
兰博基尼 SC63 首次参加 FIA WEC 巴林 8 小时耐力赛,未能完赛

日期: 2024 年 11 月 2 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞/萨基尔


由 Cairoli、Schiavoni 和 Cressoni 组成的 60 号 Iron Lynx 车队在 LMGT3 比赛中表现强劲,夺得第四名

圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞/萨基尔,2024 年 11 月 2 日——在经历了年度最后一轮艰苦的角逐后,兰博基尼 Iron Lynx 在巴林 8 小时耐力赛的灯光下退赛,结束了其在国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛 (WEC) 的首个赛季。

63号赛车组合埃多阿多·莫塔拉(Edoardo Mortara)、丹尼尔·科维亚特(Daniil Kvyat)和米尔科·博托洛蒂(Mirko Bortolotti)在初期表现出色,一度位居第八,但在最后一个小时遇到水压问题,迫使他们提前退出比赛。

在 LMGT3 比赛中,由 Matteo Cairoli、Matteo Cressoni 和 Claudio Schiavoni 组成的 60 号车队驾驶着兰博基尼 Huracán GT3 EVO2 表现出色,从发车区后方排到第四,与 2024 年的第二个领奖台位置仅差一步之遥。与此同时,由 Sarah Bovy、Michelle Gatting 和 Rahel Frey 组成的 85 号 Iron Dames 车队错失了夺得领奖台的机会,在比赛后期通过维修站受罚后排名第10。

自由练习赛和排位赛 – 超级跑车

今年的最后一个周末于周四拉开帷幕,举行了三次自由练习赛中的首场。由于赛道温度在下午和晚上之间相差很大,轮胎磨损和磨损程度远高于预期。因此,轮胎管理是第一次自由练习(63 号赛车在其中获得第六名)和第二次自由练习赛的主要任务。随后,车队在第三次自由练习赛中进行了排位赛,创造了第三快的成绩,而其他人则专注于比赛模拟。科维亚特再次驾驶 SC63 参加排位赛,尽管在最快圈速时出现了轻微的转向不足问题,但他仍以 1 分 48.555 秒的最佳成绩领先标致车队,最终仅落后最快的赛车一秒多。

竞赛 – 超级跑车

63 号赛车起跑时采用了更受欢迎的硬质米其林轮胎,莫塔拉又跑出了惊艳的开场圈,跃升 8 位,在初期跑出第八。由于环境温度和赛道温度都是整个周末最高的,轮胎老化成为第一阶段的一大挑战,SC63 在第一次进站前跌至第九位。莫塔拉继续驾驶赛车,车队决定更换两个轮胎,这意味着 63 号赛车在第二阶段的排名下降,因为轮胎的保护成为一个关键因素。夜幕降临,博托洛蒂接手驾驶赛车,让赛车保持在赛道上,并充分利用四个新轮胎超越了 35 号阿尔卑斯轮胎,然后将轮胎交给科维亚特开始第一阶段的驾驶。科维亚特在虚拟安全车期间继续驾驶赛车,与 99 号保时捷展开了激烈的较量。重新掌舵的 Bortolotti 随后上升了名次,而前面的车手陷入了困境,他原本看起来势均力敌,有望在与 Proton Porsche 的较量中获胜。然而,在最后一个小时,水压问题迫使赛车进入车库,在回到赛道跑了一圈后,在比赛还剩半个多小时时退赛。

自由练习赛和排位赛 – LMGT3

由于常规车手弗兰克·佩雷拉缺席赛季收官赛,专注于参加周日的 FIA WEC 新秀测试,凯罗利与斯齐亚沃尼和克雷索尼一起驾驶 60 号赛车。这辆车在第一节自由练习中速度排名第三,但在第二节练习中因出现问题而排名第十三。在第三节自由练习中,大风带来的尘土和沙子进一步降低了抓地力,但三人仍然取得了第六好的成绩。周四,85 号 Iron Dames 专注于比赛优化和轮胎管理,加廷和弗雷对整体比赛速度感到满意。博维接替了排位赛,并以第三快的成绩进入前十名超级杆位练习,然后在决赛中以第四名的成绩巩固了第二排发车的位置。

比赛 – LMGT3

比赛开始时,博维保持第四,尽管在起步阶段抓地力和轮胎磨损加剧,但仍与领先集团保持同步。85 号赛车随后两次使用轮胎,这导致女车手失去多个位置,在博维将赛车移交给弗雷时,其排名跌至第14 位。初期的努力得到了回报,Magenta Huracán 在接近半程时略微偏离序列,并利用燃油优势在加廷介入之前跑在比赛的最前面。全女性车组随后在 VSC 期间通过免费进站恢复序列,博维以完成最短驾驶时间取得领先。弗雷在第二次 VSC 重新开始时试图夺得领先位置,但之后跌至第四,但 85 号赛车因违反 VSC 程序而被处以通过维修站处罚,最终退出了争夺,排名第10 。

60 号赛车的比赛进展缓慢,斯齐亚沃尼早早完成了一个阶段,与克雷索尼交替,直到比赛进行到一半时才重新回到赛车上。赛车表现出惊人的速度,尤其是在凯罗利的驾驶下,这位兰博基尼厂队车手在夜幕降临时创造了最快的圈速。斯齐亚沃尼在两次 VSC 阶段后完成了自己的驾驶时间,在进入最后几个小时时将车子交还给克雷索尼,稳居第五名。凯罗利随后接管了最后阶段的比赛,表现出强劲的速度,向前面的两辆科尔维特发起挑战,并接​​近领奖台。60 号赛车在第八弯道内侧俯冲,一度夺得第三名,但凯罗利跑得太深,最后不得不屈居第四名。


Mirko Bortolotti: “这个周末绝对不是我们想要的赛季结束,因为我们不得不因技术问题退赛。这对我们来说是一个非常具有挑战性和困难的赛季,显然这是 Iron Lynx 和兰博基尼在 WEC 的第一个赛季,我们预计今年会遇到一些困难,但我必须说,到年底时我们仍在努力解决赛车问题。老实说,这是令人失望的一年,我们至少应该完成最后一场比赛。但无论如何,大家整个赛季都努力工作,所以感谢他们的奉献和努力,让我们看看未来会怎样。”

丹尼尔·科维亚特: “这是充满挑战的一年,当然结果并不如我们所愿,但这是我们参加锦标赛的第一年,我们取得了一些令人鼓舞的表现,而且我们多次与经验丰富的对手交手。当然,我们还有很多地方需要改进,我们知道这一点,希望我们能够带来真正需要的更新,让我们的阵容更具竞争力。我为队中男孩和女孩的努力感到骄傲,全队的奉献精神令人惊叹。”

埃多阿尔多·莫塔拉: “不幸的是,我们遇到了一个小技术问题,无法完成比赛。和往常一样,我们尽了最大努力,在比赛的某些时刻表现出了良好的竞争力。我们也缺乏一点速度,当你无法与其他车手完全竞争时,这总是令人沮丧的。但今年我们学到了很多,我们知道面对一些非常强大的竞争对手,这将是一场艰难的挑战,这并不容易。我们已经有所进步,但希望我们能以更具竞争力的阵容回归,这是整个团队的目标。我们已经展示了一些表现,但现在要由我们来发挥出最大的表现。”

Lamborghini SC63’s maiden FIA WEC campaign ends in DNF in 8 Hours of Bahrain

DATE: 02 Nov 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese/Sakhir

#60 Iron Lynx of Cairoli, Schiavoni and Cressoni finish strongly to take fourth place in LMGT3

Sant’Agata Bolognese/Sakhir, 2 November 2024 – Lamborghini Iron Lynx wrapped up its maiden season in the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) with retirement under the lights in the 8 Hours of Bahrain after a punishing final round of the year.

The #63 combination of Edoardo Mortara, Daniil Kvyat and Mirko Bortolotti raced well in the early stages, running as high as eighth, but encountered a water pressure issue in the final hour which forced them out of the race prematurely.

In LMGT3, the #60 crew of Matteo Cairoli, Matteo Cressoni and Claudio Schiavoni produced a superb drive in their Lamborghini Huracán GT3 EVO2 to finish fourth from the back of the grid, coming up just short of a second podium finish of 2024. Meanwhile, the #85 Iron Dames of Sarah Bovy, Michelle Gatting and Rahel Frey missed out on a chance to claim a podium of their own, finishing 10th after a late drivethrough penalty.

Free Practice and Qualifying – Hypercar

The final weekend of the year began on Thursday with the first of three free practice sessions. With track temperatures varying greatly between the afternoon and evening running, tyre degradation and drop-off was a lot higher than anticipated. Tyre management, therefore, was the main priority during FP1 (in which the #63 finished sixth) and FP2. The team then conducted a qualifying run in FP3, setting the third-quickest time, while others focused on race simulations. Kvyat was again at the wheel of the SC63 for qualifying and, despite suffering slightly with understeer during his fastest lap, managed a best time of 1m48.555, splitting the Peugeots and ending up just over a second off the quickest car.

Race – Hypercar

The #63 started on the preferable hard Michelin compound with Mortara producing another one of his stunning opening laps to leapfrog eight positions to run a superb eighth in the early stages. With ambient and track temperatures at their highest all weekend, degradation proved a major challenge in the first stint, with the SC63 dropping to ninth before the first pit-stops. Mortara stayed aboard, the team electing to change two tyres which meant the #63 fell down the order in the second stint as tyre preservation became a critical factor. As night began to fall, Bortolotti took over and kept the car on-track and made the most of four new tyres to overtake the #35 Alpine before handing over to Kvyat for his first stint. Kvyat stayed in the car under the virtual safety car period and was engaged in a lively ebb-and-flow scrap with the #99 Porsche. Bortolotti, back at the wheel, then moved up the order as others in front hit strife and had looked evenly poised to prevail in his scrap with the Proton Porsche. However, a water pressure issue forced the car into the garage in the final hour and, after returning to the track for a lap, retired with just over half an hour remaining.

Free Practice and Qualifying – LMGT3

With regular driver Franck Perera sitting out the season finale in order to focus on his participation in the FIA WEC Rookie Test on Sunday, Cairoli joined Schiavoni and Cressoni in the #60. The car was third fastest in FP1 but ended up 13th in the second session after an issue. High winds caused dust and sand to reduce grip levels even further in FP3, but the trio still managed the sixth best time. The #85 Iron Dames concentrated on race optimisation and tyre management on Thursday with Gatting and Frey happy with overall race pace. Bovy took over for qualifying and made it into the top 10 Hyperpole session with the third quickest time, before consolidating a second-row start with fourth in the shootout.

Race – LMGT3

Bovy maintained fourth place at the start of the race and stayed with the leading group despite struggling for grip and tyre wear in the opening stages. The #85 then doubled stinted the tyres it started the race on, which initially cost the Dames multiple positions and dropping to 14th by the time Bovy handed over to Frey. The early pain paid off as the Magenta Huracán made progress towards half-distance, going slightly off sequence and using the fuel advantage to run at the front of the race before Gatting jumped in. The all-female crew then got back on sequence with a free pit-stop during the VSC period, allowing Bovy to move into the lead as she completed her minimum drive time. Frey then dropped to fourth after attempting to snatch the lead at the second VSC restart, but the #85 subsequently dropped out of contention with a drivethrough penalty due to a VSC procedure infringement, eventually finishing 10th.

The #60’s race was a slow burner, with Schiavoni completing a single stint early on, alternating with Cressoni before getting back in towards the halfway marker. The car showed incredible pace, particularly with Cairoli aboard as the Lamborghini Factory Driver set the fastest lap of the race as night fell. Schiavoni then completed his drive time after the two VSC periods, handing back to Cressoni entering the final hours, settling into a solid fifth place. Cairoli then took over for the final stint and showed strong pace to challenge the pair of Corvettes in front and get close to the podium. The #60 did briefly take third place with a dive down the inside of turn eight, but Cairoli ran too deep and had to settle for a competitive fourth place at the end.


Mirko Bortolotti: “It’s definitely not the end to the season that we wanted this weekend as we had to retire with a technical issue. It’s been a really challenging and difficult season for us, obviously the first season for Iron Lynx and Lamborghini in the WEC and we expected to have some difficulties coming into the year, but I must say that towards the end of the year we were still struggling with the car. It’s been a disappointing year honestly, and we deserved to at least finish the final race. But anyway, the guys worked so hard all season, so thanks for their dedication and effort, and let’s see what the future holds.”

Daniil Kvyat: “It’s been a challenging year, of course the results were not what we want, but knowing this was our first year in the championship there were some encouraging performances, and we were in the mix several times, fighting with a lot more experienced rival. Of course, there are a lot of areas to improve, we know this, and hopefully we will be able to bring the updates that we really need to make our package more competitive. I am proud of the efforts of the boys and girls in the team, the dedication of the team has been amazing.”

Edoardo Mortara: “Unfortunately, we had a small technical issue, and we were unable to finish the race. As always, we gave it our best and showed some good competitiveness at some points in the race. We were lacking a little bit of pace too, which is always frustrating when you are not really fully able to compete with the others. But this year we have been learning a lot, we knew it would be a tough challenge against some really tough competitors, it was not going to be easy. We’ve improved but hopefully we will back with a more competitive package, this is the goal of the entire team. We’ve shown some performance but it’s now up to us to extract the maximum performance.”


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