
兰博基尼 Revuelto:首款超级跑车 V12 混合动力 HPEV 在菲律宾亮相

日期:2024 年 9 月 12 日 | 马尼拉


首款高性能电动汽车,输出功率达 1015 CV,重新定义超级运动混合动力汽车的未来

马尼拉,2024 年 9 月 12 日——兰博基尼马尼拉在菲律宾 PGA 汽车工作室发布了备受期待的 Revuelto [1],这是首款超级运动 V12 混合动力插电式 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)。Revuelto 的推出标志着兰博基尼电气化战略的开始,展示了兰博基尼在设计、性能和减排方面的创新方法。

兰博基尼汽车亚太区总监 Francesco Scardaoni 在发布会上表示:“ Revuelto 是兰博基尼历史上的一个重要里程碑,也是我们 Direzione Cor Tauri 电气化战略的重要支柱。这款标志性的 V12 HPEV 凭借其电动扭矩矢量和恒时四轮驱动的出色动态性能,确保 Revuelto 在赛道和日常驾驶中都能展现出其卓越的品质。我们很高兴向兰博基尼菲律宾客户和车迷推出 Revuelto,这是我们的超级运动 V12 混合动力插电式旗舰产品,它在增强驾驶体验和减少排放之间实现了完美平衡。

Revuelto 以其前所未有的新架构、创新设计、最大空气动力学效率和全新碳纤维车架概念,在性能、运动性和驾驶乐趣方面定义了新典范。全新内燃机与三台电动机的综合动力,加上首次在 12 缸兰博基尼上亮相的双离合变速箱,输出功率达 1015 CV。

动力系统结合了高功率比元素:新款 128 CV/升内燃机与两台前轴向磁通电机协同工作,提供出色的重量功率比,径向磁通电机位于兰博基尼 12 缸发动机上首次亮相的八速双离合变速箱上方。三台电动机由锂离子高功率比(4500 W/kg)电池组供电,该电池组还支持全电动驱动模式。

碳纤维是新车的主要结构元素,由圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞工厂的工匠手工制作而成,不仅用于单体机身和车架,还用于除车门和保险杠之外的所有车身部件。碳纤维和轻质材料的广泛使用,加上强大的发动机动力,使兰博基尼实现了历史上最佳的重量功率比:1.75 千克/CV。

新款 Revuelto 结合了这些特点,提供同类车型中顶级的性能数据:0-100 公里/小时加速仅需 2.5 秒;0-200 公里/小时加速不到 7 秒;最高时速超过 350 公里/小时。这些数字与其出色的动态性能相结合,得益于电动扭矩矢量控制的引入,以及全电动驱动模式下的四轮驱动,确保 Revuelto 超级跑车在赛道和日常驾驶中都能展现出其卓越的品质。


Revuelto 将兰博基尼设计的未来带到了今天的道路上。它保留了兰博基尼独特的设计 DNA,但建立了一种全新的风格语言。它通过新造型与过去标志性和传奇的兰博基尼 V12 汽车相联系,而新比例则打开了通向未来的大门。

虽然 Revuelto 在外观和内饰方面都实现了全新汽车设计的巨大飞跃,但之前 V12 传奇车型的灵感仍然清晰可见。从 1971 年的 Countach 原型车开始,这款车以一条纵向线条开发出完美的比例,创造了一种纯粹而本质的风格,并融入了太空时代。它定义了兰博基尼 V12 超级跑车的 DNA,并引入了最独特的兰博基尼 V12 元素之一:垂直开启的剪刀门,这有助于打造 Revuelto 的特色。

新车还沿用了 Diablo 独特的车身比例和后挡泥板上的浮动叶片,而 Murciélago 的肌肉感和倾斜前部也显而易见。

兰博基尼通过 Revuelto 开启了一场新的太空竞赛,开创了一种适应电气化挑战的设计语言,并预示了不久的将来超级跑车的形状和比例。该设计灵感来自航空航天元素,其特点是雕刻的表面被两条线包围,从前面开始,环绕着驾驶室和发动机,逐渐变细到六边形排气管。

从车头开始,航空元素与野兽般的肌肉感和谐地融为一体:宽大的整体式碳纤维引擎盖的鲨鱼鼻剖面造型传达出力量和速度感。与之相配的是带有 Y 形日间行车灯的前照灯组——这是当代兰博基尼设计的独特风格特征——由连接分流器和引擎盖本身的空气动力学叶片包围。位于前轮拱后面的侧翼将气流沿着侧面和车门的明显凹面引导到侧面进气口,其锋利的边缘与车头的箭头相呼应。


车尾的设计致敬了混合动力 V12。全裸纵向发动机凸显了 Revuelto 的机械核心,在视觉上将其与双六边形排气管相连,排气管上方是几何轮廓的机翼,四周是带有 Y 形灯光标志的前照灯组。

“Y” 字形也是以驾驶员为中心的内饰设计的标志,受到“感觉像飞行员”理念的影响。内饰与外观的全新未来主义设计相得益彰:驾驶舱的每个方面都明显体现了兰博基尼风格,在日常驾驶和赛道环境中完美平衡了数字和物理体验。驾驶舱的视觉中心是明显的碳纤维轮廓,采用“宇宙飞船”设计,包围中央通风口和 8.4 英寸垂直触摸屏,这是汽车的技术核心。

兰博基尼通过 Revuelto 开创了一种全新的沉浸式共享驾驶体验,驾驶员和副驾驶员可以同时在驾驶员侧 12.3 英寸数字驾驶舱的显示屏和乘客侧仪表板上安装的 9.1 英寸显示屏上查看相同的信息。Revuelto 在兰博基尼中引入了“滑动”功能,驾驶员和副驾驶员可以将应用程序和信息从中央显示屏移动到侧面显示屏,就像使用智能手机一样直观、轻松。三个数字屏幕不仅满足了简洁的风格需求,从而消除了大多数物理按钮,还实现了新功能,让驾驶员可以像在赛车中一样全神贯注于驾驶。

方向盘的设计灵感源自赛车世界和 Essenza SCV12 的体验。辐条上的四个转子用于选择驾驶模式以及汽车的升降系统和后翼倾斜。驾驶舱和控制装置的直观设计带来了独特的兰博基尼感觉:按钮用于激活转向信号和启动控制等功能,同时允许驾驶员始终保持对方向盘的最佳抓握。

Revuelto 将赛车风格超级跑车的个性与日常驾驶设计风格完美融合,具有出色的功能性。在设计阶段,我们投入了大量精力,确保座舱宽敞实用,完美满足赛道出游的需求。与 Aventador Ultimae 相比,车顶设计提供了多 26 毫米的头部空间,而新的单机身则提供了多 84 毫米的腿部空间,在座椅后面留出了额外的空间,可容纳最大相当于一个高尔夫球袋大小的行李。这个空间是前引擎盖下可容纳两个车舱手推车的隔间的补充。此外,为了让车内生活更加舒适,还配备了功能性元素,例如位于中央仪表板下方和两个座椅之间的储物格,以及内置在乘客侧仪表板中的杯架。


Revuelto 是兰博基尼量产车型中个性化潜力最大的车型。事实上,该车型提供 400 种车身颜色,以及更多个性化选项供客户选择,可打造完全个性化的超级跑车。Revuelto 可持续的运动性不仅限于插电式混合动力车的技术规格:所有使用的油漆都是水性的,而不是溶剂型的。


车舱的一大特色是仪表板、六角形通风口以及仪表板和中央通风口框架上均使用了可见的碳纤维。内饰结合了优质皮革和 Dinamica® 超细纤维中的新型超轻 Corsa-Tex 面料,该面料由再生聚酯通过水基生产工艺制成。客户可以选择皮革和 Corsa-Tex 的均衡组合来定制汽车内饰,或者根据自己的喜好选择一种材料,共有 70 种颜色可供选择。


功能和风格在兰博基尼 Revuelto 上共同承担着一个使命:空气动力学效率。这款超级跑车的新布局与 Aventador 相比有不同的设计要求,这影响了汽车的空气动力学发展。开发基于四大支柱:效率;部件之间的协同作用;部件之间的集成;以及设计。


机翼的位置会根据驾驶模式和动态变化,或者驾驶员可以根据自己的喜好使用方向盘上的专用转子手动更改机翼的位置。“关闭”位置可确保最小阻力,例如在电动模式下驾驶时。此位置也是最适合燃油经济性的位置。当机翼处于“低阻力位置”时,高速时阻力最小,从而提高最高速度值,同时确保最大稳定性。另一方面,“高下压力位置”通过优化 Revuelto 的灵活性和操控性来最大化下压力。

这款来自圣亚加塔的新型超级跑车的前部采用碳纤维分流器,其中央部分为径向前缘,侧面部分倾斜,可产生涡流,增加正面负载并使空气偏转,避免撞向车轮。中央区域的形状可将气流引导至四个后涡流发生器,这些涡流发生器由位于车身底部的窄弯曲叶片组成,对于增加撞击汽车底部的气流能量至关重要。这反过来又会产生额外的下压力并将气流导向扩散器,这在 V12 中从未如此极端。扩散器通过差异化的通道系统从车身底部抽取进入的气流,从而发挥空气动力学功能,其中中央部分倾斜度较低(11°,而 Aventador Ultimae 为 7°),侧面部分倾斜度较高(15°,而 Aventador Ultimae 为 8°)。扩散器还为发动机舱提供结构和冷却功能。

总结来说,新的设计方式使得 Revuelto 与 Aventador Ultimae 相比,前部空气动力载荷提高了 33%,后部载荷提高了 74%(最大载荷条件下)。

各部件之间的协同作用在新款 Lamborghini Revuelto 的冷却模式上得到了充分体现。前散热器会产生热空气,必须以正确的方式进行管理,以免影响侧散热器的性能。前散热器出风口格栅上的向外百叶窗将热气流引导离车轮和侧散热器,而位于前保险杠两侧的散热片则可减少空气阻力。

所有元件都经过精心设计和制造,以优化气流。由于采用 Y 型翼形设计,就连门把手也具有空气动力学功能:这一解决方案使它们能够将从前引擎盖接收到的新鲜气流转移到位于侧面的水平翅片之一,并将其​​导向散热器。


在后端,位于后轮前方的两个 NACA 管道收集来自车身底部的气流并将其引导至后制动器冷却管道。



Revuelto 采用了一种新的航空学底盘,即“单体机身”。除了完全由多技术碳纤维制成的单体壳外,它的前部结构也采用了锻造复合材料;这是一种由浸泡在树脂中的短碳纤维制成的特殊材料。这项技术已获得专利,并早在 2008 年就被兰博基尼用于其首次结构应用。

单机身在扭转刚度、轻量化和驾驶动态方面比 Aventador 有了显著的进步。此外,Revuelto 是第一款配备 100% 碳纤维前部结构的超级跑车:碳纤维还用于前锥结构,以确保与传统金属结构相比,能量吸收水平明显更高——是 Aventador 铝制前框架的两倍——同时重量也大幅减轻。

事实上,Revuelto 单机身比 Aventador 底盘轻 10%,前车架比其铝制前身轻 20%。扭转刚度也得到了提升,达到 40,000 Nm/°,比 Aventador 高出 25%,并保证了同级最佳的动态性能。

新型单体机身的设计理念是基于部件之间的最大程度集成。得益于大量引入锻造复合材料技术以及开发整体式摇臂环,这一理念得以优化。碳纤维的使用使得 Revuelto 在超级跑车领域独树一帜:单元环形部件由 CFRP(碳纤维增强塑料)制成,构成了汽车的支撑结构。摇臂环包围并连接了锻造复合材料元件,例如车身、前防火墙和 A 柱。




Revuelto 代表了碳纤维在汽车生产中的应用的全新“元年”,其首字母缩写为 AIM(自动化、集成化、模块化)。“自动化”是指将自动化和数字化流程引入材料转化,同时保留传统的兰博基尼制造工艺,例如复合材料领域。



该车展示了前所未有的布局和动力系统:自然吸气的 6.5 升 V12 中置发动机搭配三台电动机,其中一台集成在新的双离合八速变速箱中。该电机横向安装,首次位于内燃机后面。在自 Countach 时代以来一直是传动通道的地方,取而代之的是锂离子电池,为电动机提供动力。

电动机可以在低转速下提高动力输出,还可以将新款 Revuelto 变成纯电动汽车,与 Aventador Ultimae [2]相比,总体二氧化碳排放量减少 30% 。


自成立以来,兰博基尼就一直是 V12 发动机的代名词。首款搭载这款特色发动机的兰博基尼车型是 1963 年推出的标志性 350GT。兰博基尼首次将电动机与 12 缸内燃机搭配使用是在 2019 年的 Sián 上,它使用 25 千瓦的电动机为上一代 V12 发动机提供支持,并将电能存储在超级电容器中。

Revuelto 引入了前所未有的混合动力架构和新一代 V12。该车是首款高性能电动汽车 – HPEV:一款插电式混合动力超级跑车,配备轻型高功率锂离子电池,安装在底盘中央部分的传动通道内。这是一种创新的解决方案,旨在与之前的 V12 相比减少排放,同时最大限度地提高性能。

新款 L545 发动机排量为 6.5 升,是兰博基尼有史以来最轻、最强大的 12 缸发动机。总重量仅为 218 公斤:比 Aventador 发动机轻 17 公斤。与 Aventador 布局相比,Revuelto 的发动机旋转了 180 度。得益于重新设计的分配系统,该超级四缸 V12 发动机在 9250 转/分时输出 825 CV,最高转速范围为 9500 rpm。比功率为每升 128 CV,这是兰博基尼 12 缸发动机历史上的最高输出功率,而最大扭矩为 6750 rpm 时为 725 Nm。

气缸的进气管道经过重新设计,以增加空气供应并确保燃烧室内的最佳气流。由于使用两个控制单元调节燃烧室内的电离,实际发动机内的燃烧也得到了优化:该解决方案已在 Aventador 中使用,现已转移到新车型上。新燃烧系统还具有更高的压缩比(12.6:1,而 Aventador Ultimae 为 11.8:1)。排气的流体动力学也得到了改进,以降低高转速下的背压并提高比功率输出。

从一开始,兰博基尼汽车就以其独特动感和无可挑剔的声音而闻名。新款 L545 的“原声带”特别受到关注,以强调发动机的音调,低转速时就已经很悦耳,然后上升到自然和谐的高潮。


Revuelto 保留了兰博基尼最强大的传统之一:四轮驱动。除了为后轮提供动力的内燃机外,一对电动机现在首次出现在前轴上,每个电动机为其中一个前轮提供牵引力。八速双离合变速箱上方还设有第三个电动机,可根据所选的驾驶模式和条件为后轮提供动力。

内燃机和三台电动机的综合扭矩提供的性能水平即使在超级跑车领域也是独一无二的,内燃机产生 725 Nm 的扭矩,前部每个电动机产生 350 Nm 的扭矩。总体而言,动力装置的总最大输出功率为 1015 CV。

前部的两个电动机是油冷轴向磁通装置,具有出色的重量功率比:每个 110 千瓦装置的重量为 18.5 公斤。除了为前轮提供动力外,它们还具有扭矩矢量功能,可优化驾驶动态并回收制动时产生的能量。在电动模式下,Revuelto 仅前轮驱动以优化能耗,而后轴的电动驱动则在需要时按需启动。


Lamborghini Revuelto 配备了锂离子高比功率(4500 W/kg)电池组,位于中央通道内,尽可能降低重心并确保最佳重量分布。电池由下部结构层保护,并与前部电动机、后部电动机和集成充电装置相连。

该电池长 1550 毫米,高 301 毫米,宽 240 毫米,包含总容量为 3.8 千瓦时的袋式电池。当电量降至零时,可以使用普通家用交流电和充电柱电流充电,功率高达 7 千瓦,只需 30 分钟即可完全充电。它还可以通过前轮再生制动或直接从 V12 发动机充电,只需六分钟。


新平台的采用促使了涉及变速箱的创新技术决策:混合动力插电式装置的神经中枢。新平台的采用带来了涉及变速箱的创新技术决策:混合动力插电式装置的神经中枢。为了实现其目标,开发了一种新型紧凑型传动装置,能够满足如此强大的电动装置的需求,之后 Revuelto 将继续为来自圣阿加塔·波洛涅塞的下一代超级跑车配备这种传动装置。采用湿式双离合器作为最高效和性能导向的解决方案,确保以最佳方式管理 Revuelto 内燃机在 6750 rpm 转速下产生的 725 Nm 扭矩。

新的八速变速箱横向置于纵向 V12 发动机后方,以便在隧道中留出空间放置为电动机供电的锂离子电池。这是高性能汽车领域独一无二的技术解决方案,使兰博基尼再次站在汽车工程的前沿。这种布局有助于保持汽车的轴距,并支持有效的重量分配,以实现最佳驾驶动态。

在兰博基尼60年的发展历史上,仅有另外两款V12跑车搭载过横置后置变速箱:1966年推出的革命性的Miura,同样采用了中后横置发动机布局;以及Essenza SCV12,一款专注于赛道的超级跑车,搭载纵置发动机和承载式横置变速箱。


八速双离合变速器 (DCT) 的开发源于希望创造一个能够提供运动驾驶所需的一切功能的装置,例如快速换档,而第八个传动比的加入有助于优化巡航时的燃油消耗和驾驶性能。


除了电气元件之外,与 Huracán 系列中使用的七速双离合器相比,新的 DCT 变速箱更轻,换挡速度更快。横向布局也让车舱内部更加宽敞,为驾驶员和乘客的后方创造了更多空间,从而提高了舒适度。

双离合变速箱非常紧凑,长度仅为 560 毫米,宽度为 750 毫米,高度为 580 毫米。总重量仅为 193 公斤,其中包括汽车混合动力架构的一个基本新部件:后置电动机,最大功率为 110 千瓦,峰值扭矩为 150 牛米。

该电动机位于变速箱上方,兼作起动电动机和发电机,并通过传动通道中的电池为前电动机供电。在纯电动模式下,它还可以为后轮提供动力,除了驱动前轮的电动机外,还可以实现零排放四轮驱动。系统如何运行取决于所采用的驾驶模式,这要归功于一种带有专用同步器的分离机构,可以连接到双离合变速箱。当它为 V12 内燃机提供额外动力时,电动机处于 P3 位置,与变速箱分离,同时它会移动到 P2 位置,以便在低速和驻车时为电池充电,同时充当起动电动机。

在 P3 位置,Revuelto 可以变成一辆电动四轮驱动汽车,具体取决于所选的驾驶模式,即使实现零排放,也能延续兰博基尼的四轮驱动传统。

倒档由两个前电动机提供,但如果需要额外的动力,后电动机也可以启动,从而启动后轴和车轮。因此,即使在低抓地力条件下倒车,Revuelto 也可以以零排放模式驱动所有四个车轮。


Revuelto 的设计和开发旨在在所有情况和所有抓地条件下提供绝对的刺激和控制,为驾驶员提供前所未有的信心和与汽车的联系。

Revuelto 凭借其创新技术在其同类车型中名列前茅,其中包括汽车结构和平衡性、先进的底盘和空气动力学设计以及新的混合动力系统,该系统可以最大限度地支持电动机并引入新的驾驶模式,包括零排放 4WD,总共可带来 13 种不同的驾驶体验。

该车采用了前所未有的布局:6.5 升自然吸气 V12 中置发动机,三台电动机,其中两台位于前电桥上,一台集成在新的 8 速双离合变速箱中,首次布置在内燃机后面,与 V12 横向排列。通道是自 Countach 时代以来传统上为变速箱保留的空间,现在是一个新型高功率锂离子电池的位置,用于驱动电动机。

新的架构可以实现最佳的重量分布(前部 44% 和后部 56%),使重量更接近重心,并且优化了轴距长度,从而达到完美的平衡,使 Revuelto 无论是在公路上还是在赛道弯道上都极其灵活和高效。防倾杆刚度的增加(前部增加 11% 和后部增加 50%)和转向比的降低(与 Aventador Ultimae 相比减少 10%)也增强了这种能力:这种方法已经在 Huracán STO 上成功测试过。四轮转向系统补充了 Revuelto 的性能,它大大增强了汽车的灵活性、响应性、紧凑性,但同时又稳定和精确,专门开发的普利司通 Potenza Sport 轮胎具有更大的前轮接地面积(与 Aventador Ultimae 相比增加 4%)。

得益于电子轴,兰博基尼在 Revuelto 上首次引入了电动扭矩矢量控制,并推出了 Lamborghini Dinamica Veicolo 2.0 系统。电动扭矩矢量控制提高了车辆在狭窄转弯时的灵活性以及在高速转弯时的稳定性,将扭矩最佳地分配到每个车轮并与四轮转向系统协同工作。此外,与传统系统不同,新的扭矩矢量控制仅在绝对必要时才干预制动,以最大限度地提高效率并确保更自然的驾驶风格以及更高的性能水平。制动时,电子轴和后电动机有助于减速,在为电池充电的同时减轻制动器的压力。

底盘对车辆动态性能也有很大贡献。Revuelto 是第一款配备新型航空单机身的兰博基尼,这是一种超轻型整体碳纤维结构(重量比 Aventador 底盘轻 10%),结合了高性能的能量吸收和更高的扭转刚度(与 Aventador 相比增加了 25%),使 Revuelto 异常稳定,并有助于提升汽车的整体紧凑感和响应能力。

主动空气动力学发挥着至关重要的作用,实现了新的效率和下压力水平:与 Aventador Ultimae 相比,在高负荷情况下分别增加了 61% 和 66%,这主要得益于前分流器和车顶设计,它们将气流引导至高效尾翼。空气动力学与半主动叉臂悬架协同工作,由专为 Revuelto 设计的兰博基尼垂直控制系统控制,该系统以电子方式管理垂直力交换,例如赛道驾驶期间的突然负载转移,实时调整悬架和尾翼行为。

为了应对最高性能情况,制动系统和制动冷却系统也经过了重新设计。该车采用最新一代 CCB Plus(碳陶瓷制动器升级版)。前卡钳有十个活塞(而不是六个),并配有 410x38mm 盘片(取代了 Aventador Ultimae 之前的 400x38mm);后卡钳有 4 个活塞和 390x32mm 盘片(取代了之前的 380x38mm)。盘片上覆盖有摩擦层,可在制动时实现更好的性能、热管理和隔音效果。

空气动力学有助于提高系统的效率,因为一对前悬架条和车轮拱门内的格栅不仅可以改善前制动器的冷却(条带从前扩散器吸入空气并将其引导至制动器),而且它们的形状还可以减少轮舱内的阻力,限制任何压缩现象,同时增加前部的负载。此外,位于后轮前方的两个 NACA 管道收集来自车身底部的气流并将其引导至后制动器冷却管道。

与混合动力系统一起首次亮相的是三种新的专用驾驶模式:充电、混合动力和性能,与 Città(城市)、Strada、运动和 Corsa 模式相结合,可通过重新设计的方向盘上的两个转子进行选择,总共 13 种动态设置,根据情况和行驶的道路或轨道类型,突出 Revuelto 的不同个性和潜力。

例如,Città 是专为城市中心日常驾驶而设计的驾驶模式,同样可以实现零排放;如果驱动电动机的锂离子电池需要充电,而又没有可用的充电站,V12 会介入,在短短几分钟内将其完全充电(充电模式)。例如,这使得人们可以在电动模式下进入有排放限制的历史名城。悬架系统、牵引力控制和变速箱可提供最大的舒适度,同时降低空气阻力使 Città 成为最省油的模式,最大功率限制为 180 马力。

Strada 模式非常适合动态日常驾驶和长途旅行,将舒适度和运动性相结合,功率高达 886 CV。V12 始终处于活动状态,同时确保电池充电状态持续,充电模式经过优化,充电效果达到最大值。前电子轴支持扭矩矢量控制,主动空气动力学可在高速公路等高速行驶时提供最大稳定性。

选择运动模式可改变 Revuelto 的个性,汽车的行为将提供令人兴奋的驾驶体验,在三种可组合模式中,即充电、混合动力和性能,兼具驾驶乐趣和响应性。在混合动力系统的帮助下,内燃机在这三种情况下都处于活动状态,最大输出功率为 907 CV,V12 发动机的声音以其最引人注目的音调表达出来。变速箱反应灵敏,而悬架和空气动力学增强了汽车的灵活性和转弯时的驾驶乐趣。

Corsa 驾驶模式旨在凸显 Revuelto 在赛道上的动态能力,其在性能和声效方面的动感和功率输出均达到了巅峰。在性能模式下,动力系统通过输出 1015 CV 表达了其潜力的峰值,并且混合动力系统的控制经过校准,以在扭矩矢量和全轮驱动方面充分利用电子轴,实现超级运动而又便捷的驾驶。在 Corsa 充电模式下,可以优先使用电池,最大限度地提高充电效率。对于专业驾驶员,还可以禁用 ESC 以体验最大可用功率而无需主动控制,并借助“启动控制”功能感受全功率静止起步的快感,该功能可通过按住位于左侧转子中心的按钮来激活。


兰博基尼 Revuelto 的轮胎合作伙伴是普利司通,该公司开发了定制的 Potenza Sport 轮胎,以增强新车的运动和高速性能。

优质高性能 Potenza Sport 轮胎提供混合配置,前轴为 265/35 ZRF20,后轴为 345/30 ZRF21,前轴为 265/30 ZRF21,后轴为 355/25 ZRF22,均采用防爆技术。该技术可帮助驾驶员在爆胎后继续安全驾驶;在 0 巴压力下以 80 公里/小时的速度行驶至少 80 公里,让驾驶员更加安心。

还设计了性能组合,前轴采用 265/35 ZR20,后轴采用 345/30 ZR21 Potenza Sport(无内胎版)。防爆胎和无内胎解决方案均能提供出色的高速性能、出色的转向精度和响应以及在干燥和潮湿路面上的出色抓地力。

为了满足 Revuelto 驾驶员的所有需求,定制的普利司通 Potenza Race 轮胎也可用于赛道,帮助驾驶员将抓地力和操控性发挥到极限,而定制设计的普利司通 Blizzak LM005 轮胎则可供冬季使用,在雪地上提供出色的抓地力,在干燥和潮湿的表面提供灵敏的转向和精确度。


HMI、信息娱乐、连接和 ADAS

Revuelto 提供全新的人机界面 (HMI) 系统,由三个显示屏组成:12.3 英寸仪表盘、8.4 英寸中央显示屏以及 9.1 英寸显示屏。该系统具有全新的外观和感觉,具有 3D 图形、动画、小部件和样式。三个显示屏由一个统一设计的技术“大脑”管理,确保在颜色和图形方面具有一致的用户界面,以及所有显示屏之间的连贯交互。

新款 Revuelto 信息娱乐系统提供新功能,允许个性化和定制,以创造真实、身临其境的兰博基尼体验。特别是,使用双指滑动,车主可以将信息娱乐内容移动到仪表盘或乘客显示屏。使用类似的手势,车主可以记住最喜欢的功能,只需轻轻一触即可使用。

新的方向盘设计灵感源自 Squadra Corse 赛车方向盘的互动,提供飞行员的感觉。新增的控制装置使所有车辆动态和多媒体命令都触手可及。Revuelto 让乘客享受副驾驶的感觉,这要归功于专用乘客显示屏上提供的动态驾驶信息。


亚马逊 Alexa 允许通过语音命令访问车辆控制功能,例如气候、导航和媒体。除了与娱乐和智能家居设备控制相关的标准 Alexa 功能外,还有这些功能。Alexa for Lamborghini Revuelto 还集成了 What3Words 功能,该功能与嵌入式导航系统结合使用,即使没有具体地址,也可以驾车前往世界上的任何地方。

Lamborghini Revuelto 配备了经过翻新的娱乐系统,采用全新的原创设计。新的在线广播系统有数千个电台可供选择,并具有基于流行度、类型和国家/地区的搜索功能。SiriusXM 360L(面向美国市场)与之前的 SiriusXM 相比有了重大升级,现在提供更多相关内容,包括节目、体育、播客、Pandora 和 Xtra。

Lamborghini Revuelto 联网信息娱乐系统可以随着时间的推移不断改进。借助集成的无线软件更新系统,车辆将获得更新以提供更多内容。改进的系统不仅支持信息娱乐显示屏的功能更新,还支持仪表板和乘客显示屏的功能更新。

Lamborghini Revuelto 可连接越来越多的附加应用程序,车主可以从中选择以定制和个性化他们的车辆体验。由于客户的安全始终是最重要的,Lamborghini Revuelto 集成了紧急呼叫和路边援助。系统会在发生故障时主动做出反应,让客户获得帮助。Lamborghini Connect 车辆跟踪系统能够检测到未经授权的车辆使用,不仅会通知车主,还会与 24 小时安全运营中心沟通,协助客户找回车辆。Lamborghini Revuelto 提供全球支持,包含 30 多种语言,以确保高度准确的本地化体验。

即使在发动机关闭后,与 Lamborghini Revuelto 的互动仍会继续。使用 Lamborghini Unica 移动应用程序,车主可以持续监控汽车的状态,包括燃油量、电池电量、电动续航里程以及停车时的准确位置。Unica 应用程序还允许一系列远程操作,例如锁定和解锁车门、鸣喇叭或打开车灯,部分功能也可通过 Apple Watch 实现。即使由他人驾驶,车主也可以控制自己的汽车:可以设置最高速度参数,以及通过地理定位设置每小时和使用限制:如果汽车超过设定速度、超出设定区域的限制或使用时间超过一定时间,车主会通过应用程序收到警告。

Lamborghini Revuelto 为客户提供最高级别的安全性。车辆与云端之间传输的数据采用最先进的网络安全标准进行保护。客户可以通过六级“设计原则隐私”来控制是否共享数据以及共享哪些数据。

Revuelto 是兰博基尼首次采用完整的 ADAS(高级驾驶辅助系统),该系统包括先进的功能,通过复杂的摄像头、雷达和传感器系统提高安全性和日常驾驶体验。该套件包括主动车道偏离警告 (ALDW),它可以监控车道标记,并在驾驶员无意中越过车道线时纠正转向。此外,车道变换警告 (LCW) 可以监控盲点并在变换车道前警告驾驶员任何危险。自适应巡航控制 (ACC) 可以调节汽车的速度及其与前方车辆的距离,自动加速或制动。

为了使操纵更轻松、更安全,Revuelto 配备了后方交叉交通警报 (RCTA)。倒车时,如果后方有障碍物穿过,该设备会警告驾驶员,并在即将发生碰撞时刹车。此外,摄像头系统允许在仪表板上显示后视和俯视功能:驾驶员不仅可以看到后视,还可以看到从上方看到的汽车虚拟概览。

[1] Revuelto 的消耗和排放值;综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)

[2] Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae 的油耗和排放值;综合油耗:18.0 l/100km (WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:442 g/km (WLTP)

Lamborghini Revuelto: the First Super Sports V12 Hybrid HPEV unveiled in the Philippines

DATE: 12 Sep 2024   |   Manilla

Redefining the Future of Super Sports Hybrids with the very first High Performance Electrified Vehicle delivering 1015 CVManilla, 12 September 2024 – Lamborghini Manila unveiled the highly anticipated Revuelto[1], the first super sports V12 hybrid plug-in HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle), at the PGA Cars Studio in the Philippines. The launch of the Revuelto marked the beginning of Lamborghini’s electrification strategy, showcasing Lamborghini’s innovative approach to design, performance and emissions reduction.

Francesco Scardaoni, Automobili Lamborghini Asia-Pacific Region Director, commented on the occasion: “Revuelto represents a significant milestone in the history of Lamborghini and an important pillar in our Direzione Cor Tauri electrification strategy. This  iconic V12 HPEV delivers performance with its exceptional dynamism of electric torque vectoring and permanent four-wheel drive, ensuring the Revuelto expresses its amplified qualities both on track and in daily driving. We are thrilled to present the Revuelto, our super sports V12 hybrid plug-in flagship that creates the perfect balance between enhanced driving emotions and reducing emissions to Lamborghini’s customers and fans in the Philippines.

Revuelto defines a new paradigm in terms of performance, sportiness and driving pleasure from its unprecedented new architecture; innovative design; maximum aerodynamics efficiency; and a new carbon frame concept. An output of 1015 CV is delivered from the combined power of an entirely new combustion engine together with three electric motors, alongside a double-clutch gearbox that makes its debut on a 12-cylinder Lamborghini for the first time.

The powertrain combines high-specific power elements: the new 128 CV/liter combustion engine works synergically with two front axial flux motors that deliver an outstanding weight-to-power ratio, with a radial flux electric motor positioned above the first eight-speed double-clutch gearbox debuting on a 12-cylinder Lamborghini. The three electric motors are powered by a lithium-ion high-specific power (4500 W/kg) battery pack that also supports a fully-electric drive mode.

Carbon fiber, produced via artisan craftmanship in the Sant’Agata Bolognese factory, is the principal structural element within the new car, used not only in the monofuselage and frame but also in all elements of the bodywork apart from the doors and bumpers. The extensive use of carbon fiber and lightweight materials, combined with the potent engine power, contributes to achieving the best weight-to-power ratio in the history of Lamborghini: 1,75 kg/CV.

The new Revuelto combines these attributes to deliver performance figures at the peak of its segment: acceleration from 0-100 km/h in only 2,5 seconds; 0-200 km/h in less than 7 seconds; and a top speed of more than 350 km/h. These numbers combine with its exceptional dynamism thanks to the introduction of electric torque vectoring, and four-wheel drive available also in fully-electric drive mode, ensuring the Revuelto super sports car expresses its amplified qualities both on track and in daily driving.


Revuelto brings the future of Lamborghini design to the road today. It stays constant to the exclusive Lamborghini design DNA but establishes an entirely new stylistic language. It links with the iconic and legendary Lamborghini V12 cars of the past throughout the new shape, while the new proportions open the door towards the future.

While Revuelto delivers a quantum leap in an all-new car design, both externally and internally, the inspiration of previous V12 legends is still clear. Starting with the 1971 Countach prototype and its perfect proportions developed on a single longitudinal line, this car was responsible for creating a pure and essential style contextualized in the Space Age era. It defined the Lamborghini V12 super sports car DNA and introduced one of the most distinctive Lamborghini V12 elements: the vertically-opening scissor doors, which contribute to creating the character of Revuelto.

The new car also defers to the inimitable proportions of the Diablo and the floating blade on the rear fender, while the muscularity and inclined front of the Murciélago is evident.

With the Revuelto, Lamborghini launches a new Space Race, ushering in a design language that adapts to the challenges imposed by electrification, and presaging the shapes and proportions of super sports cars of the near future. The design is inspired by aerospace elements, characterized by sculpted surfaces encompassed by two lines that start from the front and embrace the cabin and engine, tapering down to the hexagonal-shaped exhausts.

The aerospace elements blend harmoniously with an animalistic muscularity starting at the front: the shark-nose section modeling of the broad monolithic carbon-fiber hood conveys a sense of power and speed. This is matched by the headlamp clusters with Y-shape daytime running lights – a distinctive stylistic feature of contemporary Lamborghini design – framed by aerodynamic blades that connect the splitter to the hood itself.  The side fins, located behind the front wheel arches, channel the airflow along the sides and the pronounced concavities of the doors to the side air intakes, which feature sharp edges that echo the arrows on the front.

The roof combines more headroom with aesthetic qualities and specific aerodynamic functions. The recessed profile channels air to the rear wing but at the same time allows more headroom in the cabin for both the driver and passenger.

The rear is a tribute to the hybrid V12. The fully-exposed longitudinal engine highlights the mechanical heart of the Revuelto, visually connecting it to the double hexagonal exhaust surmounted by the geometrically profiled wing, framed by headlamp clusters with the Y-shape light signatures.

The “Y” is also the hallmark of the driver-oriented interior design influenced by the “feel like a pilot” philosophy. The interior mirrors the all-new futuristic design of the exterior: every aspect of the cockpit is clearly Lamborghini, combining a perfect balance between a digital and physical experience both in daily driving and track environments. The visual center of the cabin houses a pronounced carbon-fiber profile, with a “space-ship” design that encloses the central air vents and the 8.4” vertical touchscreen, the technological heart of the car.

With Revuelto Lamborghini initiates a new immersive, shared driving experience, where pilot and co-pilot can simultaneously view the same information on the displays located in the 12.3” digital cockpit on the driver’s side and on the 9.1” display installed on the passenger-side dashboard. Revuelto introduces the “swipe” function in a Lamborghini, allowing the pilot and co-pilot to move applications and information from the central display to the side displays with the same intuitive, gestural ease as using a smartphone. The three digital screens not only respond to the need for stylistic cleanness that enabled most of the physical buttons to be eliminated, but implement new features that allow the driver to concentrate fully on driving, just as in a race car.

The steering wheel was inspired by the racing world and the experience of the Essenza SCV12. The four rotors located on the spokes are used for selecting both the driving modes and the car’s lifting system and rear wing tilt. The intuitive design of the cockpit and controls deliver a distinctive Lamborghini feeling: buttons are used to activate the turn signals and the launch control among other functions, while allowing the driver to maintain an optimal grip on the steering wheel at all times.

The Revuelto juxtaposes its personality as a race-inspired super sports car with a character designed for everyday driving with exceptional functionality. Significant attention was given in the design stages to ensure the cabin is roomy and practical as well as perfectly equipped for track-day outings. The roof design offers 26 mm more headroom than the Aventador Ultimae, while the new monofuselage provides 84 mm more legroom, leaving additional space behind the seats to accommodate luggage up to the size of a golf bag. This space is in addition to the compartment under the front hood, which can hold two cabin trolleys. Moreover, to make life on board even more comfortable, functional elements such as storage compartments located under the center dashboard and between the two seats have been included, as well as a cup holder built into the passenger-side dashboard.


Revuelto is the production Lamborghini model that offers the most potential for personalization. In fact, 400 bodywork colors are offered together with many more personalization options at the client’s disposal allowing the creation of an entirely individual super sports car. The sustainable sportiness of Revuelto does not stop at the technical specification of the plug-in hybrid: all the paints used are water based rather than solvent based.

‘Sustainability’ continues throughout the car’s interior, reflecting the company’s attention to avoiding waste that has become the modus operandi of the Lamborghini universe. This includes upholstery materials, cut in the Lamborghini ‘selleria’ utilizing latest-generation machinery: this limits waste as much as possible without affecting the craftmanship and embroidery processes, in which ‘hand-made’ continues as a point of excellence within Lamborghini.

The cabin is characterized by the presence of visible carbon fiber used on the dashboard, in the hexagonal air vents and to frame the dashboard and central vents. The upholstery combines fine leathers with the new ultralight Corsa-Tex fabric in Dinamica® microfiber, made of recycled polyester via a water-based production process. The customer can customize the interior of his car by opting for a balanced mix of leather and Corsa-Tex, or favor one material depending on his preference, with 70 color options available.


Function and style share a singular mission on the Lamborghini Revuelto: aerodynamic efficiency. The new layout of the super sports car has different design requirements compared to the Aventador, which influenced the car’s aerodynamic development. The development was based on four pillars: efficiency; synergy between the components; integration between the components; and design.

Optimum efficiency was achieved by combining high downforce and minimized drag. One of the key elements in this strategy is the new active rear wing, created to ensure the best aerodynamic performance in all driving conditions. For this reason, entirely new actuators have been developed, managing the load optimally in every situation thanks to three different settings.

The position of the wing changes according to the driving mode and dynamics, or it can be changed manually by the driver according to his or her preferences using the dedicated rotor on the steering wheel. The “closed” position ensures minimum resistance, for example when driving in electric mode. This position is also the most suitable for fuel economy. When the wing is in the “low drag position”, there is minimal drag at high speeds, thus improving top speed values while ensuring maximum stability. The “high downforce position” on the other hand, maximizes downforce by optimizing the agility and handling of the Revuelto.

The front section of the new super sports car from Sant’Agata is distinguished by a carbon fiber splitter with a radial leading edge in the central part and slanted in the lateral part, generating vortices that increase frontal load and deflect the air, avoiding the wheels. The central area has a shape that channels the flow to four rear vortex generators, consisting of narrow curved blades positioned in the underbody that are essential for increasing the energy of the airflow that strikes the car at the bottom. This, in turn, generates additional downforce and directs the airflow toward the diffuser, which has never been so extreme in a V12. The diffuser performs aerodynamic functions by extracting the incoming flow from the underbody via a differentiated channeling system between the central part with low slant (11° vs. the 7° of the Aventador Ultimae) and the lateral part with high slant (15° vs. 8° of the Aventador Ultimae). The diffuser also performs a structural and cooling function for the engine compartment.

In summary, the new design approach enabled the Revuelto to increase the front aerodynamic load by 33% and the rear load by 74% compared to the Aventador Ultimae (under maximum load conditions).

The synergy between components is evident in the focus placed on the cooling pattern that distinguishes the new Lamborghini Revuelto. The front radiator generates hot air that must be managed in the correct way so as not to impair the performance of the side radiators. Outward-facing louvers on the front radiator outlet grille direct the flow of hot air away from the wheel and away from the side radiators, while fins located on either side of the front bumper reduce aerodynamic drag.

All the elements have been designed and engineered to optimize airflow. Even the door handles perform an aerodynamic function thanks to the Y-section wing profile: a solution that allows them to divert the flow of fresh air they receive from the front hood to one of the horizontal fins located along the side, directing it toward the radiator.

The maximum integration between the components is evident in the cooling pattern of the brake system, where aerodynamics becomes part of the system. The pair of front suspension deflectors and the grille inside the wheel arches are designed to improve not only the cooling of the front brakes – the deflectors draw air from the front diffuser and channel it to the brake – but they are shaped to reduce resistance inside the wheel well, limiting any compression phenomena while increasing the load at the front.

At the rear end, the two NACA ducts located in front of the rear wheels collect flow from the underbody and direct it to the rear brake cooling duct.

The carbon fiber roof also plays an important aerodynamic role with a structural function that improves interior roominess. The wing profile design with a hollowed-out central part directs air to the rear air intakes, and consequently to the inverter and electric motor located on the gearbox, while the roof’s side volumes provide more headroom for both driver and passenger.


The Revuelto is based on a new aeronautics-inspired chassis, the ‘monofuselage’. As well as a monocoque made entirely of multi-technology carbon fiber, it features a front structure in Forged Composites; a special material made of short carbon fibers soaked in resin. This technology was patented and used by Lamborghini in its first structural applications as far back as 2008.

The monofuselage represents a significant step forward from the Aventador in terms of torsional stiffness, lightweight qualities and driving dynamics. What’s more, the Revuelto is the first super sports car to be fitted with a 100% carbon fiber front structure: carbon fiber is also used for the front cone structures to ensure a level of energy absorption that is significantly higher when compared to a traditional metal structure – double that of the Aventador’s aluminium front frame – combined with a substantial reduction in weight.

In fact, the Revuelto monofuselage is 10% lighter than the Aventador chassis, and the front frame is 20% lighter than its aluminum predecessor. The torsional stiffness has also been improved with a value of 40,000 Nm/°, up +25% compared to the Aventador and guaranteeing best-in-class dynamic capabilities.

The design concept underlying the development of the new monofuselage is based on the maximum integration between components. This is optimized thanks to the introduction of extensive Forged Composites technology, as well as the development of the monolithic rocker ring. This use of carbon fiber makes the Revuelto unique in the super sports car arena: the single- element ring-shaped component is made of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) and forms the supporting structure of the car. The rocker ring encloses and connects the Forged Composite elements such as the tub, the front firewall and A pillar.

The production of Forged Composite components also optimizes efficiency and increases sustainability during the manufacturing process by reducing the energy consumption of cooling equipment and quantity of waste materials.

The more traditional, but no less efficient, technology of autoclave composite production with pre-impregnated material was retained for the roof construction. The autoclaved carbon fiber meets high technical, aesthetic and quality requirements, complemented by craftsmanship in the highly specialized hand lay-up process, which results from years of quality-driven in-house production of composite material components. It is a manufacturing decision that also gives the customer maximum versatility in roof customization.

The rear chassis is made of high-strength aluminum alloys and features two important hollow castings in the rear dome area: these integrate the rear suspension’s shock towers and powertrain suspension into a single component with closed inertia profile, guaranteeing a significant reduction in weight, an increase in rigidity and a substantial reduction in welding lines.

The Revuelto represents a new “year zero” in relation to the use of carbon fiber in car production, summed up in the acronym AIM (Automation, Integration, Modularity). ‘Automation’ refers to the introduction of automated and digitalized processes into material transformation, while preserving traditional Lamborghini manufacturing, such as in the discipline of composites.

‘Integration’ relates to the integration of several functions into a single component through the development of compression molding. This process uses preheated polymers to enable the production of components with a wide range of lengths, thicknesses and complexity, ensuring optimum integration between components to guarantee high torsional stiffness. Finally, ‘Modularity’ refers to making the applied technologies modular and therefore more flexible and efficient, to respond to all the product requirements and characteristics.

Powertrain and Layout

The car showcases an unprecedented layout and powertrain: the naturally-aspirated 6.5-liter V12 mid-mounted engine is complemented by three electric motors, one of which is integrated into the new double-clutch eight-speed gearbox. This is mounted transversely and placed for the first time behind the combustion engine. In what has been the transmission tunnel since the days of the Countach, there is a lithium-ion battery instead, which powers the electric motors.

The electric motors boost power delivery at low revs and can also turn the new Revuelto into a purely electric car, reducing overall CO2 emissions by 30% compared to the Aventador Ultimae[2].

A unique architecture

Lamborghini has been synonymous with V12 engines since the company was founded. The very first Lamborghini model to sport this characteristic engine was the iconic 350GT launched in 1963. The first time that an electric motor was matched to a 12-cylinder internal combustion engine in a Lamborghini was in 2019 with the Sián, which used a 25 kW electric engine to support the previous generation of V12, storing the electrical energy in a supercapacitor.

The Revuelto introduces an unprecedented hybrid architecture and a new generation of V12. The car is launched as the very first High Performance Electrified Vehicle – HPEV: a plug-in hybrid super sports car equipped with a lightweight high-power lithium ion battery, housed within the transmission tunnel in the central section of the chassis. It’s an innovative solution, designed to reduce emissions compared to the previous V12 while maximizing performance.

The new L545 engine has a capacity of 6.5 liters and is the lightest and most powerful 12-cylinder engine ever made by Lamborghini. In total it weighs just 218 kilograms: 17 kilograms less than the Aventador unit. The Revuelto features the engine rotated through 180 degrees compared to the Aventador layout. The superquadro V12 puts out 825 CV at 9250 revs per minute thanks to the redesigned distribution system that supports a maximum rev range of 9500 rpm. Specific power is 128 CV per liter, the highest output in the history of Lamborghini’s 12-cylinder engines, while maximum torque is 725 Nm at 6750 rpm.

The air intake ducts to the cylinders have been re-engineered to increase the supply of air and guarantee optimal airflow in the combustion chamber. The combustion within the actual engine has also been optimized, thanks to the regulation of ionization in the chamber with two control units: a solution already used in the Aventador and now transferred to the new model. The new combustion system is also characterized by an increased compression ratio (12.6:1 compared to 11.8:1 for the Aventador Ultimae). The fluid dynamics of the exhaust have also been improved to reduce counter-pressure at high revs and increase the specific power output.

From the very beginning, Lamborghini cars were famed for their uniquely emotional and unmistakable sound. Particular attention has been lavished on the ‘soundtrack’ of the new L545 to emphasize the tone of the engine, already melodious at low revs and then rising to a natural harmonious crescendo.

Electric four-wheel drive

The Revuelto retains one of Lamborghini’s strongest traditions: four-wheel drive. As well as the internal combustion engine that provides power to the rear wheels, a pair of electric motors now make their debut on the front axle, each supplying traction to one of the front wheels. There’s also a third electric motor positioned above the eight-speed double-clutch gearbox that can supply power to the rear wheels, depending on the selected driving mode and the conditions.

The combined torque from the combustion engine and three electric motors offers performance levels that are unique even within the domain of super sports cars, with 725 Nm produced by the internal combustion engine and 350 Nm from each of the front electric motors. In total, the power unit delivers a combined maximum output of 1015 CV.

The two electric motors at the front are oil-cooled axial flux units and offer an exceptional weight-to-power ratio: 18.5 kilograms from each of the 110 kW units. As well as providing power to the front wheels, they also have a torque vectoring function, optimizing driving dynamics, and recuperating the energy produced under braking. When in electric mode, the Revuelto is front-wheel drive only to optimize energy consumption, while electric drive to the rear axle is activated on demand when needed.

Zero-emissions performance

The Lamborghini Revuelto is equipped with a lithium-ion high specific power (4500 W/kg) battery pack situated within the central tunnel, keeping the center of gravity as low as possible and ensuring optimal weight distribution. The battery is protected by a lower structural layer and is connected to the front electric motors, the rear electric motor, and an integrated recharging unit.

The battery is 1550mm long, 301mm high, and 240mm wide, containing pouch cells with an overall capacity of 3.8 kWh. When the charge drops down to zero it can be recharged using both ordinary domestic alternating and charging column current up to 7 kW in power, and completely recharges in just 30 minutes. It can also be recharged under regenerative braking from the front wheels or directly from the V12 engine in just six minutes.

Getting into gear

The adoption of a new platform has prompted innovative technical decisions involving the gearbox: the nerve center of the hybrid plug-in unit. The adoption of a new platform has delivered innovative technical decisions involving the gearbox: the nerve center of the hybrid plug-in unit. To achieve its goals, a new compact transmission unit was developed, able to meet the needs of such a potent electric power unit and following Revuelto will go on to equip the next generation of super sports cars from Sant’Agata Bolognese. Incorporation of a wet double clutch as the most efficient and performance-oriented solution, ensures optimum management of the 725 Nm of torque at 6750 rpm from Revuelto’s internal combustion engine.

The new eight-speed gearbox is positioned transversally behind the longitudinal V12 engine, to leave space in the tunnel for the lithium-ion battery that feeds the electric motors. It’s a technical solution that’s unique in the world of high-performance cars, and places Lamborghini once more at the cutting-edge of automotive engineering. The layout helps to keep the car’s wheelbase contained and supports effective weight distribution for the best driving dynamics.

In the 60-year history of Lamborghini, only two other V12 cars have been equipped with a transverse rear gearbox: the revolutionary Miura launched in 1966, which also adopted a mid-rear transverse engine layout; and the Essenza SCV12, a track-focused hypercar with a longitudinal engine and load-bearing transverse gearbox.

The internal structure of the new gearbox has two distinct shafts as opposed to the usual three. One manages the even-numbered gears, the other manages the odd numbers. Both engage the same rotor. This layout helps to keep down the overall weight while also saving space.

The development of an eight-speed Double Clutch Transmission (DCT) comes from the desire to create a unit that provides everything needed for sporty driving such as fast gear shifts, while the inclusion of an eighth ratio helps optimize fuel consumption and drivability while cruising.

A particular feature is the ‘continuous downshifting’, which drops down multiple gears under braking simply by holding down the left paddle, giving the driver the feeling of total control.

Leaving aside the electrical components, the new DCT gearbox is lighter and faster in terms of shifting speed compared to the seven-speed double clutch unit that is used in the Huracán range. The transverse layout has also allowed for a more spacious cabin interior, creating more room behind the driver and passenger to improve comfort.

The double-clutch gearbox is extremely compact; just 560mm long, 750mm wide and 580mm high. Total weight is just 193 kg, which includes a new component fundamental to the car’s hybrid architecture: the rear electric motor, with maximum power of 110kW and peak torque of 150Nm.

Located above the gearbox, this electric motor doubles as the starter motor and generator, as well as supplying energy to the front electric motors via the battery in the transmission tunnel. In full electric mode it can also provide power to the rear wheels that, in addition to the e-motors driving the front wheels, allows zero-emission four-wheel drive. How the system functions depends on which driving mode is engaged, thanks to an uncoupling mechanism with a dedicated synchronizer allowing the connection to the double-clutch gearbox. When it is providing additional power to the V12 internal combustion engine, the electric motor is in P3 position, separated from the gearbox, while it moves into the P2 position to recharge the battery at low speeds and when parked, also serving a starter motor.

In the P3 position, the Revuelto can become an electric four-wheel drive car, depending on the drive mode selected, continuing Lamborghini’s four-wheel drive tradition even with zero emissions.

Reverse gear is provided by the two front electric motors, although if extra momentum is needed the rear electric motor can also kick in, which activates the rear axle and wheels. As a result, the Revuelto can drive all four wheels in zero emission mode even when reversing in low grip conditions.

Absolute driving experience

Revuelto has been designed and developed to deliver absolute excitement and control in all situations and in all grip conditions, providing the driver with a level of confidence and connection with the car never experienced before.

The innovations that place the Revuelto at the apex of its category include the architecture and balance of the car; the cutting-edge approach to the chassis and the aerodynamic design; and the new hybrid powertrain that makes it possible to maximize the electric motor support and introduce new driving modes, including zero-emission 4WD, for a total of 13 different driving experiences.

The car features an unprecedented layout: a 6.5-liter naturally aspirated V12 mid-engine, three electric motors, two of which are located on the front e-axle and one integrated into the new 8-speed dual-clutch transmission, arranged for the first time behind the combustion engine and transversely to the V12. The tunnel, a space traditionally reserved for the gearbox since the era of the Countach, is now the location of a new lithium-ion battery with high specific power that drives the electric motors.

The new architecture allows for optimal weight distribution (44% at the front and 56% at the rear), bringing them closer to the center of gravity and optimizing the length of the wheelbase, resulting in a perfect balance that makes the Revuelto extremely agile and effective both on the road and in the curves of a circuit. This capability is also enhanced by the increased stiffness of the anti-roll bars (+11% at the front and +50% at the rear), and by the reduced steering ratio (-10% compared to the Aventador Ultimae): an approach already successfully tested on the Huracán STO. The Revuelto’s capabilities are complemented by the four-wheel steering system, which contributes significantly to the sensation of a car that is agile, responsive and compact but at the same time stable and precise, and by the specially developed Bridgestone Potenza Sport tires featuring a more generous front footprint (+4% compared to the Aventador Ultimae).

Thanks to the e-axle, with the Revuelto Lamborghini introduces electric torque vectoring for the first time in its history and inaugurates the Lamborghini Dinamica Veicolo 2.0 system. Electric torque vectoring increases the car’s agility in narrow cornering as well as its stability in high-speed cornering, distributing torque optimally to each wheel and working in synergy with the four-wheel steering system.  In addition, unlike conventional systems, the new torque vectoring intervenes on the brakes only when strictly necessary, to maximize efficiency and ensure a more natural driving style as well as an even higher level of performance. When braking, the e-axle and rear electric motor contribute to deceleration, reducing stress on the brakes while recharging the battery.

The chassis also makes a substantial contribution to the vehicle dynamics. The Revuelto is the first Lamborghini to be equipped with the new aviation-inspired monofuselage, an ultra-lightweight integral carbon fiber structure (weighing 10% less than the Aventador chassis) that combines high performance in energy absorption with increased torsional stiffness (+25% compared to the Aventador), making the Revuelto exceptionally stable and contributing to the car’s overall feeling of compactness and responsiveness.

Active aerodynamics play an essential role, achieving new levels of efficiency and downforce: +61% and +66%, respectively, in high-load situations compared to the Aventador Ultimae, especially thanks to the front splitter and roof design that channels air flow to the high-efficiency rear wing. The aerodynamics work in synergy with the semi-active wishbone suspension, controlled by the Lamborghini Vertical Control system designed specifically for the Revuelto, which electronically manages vertical force exchanges such as sudden load transfers during track driving, adapting the suspension and rear wing behavior in real time.

To respond to the highest performance situations, the braking system and brake cooling system have also been redesigned. The car features latest generation CCB Plus (Carbon Ceramic Brakes Plus). The front calipers with ten pistons instead of six, are combined with 410x38mm discs (in place of the previous 400x38mm of Aventador Ultimae); at the rear are 4-piston calipers and 390x32mm discs (in place of the previous 380x38mm). Discs are covered by a friction layer for a better performance, thermal management and acoustic comfort when braking.

Aerodynamics contribute to the system’s efficiency, as the pair of front suspension strips and the grille inside the wheel arches are designed to improve not only the cooling of the front brakes – the strip draws air from the front diffuser and channels it to the brake – but they are shaped to reduce resistance inside the wheel well, limiting any compression phenomena, while increasing the load at the front. In addition, the two NACA ducts located in front of the rear wheels collect flow from the underbody and direct it to the rear brake cooling duct.

Debuting along with the hybrid system are three new dedicated driving modes: Recharge, Hybrid and Performance, to be combined with the Città (City), Strada, Sport and Corsa modes, selectable via the two rotors located on the redesigned steering wheel, for a total of 13 dynamic settings that highlight the Revuelto’s different personalities and potential depending on the situation and the type of road, or track, on which it’s driven.

Città, for example, is the driving mode designed for everyday driving in urban centers, also at zero emissions; if the lithium-ion battery that powers the electric motors needs to be recharged and there are no charging stations available, the V12 intervenes to fully recharge it (Recharge mode) in just a few minutes. This makes it possible, for example, to access historic city centers with emission restrictions in electric mode. The suspension system, traction control and gearbox deliver maximum comfort, just as reduced aerodynamic drag makes Città the most fuel-efficient mode with maximum power limited to 180 hp.

Strada mode is perfectly suited to dynamic everyday driving and long trips, combining elevated comfort with elevated sportiness, expressing up to 886 CV of power. The V12 is always active, also ensuring a constant state of battery recharging that is optimized and pushed to the maximum in Recharge mode. The front e-axle supports torque vectoring and the active aerodynamics work to provide maximum stability at high speeds, for example on the highway.

Selecting Sport mode changes the Revuelto’s personality, and the car’s behavior is set to offer an exciting driving experience with a fun-to-drive and responsive orientation in each of the three combinable modes: Recharge, Hybrid and Performance. The combustion engine, aided by the hybrid system, is active in all three situations, delivering a maximum of 907 CV of power with the sound of the V12 expressed in its most compelling tones. The gearbox reacts with maximum responsiveness, while the suspension and aerodynamics enhance the car’s agility and driving pleasure in cornering.

The pinnacle of dynamism and power output, in terms of both performance and sound, is reached in Corsa, the driving mode designed to highlight the Revuelto’s dynamic capabilities on the track. In Performance mode, the powertrain expresses the peak of its potential by delivering 1015 CV, and the control of the hybrid system is calibrated to get the most out of the e-axle in terms of both torque vectoring and all-wheel drive, for an ultra-sporty yet accessible drive. In Corsa Recharge mode, it’s possible to prioritize the battery, maximizing its recharge. For expert drivers, it’s also possible to disable the ESC to experience maximum available power without active controls, and feel the thrill of a standing start at full power thanks to the “launch control” function, which can be activated by holding down the button located in the center of the left rotor.


Lamborghini’s tyre partner for Revuelto is Bridgestone, which developed bespoke Potenza Sport tyres to enhance the new car’s sporty and high-speed capabilities.

The premium high-performance Potenza Sport tyres are available as mixed fitment with 265/35 ZRF20 on the front axle and 345/30 ZRF21 on the rear axle, as well as with 265/30 ZRF21 on the front and 355/25 ZRF22 on the rear, both featuring run-flat technology. This technology supports drivers to continue driving safely even after a puncture; for at least 80km at 80kph with 0-bar pressure for drivers’ additional peace of mind.

A performance combination has also been designed, which features 265/35 ZR20 on the front axle and on the rear 345/30 ZR21 Potenza Sport (tubeless version). Both run-flat and tubeless solutions deliver outstanding high-speed performance, excellent steering precision and response, and exceptional grip on dry and wet surfaces.

To answer all the needs of Revuelto drivers, bespoke Bridgestone Potenza Race tyres are also available for track use, helping pilots to push grip levels and handling to the limit, while custom-designed Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 tyres are an option for winter use, delivering outstanding grip on snow along with responsive steering and precision on dry and wet surfaces.

The Bridgestone tyres were designed using Bridgestone’s ground-breaking Virtual Tyre Development technology, reducing raw materials and emissions during development.

HMI, Infotainment, Connectivity and ADAS

The Revuelto offers a completely new Human Machine Interface (HMI) system consisting of three displays: a 12.3′ instrument cluster, 8.4′ central display, and in addition a 9.1′ display. The system has a fresh look and feel, with 3D graphics, animations, widgets and styling. The three displays are managed by one technological ‘brain’ within a unified design, ensuring both a consistent user interface in terms of colors and graphics, as well as coherent interaction across all displays.

The new Revuelto infotainment system offers new functions that allow personalization and customization to create an authentic, immersive Lamborghini experience. In particular, using a two-finger swipe, owner can move infotainment content either to the instrument cluster or to the passenger display. Using a similar gesture, the owner can memorize favorite features so they are just a touch away.

The new steering wheel design is inspired by the interaction with the steering wheel of a Squadra Corse race car, providing the feeling of a pilot. The added controls allow all vehicle dynamics and multimedia commands to be comfortably within short reach. The Revuelto allows the passenger to enjoy the sensations of a co-pilot, thanks to the dynamic driving information available on the dedicated passenger display.

The navigation system is entirely redesigned and developed, using maps downloaded in real-time to ensure they are always updated for the areas required. Route calculation and the search mechanism are now significantly faster using online servers. Navigation also incorporates real-time traffic information, weather, and other integrated information, such as an online bank of continuously updated points of interest including parking spaces, petrol stations and charging point availability. In addition to locations, other information such as opening hours, prices and usage details are displayed where available.

Amazon Alexa allows access to vehicle control functions such as climate, navigation and media via voice commands. These come in addition to standard Alexa functions relating to entertainment and the control of smart home devices. Alexa for Lamborghini Revuelto also integrates the What3Words functionality which, in conjunction with the embedded navigation system, allows driving to any place in the world, even if it does not have a specific address.

Lamborghini Revuelto features a renovated entertainment system, with an original new design. The new online radio system has thousands of stations available, with a search function based on popularity, genre, and country. SiriusXM 360L (for the US market) is a significant upgrade compared to previous SiriusXM, and now offers significantly more connected content including shows, sports, podcasts, Pandora and Xtra.

The Lamborghini Revuelto connected infotainment system can evolve over time. With the integrated Over-the-Air software update system, the vehicle will be offered updates to provide further content. The improved system supports the functionality update of not only the infotainment display but also the instrument panel and passenger display.

Lamborghini Revuelto is connected to a growing number of extra applications, that the owner can select from to customize and personalize their vehicle experience. With the safety of customers always paramount, Lamborghini Revuelto integrates both emergency call and roadside assistance. The system proactively reacts in the case of a breakdown to allow the customer to receive help. The Lamborghini Connect vehicle tracking system is able to detect unauthorized use of the car, and not only notify the owner, but also communicate with a 24-hour security operation center that will assist customers with vehicle recovery. Lamborghini Revuelto has worldwide support incorporating more than 30 languages to ensure a highly accurate localization experience.

The interaction with the Lamborghini Revuelto continues even after the engine is switched off. Using the Lamborghini Unica mobile application, the owner can constantly monitor the car’s status including the fuel level, battery charge, electric range and its exact position when parked. The Unica app also allows a series of remote operations, such as locking and unlocking doors, sounding the horn or activating the car’s lights, some functions available also with Apple Watch. The owner is in control of his car even when driven by another: maximum speed parameters can be set, as well as hourly and usage limits via geolocation: if the car exceeds a set speed, exceeds the limits of a set area, or is used beyond a certain time, the owner is warned via the app.

The Lamborghini Revuelto provides maximum security for its customers. Data transmitted between the vehicle and the Cloud are protected using state-of-the-art cybersecurity standards. The customer can control whether and what data is shared through a six-level ‘privacy by design principle.

Revuelto sees Lamborghini implementing a complete ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance System) for the first time, which includes advanced functions to improve safety and daily driving thanks to a sophisticated system of cameras, radar and sensors.  The package includes Active Lane Departure Warning (ALDW), which monitors lane markings and corrects steering if the driver inadvertently crosses the lane line. In addition, Lane Change Warning (LCW) monitors blind spots and warns the driver of any danger before changing lanes. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) regulates the car’s speed and its distance from the vehicle in front, accelerating or braking autonomously.

To make maneuvering easier and safer, Revuelto is equipped with Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA). When reversing, the device warns the driver if there are obstacles crossing behind and brakes in the event of an imminent collision. In addition, the camera system allows the rear view and top view functions to display on the dashboard: not only can the driver see the rear view, but a virtual overview of the car seen from above.


[1] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP)

[2] Fuel consumption and emission values of Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae; Fuel consumption combined: 18.0 l/100km (WLTP); CO₂-emissions combined: 442 g/km (WLTP)


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