
兰博基尼 SC63 首次出征英特拉格斯,拉开 FIA WEC 下半赛季征程

日期: 2024 年 7 月 10 日 | 圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞


博尔托洛蒂、莫塔拉和科维亚特组成的 63 号车队渴望在巴西勒芒历史性前十的基础上再创佳绩

圣阿加塔·博洛涅塞,2024 年 7 月 10 日——随着赛季下半场于巴西圣保罗标志性的何塞·卡洛斯·佩斯赛道拉开帷幕,兰博基尼 Iron Lynx 旨在延续其在国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛中历史性地首次进入前 10 名的势头。

继上个月在勒芒 24 小时耐力赛中取得突破性成绩后,由米尔科·博托洛蒂 (Mirko Bortolotti)、爱德华多·莫塔拉 (Edoardo Mortara) 和丹尼尔·科维亚特 (Daniil Kvyat) 组成的单独全赛季 63 号赛车再次驾驶兰博基尼 SC63 参赛,代表兰博基尼 Squadra Corse 首次冲击南美世界锦标赛水平。

此次巴西之行也标志着 FIA WEC 赛季下半程的开始,迄今为止,兰博基尼 Iron Lynx 在超级跑车级别的首次征战中取得了重大进展。排位赛和比赛节奏继续改善,而车队受益于在勒芒使用第二辆赛车,使其能够更多地了解 SC63 并试验设置和策略。

在 LMGT3 级别中,利用 2024 年迄今为止的强劲表现将成为主要焦点,85 号 Iron Dames 车队的 Rahel Frey、Sarah Bovy 和 Michelle Gatting 在连续两次在斯帕和勒芒获得第五名后,渴望获得本赛季难以企及的第一个领奖台。与此同时,在 60 号车队中,Franck Perera、Claudio Schiavoni 和 Matteo Cressoni 正寻求在令人沮丧的勒芒周末后反弹。

在国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛 (FIA WEC) 今年前四轮比赛中,该车已经展现出极强的可靠性,现在的重点是缩小与前排车手之间的性能差距,尤其是在排位赛中。在 IMSA 的姊妹车的帮助下,该车在 6 月份的格伦 6 小时耐力赛中单圈速度大幅提升,希望在 WEC 赛季的后半段也能取得类似的进步。关键在于自由练习期间的平稳运行,尽量减少在车库中停留的时间。

缺乏在英特拉格斯赛道的测试和经验将是这项任务的主要挑战,但车队会感到某种程度的安慰,因为巴西的赛道对几乎所有其他车队来说都是一个异类;这条赛道自 2012 年首届赛季以来就没有出现在 WEC 中。事实上,英特拉格斯赛道对车手来说太新了,只有科维亚特有一级方程式赛车时期的经验。


这条 15 弯、4.309 公里的逆时针赛道位于两座湖泊之间(因此得名 Interlagos),赛道上既有低速技术弯道,也有高速路段,这无疑将考验兰博基尼 SC63 的各方面表现。兰博基尼 SC63 上一次出现在 WEC 赛程上是在 12 年前,因此赛道上充满了未知数。在长直道之后的第一个弯道 Senna “S” 可能会出现超车机会,而第四个弯道(Descida do Lago)和第十二个弯道(Junção)也可能是超车的好机会。6-11 号弯道内场部分的交通管理也可能在比赛中发挥关键作用。

与 Daniil Kvyat(#63 兰博基尼 Iron Lynx)的问答


“我期待着在英特拉格斯赛道度过周末;这是一条很酷的赛道,相当短而且紧张,但我认为它为比赛提供了一个很好的机会,有一些很酷的弯道,比如一号弯道,非常令人印象深刻,你在电视上看不到这种感觉。然后像八号弯道和九号弯道这样的高速弯道也很有趣,所以很高兴能驾驶 SC63 去那里,它将比我在一级方程式赛车中遇到的挑战更大,但我相信这将是一个有趣的周末。

您如何评价国际汽联世界耐力锦标赛 (FIA WEC) 的前半赛季?






自由练习 1 (10:45-12:15)
自由练习 2 (15:15-16:45)


排位赛 – LMGT3(14:30-14:42)
超级杆位赛 – LMGT3(14:50-15:00)
排位赛 – 超级跑车(15:10-15:22)
超级杆位赛 – 超级跑车(15:30-15:40)



所有时间均为巴西利亚标准时间 (CET-5)

Lamborghini SC63 to kick off second half of FIA WEC campaign with first trip to Interlagos

DATE: 10 Jul 2024   |   Sant’Agata Bolognese

#63 crew of Bortolotti, Mortara and Kvyat keen to build on historic Le Mans top 10 in Brazil

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 10 July 2024 – Lamborghini Iron Lynx aims to build on the momentum of its historic first-ever top 10 finish in the FIA World Endurance Championship this weekend as the second half of the season kicks off at the iconic Autódromo José Carlos Pace in São Paulo, Brazil.

Fresh off the back of a breakthrough result in the 24 Hours of Le Mans last month, the solo full-season #63 entry of Mirko Bortolotti, Edoardo Mortara and Daniil Kvyat returns to action with the Lamborghini SC63, for the first assault at world championship level in South America for Lamborghini Squadra Corse.

The trip to Brazil also marks the beginning of the second half of the FIA WEC season which, to date, has produced significant progress in Lamborghini Iron Lynx’s first campaign in the Hypercar class. Qualifying and race pace continue to improve, while the team benefited from running a second car in Le Mans, enabling it to learn more about the SC63 and experiment with setups and strategies.

In the LMGT3 class, capitalising on the strong performances already seen so far in 2024 will be the main focus, with the #85 Iron Dames crew of Rahel Frey, Sarah Bovy and Michelle Gatting keen to unlock an elusive first podium of the season after two consecutive fifth place finishes at Spa and Le Mans. Meanwhile, in the #60, Franck Perera, Claudio Schiavoni and Matteo Cressoni are looking to bounce back following a frustrating Le Mans weekend.

Having already demonstrated strong reliability during the opening four rounds of the year in the FIA WEC, focus now turns to bridging the performance deficit to the front of the grid, most notably in qualifying trim. With the sister car in IMSA, outright one-lap pace vastly improved in the 6 Hours of the Glen in June, and a similar improvement is hoped for in the second half of the WEC season. Key to this will be a smooth run during free practice with time in the garage minimised.

Lack of testing and experience at the Interlagos circuit will be the main challenge in this task, but the team will be comforted in sorts due to the Brazilian venue being something of an anomaly to almost every other team; the track not having featured in the WEC since the inaugural season in 2012. Indeed, so new to the drivers is the Interlagos track, that only Kvyat has prior experience from his Formula One days.

Track Description

The 15-turn, 4.309km anti-clockwise circuit which sits between two lakes (hence the name Interlagos) offers a demanding mix of low-speed technical corners and high-speed sections which are sure to test all aspects of the Lamborghini SC63 across the weekend. Having last appeared on the WEC calendar 12 years ago, there are plenty of unknowns. Overtaking opportunities may present themselves at the first corner, the Senna “S” after the long main straight, while turn four (Descida do Lago) and turn 12 (Junção) could also lend themselves to passing chances. Traffic management in the infield section from turns 6-11 may also play a key role during the race.

Q&A with Daniil Kvyat (#63 Lamborghini Iron Lynx)

What are your feelings ahead of the trip to Interlagos? Pleased to be back in Brazil?

“I’m looking forward to the weekend at Interlagos; it’s a cool track, quite short and intense but I think it offers a good opportunity for racing with some cools corners like turn one with the banking, which is quite impressive, you don’t really get the impression on the TV. And then the high-speed corners like turns eight and nine are quite fun, so it is a pleasure to go there with the SC63, it’ll present a lot more of a challenge than I had in Formula One but I’m sure it’ll be an interesting weekend.

How do you rate the first half of the season in the FIA WEC?

“We’ve got a bit of momentum now within the team with the car. I think it was very important to get the first top 10 finish, especially at a place like Le Mans which was a great achievement for us. We’ve worked so hard together since the start of the season and we’re showing that we have a strong package which, of course, we are still working on developing and improving. We still need to understand what we need to work on in terms of updates because that’s where our performance breakthrough will be. I hope it’s going to make the car faster; so far, we have had some solid results and performances but in order to get up there with the top of the field, we need the upgrades and I think we are working well on developing these.”

What are the main objectives and challenges this weekend?

“Track time has been the real objective for us this season as we don’t get much of it and we are only one car, so we have to use this time to work on the right setup for the weekend. As it’s our first time at Interlagos, we don’t have any base setup to use, but it’s the same for almost everyone else. The challenge for us has been that we don’t have a great deal of data versus the competition, but we’ll use the practices to make small setup tweaks over the weekend before qualifying and the race.”

The weekend at a glance

Friday 12th July

Free Practice 1 (10:45-12:15)
Free Practice 2 (15:15-16:45)

Saturday 13th July

Free Practice 3 (10:30-11:30)
Qualifying – LMGT3 (14:30-14:42)
Hyperpole – LMGT3 (14:50-15:00)
Qualifying – Hypercar (15:10-15:22)
Hyperpole – Hypercar (15:30-15:40)

Sunday 14th July

Race (11:30-17:30)

All times Brasilia Standard Time (CET-5)


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