
兰博基尼POP-UP SPACE亮相上海张园

日期: 2024 年 10 月 11 日 | 上海


兰博基尼Urus SE与Revuelto彰显品牌专属魅力


上海,2024 年10 月11 日——继 9 月在北京三里屯太古里举办为期三天的展览后,兰博基尼快闪空间 (POP-UP SPACE) 再次闪耀上海,此次将落户上海新地标——张园。兰博基尼首款 PHEV(插电式混合动力)超级 SUV兰博基尼 Urus SE [1]和首款超级跑车 V12 混合动力 HPEV(高性能电动汽车)Revuelto [2]均在现场展出,为爱好者们带来激动人心的产品和标志性的品牌 DNA,充分彰显兰博基尼品牌的魅力。

兰博基尼 Urus SE 采用全新设计、优化的空气动力学、前所未有的车载技术和 800 CV 混合动力系统,在舒适性、性能、效率、排放​​和驾驶乐趣方面均超越 Urus S。得益于热能和电力“两颗心脏”,Urus SE 仅需 3.4 秒即可从 0 加速至 100 公里/小时,最高时速可达 312 公里/小时,拥有同级最佳性能和最高时速。

Lamborghini Revuelto 以其前所未有的新架构、创新设计、最高效率的空气动力学和新的碳纤维框架概念,在性能、运动性和驾驶乐趣方面定义了新的典范。全新内燃机与三台电动机的综合动力,加上首次在 12 缸 Lamborghini 上亮相的双离合变速箱,输出功率达 1,015 CV。

作为活动亮点的一部分,兰博基尼Ad Personam展示和模拟赛车驾驶体验的沉浸式体验装置为爱好者提供了深入了解兰博基尼品牌和标志性驾驶乐趣的绝佳机会。

上海兰博基尼POP-UP SPACE将于10月11日起开放四天。

[1] Urus SE* 的消耗和排放值:综合油耗:2.08 l/100km;综合功耗:39.5 kWh/100 Km;综合二氧化碳排放量:51.25 g/km;综合二氧化碳效率等级:B;电池放电时的综合油耗:12.9 l/100km;电池放电时的二氧化碳效率等级:G;[WLTP]。

[2] Revuelto 的油耗与排放值:综合油耗:10.3 l/100km(WLTP);综合电耗:78.1 kWh/100 Km(WLTP);综合二氧化碳排放量:276 g/km(WLTP)。

Lamborghini POP-UP SPACE Held at Shanghai’s Zhang Yuan

DATE: 11 Oct 2024   |   Shanghai

Lamborghini Urus SE and Revuelto demonstrating the brand’s exclusive charm

Shanghai, 11 October 2024 – The Lamborghini POP-UP SPACE continues to shine, this time at a new landmark in Shanghai – Zhang Yuan, after its three-day exhibition at Beijing Taikoo Li Sanlitun in September. Lamborghini Urus SE[1] – Lamborghini’s first PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) Super SUV and the Revuelto[2] – the first super sports V12 hybrid HPEV (High Performance Electrified Vehicle) are on display, offering enthusiasts the thrilling products and iconic brand DNA, fully highlighting the appealing Lamborghini brand.

Featuring a new design, optimized aerodynamics, unprecedented on-board technology and an 800 CV hybrid powertrain, the Lamborghini Urus SE moves on Urus S in terms of comfort, performance, efficiency, emissions and driving pleasure. Thanks to its “two hearts”, thermal and electric, the Urus SE can sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 312 km/h, boasting best-in-class performance and top speed in its category.

The Lamborghini Revuelto defines a new paradigm in terms of performance, sportiness and driving pleasure from its unprecedented new architecture, innovative design, maximum-efficiency aerodynamics, and a new carbon frame concept. An output of 1,015 CV is delivered from the combined power of an entirely new combustion engine together with three electric motors, alongside a double-clutch gearbox that makes its debut on a 12-cylinder Lamborghini for the first time.

As part of the event highlights, Lamborghini Ad Personam display and an immersive experiential installation simulating race car driving experience bring enthusiasts a great opportunity to dive into Lamborghini brand and the iconic fun-to-drive experience.

The Lamborghini POP-UP SPACE in Shanghai will be available for four days starting from October 11th.

[1] Consumption and emission values of Urus SE*: Combined fuel consumption: 2,08 l/100km; Combined power consumption: 39,5 kWh/100 Km; Combined CO2 emissions: 51,25 g/km; Combined CO2 efficiency class: B; Combined fuel consumption with discharged battery: 12,9 l/100km; CO2 efficiency class with discharged battery: G; [WLTP].

[2] Consumption and emission values of Revuelto; Fuel consumption combined: 10,3 l/100km (WLTP); Power consumption combined: 78,1 kWh/100 Km (WLTP); CO2-emissions combined: 276 g/km (WLTP).


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