英里)。BMW
i5 eDrive40 Touring:综合功耗:19.3 – 16.5 kWh/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放 量:0 g/km 根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:A;续航里程:483 – 560(300 – 348 英里)。BMW
520d Touring:综合燃油消耗:5.9 – 5.3 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP; CO 2排放量:154 – 140 g/km 根据 WLTP;CO 2等级:E.
BMW 520d xDrive Touring:综合燃油消耗:6.2 – 5.7 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;CO 2 排放量:163 – 149 g/km 根据 WLTP;CO 2等级:F – E.
BMW 530e Touring:综合、加权消耗:22.6 – 20.6 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 0.9 – 0.7 l/100 km;加权综合 CO 2排放量:21 – 16 g/km 根据 WLTP;电池放电时的燃油消耗:7.6 – 7.0 l/100 km(62 英里)根据 WLTP;CO 2等级:电池放电时 F;综合、加权 B;电动续航里程:83 – 89(52 – 55 英里)。BMW
530e xDrive Touring:综合、加权消耗:23.7 – 21.7 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 1.0 – 0.8 l/100 km;加权综合二氧化碳排放量:22 – 18 g/km(根据 WLTP);电池放电后的燃油消耗为 7.9 – 7.3 l/100 km(62 英里)(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 – F;综合、加权 B;电动续航里程:82 – 89(51 – 55 英里)。BMW
530e xDrive 轿车:综合、加权消耗:23.3 – 21.6 kWh/100 km(62 英里)和 1.0 – 0.7 l/100 km;二氧化碳排放量加权综合:22 – 17 克/公里根据 WLTP);电池放电后的燃油消耗量为 7.8 – 7.2 升/100 公里(62 英里),根据 WLTP;二氧化碳等级:电池放电后 – F;综合,加权 B;电动续航里程:82 – 93(51 – 58 英里)。BMW
540d xDrive Touring:燃油消耗量综合:6.5 – 6.0 升/100 公里(62 英里),根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放 量:171 – 157 克/公里(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:F。BMW
540d xDrive 轿车:燃油消耗量综合:6.3 – 5.8 升/100 公里(62 英里),根据 WLTP;二氧化碳排放量:165 – 153 克/公里(根据 WLTP);二氧化碳等级:F – E。


More variety in the BMW 5 Series: Market launch of the new BMW 5 Series Touring and the first BMW i5 Touring. Additional plug-in hybrid and diesel models will follow.

+++ Now at dealerships: All-electric BMW i5 Touring and BMW 5 Series Touring with four-cylinder diesel engine. +++ Available now for delivery from summer 2024: Additional models with plug-in hybrid and in-line six-cylinder engines for the BMW 5 Series Sedan and BMW 5 Series Touring. +++


Munich. The new BMW 5 Series Touring is now on the road. The first vehicles were delivered to customers in Europe and Japan a few days ago. Now in its sixth generation, the sporty all-rounder in the premium segment of the upper mid-range vehicle segment is being launched for the first time as the all-electric BMW i5 Touring. Two models with purely electric drive and two with highly efficient four-cylinder diesel engines are available for the market launch. By summer 2024, the range of the new BMW 5 Series Touring and Sedan will be extended to include additional models with plug-in hybrid drive and an in-line six-cylinder diesel engine.

The Bavarian premium car manufacturer is systematically continuing the electrification of its model range with the BMW i5 Touring and the soon-to-be-available plug-in hybrid versions of the new BMW 5 Series Touring. The top model of the new series is the BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring (Power consumption combined: 20.9 – 18.4 kWh/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): A; range: 441 – 503 (274 – 313 miles)) with up to 442 kW/601 hp. At its side is the new BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring (Power consumption combined: 19.3 – 16.5 kWh/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): A; range: 483 – 560 (300 – 348 miles)) with an output of up to 250 kW/340 hp and a range of up to 560 kilometres (348 miles) determined in the WLTP test cycle.

In addition, the BMW 520d Touring (Fuel consumption combined: 5.9 – 5.3 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 154 – 140 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): E) and BMW 520d xDrive Touring (Fuel consumption combined: 6.2 – 5.7 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 163 – 149 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F – E) models, which are particularly popular in Europe, are now available. Their four-cylinder diesel engine is combined with 48-volt mild hybrid technology and develops a maximum output of 145 kW/197 hp.

Plug-in hybrid drive and BMW xDrive for Sedan and Touring models.

Plug-in hybrid technology will be introduced in the new BMW 5 Series Touring in summer 2024. Two models will be available. The new BMW 530e Touring (Consumption combined, weighted: 22.6 – 20.6 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 0.9 – 0.7 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 21 – 16 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.6 – 7.0 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 83 – 95 (52 – 55 miles)) transmits the power of its two engines to the rear wheels via an 8-speed Steptronic transmission. In the new BMW 530e xDrive Touring (Consumption combined, weighted: 23.7 – 21.7 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 1.0 – 0.8 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 22 – 18 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.9 – 7.3 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery – F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 82 – 89 (51 – 55 miles)), intelligent all-wheel drive ensures optimum traction, agility and driving stability in all road conditions. This drive technology combination will also be available in the BMW 5 Series Sedan from summer 2024. The new BMW 530e xDrive Sedan (Consumption combined, weighted: 23.3 – 21.6 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 1.0 – 0.7 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 22 – 17 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.8 – 7.2 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery – F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 82 – 93 (51 – 58 miles)) will be the third model variant of the four-door model with plug-in hybrid system.

The drive system of the three new models consists of a four-cylinder petrol engine and an electric motor integrated into the 8-speed Steptronic transmission, which together generate a system output of 220 kW/299 hp. The high-voltage battery provides a usable energy content of 19.4 kWh and enables an electric range of 83 to 95 kilometres (51 to 59 miles) for the new BMW 530e Touring, 82 to 89 kilometres (50 to 55 miles) for the new BMW 530e xDrive Touring and 82 to 93 kilometres (50 to 58 miles) for the new BMW 530e xDrive Sedan.

In the new BMW 5 Series Touring, there is also no loss of transport capacity when choosing a plug-in hybrid model. Thanks to the space-saving arrangement of the high-voltage battery in the underbody of the vehicle, the length, width and height of the completely flat luggage compartment are the same as those of the models with combustion engine and all-electric drive. Luggage capacity is 570 litres with all seats occupied and can be increased to 1,700 litres if required.

Available from summer 2024: Six-cylinder in-line diesel engine in the BMW 5 Series.

The range of engines available for the new BMW 5 Series Sedan and Touring models will be extended in summer 2024 to include a straight six-cylinder diesel engine. The drive unit of the BMW 540d xDrive Sedan (Fuel consumption combined: 6.3 – 5.8 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 165 – 153 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F – E) and BMW 540d xDrive Touring (Fuel consumption combined: 6.5 – 6.0 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 171 – 157 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F) from the BMW Group’s latest modular generation is combined with 48-volt mild hybrid technology in the form of a crankshaft starter generator. Together, the combustion engine and the electric motor integrated into the 8-speed Steptronic transmission generate a maximum output of 223 kW/303 hp and a maximum torque of 670 Nm (494 lb/ft).

Torque is distributed fully variably to all four wheels via the intelligent BMW xDrive all-wheel drive system. The dynamic power delivery of the in-line six-cylinder diesel engine and the superior power transmission are reflected in the 5.2-second acceleration time from zero to 100 km/h (62 mph), which is the same for both the new BMW 540d xDrive Sedan and the new BMW 540d xDrive Touring.

The following sales prices (recommended retail prices for Germany including VAT) apply to the model variants of the new BMW 5 Series Touring and the first BMW i5 Touring available at market launch or from summer 2024, as well as to the additional model variants of the BMW 5 Series Sedan available from summer 2024:

BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring                                  101,500 euros
BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring                                        72,200 euros
BMW 530e Touring                                                  66,850 euros
BMW 530e xDrive Touring                                       69,450 euros
BMW 540d xDrive Touring                                       71,050 euros
BMW 520d Touring                                                  61,750 euros
BMW 520d xDrive Touring                                       64,350 euros
BMW 530e xDrive Sedan                                        67,450 euros
BMW 540d xDrive Sedan                                        69,050 euros



BMW i5 M60 xDrive Touring: Power consumption combined: 20.9 – 18.4 kWh/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): A; range: 441 – 503 (274 – 313 miles).
BMW i5 eDrive40 Touring: Power consumption combined: 19.3 – 16.5 kWh/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 0 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): A; range: 483 – 560 (300 – 348 miles).
BMW 520d Touring: Fuel consumption combined: 5.9 – 5.3 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 154 – 140 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): E.
BMW 520d xDrive Touring: Fuel consumption combined: 6.2 – 5.7 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 163 – 149 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F – E.
BMW 530e Touring: Consumption combined, weighted: 22.6 – 20.6 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 0.9 – 0.7 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 21 – 16 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.6 – 7.0 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 83 – 89 (52 – 55 miles).
BMW 530e xDrive Touring: Consumption combined, weighted: 23.7 – 21.7 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 1.0 – 0.8 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 22 – 18 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.9 – 7.3 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery – F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 82 – 89 (51 – 55 miles).
BMW 530e xDrive Sedan: Consumption combined, weighted: 23.3 – 21.6 kWh/100 km (62 miles) and 1.0 – 0.7 l/100 km; CO2 emissions weighted combined: 22 – 17 g/km according to WLTP; fuel consumption with discharged battery 7.8 – 7.2 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 classes: with discharged battery – F; combined, weighted B; electric range: 82 – 93 (51 – 58 miles).
BMW 540d xDrive Touring: Fuel consumption combined: 6.5 – 6.0 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 171 – 157 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F.
BMW 540d xDrive Sedan: Fuel consumption combined: 6.3 – 5.8 l/100 km (62 miles) according to WLTP; CO2 emissions: 165 – 153 g/km according to WLTP;CO2 class(es): F – E.

All data on performance, consumption, emissions and range are provisional values.


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