

日期: 2024 年 9 月 20 日 | 北京



北京, 2024年9月20日——兰博基尼快闪空间今日在北京三里屯太古里揭幕,兰博基尼首款PHEV(插电式混合动力汽车)豪华超级SUV Urus SE [1]和首款超级跑车V12混合动力HPEV(高性能电动汽车)Revuelto [2]一同亮相,为汽车爱好者和公众提供近距离了解和欣赏兰博基尼品牌和产品的绝佳机会。


兰博基尼 Urus SE 重新定义了超级 SUV 的风格标准,在向经典设计致敬的同时,以创新理念展现了超级 SUV 的增强运动性。兰博基尼 Urus SE 采用双涡轮增压 4.0 V8 发动机和电动动力系统,形成混合动力系统,总功率输出为 800 CV,总扭矩为 950 Nm,性能卓越,排放量大幅减少。Urus SE 能够应对各种路况,共有 11 种驾驶模式组合。

兰博基尼 Revuelto 拥有创新的动力系统架构,以其独特的外观设计和卓越的性能重新定义了超级跑车的标准。Revuelto 由自然吸气式 V12 发动机和三台电动机系统驱动,可提供 1,015 CV 功率,最高时速超过 350 公里/小时,仅需 2.5 秒即可从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时。此外,其宽大的碳纤维引擎盖和鲨鱼鼻造型散发出力量感和速度感,提供全新水平的性能、运动性和驾驶乐趣。

此外,兰博基尼Ad Personam高级个性化定制项目和模拟赛车驾驶体验的沉浸式体验装置也在Bull Space展出。兰博基尼Ad Personam高级个性化定制项目提供一系列标准和选配的颜色和内饰选择,涵盖色彩、材质、刺绣和品牌标识的多种组合,旨在为客户提供打造专属座驾的无限潜力。


[1] Urus SE* 的消耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100km;综合功耗:39.5 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:B;电池放电时的综合油耗:12.9 l/100km;电池放电时的二氧化碳效率等级:G;[WLTP]

[2] Revuelto 的油耗与排放值:综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)。

Lamborghini Pop-up Space Unveiled in Beijing

 DATE: 20 Sep 2024   |   Beijing

Lamborghini’s new products and brand DNA on full display

Beijing, 20 September 2024 – The Lamborghini Pop-up Space is unveiled at Beijing Taikoo Li Sanlitun today, and the Urus SE[1] – Lamborghini’s first PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) luxury super SUV and the Revuelto[2] – the first super sports V12 hybrid HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) are on display, offering a great opportunity for enthusiasts and the general public to get to know and appreciate the Lamborghini brand and products up close.

As a fashion landmark and a top commercial district, Beijing Taikoo Li Sanlitun is home to a wide range of luxury brands and flagship stores of cutting-edge brands, giving full play to leisure concepts and pioneering trendy lifestyles, which coincides with the lifestyle and high-end luxury attributes represented by the Lamborghini brand.

The Lamborghini Urus SE redefines the stylistic canons of a super SUV, paying homage to classic design while demonstrating enhanced sportiness as a super SUV with innovative concepts. The Lamborghini Urus SE adopts a twin-turbo 4.0 V8 engine and an electric powertrain, forming a hybrid system that generates a total power output of 800 CV and a total torque of 950 Nm, enabling outstanding performance with a significant reduction in emissions. The Urus SE is capable of handling various road conditions with a total of 11 driving mode combinations.

The Lamborghini Revuelto boasts an innovative powertrain architecture, redefining the standards of supercars with its unique exterior design and exceptional performance. Powered by a naturally aspirated V12 engine combined with a system of three electric motors, the Revuelto can deliver 1,015 CV power, with a top speed exceeding 350 km/h and the ability to accelerate from 0-100 km/h in just 2.5 seconds. In addition, its expansive carbon fiber hood and shark-nose styling exude a sense of power and speed, offering a new level of performance, sportiness, and driving pleasure.

The Lamborghini Ad Personam and an immersive experiential installation simulating race car driving experience are also available at the Bull Space. The Lamborghini Ad Personam program offers a range of standard and optional color and trim options, encompassing diverse combinations of colors, materials, embroideries and the brand logo, aiming to provide infinite potential for customers to create exclusive vehicles.

The Lamborghini Pop-up Space will be available for three days starting from September 20th at the southern zone of Beijing Taikoo Li Sanlitun.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Urus SE*: Combined fuel consumption: 2,08 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 39,5 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 51,25 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: B; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12,9 l/100km; CO2 efficiency class with discharged battery: G; [WLTP]

[2] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP).


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