
兰博基尼 Urus S 在锡安国家公园驾驶 Esperienza Avventura

日期: 2024 年 9 月 18 日 | 犹他州锡安国家公园


驾驶超级 SUV 探索自然奇观

犹他州锡安国家公园,2024 年 9 月 18 日——今年 9 月初,兰博基尼 Esperienza Avventura Zion 邀请车主及其宾客参加为期三天的独家活动。活动涵盖了 200 多英里的壮丽景观,驾驶 Urus S[1],这是一款在任何地形或路况下都能发挥最大性能和舒适度的超级 SUV。提供独一无二的高性能驾驶路线和独特的美食体验,宾客在踏上旅程的同时,还可以欣赏锡安国家公园崎岖地形的壮丽美景。征服荒野的同时,还可以享受 Autocamp Zion 的独特住宿,兰博基尼社区凝聚在一起,体现了品牌真正的冒险和卓越精神。

这片沙漠绿洲被命名为锡安,在古希伯来语中意为“避难所”或“避难所”。维尔京河谷这片保护区内深邃壮观的峡谷为野生动物和人类提供了真正的安全避难所。Urus S 车队沿着公路和越野动态路线行驶,途中被巨大的奶油色、粉红色和红色砂岩悬崖包围,悬崖直冲湛蓝的天空。这确实是“超越人类”,旨在突破极限,满足探索的渴望,在锡安令人敬畏的悬崖峭壁间与比自己更伟大的事物汇合。

第一天,宾客们驾驶着他们的 Urus S 抵达 Autocamp Zion,这里提供豪华的露营式住宿,他们入住自己的私人 Airstream 房车,在雄伟的环境中放松身心。然后,他们参加了欢迎招待会,并在星空下享用了露天豪华烧烤晚餐。

第二天早上,客人们准备征服锡安国家公园蜿蜒的道路,并开始驾车穿越 Esperienza Avventura 团队 136 英里的路程。沿途,客人们在锡安山牧场喝咖啡,探索珊瑚粉红沙丘州立公园,然后在锡安赖特家庭牧场享用一顿离家午餐,并骑马穿越山脉。当晚,客人们回到 Autocamp 放松身心,享用丰盛的“从农场到餐桌”晚餐。夜晚在营地温暖的火坑旁结束。

Esperienza Avventura Zion 和超级 SUV Urus S 共同为兰博基尼社区在户外创造了新的友谊和难忘的回忆。活动的最后一天,离开的客人驾驶他们的 Urus S 前往机场,结束他们的驾驶冒险之旅。

[1] Urus S 的燃油消耗和排放值;综合燃油消耗:14.1 升/100 公里 (WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:320 克/公里 (WLTP)

Lamborghini Urus S Navigate Esperienza Avventura in Zion National Park

DATE: 18 Sep 2024   |   Zion National Park, Utah

Exploring natural wonders behind the wheel of the Super SUV

Zion National Park, Utah, 18 September 2024 – Lamborghini Esperienza Avventura Zion welcomed owners and their guests for an exclusive three-day event earlier this September. The program covered over 200 miles of dramatic landscape driving the Urus S[1], a Super SUV that combines maximum capability and comfort on any terrain or road condition. Offering one-of-a-kind curated routes for high-performance driving and unique culinary experiences, guests set off on their journey while taking in the breathtaking beauty of Zion National Park’s rugged topography. Conquering the wilderness while enjoying the unique accommodations of Autocamp Zion, the Lamborghini community came together in the brand’s true spirit of adventure and excellence.

The desert oasis was named Zion, which in ancient Hebrew means “sanctuary” or “refuge”. Deep and spectacular canyons in this protected portion of the Virgin River Valley truly provide a safe haven to wildlife and humans alike. The convoy of Urus S traveled the on and off-road dynamic route engulfed by massive cream, pink and red sandstone cliffs that soared into a brilliant blue sky. This was indeed “Driving Humans Beyond” with the intention to push the limits and satisfy a craving for exploration, converging with something bigger than oneself amongst Zion’s reverent cliff faces.

On the first day, guests arrived in their Urus S to Autocamp Zion, offering luxurious camp-like accommodations, where they checked into their own private Airstream and relaxed in the majestic surroundings. They then enjoyed a welcome reception and an open-air glamp dinner grilled under the stars.

The following morning, guests prepared to tackle the winding roads of Zion National Park and set out on a drive that saw the Esperienza Avventura group traverse 136 miles. The route provided a coffee stop at Zion Mountain Ranch, an exploration of Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, followed by an off-the-grid luncheon at the Zion Wright Family Ranch and horseback riding through the range. That evening, guests were welcomed back to Autocamp to decompress and partake in a lavish “farm-to-table” dinner. The night concluded near the warmth of the camp’s firepits.

Esperienza Avventura Zion and the Super SUV Urus S together created new friendships and lasting memories in the great outdoors for the Lamborghini community. The final day of the program enabled departing guests to drive to the airport in their Urus S to close out their adventure behind the wheel.

[1] Fuel consumption and emission values of Urus S; Fuel consumption combined: 14,1 l/100km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 320 g/km (WLTP)


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