
里程碑式投资助力劳斯莱斯汽车 BESPOKE 创下年度销售新高

劳斯莱斯宣布投资超过 3 亿英镑扩建其位于古德伍德的制造工厂。这是该公司致力于通过手工制作最复杂、最个性化、最有价值的奢侈品,同时提供无与伦比的客户体验,为客户创造价值的下一步。该品牌 2024 年的表现(Bespoke 创纪录的一年,也是该公司历史上第三好的销售业绩)证实了这种方法的成功。


  • 古德伍德劳斯莱斯总部投资逾 3 亿英镑
  • 网站扩展以扩展 Bespoke 和 Coachbuild 功能
  • 每辆汽车的 Bespoke 内容价值同比增长 10%,创下新高
  • 仅限邀请的私人办公室网络扩展至五个,新增两个地点
  • 2024 年交付 5,712 辆汽车:创历史第三高年销量
  • 全球销售呈现均衡态势,以北美和欧洲为主导
  • 2024 年将推出创纪录的四款新车型:Cullinan 系列 II 和 Ghost 系列 II,以及相应的 Black Badge 车型。

“2024 年,劳斯莱斯汽车打造了其历史上最复杂、最个性化、最有价值的汽车,重申了其作为真正豪华汽车公司的地位。这一势头意味着我们有必要投资超过 3 亿英镑来扩建劳斯莱斯之家。这是我们自 2003 年古德伍德开业以来对劳斯莱斯品牌的最大财务承诺,也是对劳斯莱斯品牌的重大信任投票,确保了我们在英国的未来。 2024 年创纪录的 Bespoke 定制结果表明,我们的客户越来越多地被该品牌吸引,以打造更具雄心和价值的汽车,从而享受劳斯莱斯所有权所带来的卓越和高度个性化的体验。这凸显了我们致力于为客户和与我们业务相关的人创造价值的承诺。”

劳斯莱斯汽车宣布投资超过 3 亿英镑扩建其在古德伍德的制造工厂。这是该公司致力于通过手工制作最复杂、最个性化、最有价值的奢侈品,同时提供无与伦比的客户体验,为客户创造价值的下一步。该品牌 2024 年的业绩——创下 Bespoke 创纪录的一年,也是公司历史上第三好的销售业绩——证实了这种方法的成功。

此次扩建将为日益复杂和高价值的 Bespoke 和 Coachbuild 项目创造更多空间,这些项目是客户所寻求的,他们将奢侈品定义为对他们来说非常个人化的东西。它还将为该品牌向全电池电动汽车 (BEV) 未来的过渡做好准备。

这笔 3 亿多英镑的投资是自 2003 年 1 月 1 日工厂开业以来最大的一笔注资。当时,它雇用了大约 300 名员工,每天只生产一辆汽车。尽管古德伍德制造厂在过去 20 年里经历了重大的内部变化,但建筑本身基本保持不变,而员工人数自那以后增加了八倍多,该品牌现在每天生产多达 28 辆汽车。

目前,劳斯莱斯古德伍德总部有 2,500 多名员工,其中包括许多技术精湛的制造和工艺专家,以及该公司更广泛的英国供应链中的约 7,500 名员工。2023 年,伦敦政治经济学院 (LSE) 的一项独立研究表明,作为“英国上市公司”的主要代表,劳斯莱斯汽车每年为英国经济贡献约 5 亿英镑。

2024 年,劳斯莱斯之家获得扩建规划许可。这一里程碑的实现恰逢劳斯莱斯庆祝其联合创始人查尔斯·斯图尔特·劳斯与亨利·罗伊斯 (后来的亨利爵士) 首次会面 120 周年。1904 年 5 月 4 日。场地准备和景观美化工作正在进行中。BESPOKE 创纪录的一年2024 年,由专业设计师、工程师和工匠组成的劳斯莱斯 Bespoke 团队完成了迄今为止最具创意和技术挑战性的一些委托项目。这些项目采用了劳斯莱斯汽车上前所未有的创新材料、功能和工艺技术,打造出独一无二的、引起情感共鸣的杰作,真正反映了每位委托客户的兴趣和个性。2024 年,劳斯莱斯汽车的 Bespoke 定制服务达到了创纪录的水平。每辆汽车的 Bespoke 定制内容价值平均同比增长 10%,达到公司历史上的最高水平。这一创纪录的成就证明了劳斯莱斯长期致力于 Bespoke 定制的战略重点,即通过高度个性化的产品和体验为客户创造价值,并提供有意义的个人表达机会。这些定制从各种主题中汲取灵感,从壮观的自然现象和品牌的传统到珍贵的个人里程碑和经典电影。工匠们制作出精致的细节,包括 18K 纯金雕塑、超过 869,500 针的复杂刺绣、由 500 多块独立形状的木块组成的精致镶嵌细工、迷人的珍珠母贝艺术品和全息漆面,以及其他值得注意的当代工艺表现。劳斯莱斯幻影加长版全年收到最全面的定制订单,客户探索了这一慷慨而细致的个性化表达方式。在交付的第一年,客户立即看到了 Spectre 的定制潜力,该车型的每辆汽车的定制内容水平在该品牌 2024 年的产品组合中排名第二。按每辆汽车的平均价值计算,中东是最大的定制地区,紧随其后的是北美和欧洲。劳斯莱斯车身制造是定制表达的巅峰,于 2024 年推出了 Arcadia Droptail。它是四款车身制造 Droptail 杰作之一,此前该品牌的车身制造订单包括“Sweptail”和 Boat Tail。无与伦比的客户体验
劳斯莱斯对 Bespoke 定制的承诺体现在其私人办公室中,这些办公室将古德伍德定制劳斯莱斯的高度个性化体验直接带给世界各地的客户。2024 年,这一全球 VIP 空间网络扩展到纽约和首尔,与迪拜和上海的 VIP 空间网络并驾齐驱。受古德伍德原有私人办公室的启发,这些创意中心可应邀进入,每个中心的设计都旨在激发创造力,促进客户与该地区的专职设计师和客户体验经理之间的密切合作。这种独特的体验受到客户的高度赞赏,私人办公室的定制价值通常会高出 25%,因为客户有机会探索劳斯莱斯 Bespoke 定制的全部功能。

劳斯莱斯全球经销商合作伙伴也继续投资于该品牌更新的视觉形象和展厅概念,这提供了一个社交、富有创意的环境,客户可以在其中放松身心并为他们的 Bespoke 定制寻找灵感。

劳斯莱斯仅限邀请会员使用的应用程序 Whispers 在 2024 年继续增长,会员人数增加了 55%。在这个独家的数字会员俱乐部中,客户可以相互交流并获得劳斯莱斯关于该品牌和更广泛的奢侈品世界的独家见解。Whispers 还使客户能够直接与劳斯莱斯汽车公司的高管以及古德伍德时代劳斯莱斯的拥有者联系,从而促进了该品牌与客户之间特别密切的联系。全球平衡销售情况劳斯莱斯在 2024 年推出了创纪录的四款新车型:库里南系列 II古斯特系列 II,以及相应的 Black Badge 车型。这些极为成功的发布,加上对劳斯莱斯所有产品的持续需求,促成了 2024 年全球销量达到 5,712 辆——这是有史以来第三高的年度总销量,并且符合该品牌在转向新车型后的预测和预期。2024年也是劳斯莱斯 Spectre 销售的第一年,事实证明它比预期的更受欢迎。Spectre 是去年欧洲最受欢迎的劳斯莱斯车型,也是全球第二受欢迎的车型,全球客户都证实它放大了该品牌最著名的属性:静音、“飘逸”和独特的“魔毯之旅”体验。考虑到所有地区,2024 年最受欢迎的劳斯莱斯车型是 Cullinan、Spectre,然后是 Ghost。该品牌的旗舰车型 Phantom 保持了其作为终极和最稀有的劳斯莱斯的地位。幻影将于 2025 年迎来百年诞辰。

2024 年,北美是劳斯莱斯汽车最大的销售地区,以交付给客户的汽车数量来衡量。中东和非洲、欧洲和亚太地区等多个地区的销量均创下历史新高。在中国,劳斯莱斯满足了经销商合作伙伴对 Bespoke 服务的持续需求,反映出越来越多年轻客户与劳斯莱斯汽车及其独特且高度个性化的体验互动。2023 年在上海开设的私人办公室最能体现这一点,彰显了该品牌对该地区持续的承诺。2024

年,劳斯莱斯还受益于马来西亚、泰国和荷兰等规模较小但增长迅速的市场。阿联酋、德国和日本都是劳斯莱斯汽车的大型和成熟市场,也是 2024 年销量创下纪录的几个国家之一。这些国家对定制功能的需求也大幅提升,其中一些最雄心勃勃的定制订单来自这些市场。劳斯莱斯

汽车对 2025 年充满信心,届时该品牌将推出其下一款电动汽车。


Rolls-Royce has announced an investment exceeding £300m to extend its manufacturing facility at Goodwood. This is the next step in the company’s commitment to creating value for clients by handcrafting the most complex, personal, and valuable luxury goods while providing an unparalleled client experience. The marque’s 2024 performance (a record year for Bespoke and the third-best sales result in the company’s history) confirms the success of this approach.

  • More than £300 million investment committed to Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood
  • Site extension to expand Bespoke and Coachbuild capabilities
  • 10% increase in Bespoke content value per motor car year-on-year; a record result
  • Invite-only Private Office network expands to five with addition of two new locations
  • 5,712 motor cars delivered in 2024: Third-highest annual sales figure on record
  • Global sales present a balanced picture, led by North America and Europe
  • Introduction of a record four new models in 2024: Cullinan Series II and Ghost Series II, together with the respective Black Badge models.

“In 2024, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars reaffirmed its position as an authentic luxury house by crafting the most complex, personal, and valuable motor cars in its history. This momentum means it is necessary for us to invest more than £300 million in extending the Home of Rolls-Royce. This represents our most substantial financial commitment to Goodwood since its opening in 2003 and a significant vote of confidence in the Rolls-Royce marque, securing our future here in the UK. 2024’s record Bespoke results demonstrate our clients are increasingly drawn to the marque to create ever more ambitious and valuable motor cars, thereby enjoying the exceptional and highly personalised experience that Rolls-Royce ownership unlocks. This underscores our commitment to creating value for our clients and those with a stake in our business.”
Chris Brownridge, Chief Executive, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has announced an investment exceeding £300 million to extend its manufacturing facility at Goodwood. This is the next step in the company’s commitment to creating value for clients by handcrafting the most complex, personal, and valuable luxury goods while providing an unparalleled client experience. The marque’s 2024 performance – a record year for Bespoke and the third-best sales result in the company’s history – confirms the success of this approach.

The extension will create additional space for the increasingly complex and high-value Bespoke and Coachbuild projects sought by clients who define luxury as something deeply personal to them. It will also ready the manufacturing facility for the marque’s transition to an all-battery electric vehicle (BEV) future.

This £300+ million investment is the single largest injection of capital since the plant opened on 1 January 2003. Then, it employed around 300 people and produced just one motor car a day. Although the Goodwood manufacturing plant has undergone significant internal changes over the past 20 years, the building itself has remained largely unchanged, while staff numbers have since increased more than eightfold, and the marque now produces up to 28 motor cars a day.

More than 2,500 individuals are now employed at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood – including many highly skilled manufacturing and craft specialists – as well as around 7,500 people in the company’s wider UK supply chain. In 2023, an independent study by the London School of Economics (LSE) demonstrated that Rolls-Royce Motor Cars contributes around half a billion pounds to the UK economy every year, as a leading representative of ‘UK PLC’.

Planning permission to extend the Home of Rolls-Royce was granted in 2024. Fittingly, this milestone was achieved during the year in which Rolls-Royce celebrated the 120th anniversary of the first meeting between its co-founders, The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls and Henry (later Sir Henry) Royce, on 4 May 1904. Site preparation and landscaping work is now underway.


During 2024, the Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective of specialist designers, engineers, and craftspeople undertook some of their most creatively daring and technically challenging commissions to date. These projects incorporated innovative materials, features, and craft techniques never seen before on a Rolls-Royce motor car, resulting in unique, emotionally resonant masterpieces which truly reflect each commissioning client’s interests and personality.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ Bespoke offering reached record levels in 2024. Bespoke content value increased 10% on average per motor car year-on-year, reaching the highest level in the company’s history.

This record achievement is a testament to Rolls-Royce’s long-term strategic focus on Bespoke, centred on creating value for clients through highly individualised products and experiences, and providing opportunities for meaningful personal expression. These commissions drew inspiration from diverse themes, ranging from spectacular natural phenomena and the marque’s heritage to cherished personal milestones and classic films. Artisans crafted exquisite details including solid 18-carat gold sculptures, intricate embroideries comprising more than 869,500 stitches, delicate marquetry composed of more than 500 individually shaped pieces of wood, captivating mother-of-pearl artworks, and holographic paint finishes, among other notable expressions of contemporary craft.

Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended received the most comprehensive Bespoke commissions throughout the year, as clients explored this generous and detailed canvas for personal expression. In its first full year of deliveries, clients immediately saw the Bespoke potential of Spectre, with this model containing the second highest level of Bespoke content per motor car in the marque’s 2024 portfolio.

The Middle East was the largest Bespoke region by average value per motor car, closely followed by North America and Europe.

Rolls-Royce Coachbuild, the pinnacle of Bespoke expression, unveiled Arcadia Droptail in 2024. It is one of four coachbuilt Droptail masterpieces, which followed the marque’s previous Coachbuild commissions ‘Sweptail’ and Boat Tail.


The marque’s commitment to Bespoke is reflected in its Private Offices, which take the highly personalised experience of commissioning a Rolls-Royce at Goodwood directly to clients around the world. In 2024, this global network of VIP spaces was expanded to New York and Seoul, which joined their counterparts in Dubai and Shanghai. Inspired by the original Private Office in Goodwood, these creative hubs are available by invitation, each designed to inspire creativity and close collaboration between clients and a dedicated designer and client experience manager based in the region. This unique experience is highly appreciated by clients, with Private Office commissions typically being 25% higher in value due to the opportunity to explore the full extent of Rolls-Royce’s Bespoke capabilities.

Rolls-Royce’s dealer partners around the world also continued to invest in the marque’s updated visual identity and showroom concept, which provides a social, creatively engaging environment in which clients can relax and find inspiration for their Bespoke commission.

The Rolls-Royce invitation-only members’ app, Whispers, continued to grow in 2024, with a 55% uplift in membership. In this exclusive digital members’ club, clients can network with each other and gain access to exclusive Rolls-Royce insights about the marque and the wider luxury world. Whispers also enables direct client contact with senior Rolls-Royce Motor Cars executives and those who own a Goodwood-era Rolls-Royce, fostering a particularly close bond between the marque and its clients.


Rolls-Royce introduced a record four new models in 2024: Cullinan Series II and Ghost Series II, together with the respective Black Badge models. These highly successful launches, together with sustained demand for all Rolls-Royce products, contributed to global sales of 5,712 in 2024 – the third-highest annual total ever achieved and in line with the marque’s forecasts and expectations, given the changeover to the new models.

2024 was also the first full year of sales for Rolls-Royce Spectre, which proved even more popular than expected. Spectre was the most requested Rolls-Royce model in Europe last year and the second most demanded globally, with clients around the world confirming it amplifies the attributes for which the marque is most renowned: silence, ‘waftability’ and the unique ‘magic-carpet ride’ experience.

Taking all regions into consideration, the most requested Rolls-Royce models in 2024 were Cullinan, Spectre, then Ghost. Phantom, the marque’s flagship, retained its status as the ultimate and rarest Rolls-Royce. Phantom will celebrate its centenary in 2025.

In 2024, North America was Rolls-Royce Motor Cars’ largest sales region, measured by the number of motor cars handed over to clients. Several regions, including the Middle East & Africa, Europe, and Asia Pacific, achieved record sales. In China, the marque responded to sustained demand for Bespoke from its dealer partners, reflecting a continuous increase in younger clientele engaging with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and its unique and highly personalised experience. This is most clearly evidenced at the Private Office in Shanghai, which opened in 2023, demonstrating the marque’s ongoing commitment to the region.

In 2024, Rolls-Royce also benefited from smaller but fast-growing markets, including Malaysia, Thailand, and the Netherlands. The UAE, Germany and Japan, all large and well-established markets for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, were among a number of countries which achieved record sales in 2024. They also experienced a significant uplift in demand for Bespoke features, with some of the most ambitious Bespoke commissions originating from these markets.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars looks forward with confidence to 2025, when the marque will be unveiling its next electric motor car.




劳斯莱斯与奇切斯特节日剧院:2024 年再度回归


BMW M Visionary Materials Seat 荣获 2024 年 Altair Enlighten 奖可持续流程类别
